int Unreal3DExport::DoExport( const TCHAR *name, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options ) { int Result = FALSE; // Set a global prompt display switch bShowPrompts = suppressPrompts ? false : true; bExportSelected = (options & SCENE_EXPORT_SELECTED) ? true : false; // Get file names SplitFilename(TSTR(name), &FilePath, &FileName, &FileExt); if( MatchPattern(FileName,TSTR(_T("*_d")),TRUE) || MatchPattern(FileName,TSTR(_T("*_a")),TRUE) ) { FileName = FileName.Substr(0,FileName.length()-2); } ModelFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_d")) + FileExt; AnimFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_a")) + FileExt; ScriptFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_rc.uc")); // Open Log fLog = _tfopen(FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + _T(".log") ,_T("wb")); // Init pInt = GetCOREInterface(); pInt->ProgressStart( GetString(IDS_INFO_INIT), TRUE, fn, this); Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_INIT; try { MyErrorProc pErrorProc; SetErrorCallBack(&pErrorProc); ReadConfig(); //if(bShowPrompts) /*DialogBoxParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PANEL), GetActiveWindow(), Unreal3DExportOptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this);*/ //if(showPrompts) { // Prompt the user with our dialogbox, and get all the options. if(!DialogBoxParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PANEL), GetActiveWindow(), Unreal3DExportOptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this)) { throw CancelException(); } } // Enumerate interesting nodes Init(); // Fetch data from nodes GetTris(); GetAnim(); // Prepare data for writing Prepare(); // Write to files WriteScript(); WriteModel(); WriteTracking(); // Show optional summary ShowSummary(); WriteConfig(); Result = IMPEXP_SUCCESS; } catch( CancelException& ) { Result = IMPEXP_CANCEL; } catch( MAXException& e ) { if( bShowPrompts && !e.message.isNull() ) { MaxMsgBox(pInt->GetMAXHWnd(),e.message,ShortDesc(),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } Result = IMPEXP_FAIL; } // Release scene if( pScene != NULL ) { pScene->ReleaseIGame(); pScene = NULL; } // Close files fclosen(fMesh); fclosen(fAnim); fclosen(fLog); fclosen(fScript); // Return to MAX pInt->ProgressEnd(); return Result; }
static struct AHIDevUnit * InitUnit ( ULONG unit, struct AHIBase *AHIBase ) { struct AHIDevUnit *iounit; if( unit == AHI_NO_UNIT ) { ReadConfig(NULL,AHIBase); return NULL; } else if(!AHIBase->ahib_DevUnits[unit]) { if((iounit = AllocVec(sizeof(struct AHIDevUnit), MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC))) { NewList(&iounit->Unit.unit_MsgPort.mp_MsgList); iounit->Unit.unit_MsgPort.mp_Node.ln_Type = NT_MSGPORT; iounit->Unit.unit_MsgPort.mp_Flags = PA_IGNORE; iounit->Unit.unit_MsgPort.mp_Node.ln_Name = AHINAME " Unit"; iounit->UnitNum = unit; InitSemaphore(&iounit->ListLock); NewList((struct List *)&iounit->ReadList); NewList((struct List *)&iounit->PlayingList); NewList((struct List *)&iounit->SilentList); NewList((struct List *)&iounit->WaitingList); NewList((struct List *)&iounit->RequestQueue); if(ReadConfig(iounit,AHIBase)) { if((iounit->Voices = AllocVec( sizeof(struct Voice)*iounit->Channels,MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))) { int i; struct Voice *v = iounit->Voices; struct MsgPort *replyport; // Mark all channels as free for(i = 0 ; i < iounit->Channels; i++) { v->NextOffset = FREE; v++; } replyport = CreateMsgPort(); if( replyport != NULL ) { struct StartupMessage sm = { { { NULL, NULL, NT_UNKNOWN, 0, NULL }, replyport, sizeof(struct StartupMessage), }, iounit }; iounit->Process = CreateNewProcTags( NP_Entry, (ULONG) &DevProc, NP_Name, (ULONG) AHINAME " Unit Process", NP_Priority, AHI_PRI, TAG_DONE ); if( iounit->Process != NULL ) { PutMsg( &iounit->Process->pr_MsgPort, &sm.Msg ); WaitPort(replyport); GetMsg(replyport); } DeleteMsgPort(replyport); } } } if(!iounit->Process) FreeVec(iounit); else AHIBase->ahib_DevUnits[unit] = iounit; } } return AHIBase->ahib_DevUnits[unit]; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, test_config = 0, run_foreground = 0; int uid=0,gid=0; char *dir = DEFAULTDIR; char *user = USER; char *group = GROUPGLOBAL; char *cfg = DEFAULTCPATH; /* Initializing global variables */ mond.a_queue = 0; /* Setting the name */ OS_SetName(ARGV0); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Vdhtfu:g:D:c:")) != -1){ switch(c){ case 'V': print_version(); break; case 'h': help(ARGV0); break; case 'd': nowDebug(); break; case 'f': run_foreground = 1; break; case 'u': if(!optarg) ErrorExit("%s: -u needs an argument",ARGV0); user=optarg; break; case 'g': if(!optarg) ErrorExit("%s: -g needs an argument",ARGV0); group=optarg; break; case 'D': if(!optarg) ErrorExit("%s: -D needs an argument",ARGV0); dir=optarg; case 'c': if(!optarg) ErrorExit("%s: -c needs an argument",ARGV0); cfg = optarg; break; case 't': test_config = 1; break; default: help(ARGV0); break; } } /* Starting daemon */ debug1(STARTED_MSG,ARGV0); /*Check if the user/group given are valid */ uid = Privsep_GetUser(user); gid = Privsep_GetGroup(group); if((uid < 0)||(gid < 0)) ErrorExit(USER_ERROR,ARGV0,user,group); /* Getting config options */ mond.day_wait = getDefine_Int("monitord", "day_wait", 5,240); mond.compress = getDefine_Int("monitord", "compress", 0,1); mond.sign = getDefine_Int("monitord","sign",0,1); mond.monitor_agents = getDefine_Int("monitord","monitor_agents",0,1); mond.agents = NULL; mond.smtpserver = NULL; mond.emailfrom = NULL; c = 0; c|= CREPORTS; if(ReadConfig(c, cfg, &mond, NULL) < 0) { ErrorExit(CONFIG_ERROR, ARGV0, cfg); } /* If we have any reports configured, read smtp/emailfrom */ if(mond.reports) { OS_XML xml; char *tmpsmtp; char *(xml_smtp[])={"ossec_config", "global", "smtp_server", NULL}; char *(xml_from[])={"ossec_config", "global", "email_from", NULL}; if(OS_ReadXML(cfg, &xml) < 0) { ErrorExit(CONFIG_ERROR, ARGV0, cfg); } tmpsmtp = OS_GetOneContentforElement(&xml,xml_smtp); mond.emailfrom = OS_GetOneContentforElement(&xml,xml_from); if(tmpsmtp && mond.emailfrom) { mond.smtpserver = OS_GetHost(tmpsmtp, 5); if(!mond.smtpserver) { merror(INVALID_SMTP, ARGV0, tmpsmtp); if(mond.emailfrom) free(mond.emailfrom); mond.emailfrom = NULL; merror("%s: Invalid SMTP server. Disabling email reports.", ARGV0); } } else { if(tmpsmtp) free(tmpsmtp); if(mond.emailfrom) free(mond.emailfrom); mond.emailfrom = NULL; merror("%s: SMTP server or 'email from' missing. Disabling email reports.", ARGV0); } OS_ClearXML(&xml); } /* Exit here if test config is set */ if(test_config) exit(0); if (!run_foreground) { /* Going on daemon mode */ nowDaemon(); goDaemon(); } /* Privilege separation */ if(Privsep_SetGroup(gid) < 0) ErrorExit(SETGID_ERROR,ARGV0,group); /* chrooting */ if(Privsep_Chroot(dir) < 0) ErrorExit(CHROOT_ERROR,ARGV0,dir); nowChroot(); /* Changing user */ if(Privsep_SetUser(uid) < 0) ErrorExit(SETUID_ERROR,ARGV0,user); debug1(PRIVSEP_MSG,ARGV0,dir,user); /* Signal manipulation */ StartSIG(ARGV0); /* Creating PID files */ if(CreatePID(ARGV0, getpid()) < 0) ErrorExit(PID_ERROR,ARGV0); /* Start up message */ verbose(STARTUP_MSG, ARGV0, (int)getpid()); /* the real daemon now */ Monitord(); exit(0); }
YKMySQL::YKMySQL() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub ReadConfig(); }
