// returns light in range from 0 to 1.
colorVec R_LightPoint (Vector& p)
	SurfaceHandle_t surfID;
	Vector		end;
	colorVec	c;
	Vector		color;
	end[0] = p[0];
	end[1] = p[1];
	end[2] = p[2] - 2048;

	surfID = R_LightVec( p, end, true, color );

	if( IS_SURF_VALID( surfID ) )
		c.r = LinearToScreenGamma( color[0] ) * 255;
		c.g = LinearToScreenGamma( color[1] ) * 255;
		c.b = LinearToScreenGamma( color[2] ) * 255;
		c.a = 1;
		c.r = c.g = c.b = c.a = 0;
	return c;
// A method to get the material color + texture coordinate
IMaterial* BrushModel_GetLightingAndMaterial( const Vector &start, 
	const Vector &end, Vector &diffuseLightColor, Vector &baseColor)
	float textureS, textureT;
	IMaterial *material;
	int surfID = R_LightVec( start, end, true, diffuseLightColor, &textureS, &textureT );
	if( !IS_SURF_VALID( surfID ) || !MSurf_TexInfo( surfID ) )
//		Con_Printf( "didn't hit anything\n" );
		return 0;
		material = MSurf_TexInfo( surfID )->material;
		material->GetLowResColorSample( textureS, textureT, baseColor.Base() );
//		Con_Printf( "%s: diff: %f %f %f base: %f %f %f\n", material->GetName(), diffuseLightColor[0], diffuseLightColor[1], diffuseLightColor[2], baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2] );
		return material;