void R_SetupFrame (void)
	int				edgecount;
	vrect_t			vrect;
	float			w, h;

// don't allow cheats in multiplayer
	if (cl.maxclients > 1)
		Cvar_Set ("r_draworder", "0");
		Cvar_Set ("r_fullbright", "0");
		Cvar_Set ("r_ambient", "0");
		Cvar_Set ("r_drawflat", "0");

	if (r_numsurfs.value)
		if ((surface_p - surfaces) > r_maxsurfsseen)
			r_maxsurfsseen = surface_p - surfaces;

		Con_Printf ("Used %d of %d surfs; %d max\n", surface_p - surfaces,
				surf_max - surfaces, r_maxsurfsseen);

	if (r_numedges.value)
		edgecount = edge_p - r_edges;

		if (edgecount > r_maxedgesseen)
			r_maxedgesseen = edgecount;

		Con_Printf ("Used %d of %d edges; %d max\n", edgecount,
				r_numallocatededges, r_maxedgesseen);

	r_refdef.ambientlight = r_ambient.value;

	if (r_refdef.ambientlight < 0)
		r_refdef.ambientlight = 0;

	if (!sv.active)
		r_draworder.value = 0;	// don't let cheaters look behind walls
	R_CheckVariables ();
	R_AnimateLight ();


	numbtofpolys = 0;

// debugging
#if 0
r_refdef.vieworg[0]=  80;
r_refdef.vieworg[1]=      64;
r_refdef.vieworg[2]=      40;
r_refdef.viewangles[0]=    0;
r_refdef.viewangles[1]=    46.763641357;
r_refdef.viewangles[2]=    0;

// build the transformation matrix for the given view angles
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, modelorg);
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin);

	AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);

// current viewleaf
	r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf;
	r_viewleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (r_origin, cl.worldmodel);

	r_dowarpold = r_dowarp;
	r_dowarp = r_waterwarp.value && (r_viewleaf->contents <= CONTENTS_WATER);

	if ((r_dowarp != r_dowarpold) || r_viewchanged || lcd_x.value)
		if (r_dowarp)
			if ((vid.width <= vid.maxwarpwidth) &&
				(vid.height <= vid.maxwarpheight))
				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = vid.width;
				vrect.height = vid.height;

				R_ViewChanged (&vrect, sb_lines, vid.aspect);
				w = vid.width;
				h = vid.height;

				if (w > vid.maxwarpwidth)
					h *= (float)vid.maxwarpwidth / w;
					w = vid.maxwarpwidth;

				if (h > vid.maxwarpheight)
					h = vid.maxwarpheight;
					w *= (float)vid.maxwarpheight / h;

				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = (int)w;
				vrect.height = (int)h;

				R_ViewChanged (&vrect,
							   (int)((float)sb_lines * (h/(float)vid.height)),
							   vid.aspect * (h / w) *
								 ((float)vid.width / (float)vid.height));
			vrect.x = 0;
			vrect.y = 0;
			vrect.width = vid.width;
			vrect.height = vid.height;

			R_ViewChanged (&vrect, sb_lines, vid.aspect);

		r_viewchanged = false;

// start off with just the four screen edge clip planes
	R_TransformFrustum ();

// save base values
	VectorCopy (vpn, base_vpn);
	VectorCopy (vright, base_vright);
	VectorCopy (vup, base_vup);
	VectorCopy (modelorg, base_modelorg);

	R_SetSkyFrame ();

	R_SetUpFrustumIndexes ();

	r_cache_thrash = false;

// clear frame counts
	c_faceclip = 0;
	d_spanpixcount = 0;
	r_polycount = 0;
	r_drawnpolycount = 0;
	r_wholepolycount = 0;
	r_amodels_drawn = 0;
	r_outofsurfaces = 0;
	r_outofedges = 0;

	D_SetupFrame ();
Beispiel #2
void R_SetupFrame (void)
	int				edgecount;
	vrect_t			vrect;
	float			w, h;
	int			dtail = 2;	// leilei - screen detail

// don't allow cheats in multiplayer
	if (cl.maxclients > 1)
		Cvar_Set (r_draworder, "0");
		Cvar_Set (r_fullbright, "0");
		Cvar_Set (r_ambient, "0");
		Cvar_Set (r_drawflat, "0");

	if (r_numsurfs->value)
		if ((surface_p - surfaces) > r_maxsurfsseen)
			r_maxsurfsseen = surface_p - surfaces;

		Con_Printf ("Used %d of %d surfs; %d max\n", surface_p - surfaces,
				surf_max - surfaces, r_maxsurfsseen);

	if (r_numedges->value)
		edgecount = edge_p - r_edges;

		if (edgecount > r_maxedgesseen)
			r_maxedgesseen = edgecount;