Menu::Menu(unique_ptr<Game> & game) : mGame(game), mCameraChangeTime(30 * 60), mDistBetweenButtons(68), mVisible(true), mPage(Page::Main), mLoadSaveGameName("") { // Load config mConfig.Load("config.cfg"); mLocalization.Load(mGame->GetLocalizationPath() + "menu.loc"); // load background scene mScene = mGame->GetEngine()->GetSceneFactory()->LoadScene("data/maps/menu.scene"); // create gui scene mGUIScene = mGame->GetEngine()->CreateGUIScene(); // create camera mpCamera = make_unique<GameCamera>(mGUIScene); mCameraPos1 = mScene->FindChild("Camera"); mCameraPos2 = mScene->FindChild("Camera2"); mpCamera->mCamera->Attach(mCameraPos1); mCameraFadeActionDone = false; mCameraInitialPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0); mCameraAnimationNewOffset = Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); auto soundSystem = mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem(); mPickSound = soundSystem->LoadSound2D("data/sounds/menupick.ogg"); mMusic = soundSystem->LoadMusic3D("data/music/menu.ogg"); mMusic->SetPosition(mScene->FindChild("Radio")->GetPosition()); mMusic->SetRolloffFactor(0.1); mMusic->SetRoomRolloffFactor(0.1); const float buttonHeight = 30; const float buttonWidth = 128; const float buttonXOffset = 10; auto renderer = mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer(); // load textures auto texTab = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/tab.tga"); auto texButton = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/button.tga"); auto texSmallButton = renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/button.tga"); // Setup mCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr); { // Main mGUIMainButtonsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(20, ruVirtualScreenHeight - 4.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth + 2 * buttonXOffset, buttonHeight * 8.5, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIMainButtonsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { mContinueGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("continueButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mContinueGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mContinueGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnContinueGameClick(); }); mStartButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("startButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mStartButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mStartButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnStartNewGameClick(); }); mSaveGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 1.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("saveButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mSaveGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mSaveGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::SaveGame); FillListOfSaveFiles(); }); mLoadGameButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 1.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("loadButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mLoadGameButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mLoadGameButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::LoadGame); FillListOfSaveFiles(); }); mOptionsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 2.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("optionsButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mOptionsButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mOptionsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::Options); }); mAuthorsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 2.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("authorsButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mAuthorsButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mAuthorsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::Authors); }); mExitButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton(buttonXOffset, 5 + 3.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("exitButton"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mExitButton->Attach(mGUIMainButtonsCanvas); mExitButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnExitGameClick(); }); } const int aTabX = 200; const int aTabY = ruVirtualScreenHeight - 4.0 * mDistBetweenButtons; const int aTabWidth = buttonWidth * 4; const int aTabHeight = buttonHeight * 8.5; // Modal window mModalWindow = make_unique<ModalWindow>(mGUIScene, aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, texButton, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mModalWindow->AttachTo(mCanvas); // Page title mWindowText = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", aTabX, aTabY - 21, aTabWidth, 32, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mWindowText->Attach(mCanvas); // Product name mCaption = mGUIScene->CreateText("The Mine", 20, aTabY - 21, aTabWidth * 1.5f, 32, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mCaption->Attach(mCanvas); // Options mGUIOptionsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIOptionsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { const int yOffset = (aTabHeight - 2 * mDistBetweenButtons) / 2; mGUIOptionsCommonButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("commonSettings"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsCommonButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsCommonButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsCommon); }); mGUIOptionsControlsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("controls"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsControlsButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsControlsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsKeys); }); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton = mGUIScene->CreateButton((aTabWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, yOffset + mDistBetweenButtons, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("graphics"), pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton->Attach(mGUIOptionsCanvas); mGUIOptionsGraphicsButton->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { SetPage(Page::OptionsGraphics); }); } // Options: Keys mOptionsKeysCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mGUIOptionsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsKeysCanvas->SetVisible(false); { // First column float x = 40, y = 10; mMoveForwardKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("forward")); mMoveForwardKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mMoveBackwardKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("backward")); mMoveBackwardKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStrafeLeftKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("strafeLeft")); mStrafeLeftKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStrafeRightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("strafeRight")); mStrafeRightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mJumpKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("jump")); mJumpKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mFlashLightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("flashLight")); mFlashLightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mRunKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("run")); mRunKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); // Second column x += 150; y = 10; mInventoryKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("inventory")); mInventoryKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mUseKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("use")); mUseKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mQuickLoadKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("quickLoad")); mQuickLoadKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mQuickSaveKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("quickSave")); mQuickSaveKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mStealthKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("stealth")); mStealthKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mLookLeftKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("lookLeft")); mLookLeftKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); y += 32 * 1.1f; mLookRightKey = make_unique<WaitKeyButton>(mGame, mGUIScene, x, y, texSmallButton, mLocalization.GetString("lookRight")); mLookRightKey->AttachTo(mOptionsKeysCanvas); } // Options: Graphics mOptionsGraphicsCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, buttonWidth * 5.5, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mOptionsGraphicsCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsGraphicsCanvas->SetVisible(false); { float x = 30, y = 10; mFXAAButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("fxaa")); mFXAAButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mFPSButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("showFPS")); mFPSButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mSpotShadowsButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("spotLightShadows")); mSpotShadowsButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mPointShadowsButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("pointLightShadows")); mPointShadowsButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mHDRButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("hdr")); mHDRButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mParallaxButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("parallax")); mParallaxButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mVolumetricFogButton = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 3.