// This task manages the scurrying about of a spider.
static void
SpiderTask(void *pvParameters)
    uint32_t ui32Dir, ui32Image, ui32Temp;
    int32_t i32X, i32Y, i32Spider;

    // Get the spider number from the parameter.
    i32Spider = (long)pvParameters;

    // Add the current tick count to the random entropy pool.

    // Reseed the random number generator.

    // Indicate that this spider is alive.
    HWREGBITW(&g_ui32SpiderAlive, i32Spider) = 1;

    // Indicate that this spider is not dead yet.
    HWREGBITW(&g_ui32SpiderDead, i32Spider) = 0;

    // Get a local copy of the spider's starting position.
    i32X = g_pi32SpiderX[i32Spider];
    i32Y = g_pi32SpiderY[i32Spider];

    // Choose a random starting direction for the spider.
    ui32Dir = RandomNumber() >> 29;

    // Start by displaying the first of the two spider animation images.
    ui32Image = 0;

    // Loop forever.
        // See if this spider has been killed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ui32SpiderDead, i32Spider) == 1)
            // Wait for 2 seconds.
            vTaskDelay((1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS) * 2);

            // Clear the spider from the display.
            DisplayImage(i32X - (SPIDER_WIDTH / 2), i32Y - (SPIDER_HEIGHT / 2),

            // Indicate that this spider is not alive.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ui32SpiderAlive, i32Spider) = 0;

            // Delete the current task.  This should never return.

            // In case it does return, loop forever.

        // Enter a critical section while the next move for the spider is
        // determined.  Having more than one spider trying to move at a time
        // (via preemption) would make the collision detection check fail.

        // Move the spider.
        i32X += g_pi32SpiderStepX[ui32Dir];
        i32Y += g_pi32SpiderStepY[ui32Dir];

        // See if the spider has cross the boundary of its area, if it has
        // collided with another spider, or if random chance says that the
        // spider should turn despite not having collided with anything.
        if((i32X < SPIDER_MIN_X) || (i32X > SPIDER_MAX_X) ||
           (i32Y < SPIDER_MIN_Y) || (i32Y > SPIDER_MAX_Y) ||
           (SpiderCollide(i32Spider, i32X, i32Y) != -1) ||
           (RandomNumber() < 0x08000000))
            // Undo the previous movement of the spider.
            i32X -= g_pi32SpiderStepX[ui32Dir];
            i32Y -= g_pi32SpiderStepY[ui32Dir];

            // Get a random number to determine the turn to be made.
            ui32Temp = RandomNumber();

            // Determine how to turn the spider based on the random number.
            // Half the time the spider turns to the left and half the time it
            // turns to the right.  Of each half, it turns a quarter of a turn
            // 12.5% of the time and an eighth of a turn 87.5% of the time.
            if(ui32Temp < 0x10000000)
                ui32Dir = (ui32Dir + 2) & 7;
            else if(ui32Temp < 0x80000000)
                ui32Dir = (ui32Dir + 1) & 7;
            else if(ui32Temp < 0xf0000000)
                ui32Dir = (ui32Dir - 1) & 7;
                ui32Dir = (ui32Dir - 2) & 7;

        // Update the position of the spider.
        g_pi32SpiderX[i32Spider] = i32X;
        g_pi32SpiderY[i32Spider] = i32Y;

        // Exit the critical section now that the spider has been moved.

        // Have the display task draw the spider at the new position.  Since
        // there is a one pixel empty border around all the images, and the
        // position of the spider is incremented by only one pixel, this also
        // erases any traces of the spider in its previous position.
        DisplayImage(i32X - (SPIDER_WIDTH / 2), i32Y - (SPIDER_HEIGHT / 2),
                     g_ppui8SpiderImage[(ui32Dir * 2) + ui32Image]);

        // Toggle the spider animation index.
        ui32Image ^= 1;

        // Delay this task for an amount of time based on the direction the
        // spider is moving.
        vTaskDelay(g_pui32SpiderDelay[ui32Dir & 1]);

        // Add the new tick count to the random entropy pool.

        // Reseed the random number generator.
// Handles the SysTick timeout interrupt.
    unsigned long ulData, ulDelta;

    // Increment the tick count.

    // Indicate that a timer interrupt has occurred.
    HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_CLOCK_TICK) = 1;

    // Increment the screen update count.

    // See if 1/30th of a second has passed since the last screen update.
    if(g_ucScreenUpdateCount == (CLOCK_RATE / 30))
        // Restart the screen update count.
        g_ucScreenUpdateCount = 0;

        // Request a screen update.
        HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UPDATE) = 1;

    // Update the music/sound effects.

    // Increment the application update count.

    // See if 1/100th of a second has passed since the last application update.
    if(g_ucAppUpdateCount != (CLOCK_RATE / 100))
        // Return without doing any further processing.

    // Restart the application update count.
    g_ucAppUpdateCount = 0;

    // Run the Ethernet handler.

    // Read the state of the push buttons.
    ulData = (GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, (GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 |
                                            GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3)) |
              (GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1) << 3));

    // Determine the switches that are at a different state than the debounced
    // state.
    ulDelta = ulData ^ g_ucSwitches;

    // Increment the clocks by one.
    g_ucSwitchClockA ^= g_ucSwitchClockB;
    g_ucSwitchClockB = ~g_ucSwitchClockB;

    // Reset the clocks corresponding to switches that have not changed state.
    g_ucSwitchClockA &= ulDelta;
    g_ucSwitchClockB &= ulDelta;

    // Get the new debounced switch state.
    g_ucSwitches &= g_ucSwitchClockA | g_ucSwitchClockB;
    g_ucSwitches |= (~(g_ucSwitchClockA | g_ucSwitchClockB)) & ulData;

    // Determine the switches that just changed debounced state.
    ulDelta ^= (g_ucSwitchClockA | g_ucSwitchClockB);

    // See if any switches just changed debounced state.
        // Add the current tick count to the entropy pool.

    // See if the select button was just pressed.
    if((ulDelta & 0x10) && !(g_ucSwitches & 0x10))
        // Set a flag to indicate that the select button was just pressed.
        HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_BUTTON_PRESS) = 1;