		Con_Printf ("Used %d of %d edges; %d max\n", edgecount,
				r_numallocatededges, r_maxedgesseen);

	r_refdef.ambientlight = r_ambient->value;

	if (r_refdef.ambientlight < 0)
		r_refdef.ambientlight = 0;

	if (!sv.active)
		r_draworder->value = 0;	// don't let cheaters look behind walls

	R_CheckVariables ();

	R_AnimateLight ();


	numbtofpolys = 0;
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, modelorg);
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin);

	AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);

// current viewleaf
	r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf;
	r_viewleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (r_origin, cl.worldmodel);
	scalefactoid = vid.height / vid.vconheight;		// leilei
	r_dowarpold = r_dowarp;
	r_dowarp = r_waterwarp->value && (r_viewleaf->contents <= CONTENTS_WATER);
	inwat = s_underwater->value && (r_viewleaf->contents <= CONTENTS_WATER);

	if ((r_dowarp != r_dowarpold) || r_viewchanged || r_virtualmode->value  || lcd_x->value || v_detail->value)
		if (r_docrap == 1)
			if ((vid.width <= vid.maxlowwidth) &&
				(vid.height <= vid.maxlowheight))
				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = vid.width;
				vrect.height = vid.height;

				R_SetVrect (&vrect, &r_refdef.vrect, 0);
				R_ViewChanged (&vrect, 0, vid.aspect);

				w = vid.width;
				h = vid.height;

				if (w > vid.maxlowwidth)
					h *= (float)vid.maxlowwidth / w;
					w = vid.maxlowwidth;

				if (h > vid.maxlowheight)
					h = vid.maxlowheight;
					w *= (float)vid.maxlowheight / h;

				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = (int)w;
				vrect.height = (int)h;
				R_SetVrect (&vrect, &r_refdef.vrect, ((float)vid.height));
				R_ViewChanged (&vrect, 0, vid.aspect * (h / w) * ((float)vid.width / (float)vid.height));

		else if(r_docrap > 1)
			if ((vid.width <= vid.maxwarpwidth) &&
				(vid.height <= vid.maxwarpheight))
				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = vid.width;
				vrect.height = vid.height;

					R_SetVrect (&vrect, &r_refdef.vrect, 
					R_ViewChanged (&vrect, 0, vid.aspect);

				w = vid.width;
				h = vid.height;

				if (w > vid.maxwarpwidth)
					h *= (float)vid.maxwarpwidth / w;
					w = vid.maxwarpwidth;

				if (h > vid.maxwarpheight)
					h = vid.maxwarpheight;
					w *= (float)vid.maxwarpheight / h;

				vrect.x = 0;
				vrect.y = 0;
				vrect.width = (int)w;
				vrect.height = (int)h;
				R_SetVrect (&vrect, &r_refdef.vrect, (h/(float)vid.height));
				R_ViewChanged (&vrect,
						vid.aspect * (h / w) * ((float)vid.width / (float)vid.height));
			vrect.x = 0;
			vrect.y = 0;
			vrect.width = vid.width;
			vrect.height = vid.height;
			R_ViewChanged (&vrect, 0, vid.aspect);

		r_viewchanged = false;

// start off with just the four screen edge clip planes
	R_TransformFrustum ();

// save base values
	VectorCopy (vpn, base_vpn);
	VectorCopy (vright, base_vright);
	VectorCopy (vup, base_vup);
	VectorCopy (modelorg, base_modelorg);

	R_SetSkyFrame (); // Only do the sky moving on Quack
	R_SetUpFrustumIndexes ();
	r_cache_thrash = false;

// clear frame counts
	c_faceclip = 0;
	d_spanpixcount = 0;
	r_polycount = 0;
	r_drawnpolycount = 0;
	r_wholepolycount = 0;
	r_amodels_drawn = 0;
	r_outofsurfaces = 0;
	r_outofedges = 0;
//	WarpPalette();
#ifdef EXPREND
	D_SetupFrameExperimental ();
	D_SetupFrame ();
Beispiel #3
void R_SetupFrame (void)
	int			i;
	vrect_t		vrect;

	if (r_fullbright->modified)
		r_fullbright->modified = false;
		D_FlushCaches ();	// so all lighting changes

// build the transformation matrix for the given view angles
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, modelorg);
	VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, r_origin);

	AngleVectors (r_refdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);