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("volumetricFog")); mVolumetricFogButton->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); // next column x += 170; mDynamicDirectionalLightShadows = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("dynamicDirectionalLightShadows")); mDynamicDirectionalLightShadows->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mBloom = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("bloom")); mBloom->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mSoftParticles = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("softParticles")); mSoftParticles->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mVSync = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("vsync")); mVSync->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); // mVSync->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; // next column x += 170; mResolutionList = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("resolution")); mResolutionList->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); auto videoModes = mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer()->GetVideoModeList(); for(auto videoMode : videoModes) { mResolutionList->AddValue(StringBuilder() << videoMode.mWidth << "x" << videoMode.mHeight << "@" << videoMode.mRefreshRate); } mResolutionList->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; mWindowMode = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("windowMode")); mWindowMode->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("windowed")); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("fullscreen")); mWindowMode->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("borderless")); mWindowMode->OnChange += [this] { mSettingsApplied->SetText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsNotApplied")); mSettingsApplied->SetColor(Vector3(255, 0, 0)); }; mTextureFiltering = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("filtering")); mTextureFiltering->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); mTextureFiltering->AddValue(mLocalization.GetString("trilinear")); for(int i = 1; i <= mGame->GetEngine()->GetRenderer()->GetMaxIsotropyDegree(); ++i) { mTextureFiltering->AddValue(StringBuilder() << mLocalization.GetString("anisotropic") << " x" << i); } mSpotLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("spotLightShadowMap")); mSpotLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 256; i <= 2048; i *= 2) { mSpotLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mPointLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.0 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("pointLightShadowMap")); mPointLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 128; i <= 1024; i *= 2) { mPointLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, x, y + 2.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("directionalLightShadowMap")); mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize->AttachTo(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); for(int i = 1024; i <= 4096; i *= 2) { mDirectionalLightShadowMapSize->AddValue(StringBuilder() << i << " x " << i); } mSettingsApplied = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("settingsApplied"), x, y + 3.1 * mDistBetweenButtons, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(0, 255, 0), TextAlignment::Left); mSettingsApplied->Attach(mOptionsGraphicsCanvas); } // Authors mAuthorsBackground = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mAuthorsBackground->Attach(mCanvas); { mGUIAuthorsText = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("authorsText"), 15, 15, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 255, 255), TextAlignment::Left); mGUIAuthorsText->Attach(mAuthorsBackground); } // Save Game mSaveGameCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mSaveGameCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { float y = 10; for(int i = 0; i < mSaveLoadSlotCount; i++) { mSaveGameSlot[i] = mGUIScene->CreateButton(20, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, "Empty slot", pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mSaveGameSlot[i]->Attach(mSaveGameCanvas); mSaveGameSlot[i]->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnCreateSaveClick(); }); mSaveGameFileTime[i] = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", buttonWidth + 30, y, 160, buttonHeight, pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Left); mSaveGameFileTime[i]->Attach(mSaveGameCanvas); y += 1.1f * buttonHeight; } } // Load Game mLoadGameCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mLoadGameCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); { float y = 10; for(int i = 0; i < mSaveLoadSlotCount; i++) { mLoadGameSlot[i] = mGUIScene->CreateButton(20, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, texButton, "Empty slot", pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Center); mLoadGameSlot[i]->Attach(mLoadGameCanvas); mLoadGameSlot[i]->AddAction(GUIAction::OnClick, [this] { OnLoadSaveClick(); }); mLoadGameFileTime[i] = mGUIScene->CreateText(" ", buttonWidth + 30, y, 160, buttonHeight, pGUIProp->mFont, pGUIProp->mForeColor, TextAlignment::Left); mLoadGameFileTime[i]->Attach(mLoadGameCanvas); y += 1.1f * buttonHeight; } } // Options: Common mOptionsCommonCanvas = mGUIScene->CreateRect(aTabX, aTabY, aTabWidth, aTabHeight, texTab, pGUIProp->mBackColor); mOptionsCommonCanvas->Attach(mCanvas); mOptionsCommonCanvas->SetVisible(false); { const int yOffset = (aTabHeight - 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons) / 2; int xOffset = 20; mFOVSlider = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset - 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, 55, 90, 1.0f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("fov")); mFOVSlider->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMasterVolume = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("masterVolume")); mMasterVolume->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMasterVolume->SetChangeAction([this] { mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem()->SetMasterVolume(mMasterVolume->GetValue() / 100.0f); }); mMusicVolume = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 0.5f * mDistBetweenButtons, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("musicVolume")); mMusicVolume->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMusicVolume->SetChangeAction([this] { OnMusicVolumeChange(); }); mMouseSensivity = make_unique<Slider>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 1.0f * mDistBetweenButtons, 0, 100, 2.5f, renderer->GetTexture("data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga"), mLocalization.GetString("mouseSens")); mMouseSensivity->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMouseSensivity->SetChangeAction([this] { mGame->SetMouseSensitivity(mMouseSensivity->GetValue() / 100.0f); }); mLanguage = make_unique<ScrollList>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset + 1.