/** Sets TMeasureTextInputData::iFlags */
void CT_DataMeasureTextInput::DoCmdSetFlags(const TDesC& aSection)
	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sets TMeasureTextInputData::iFlags"));

	// get value from parameters
	if ( !ReadFlags(aSection, iMeasureTextInput->iFlags) )
		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &aSection);
Beispiel #2
int DSVWriteCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    GetSkipOptions( cmd );
    ReadFlags( cmd );
    IOManager io( cmd );
    CSVRow row;

    while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
        if ( ! Skip( row ) ) {
            io.Out() << MakeDSV( row ) << "\n";

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
int DSVReadCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    ReadFlags( cmd );
    mIsCSV = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_CSV );
    mCollapseSep = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_CMULTI );
    IOManager io( cmd );
    CSVRow row;
    string line;

    while( io.ReadLine( line ) ) {
        ParseDSV( line, row );
        io.WriteRow( row );

    return 0;
CEffectTechnique::CEffectTechnique( const CXMLTreeNode& aTechniqueNode )
    : CName( aTechniqueNode.GetAttribute<std::string>("name", "null") )
    , m_DebugColor( Math::colWHITE )
    , m_VertexType( aTechniqueNode.GetAttribute<uint32>("vertex_type", 0 ) )
    , m_Filename( aTechniqueNode.GetAttribute<std::string>("file", "null_file") )
    , mUseWorld                 ( false )
    , mUseInverseWorld          ( false )
    , mUseView                  ( false )
    , mUseInverseView           ( false )
    , mUseProjection            ( false )
    , mUseInverseProjection     ( false )
    , mUseViewProjection        ( false )
    , mUseWorldView             ( false )
    , mUseWorldViewProjection   ( false )
    , mUseViewToLightProjection ( false )
    , mUseFog                   ( false )
    , mUseLights                ( false )
    , mUseDebugColor            ( false )
    , mUseFBSize                ( false )
    , mUseAmbientLight          ( false )
    , mUseCamera                ( false )
    , mUseTime                  ( false )
    , m_NumOfLights             ( 0 )
  ASSERT( m_Filename != "null_file", "Check the file of the technique %s", GetName().c_str() );

  //Use the compiled effect
  m_Filename = "../CommonData/fx/" + GetName() + ".o";

  LOG_INFO_APPLICATION( "Loading effect tecnhique %s", m_Filename.c_str() );

  for ( uint32 j = 0, lCount = aTechniqueNode.GetNumChildren(); j < lCount; ++j )
    const CXMLTreeNode& lCurrentNode = aTechniqueNode( j );
    const std::string& l_TagName = lCurrentNode.GetName();

    if ( l_TagName == "handles" )
      ReadFlags( lCurrentNode );
#ifdef _DEBUG
    if( l_TagName == "define" )
      SDefines lDefine = { lCurrentNode.GetAttribute<std::string>("name", "null_name"), lCurrentNode.GetAttribute<std::string>("description", "") };

#ifdef _DEBUG
  // By default insert the definition of the technique name
  SDefines lDefine = { "TECHNIQUE_NAME", GetName() };

  m_Effect = new CEffect(GetName() + "_Effect" );
  bool lLoaded = m_Effect->Load( m_Filename, m_Defines );
  ASSERT(lLoaded, "The effect %s could not be loaded" );

  if( lLoaded )
    m_D3DTechnique = ( m_Effect ) ? m_Effect->GetTechniqueByName( GetName() ) : 0;
    CHECKED_DELETE( m_Effect );
Beispiel #5
int ezStringUtils::vsnprintf(char* szOutputBuffer, unsigned int uiBufferSize, const char* szFormat, va_list args0)
  va_list args;
  va_copy(args, args0);

  EZ_ASSERT(ezUnicodeUtils::IsValidUtf8(szFormat), "The sprintf format string must be valid Utf8.");

  // make sure the last character is a \0
  if ((szOutputBuffer) && (uiBufferSize > 0))
    szOutputBuffer[uiBufferSize - 1] = '\0';

  unsigned int uiReadPos = 0;
  unsigned int uiWritePos = 0;
  bool bError = false;

  while (szFormat[uiReadPos] != '\0')
    const char c = szFormat[uiReadPos];


    // if c is not %, just print it out and be done with it
    if (c != '%')
      OutputChar (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, c);

    // otherwise parse the formatting string to find out what has to be done
    char cNext = szFormat[uiReadPos];

    // *** parse the format string ***

    // first read the flags (as many as there are)
    unsigned int Flags = ReadFlags (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the width of the field
    int iWidth = ReadWidth (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the precision specifier
    int iPrecision = ReadPrecision (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the input data 'length' (short / int / long it, float / double)
    const sprintfLength::Enum Length = ReadLength (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext);
    // read the 'specifier' type
    const char cSpecifier = ReadSpecifier (szFormat, uiReadPos, cNext, bError);

    if (bError)
      snprintf (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, "Error in formatting string at position %u ('%c').", uiReadPos, cSpecifier);
      return -1;

    // if 'width' was specified as '*', read it from an extra parameter
    if (iWidth < 0)
      iWidth = va_arg (args, int);

    // if 'precision' was specified as '*', read it from an extra parameter
    if (iPrecision == -2)
      iPrecision = va_arg (args, int);

    // % Sign
    if (cSpecifier == '%')
      OutputChar (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, '%');

    // Nothing: Writes the current write position back to an int pointer
    if (cSpecifier == 'n')
      int* p = va_arg (args, int*);
      if (p) 
        *p = (int) uiWritePos;

    // String
    if (cSpecifier == 's')
      const char* s = va_arg (args, const char*);
      OutputString (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, s, Flags, iWidth, iPrecision);

    // Character
    if (cSpecifier == 'c')
      char c2 = va_arg (args, int);
      char s[2] = {c2, 0};
      OutputString (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, s, Flags, iWidth, iPrecision);
Beispiel #6
 void ReadLeaders() {
     if (*format_ == '.') ReadPrecision();