// current viewleaf
	if ( !( r_newrefdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) )
		r_viewleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (r_origin, r_worldmodel);
		r_viewcluster = r_viewleaf->cluster;

	if (sw_waterwarp->value && (r_newrefdef.rdflags & RDF_UNDERWATER) )
		r_dowarp = true;
		r_dowarp = false;

	if (r_dowarp)
	{	// warp into off screen buffer
		vrect.x = 0;
		vrect.y = 0;
		vrect.width = r_newrefdef.width < WARP_WIDTH ? r_newrefdef.width : WARP_WIDTH;
		vrect.height = r_newrefdef.height < WARP_HEIGHT ? r_newrefdef.height : WARP_HEIGHT;

		d_viewbuffer = r_warpbuffer;
		r_screenwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
		vrect.x = r_newrefdef.x;
		vrect.y = r_newrefdef.y;
		vrect.width = r_newrefdef.width;
		vrect.height = r_newrefdef.height;

		d_viewbuffer = (void *)vid.buffer;
		r_screenwidth = vid.rowbytes;
	R_ViewChanged (&vrect);

// start off with just the four screen edge clip planes
	R_TransformFrustum ();
	R_SetUpFrustumIndexes ();

// save base values
	VectorCopy (vpn, base_vpn);
	VectorCopy (vright, base_vright);
	VectorCopy (vup, base_vup);

// clear frame counts
	c_faceclip = 0;
	d_spanpixcount = 0;
	r_polycount = 0;
	r_drawnpolycount = 0;
	r_wholepolycount = 0;
	r_amodels_drawn = 0;
	r_outofsurfaces = 0;
	r_outofedges = 0;

// d_setup
	d_roverwrapped = false;
	d_initial_rover = sc_rover;

	d_minmip = sw_mipcap->value;
	if (d_minmip > 3)
		d_minmip = 3;
	else if (d_minmip < 0)
		d_minmip = 0;

	for (i=0 ; i<(NUM_MIPS-1) ; i++)
		d_scalemip[i] = basemip[i] * sw_mipscale->value;

	d_aflatcolor = 0;
Beispiel #4
void R_SetupFrame(void)
    int         i;
    vrect_t     vrect;

    if (r_fullbright->modified) {
        r_fullbright->modified = qfalse;
        D_FlushCaches();    // so all lighting changes


// build the transformation matrix for the given view angles
    VectorCopy(r_newrefdef.vieworg, modelorg);
    VectorCopy(r_newrefdef.vieworg, r_origin);

    AngleVectors(r_newrefdef.viewangles, vpn, vright, vup);

// current viewleaf
    if (!(r_newrefdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL)) {
        r_viewleaf = BSP_PointLeaf(r_worldmodel->nodes, r_origin);
        r_viewcluster = r_viewleaf->cluster;

    if (sw_waterwarp->integer && (r_newrefdef.rdflags & RDF_UNDERWATER))
        r_dowarp = qtrue;
        r_dowarp = qfalse;

    if (r_dowarp) {
        // warp into off screen buffer
        vrect.x = 0;
        vrect.y = 0;
        vrect.width = r_newrefdef.width < WARP_WIDTH ? r_newrefdef.width : WARP_WIDTH;
        vrect.height = r_newrefdef.height < WARP_HEIGHT ? r_newrefdef.height : WARP_HEIGHT;

        d_viewbuffer = r_warpbuffer;
        d_screenrowbytes = WARP_WIDTH * VID_BYTES;
    } else {
        vrect.x = r_newrefdef.x;
        vrect.y = r_newrefdef.y;
        vrect.width = r_newrefdef.width;
        vrect.height = r_newrefdef.height;

        d_viewbuffer = (void *)vid.buffer;
        d_screenrowbytes = vid.rowbytes;


// start off with just the four screen edge clip planes

// save base values
    VectorCopy(vpn, base_vpn);
    VectorCopy(vright, base_vright);
    VectorCopy(vup, base_vup);

// clear frame counts
    c_faceclip = 0;
    r_polycount = 0;
    r_drawnpolycount = 0;
    r_wholepolycount = 0;
    r_amodels_drawn = 0;
    r_outofsurfaces = 0;
    r_outofedges = 0;

// d_setup
    for (i = 0; i < vid.height; i++) {
        d_spantable[i] = d_viewbuffer + i * d_screenrowbytes;
        d_zspantable[i] = d_pzbuffer + i * d_zwidth;

// clear Z-buffer and color-buffers if we're doing the gallery
    if (r_newrefdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) {
        memset(d_pzbuffer, 0xff, vid.width * vid.height * sizeof(d_pzbuffer[0]));
#if 0
        R_DrawFill8(r_newrefdef.x, r_newrefdef.y, r_newrefdef.width, r_newrefdef.height, /*(int)sw_clearcolor->value & 0xff*/0);

    d_minmip = Cvar_ClampInteger(sw_mipcap, 0, NUM_MIPS - 1);

    for (i = 0; i < (NUM_MIPS - 1); i++)
        d_scalemip[i] = basemip[i] * sw_mipscale->value;