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("language")); mLanguage->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mLanguage->OnChange += [this] { mConfig.SetString("languagePath", StringBuilder("data/lang/") << mLanguage->GetValueString(mLanguage->GetCurrentValue()) << "/"); }; mLangSettingsApplied = mGUIScene->CreateText(mLocalization.GetString("langChange"), 20, 3.3 * mDistBetweenButtons, aTabWidth - 30, aTabHeight - 30, pGUIProp->mFont, Vector3(255, 0, 0), TextAlignment::Left); mLangSettingsApplied->Attach(mOptionsCommonCanvas); xOffset += 300; mMouseInversionX = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset - 0.5 * mDistBetweenButtons, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("mouseInvX")); mMouseInversionX->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); mMouseInversionY = make_unique<RadioButton>(mGUIScene, xOffset, yOffset, texButton, mLocalization.GetString("mouseInvY")); mMouseInversionY->AttachTo(mOptionsCommonCanvas); int current = 0, i = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATAA fi; HANDLE h = FindFirstFileExA("data/lang/*.*", FindExInfoStandard, &fi, FindExSearchLimitToDirectories, NULL, 0); if(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if(fi.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { string v = fi.cFileName; if(v != "." && v != "..") { mLanguage->AddValue(v); if(mConfig.GetString("languagePath").rfind(v) != string::npos) { current = i; } ++i; } } } while(FindNextFileA(h, &fi)); FindClose(h); } mLanguage->SetCurrentValue(current); } } mGame->GetEngine()->GetSoundSystem()->SetReverbPreset(ReverbPreset::Auditorium); SetAuthorsPageVisible(false); SetPage(Page::Main); ReadConfig(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { B2B_AUTHENTICATION_T Query; B2B_AUTH_INFO_T AuthInfo; DEVICE_INFO_T DevInfo; DEVICE_INFO_T DevInfoAuth; CONFIG_T Config; char LogPath[256]; double start_time=0, end_time=0; double real_time = 0; struct timeval tp_start; struct timeval tp_end; int ErrorCode = NO_ERROR; Q_ENTRY *req = qCgiRequestParse(NULL, (Q_CGI_T) 0); gettimeofday(&tp_start, 0); memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(B2B_AUTHENTICATION_T)); memset(&AuthInfo, 0, sizeof(B2B_AUTH_INFO_T)); memset(&DevInfo, 0, sizeof(DEVICE_INFO_T)); memset(&DevInfoAuth, 0, sizeof(DEVICE_INFO_T)); memset(&Config, 0, sizeof(CONFIG_T)); ReadConfig(CONFIGFILE_PATH, &Config); sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_DEVICEINFO); if((SvcLog = openLog("DeviceInfo", LogPath, LOG_MODE)) == NULL) { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "text/html"); ErrorCode = ERROR_CREATE_LOG_FILE; PrintErrorResult(ErrorCode); return ErrorCode; } if((ErrorCode = GetParamsReqAuth(req, &Query)) == NO_ERROR) { if((ErrorCode = GetInformations(Query.DeviceInfo, Query.SecurityKey, &DevInfo, &DevInfoAuth, &AuthInfo)) != NO_ERROR) { printLog(HEAD, "Authentication Error...ErrorCode(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } } else { printLog(HEAD, "Invalid Paramters Error...(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } // qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "text/html"); qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "text/html"); PrintInformations(ErrorCode, DevInfo, DevInfoAuth, AuthInfo); printLog(HEAD, "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if(AuthInfo.DeviceInfo != NULL) free(AuthInfo.DeviceInfo); // req->free(req); DisConnectDB(); gettimeofday(&tp_end, 0); start_time = (double)tp_start.tv_sec + (double)tp_start.tv_usec/1000000; end_time = (double)tp_end.tv_sec + (double)tp_end.tv_usec/1000000; real_time = end_time - start_time; printLog(STAT_HEAD, "AUTHEENTICATION %d %4.6f\n", ErrorCode, real_time); closeLog(SvcLog); return 0; }
static void InitGame() { #ifndef SPEARDEMO boolean didjukebox=false; #endif // initialize SDL #if defined _WIN32 putenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER=directx"); #endif if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { printf("Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } atexit(SDL_Quit); int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); if(param_joystickindex && (param_joystickindex < -1 || param_joystickindex >= numJoysticks)) { if(!numJoysticks) printf("No joysticks are available to SDL!\n"); else printf("The joystick index must be between -1 and %i!\n", numJoysticks - 1); exit(1); } #if defined(GP2X_940) GP2X_MemoryInit(); #endif SignonScreen (); #if defined _WIN32 if(!fullscreen) { struct SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo; SDL_VERSION(&wmInfo.version); if(SDL_GetWMInfo(&wmInfo) != -1) { HWND hwndSDL = wmInfo.window; DWORD style = GetWindowLong(hwndSDL, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_SYSMENU; SetWindowLong(hwndSDL, GWL_STYLE, style); SetWindowPos(hwndSDL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); } } #endif VW_UpdateScreen(); VH_Startup (); IN_Startup (); PM_Startup (); SD_Startup (); CA_Startup (); US_Startup (); // TODO: Will any memory checking be needed someday?? #ifdef NOTYET #ifndef SPEAR if (mminfo.mainmem < 235000L) #else if (mminfo.mainmem < 257000L && !MS_CheckParm("debugmode")) #endif { byte *screen; CA_CacheGrChunk (ERRORSCREEN); screen = grsegs[ERRORSCREEN]; ShutdownId(); /* memcpy((byte *)0xb8000,screen+7+7*160,17*160); gotoxy (1,23);*/ exit(1); } #endif // // build some tables // InitDigiMap (); ReadConfig (); SetupSaveGames(); // // HOLDING DOWN 'M' KEY? // IN_ProcessEvents(); #ifndef SPEARDEMO if (Keyboard[sc_M]) { DoJukebox(); didjukebox=true; } else #endif // // draw intro screen stuff // IntroScreen (); #ifdef _arch_dreamcast //TODO: VMU Selection Screen #endif // // load in and lock down some basic chunks // CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT); CA_CacheGrChunk(STATUSBARPIC); LoadLatchMem (); BuildTables (); // trig tables SetupWalls (); NewViewSize (viewsize); // // initialize variables // InitRedShifts (); #ifndef SPEARDEMO if(!didjukebox) #endif FinishSignon(); #ifdef NOTYET vdisp = (byte *) (0xa0000+PAGE1START); vbuf = (byte *) (0xa0000+PAGE2START); #endif }
void main( int argc, char** argv) { //struct Position Pos; int Ix; strcpy( ConfigFile, "config.dat"); Parity = NoneParity; DataBits = 8; StopBits = 1; CalledByGuideFlag = No; KeepGoingFlag = No; ReadSlewFlag = No; StartScrollFlag = No; /* if '-k' and '-s' (after full init): slew to Ra, Dec in slew.dat and keep going, exiting when desired, writing slew_out.dat file; if '-k' (before full init): (no slew.dat), keep going until centered on init position, write slew_out.dat file and exit; if '-s': slew to Ra, Dec in slew.dat and exit, writing slew_out.dat file; if no '-k' and no '-s': write slew_out.dat file and exit; if -c, then use following string as configuration file name, ie scope.exe -c config.dat will result in config.dat being used if -x, then use following string as scroll file name, and execute scroll file upon program startup, ie scope.exe -x nan.scr will cause nan.scr to be loaded and started */ /* argv[0] is name of executing program */ for( Ix = 1; Ix < argc; Ix++) if( argv[Ix][0] == '-') if( strcmpi( &argv[Ix][1], "GUIDE") == 0) CalledByGuideFlag = Yes; else if( argv[Ix][1] == 'k') KeepGoingFlag = Yes; else if( argv[Ix][1] == 's') ReadSlewFlag = Yes; else if( (argv[Ix][1] == 'c' || argv[Ix][1] == 'C') && Ix < argc-1) strcpy( ConfigFile, argv[Ix+1]); else if( (argv[Ix][1] == 'x' || argv[Ix][1] == 'X') && Ix < argc-1) { strcpy( ScrollFilename, argv[Ix+1]); StartScrollFlag = Yes; } InitCommonVars(); ReadConfig(); /* Pos.Ra = Pos.Dec = 0; applyCorrectionsFromDataFileCoordYearToEpochNow(&Pos); printf("\n%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", Pos.Precession.A*RadToArcsec, Pos.Precession.Z*RadToArcsec, Pos.Nutation.A*RadToArcsec, Pos.Nutation.Z*RadToArcsec, Pos.AnnualAberration.A*RadToArcsec, Pos.AnnualAberration.Z*RadToArcsec, Pos.Ra*RadToArcsec, Pos.Dec*RadToArcsec); ContMsgRoutine(); */ /* HsRecFile = fopen( HsRecFilename, "w"); if( HsRecFile == NULL) BadExit( strcat( "Could not create ", HsRecFilename)); HsRecIx = 0; */ /* InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); InitConvert(); TestConvert(); getch(); TestAltAltAzTrack(); */ if( DisplayOpeningMsgs) { printf( "\nCopyright BBAstroDesigns Inc. 2009\n"); printf( "\nLIMITED WARRANTY This software is provided ``as is'' and any express or"); printf( "\nimplied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties"); printf( "\nof merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed."); printf( "\nIn no event shall BBAstroDesigns be liable for any direct, indirect,"); printf( "\nincidental, special, exemplary, nor consequential damages (including, but"); printf( "\nnot limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use,"); printf( "\ndate, or profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any"); printf( "\ntheory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort"); printf( "\n(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of"); printf( "\nthis software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.\n"); printf( "\nThis software licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. You may"); printf( "\ndistribute this software per the GNU GPL. See the enclosed gpl.txt.\n\n"); ContMsgRoutine(); } if( DisplayOpeningMsgs) printf( "\ncalled by guide: %d, keep_going: %d, read slew.dat file %d", CalledByGuideFlag, KeepGoingFlag, ReadSlewFlag); /* if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestSerial") == 0) { InitSerial( EncoderComPort, EncoderBaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits); TestSerial( EncoderComPort); CloseSerial( EncoderComPort); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestVideo") == 0) { InitVideo( DisplayOpeningMsgs); TestVideo(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestATimes") == 0) { InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); TestTimes(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestParallelPort") == 0) { InitPPort(); TestPPort(); ClosePPort(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestRefract") == 0) { InitRefract(); TestRefract(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestMouse") == 0) { TestMouse(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestEncoders") == 0) { InitSerial( EncoderComPort, EncoderBaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits); InitEncoders(); TestEncoders(); CloseSerial( EncoderComPort); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestHandpad") == 0) { InitPPort(); InitializeHandpad(); TestHandpad(); ClosePPort(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestConversion") == 0) { InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); InitConvert(); TestConvert(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestAltOffset") == 0) { InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); InitConvert(); TestAltOffset(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "TestIACA") == 0) { InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); TestIACA(); InitIACA(); } */ /* else if( strcmpi( TestString, "WritePWMValues") == 0) { InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); InitVideo( DisplayOpeningMsgs); InitPPort(); InitMotors(); WritePWMValues(); CloseSteppers(); ClosePPort(); } else */ { if( strcmpi( TestString, "NoTest") != 0 && strcmpi( TestString, "PreloadGuidexx.dat") != 0 && strcmpi( TestString, "Track") != 0) { if( DisplayOpeningMsgs) printf( "\nsetting unrecognized TestString to 'NoTest'"); strcpy( TestString, "NoTest"); } InitSerial( EncoderComPort, EncoderBaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits); InitEncoders(); InitMouseControl(); InitTimes( DisplayOpeningMsgs, Tz, DST, LongitudeDeg); InitVideo( DisplayOpeningMsgs); InitPPort(); InitializeHandpad(); InitMotors(); InitConvert(); InitRefract(); InitPEC(); InitGuide(); if( strcmpi( TestString, "PreloadGuidexx.dat") == 0) { LoadGuideAlts(); LoadGuideAzs(); } InitIACA(); InitLX200Input(); InitHPEvent(); if( !CalledByGuideFlag || (CalledByGuideFlag && (KeepGoingFlag || ReadSlewFlag))) { InitKBEvent(); if( ReadSlewFlag) InputEquatSlewDat(); if( StartScrollFlag) LoadScrollFileFromFile(); if( strcmpi( TestString, "Track") == 0) Start2MotorTrackWithDefaultValues(); while( !QuitFlag) { SequentialTaskController(); /* GrandTourFlag used to flag next object: set in ProcessHPEventsModeSwitch() */ if( GrandTourLoaded && GrandTourFlag) ProcessGrandTour(); else if( ScrollLoaded && ScrollFlag) ProcessScroll(); else if( HPPolarAlignLoaded && HPPolarAlignFlag) ProcessHPPolarAlign(); else { if( UseMouseFlag && ProcessMouseEvent()) ; else if( KeyStroke) ProcessKBEvents(); else ProcessHPEvents(); } } CloseKBEvent(); if( DisplayOpeningMsgs) { AskAndWriteConfig(); WriteLogFile(); } } CloseSteppers(); ClosePPort(); CloseEncoderResetLogFile(); CloseSerial( EncoderComPort); CloseSerial( LX200ComPort); if( CalledByGuideFlag) WriteAltazSlewOutFile(); CloseMouseControl(); } /* for( Ix = 0; Ix < HsRecSize; Ix++) fprintf( HsRecFile, "%8ld %8ld\n", HsRec[Ix].A, HsRec[Ix].Z); // first position is index 0 fprintf( HsRecFile, " last entry in circular queue at position %d", HsRecIx); fclose( HsRecFile); */ }
// // Constructor // ToolManager::ToolManager( AudacityProject *parent, wxWindow *topDockParent ) : wxEvtHandler() { wxPoint pt[ 3 ]; #if defined(__WXMAC__) // Save original transition mTransition = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION ); #endif // Initialize everything mParent = parent; mLastPos.x = mBarPos.x = -1; mLastPos.y = mBarPos.y = -1; mDragWindow = NULL; mDragDock = NULL; mDragBar = NULL; // Create the down arrow pt[ 0 ].x = 0; pt[ 0 ].y = 0; pt[ 1 ].x = 9; pt[ 1 ].y = 9; pt[ 2 ].x = 18; pt[ 2 ].y = 0; // Create the shaped region mDown = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] ); // Create the down arrow pt[ 0 ].x = 9; pt[ 0 ].y = 0; pt[ 1 ].x = 0; pt[ 1 ].y = 9; pt[ 2 ].x = 9; pt[ 2 ].y = 18; // Create the shaped region mLeft = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] ); // Create the indicator frame // parent is null but FramePtr ensures destruction mIndicator = FramePtr{ safenew wxFrame( NULL, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 32, 32 ), wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wxFRAME_SHAPED | wxNO_BORDER | wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wxSTAY_ON_TOP ) }; // Hook the creation event...only needed on GTK, but doesn't hurt for all mIndicator->Connect( wxEVT_CREATE, wxWindowCreateEventHandler( ToolManager::OnIndicatorCreate ), NULL, this ); // Hook the paint event...needed for all mIndicator->Connect( wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler( ToolManager::OnIndicatorPaint ), NULL, this ); // It's a little shy mIndicator->Hide(); // Hook the parents mouse events...using the parent helps greatly // under GTK mParent->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler( ToolManager::OnMouse ), NULL, this ); mParent->Connect( wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler( ToolManager::OnMouse ), NULL, this ); mParent->Connect( wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST, wxMouseCaptureLostEventHandler( ToolManager::OnCaptureLost ), NULL, this ); // Create the top and bottom docks mTopDock = safenew ToolDock( this, topDockParent, TopDockID ); mBotDock = safenew ToolDock( this, mParent, BotDockID ); // Create all of the toolbars // All have the project as parent window wxASSERT(parent); mBars[ ToolsBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew ToolsToolBar() }; mBars[ TransportBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew ControlToolBar() }; mBars[ RecordMeterBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew MeterToolBar( parent, RecordMeterBarID ) }; mBars[ PlayMeterBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew MeterToolBar( parent, PlayMeterBarID ) }; mBars[ MeterBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew MeterToolBar( parent, MeterBarID ) }; mBars[ EditBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew EditToolBar() }; mBars[ MixerBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew MixerToolBar() }; mBars[ TranscriptionBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew TranscriptionToolBar() }; mBars[ SelectionBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew SelectionBar() }; mBars[ DeviceBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew DeviceToolBar() }; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_SPECTRAL_EDITING mBars[SpectralSelectionBarID] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew SpectralSelectionBar() }; #endif mBars[ ScrubbingBarID ] = ToolBar::Holder{ safenew ScrubbingToolBar() }; // We own the timer mTimer.SetOwner( this ); // Process the toolbar config settings ReadConfig(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) PrintHelpInfo(); else { if (!ReadParameter(argc, argv)) { std::cerr << "Bad Parameters.\n"; return 1; } ReadConfig(configFileName); if (compress) { // Compress db_compress::Compressor compressor(outputFileName, schema, config); int iter_cnt = 0; while (1) { std::cout << "Iteration " << ++iter_cnt << " Starts\n"; std::ifstream inFile(inputFileName); std::string str; int tuple_cnt = 0; while (std::getline(inFile,str)) { std::stringstream sstream(str); std::string item; db_compress::Tuple tuple(schema.attr_type.size()); size_t count = 0; while (std::getline(sstream, item, ',')) { AppendAttr(&tuple, item, attr_type[count], count); ++ count; } // The last item might be empty string if (str[str.length() - 1] == ',') { AppendAttr(&tuple, "", attr_type[count], count); ++ count; } if (count != attr_type.size()) { std::cerr << "File Format Error!\n"; } compressor.ReadTuple(tuple); if (!compressor.RequireFullPass() && ++ tuple_cnt >= NonFullPassStopPoint) { break; } } compressor.EndOfData(); if (!compressor.RequireMoreIterations()) break; } } else { // Decompress db_compress::Decompressor decompressor(inputFileName, schema); std::ofstream outFile(outputFileName); decompressor.Init(); while (decompressor.HasNext()) { db_compress::Tuple tuple(attr_type.size()); decompressor.ReadNextTuple(&tuple); for (size_t i = 0; i < attr_type.size(); ++i) { std::string str = ExtractAttr(tuple, attr_type[i], i); outFile << str << (i == attr_type.size() - 1 ? '\n' : ','); } } } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pid_t pid; char config_file_path[CFG_FILE_LEN+1]; char CurrentDate[DATE_SIZE+1]; int ret; int DBStatus; memset(CurrentDate, 0, DATE_SIZE+1); // int i; #ifdef __DEBUG_LOG // int j; #endif // char FileName[CFG_FILE_LEN]; if((pid = fork()) < 0) return -1; else if(pid != 0) exit(0); set_signal(); if (argc == 5) { if(strcmp("-f", argv[1]) ==0) { strcpy(config_file_path, argv[2]); } else { printf("---------------------------------\n"); printf("-%s -f ConfigFilePath UserID DeviceType \n", argv[0]); printf("---------------------------------\n"); } } else { printf("---------------------------------\n"); printf("-%s -f ConfigFilePath UserID DeviceType \n", argv[0]); printf("---------------------------------\n"); } printf("config(%s)\n", config_file_path); if(ReadConfig(config_file_path, &Config) < 0) { printf("Configuration File Read Error\n"); exit(1); } printf("log(%s)\n", Config.SERVICE_LOG_PATH); SvcLog = openLog("PozUTIL", Config.SERVICE_LOG_PATH, LOG_MODE); // REM이 미 구동시에는 어떻게 할겨???? // 일단 무조건 Wait하다로 코딩 while(GetCurrentDBStatus(Config.REMIP, Config.REMPort, &DBStatus) != NO_ERROR) { printLog(HEAD, "REM return ERROR... So retry to Connect REM..\n"); printLog(HEAD, "DBStatus change to ONDBWORK_STATUS\n"); sleep(1); } printLog(HEAD, ">>>>REM Reports DB Status is (%d)..<<<<\n", DBStatus); if(DBStatus != NORMAL_STATUS) { while(DBStatus == ONDBWORK_STATUS) { sleep(REM_RECONNECTION_SLEEP); GetCurrentDBStatus(Config.REMIP, Config.REMPort, &DBStatus); printLog(HEAD, "REM return ERROR... So retry to Connect REM..\n"); } if(DBStatus == EXCEPTION_STATUS) { char DB_HOST_temp[CFG_FILE_LEN]; printLog(HEAD, "So Change DB Configurations..DB_HOST(%s)<=>(%s)DB_HOST_BACKUP\n", Config.DB_HOST, Config.DB_HOST_BACKUP); sprintf(DB_HOST_temp, "%s", Config.DB_HOST); sprintf(Config.DB_HOST, "%s", Config.DB_HOST_BACKUP); sprintf(Config.DB_HOST_BACKUP, "%s", DB_HOST_temp); printLog(HEAD, "Configuration temporaly Changed...DB_HOST(%s)<=>(%s)DB_HOST_BACKUP\n", Config.DB_HOST, Config.DB_HOST_BACKUP); } } printConfigLog(&Config); printLog(HEAD, "------------------Init Service---------------\n"); if((ret = mydbc_connect(Config.DB_NAME, Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_HOST, Config.DB_PORT, Config.DB_CONN_COUNT)) != DB_SUCCESS) { printLog(HEAD, "DB Connection ERROR[%d]\n", ret); exit(0); } else { printLog(HEAD, "DB Connection Success...\n"); } // Conncurrent Connection Count를 구하기 위함.... pthread_mutex_init(&p_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&serial_lock, NULL); thread_count = 0; // OnCenter와 연동하는 Thread로 분기 BatchProcess(argv[3], argv[4]); return NO_ERROR; }
void SieveSlit(char *filename="", int WeightByXS=1) { gStyle->SetPadGridX(1); gStyle->SetPadGridY(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.15); gStyle->SetStatH(0.2); gStyle->SetStatW(0.17); gStyle->SetStatX(1.0-gStyle->GetPadRightMargin()); if(strlen(filename)>5) { cout<<"trying to open root file "<<filename<<endl; TFile* _file0=TFile::Open(filename); } ReadConfig(); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]/x+[1]+[2]*x+[3]*x*x",0.2,3.3); f1->SetFillColor(0); f1->SetMarkerStyle(20); f1->SetMarkerColor(2); f1->SetLineColor(2); f1->SetLineWidth(3); const int kNRaster=12; char strDest[kNRaster][255]; TText *text=0; char RasterCut[kNRaster][255]; TH2* h2=0; TCanvas *pCan=new TCanvas("pCan","Sieve Slit",1200,700); pCan->Divide(kNRaster/3,3); /* TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]/x+[1]+[2]*x+[3]*x*x",0.2,3.3); f1->SetFillColor(0); f1->SetMarkerStyle(20); f1->SetMarkerColor(2); f1->SetLineColor(2); f1->SetLineWidth(3); */ //for(int i=0;i<kNRaster;i++) for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { pCan->cd(i+1); sprintf(strDest[i],"-Xvb_tr:-Yvb_tr >> hRaster_%d(25,-24.4,14.4,21,-44,50)",i); if(WeightByXS) { //sprintf(RasterCut[i],"(abs(X0)<%.1f && abs(Y0)<%.1f && TrackClass>4 && abs(Z0+887.74)<1.27)*ElasXS/1000.",i+1.0,i+1.0); sprintf(RasterCut[i],"(abs(sqrt(X0*X0+Y0*Y0)-%.1f)<=0.5 && TrackClass>4)*ElasXS/1000.",i+0.0); } else { //sprintf(RasterCut[i],"abs(X0)<%.1f && abs(Y0)<%.1f && TrackClass>4 && abs(Z0+887.74)<1.27",i+1.0,i+1.0); sprintf(RasterCut[i],"abs(sqrt(X0*X0+Y0*Y0)-%.1f)<=0.5 && TrackClass>4",i+0.0); } track0->Draw(strDest[i],RasterCut[i],"contz"); h2 = (TH2*) (gROOT->FindObject(Form("hRaster_%d",i))); h2->SetTitle(Form("%.1f<R_{beam}<=%.1f (mm); horizontal (mm) ; vertical (mm) ",(i>0)?i-0.5:0.0,i+0.5)); /* TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(1.5,0.65,3.3,0.80,"brNDC"); pt->SetBorderSize(0); pt->SetFillColor(0); text=pt->AddText(Form("Raster %d x %d mm",i,i)); pt->Draw(); */ } pCan->cd(); if(WeightByXS) { pCan->SaveAs(Form("SeiveSlit_%.2fdeg_E%.3f_VariousRaster_XSWeighted.png", LHRSAngle*180./3.14159, Beam)); } else { pCan->SaveAs(Form("SeiveSlit_%.2fdeg_E%.3f_VariousRaster.png", LHRSAngle*180./3.14159, Beam)); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // InitGame() //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InitGame (void) { Sint16 i,x,y; Uint16 *blockstart; //long mmsize; MM_Startup (); // so the signon screen can be freed #if IN_DEVELOPMENT || GEORGE_CHEAT || SHOW_CHECKSUM if (MS_CheckParm("checksum")) { ShowChecksums(); MM_Shutdown(); exit(0); } #endif CA_Startup (); // Any problems with this version of the game? // #if IN_DEVELOPMENT || TECH_SUPPORT_VERSION if (!MS_CheckParm("nochex")) #endif #if !SKIP_CHECKSUMS CheckValidity("MAPTEMP.",MAPTEMP_CHECKSUM); #if GAME_VERSION != SHAREWARE_VERSION if (ChecksumFile("FILE_ID.DIZ",0) != DIZFILE_CHECKSUM) gamestate.flags |= GS_BAD_DIZ_FILE; #endif #endif VL_SetVGAPlaneMode (); VL_SetPalette (0,256,vgapal); VW_Startup (); IN_Startup (); PM_Startup (); SD_Startup (); US_Startup (); if (CheckForSpecialCode(POWERBALLTEXT)) #if IN_DEVELOPMENT DebugOk = true; #else PowerBall = true; #endif if (CheckForSpecialCode(TICSTEXT)) gamestate.flags |= GS_TICS_FOR_SCORE; if (CheckForSpecialCode(MUSICTEXT)) gamestate.flags |= GS_MUSIC_TEST; if (CheckForSpecialCode(RADARTEXT)) gamestate.flags |= GS_SHOW_OVERHEAD; #if IN_DEVELOPMENT // // Clear Monocrome // _fmemset(MK_FP(0xb000,0x0000),0,4000); #endif // // build some tables // InitDigiMap (); for (i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++) { nearmapylookup[i] = &tilemap[0][0]+MAPSIZE*i; farmapylookup[i] = i*64; } for (i=0;i<PORTTILESHIGH;i++) uwidthtable[i] = UPDATEWIDE*i; blockstart = &blockstarts[0]; for (y=0;y<UPDATEHIGH;y++) for (x=0;x<UPDATEWIDE;x++) *blockstart++ = SCREENWIDTH*16*y+x*TILEWIDTH; updateptr = &update[0]; bufferofs = 0; displayofs = 0; ReadConfig (); // // draw intro screen stuff // // if (!(gamestate.flags & GS_QUICKRUN)) // IntroScreen (); // // load in and lock down some basic chunks // LoadFonts(); LoadLatchMem (); BuildTables (); // trig tables SetupWalls (); NewViewSize (); // // initialize variables // InitRedShifts (); }
/* main: v0.3: 2005/04/04 */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char* ar=AGENTCONFIG; int c=0; int modules = 0; logreader_config log_config; /* Setting the name */ OS_SetName(ARGV0); /* printf ("Agrc [%d], Argv [%s]\n", argc, *argv); */ /* user arguments */ if(argc > 1) { while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Vdhf:")) != -1) { switch(c){ case 'V': print_version(); break; case 'h': helpmsg(); break; case 'd': nowDebug(); break; case 'f': if(!optarg) { merror("%s: -f needs an argument",ARGV0); helpmsg(); } ar = optarg; break; default: helpmsg(); break; } } } printf("\n%s: Verifying [%s].\n\n", ARGV0, ar); modules|= CLOCALFILE; modules|= CAGENT_CONFIG; log_config.config = NULL; if(ReadConfig(modules, ar, &log_config, NULL) < 0) { return(OS_INVALID); } logff = log_config.config; return(0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int recvhand=0; int i=0; int result=0; char cfgfile[]={"config.ini"}; // 读取配置文件 if (ReadConfig(cfgfile)<0) { printf("\n 读取配置文件失败 使用默认设置"); // strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,""); strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,""); g_DBConfigParam.LocalPort=6001; strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.DBName,"test"); strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.DBServerIP,""); g_DBConfigParam.DBServerPort=3306; strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.DBUserName,"root"); strcpy(g_DBConfigParam.DBUserPassword,"mdcs2008"); } // 初始化 InitListAndThread(); result=connectDB(); // 数据信息获取 if (result<0) { printf("\n 数据库连接失败"); exit(1); } else { GetRVUInfo(); GetDEVInfo(); // CreateTables(); } //初始化DVR设备SDK if (initDVRDev()==0) { printf("\nSDK初始化失败"); exit(1); } else { printf("\nSDK初始化成功"); } printf("\n testtable ID is %d,rvu number is %d",a_tSqlInfo[0].ID,g_nAssRVUNum); // ComOpenNet(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,0,"",6002,NETCLIENT,TCP,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_SEND_BUF_SIZE,10,-1,1,recv_104_parse,NULL,10,0); // ComOpenNet(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,0,"",6003,NETCLIENT,TCP,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_SEND_BUF_SIZE,10,-1,1,recv_104_parse,NULL,10,0); // 对RVU循环建立client通讯 ComDispatchTask(&g_rvu_thread,RvuConnect,NULL,0,0); ComDispatchTask(&g_parse_rvu104_thread,Parse104RVURecvBuf,NULL,0,0); // 开启RVU发送数据线程 // ComDispatchTask(&g_send_rvu_thread,SendRVUBuf,NULL,0,0); // g_CommonRVUServerNetHandle = ComOpenNet(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,10012,0,0,NETSERVER,UDP,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_SEND_BUF_SIZE,10,-1,512,recv_104_parse,NULL,10,1); // 开启对CLIENT服务端 g_CommonClientNetHandle = ComOpenNet(g_DBConfigParam.LocalIP,g_DBConfigParam.LocalPort,0,0,NETSERVER,TCP,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_RECV_BUF_SIZE,DEFAULT_TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_SEND_BUF_SIZE,10,-1,1024,tcp_server_cb,NULL,10,1); // 实时信息推送线程 ComDispatchTask(&g_c_datathread,PushData,NULL,0,0); // 告警信息推送线程 ComDispatchTask(&g_c_alarmthread,PushAlarm,NULL,0,0); //开启数据库存储线程1 ComDispatchTask(&g_db_smthread,Save104RvuSM,NULL,0,0); ComDispatchTask(&g_db_datathread,Save104RvuData,NULL,0,0); //开启建表线程 // ComDispatchTask(&g_c_tables,AutoCreat,NULL,0,0); while(1) { Sleep(2*1000); // freeCommonThread(); } return 0; }
// Initialize our logfile/log event void LogAnalysis::Initialisation() { // Still something to do? if(m_initialised || m_logLevel == HLL_NOLOG) { return; } // Read the config file (if any) ReadConfig(); // We are now initialized // Must do this here, otherwise an endless loop will occur.. m_initialised = true; // Try to register the MS-Windows event log for writing if(m_doEvents) { // Use standard application event log m_eventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL,m_name); if(m_eventLog == NULL) { m_doEvents = false; } } // Append date time to log's filename // And also clean up logfiles that are too old. if(m_rotate) { AppendDateTimeToFilename(); } // Open the logfile m_file = CreateFile(m_logFileName ,GENERIC_WRITE ,FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE ,NULL // Security ,CREATE_ALWAYS // Always throw away old log ,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ,NULL); if(m_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CString file; if(file.GetEnvironmentVariable("TMP")) { if(file.Right(1) != "\\") file += "\\"; file += "Analysis.log"; // Open the logfile in shared writing mode // more applications can write to the file m_file = CreateFile(file ,GENERIC_WRITE ,FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE ,NULL // Security ,CREATE_ALWAYS // Always throw away old log ,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ,NULL); if(m_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Give up. Cannot create a logfile m_file = NULL; m_logLevel = HLL_NOLOG; return; } else { // Alternative file created m_logFileName = file; } } } if(m_file) { // Write a BOM to the logfile, so we can read logged UTF-8 strings DWORD written = 0; // Not optional for MS-Windows Server 2012!! CString bom = ConstructBOM(); WriteFile(m_file,bom.GetString(),bom.GetLength(),&written,nullptr); // Starting the log writing thread RunLog(); } // Tell that we are now running AnalysisLog("Logfile now running for:", LogType::LOG_INFO,false,m_name); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double tstart, tend; // Init program and parse commandline parameters Init(argc, argv, opt); opt.PrintSettings(); std::cout << std::endl; std::vector<double> plaqdata, edata, polldata; // Start meas loop over gauge configuraions ConfigData *config; for (int n=0; n<opt.nmeas; n++) { std::cout << std::endl << "Measurement " << n+1 << " of " << opt.nmeas << std::endl; // Read gauge configuration from file config = new ConfigData(opt.ns, opt.ns, opt.ns, opt.nt, 3); ReadConfig(config, opt.filenames[n]); // Test of staple sum std::complex<double> plaq; plaq = CalcPlaq(config); std::cout << "Plaquette (from staples) = " << plaq << std::endl; std::stringstream fmeasname; fmeasname << "meas_" << opt.filenames[n] << ".flow"; std::ofstream file;; if (! file.is_open() ) { std::cout << "There was a problem opening the file " << fmeasname.str() << " !" << std::endl; exit(1); } file << "# Input: " << opt.filenames[n] << std::endl; file << "# t <Plaq_t> <E_t> <Poll_t>" << std::endl; if (opt.verbose) std::cout << std::endl << "Flow calculation: ( t <Plaq_t> <E_t> <Poll_t> )" << std::endl; std::complex<double> E, poll; // Step t=0 E = 1.0 - plaq; poll = CalcPoll(config); if (opt.verbose) std::cout << 0 << " " << std::real(plaq) << " " << std::real(E) << " " << std::abs(poll) << std::endl; file << 0 << " " << std::real(plaq) << " " << std::real(E) << " " << std::abs(poll) << std::endl; // Evolution in t up to t_max in steps of eps int cnt=0; for (double t=0; t<opt.tmax; t+=opt.eps) { cnt+=1; std::cout << "Flow time t = " << t+opt.eps << " ... " << std::flush; tstart = gettime(); SmallFlowStep(config); plaq = CalcPlaq(config); E = 1.0 - plaq; poll = CalcPoll(config); if (opt.verbose) std::cout << t+opt.eps << " " << std::real(plaq) << " " << std::real(E) << " " << std::abs(poll) << std::endl; file << t+opt.eps << " " << std::real(plaq) << " " << std::real(E) << " " << std::abs(poll) << std::endl; if (opt.iswriteceveryt) { if (cnt % opt.writeceveryt == 0) { std::stringstream fconfname; fconfname << opt.filenames[n].substr(opt.filenames[n].find_last_of("\\/")+1) << "_t" << t+opt.eps; std::cout << "writing configuration at t = " << t+opt.eps << " to " << fconfname.str() << " ... " << std::flush; WriteConfig(config, fconfname.str()); } } tend = gettime(); std::cout << "done in " << tend - tstart << " s." << std::endl; } file.close(); plaqdata.push_back(std::real(plaq)); polldata.push_back(std::abs(poll)); edata.push_back(std::real(E)); if (opt.writeconf) { // Write configuration at t=tmax std::stringstream fconfname; fconfname << opt.filenames[n].substr(opt.filenames[n].find_last_of("\\/")+1) << "_t" << opt.tmax; std::cout << "Writing configuration at t = " << opt.tmax << " to " << fconfname.str() << std::endl; WriteConfig(config, fconfname.str()); } delete config; config=0; // cleanup } // Calculate mean values using Jackknife // void CalcJackMean(std::vector<T> &meas, T &mean, T &error) double plaqmean, plaqerr, pollmean, pollerr, emean, eerr; CalcJackMean(plaqdata, plaqmean, plaqerr); CalcJackMean(polldata, pollmean, pollerr); CalcJackMean(edata, emean, eerr); // Write mean values calculated using Jackknife std::stringstream fmeanname; fmeanname << "mean_" << opt.ns << "x" << opt.nt << ".flow"; std::ofstream mfile;; if (! mfile.is_open() ) { std::cout << "There was a problem opening the file " << fmeanname.str() << " !" << std::endl; exit(1); } mfile << "# t = " << opt.tmax << std::endl; mfile << "# <Plaq_t> <Plaq_t>err <E_t> <E_t>err <Poll_t> <Poll_t>err" << std::endl; mfile << plaqmean << " " << plaqerr << " " << emean << " " << eerr << " " << pollmean << " " << pollerr << " " << std::endl; mfile.close(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { B2B_AUTHENTICATION_T Query; B2B_AUTH_INFO_T AuthInfo; CONFIG_T Config; char LogPath[256]; double start_time=0, end_time=0; double real_time = 0; struct timeval tp_start; struct timeval tp_end; int ErrorCode = NO_ERROR; Q_ENTRY *req = qCgiRequestParse(NULL, (Q_CGI_T) 0); gettimeofday(&tp_start, 0); memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(B2B_AUTHENTICATION_T)); memset(&AuthInfo, 0, sizeof(B2B_AUTH_INFO_T)); memset(&Config, 0, sizeof(CONFIG_T)); ReadConfig(CONFIGFILE_PATH, &Config); sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_REAUTHENTICATION); if((SvcLog = openLog("Authentication", LogPath, LOG_MODE)) == NULL) { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "application/json;charset=euc-kr"); PrintErrorResult(ErrorCode); return ErrorCode; } sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_REAUTHENTICATION_DEB); if((Log = openLog("Authentication", LogPath, LOG_MODE)) == NULL) { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "application/json;charset=euc-kr"); PrintErrorResult(ErrorCode); return ErrorCode; } sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_STATISTICS); if((StatLog = openLog("Authentication", LogPath, LOG_MODE)) == NULL) { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "application/json;charset=euc-kr"); PrintErrorResult(ErrorCode); return ErrorCode; } printLog(HEAD, "REM(%s)(%d)\n", Config.REMIP, Config.REMPort); Query.Mode = SID_REAUTHENTICATION; if((ErrorCode = Connect2DB(Config)) == NO_ERROR) { if((ErrorCode = GetParamsReqAuth(req, &Query)) == NO_ERROR) { if((ErrorCode = SetAuthKeyInfo_V1(Query, &AuthInfo)) != NO_ERROR) { printLog(HEAD, "Authentication Error...ErrorCode(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } } else { printLog(HEAD, "Invalid Paramters Error...(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } } else { printLog(HEAD, "DBConnection Error...(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } // qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "text/html"); qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "application/json;charset=euc-kr"); PrintResultAuthentication(ErrorCode, AuthInfo); printLog(HEAD, "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* if(Query.DeviceInfo != NULL) free(Query.DeviceInfo); */ if(AuthInfo.DeviceInfo != NULL) free(AuthInfo.DeviceInfo); req->free(req); DisConnectDB(); gettimeofday(&tp_end, 0); start_time = (double)tp_start.tv_sec + (double)tp_start.tv_usec/1000000; end_time = (double)tp_end.tv_sec + (double)tp_end.tv_usec/1000000; real_time = end_time - start_time; printLog(STAT_HEAD, "REAUTHENTICATION %d %4.6f\n", ErrorCode, real_time); closeLog(SvcLog); closeLog(Log); closeLog(StatLog); return 0; }
/** int OS_ReadDBConf(int test_config, char *cfgfile, DBConfig *db_config) * Reads database configuration. */ int OS_ReadDBConf(int test_config, char *cfgfile, DBConfig *db_config) { int modules = 0; _Config *tmp_config; /* Modules for the configuration */ modules|= CDBD; modules|= CRULES; /* Allocating config just to get the rules. */ os_calloc(1, sizeof(_Config), tmp_config); /* Clearing configuration variables */ tmp_config->includes = NULL; db_config->includes = NULL; db_config->host = NULL; db_config->user = NULL; db_config->pass = NULL; db_config->db = NULL; db_config->port = 0; db_config->sock = NULL; db_config->db_type = 0; db_config->maxreconnect = 0; /* Reading configuration */ if(ReadConfig(modules, cfgfile, tmp_config, db_config) < 0) return(OS_INVALID); /* Here, we assign the rules to db_config and free the rest * of the Config. */ db_config->includes = tmp_config->includes; free(tmp_config); /* Checking if dbd isn't supposed to run. */ if(!db_config->host && !db_config->user && !db_config->pass && !db_config->db && !db_config->sock && !db_config->port && !db_config->db_type) { return(0); } /* Checking for a valid config. */ if(!db_config->host || !db_config->user || !db_config->pass || !db_config->db || !db_config->db_type) { merror(DB_MISS_CONFIG, ARGV0); return(OS_INVALID); } osdb_connect = NULL; /* Assigning the proper location for the function calls */ #ifdef UMYSQL if(db_config->db_type == MYSQLDB) { osdb_connect = mysql_osdb_connect; osdb_query_insert = mysql_osdb_query_insert; osdb_query_select = mysql_osdb_query_select; osdb_close = mysql_osdb_close; } #endif #ifdef UPOSTGRES if(db_config->db_type == POSTGDB) { osdb_connect = postgresql_osdb_connect; osdb_query_insert = postgresql_osdb_query_insert; osdb_query_select = postgresql_osdb_query_select; osdb_close = postgresql_osdb_close; } #endif /* Checking for config errros (moving from config.c). */ if(db_config->db_type == MYSQLDB) { #ifndef UMYSQL merror(DB_COMPILED, ARGV0, "mysql"); return(OS_INVALID); #endif } else if(db_config->db_type == POSTGDB) { #ifndef UPOSTGRES merror(DB_COMPILED, ARGV0, "postgresql"); return(OS_INVALID); #endif } if(osdb_connect == NULL) { merror("%s: Invalid DB configuration (Internal error?). ", ARGV0); return(OS_INVALID); } return(1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char AgencyID[B2B_AGENCYID_SIZE+1]; char Mode; B2B_STATINFO_T *Data = NULL; CONFIG_T Config; int FetchedCount = 0; char LogPath[256]; double start_time=0, end_time=0; double real_time = 0; struct timeval tp_start; struct timeval tp_end; int ErrorCode = NO_ERROR; Q_ENTRY *req = qCgiRequestParse(NULL, (Q_CGI_T) 0); gettimeofday(&tp_start, 0); // Set Random Value srand(tp_start.tv_usec); memset(AgencyID, 0, B2B_AGENCYID_SIZE+1); ReadConfig(CONFIGFILE_PATH, &Config); sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_SEARCHPRODUCTSTAT); SvcLog = openLog("SearchProductStatInfo", LogPath, LOG_MODE); sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_SEARCHPRODUCTSTAT_DEB); Log = openLog("SearchProductStatInfo", LogPath, LOG_MODE); sprintf(LogPath, "%s/%s", Config.LOG_PATH, LOG_NAME_STATISTICS); StatLog = openLog("SearchProductStatInfo", LogPath, LOG_MODE); if((ErrorCode = Connect2DB(Config)) == NO_ERROR) { if((ErrorCode = GetParamsReqStatInfo(req, AgencyID, &Mode)) == NO_ERROR) { if((Data = DB_SelectProductStatInfo(AgencyID, &FetchedCount, &ErrorCode)) != NO_ERROR) { printLog(HEAD, "Search Error...ErrorCode(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } } else { printLog(HEAD, "Invalid Paramters Error...(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } } else { printLog(HEAD, "DBConnection Error...(%d)\n", ErrorCode); } if(Mode == 'T') { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "text/html"); PrintResultProductStatInfoWithTable(ErrorCode, AgencyID, Data, FetchedCount); } else { qCgiResponseSetContentType(req, "application/json;charset=euc-kr"); PrintResultProductStatInfo(ErrorCode, AgencyID, Data, FetchedCount); } if(Data != NULL) free(Data); DisConnectDB(); gettimeofday(&tp_end, 0); start_time = (double)tp_start.tv_sec + (double)tp_start.tv_usec/1000000; end_time = (double)tp_end.tv_sec + (double)tp_end.tv_usec/1000000; real_time = end_time - start_time; printLog(STAT_HEAD, "SEARCH_PRODUCT_S %d %4.6f\n", ErrorCode, real_time); printLog(HEAD, "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"); closeLog(SvcLog); closeLog(Log); closeLog(StatLog); return 0; }