void CLogActions::AddLogSimpleLine(const char* szFile, const char* sString, DWORD dwMaxLogSize)
	CSmartLock SL(&cs,TRUE);
	void* pVoid=NULL;
	CString* pBuffer=NULL;
	DWORD dwMaxSize=((dwMaxLogSize==0?objSettings.dwMaxLogFileSize:dwMaxLogSize)*1024);
	CString sNewContent=sString;
		long lCutPos=sNewContent.Find(HTMLCUTLINE3,dwMaxSize);
Beispiel #2
LPVOID CSoundData::Get()
	m_dwAccessTime = ELTimer_GetMSec(); 

	if (!m_data)

	if (m_flag & FLAG_DATA_SIZE)
		return ((S32 *) m_data + 1);
		return (m_data);
Beispiel #3
// Caller wants a pointer to a chunk of the file.  This function will make sure
// that the memory for that chunk has been committed and will load from the
// file if required.  This algorithm attempts to load no more data from disk
// than is necessary.  It walks the required pages from lowest to highest,
// and for each block of unloaded pages, the memory is committed and the data
// is read from disk.  If all pages are unloaded, all of them are loaded at
// once to speed throughput from disk.
HRESULT StgIO::GetPtrForMem(            // Return code.
    ULONG       cbStart,                // Where to start getting memory.
    ULONG       cbSize,                 // How much data.
    void        *&ptr)                  // Return pointer to memory here.
    int         iFirst, iLast;          // First and last page required.
    ULONG       iOffset, iSize;         // For committing ranges of memory.
    int         i, j;                   // Loop control.
    HRESULT     hr;

    // We need either memory (mmf or user supplied) or a backing store to
    // return a pointer.  Call Read if you don't have these.
    if (!IsBackingStore() && m_pData == 0)
        return (PostError(BadError(E_UNEXPECTED)));

    // Validate the caller isn't asking for a data value out of range.
    if (!(ClrSafeInt<ULONG>::addition(cbStart, cbSize, iOffset)
          && (iOffset <= m_cbData)))
        return (PostError(E_INVALIDARG));

    // This code will check for pages that need to be paged from disk in
    // order for us to return a pointer to that memory.
    if (IsBackingStore())
        // Backing store is bogus when in rewrite mode.
        if (m_bRewrite)
            return (PostError(BadError(E_UNEXPECTED)));

        // Must have the page map to continue.
        _ASSERTE(m_rgPageMap && m_iPageSize && m_pData);

        // Figure out the first and last page that are required for commit.
        iFirst = cbStart / m_iPageSize;
        iLast = (cbStart + cbSize - 1) / m_iPageSize;

        // Avoid confusion.
        ptr = 0;

        // Do a smart load of every page required.  Do not reload pages that have
        // already been brought in from disk.
        //<REVISIT_TODO>@FUTURE: add an optimization so that when all pages have been faulted, we no
        // longer to a page by page search.</REVISIT_TODO>
        for (i=iFirst;  i<=iLast;  )
            // Find the first page that hasn't already been loaded.
            while (GetBit(m_rgPageMap, i) && i<=iLast)
            if (i > iLast)

            // Offset for first thing to load.
            iOffset = i * m_iPageSize;
            iSize = 0;

            // See how many in a row have not been loaded.
            for (j=i;  i<=iLast && !GetBit(m_rgPageMap, i);  i++)
                // Safe: iSize += m_iPageSize;
                if (!(ClrSafeInt<ULONG>::addition(iSize, m_iPageSize, iSize)))
                    return PostError(E_INVALIDARG);

            // First commit the memory for this part of the file.
            if (::ClrVirtualAlloc((void *) ((DWORD_PTR) m_pData + iOffset), 
                    iSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) == 0)
                return (PostError(OutOfMemory()));

            // Now load that portion of the file from disk.
            if (FAILED(hr = Seek(iOffset, FILE_BEGIN)) ||
                FAILED(hr = ReadFromDisk((void *) ((DWORD_PTR) m_pData + iOffset), iSize, 0)))
                return (hr);

            // Change the memory to read only to avoid any modifications.  Any faults
            // that occur indicate a bug whereby the engine is trying to write to
            // protected memory.
            _ASSERTE(::ClrVirtualAlloc((void *) ((DWORD_PTR) m_pData + iOffset), 
                    iSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READONLY) != 0);
            // Record each new loaded page.
            for (;  j<i;  j++)
                SetBit(m_rgPageMap, j, true);

        // Everything was brought into memory, so now return pointer to caller.
        ptr = (void *) ((DWORD_PTR) m_pData + cbStart);
    // Memory version or memory mapped file work the same way.
    else if (IsMemoryMapped() || 
             (m_iType == STGIO_MEM) || 
             (m_iType == STGIO_SHAREDMEM) || 
             (m_iType == STGIO_HFILEMEM))
        if (!(cbStart <= m_cbData))
            return (PostError(E_INVALIDARG));

        ptr = (void *) ((DWORD_PTR) m_pData + cbStart);
    // What's left?!  Add some defense.
        ptr = 0;
        return (PostError(BadError(E_UNEXPECTED)));
    return (S_OK);
Beispiel #4
// Read data from the storage source.  This will handle all types of backing
// storage from mmf, streams, and file handles.  No read ahead or MRU
// caching is done.
HRESULT StgIO::Read(                    // Return code.
    void        *pbBuff,                // Write buffer here.
    ULONG       cbBuff,                 // How much to read.
    ULONG       *pcbRead)               // How much read.
    ULONG       cbCopy;                 // For boundary checks.
    void        *pbData;                // Data buffer for mem read.
    HRESULT     hr = S_OK;

    // Validate arguments, don't call if you don't need to.
    _ASSERTE(pbBuff != 0);
    _ASSERTE(cbBuff > 0);

    // Get the data based on type.
    switch (m_iType)
        // For data on file, there are two possiblities:
        // (1) We have an in memory backing store we should use, or
        // (2) We just need to read from the file.
        case STGIO_HFILE:
        case STGIO_HMODULE:
            _ASSERTE((m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (m_hModule != NULL));

            // Backing store does its own paging.
            if (IsBackingStore() || IsMemoryMapped())
                // Force the data into memory.
                if (FAILED(hr = GetPtrForMem(GetCurrentOffset(), cbBuff, pbData)))
                    goto ErrExit;

                // Copy it back for the user and save the size.
                memcpy(pbBuff, pbData, cbBuff);
                if (pcbRead)
                    *pcbRead = cbBuff;              
            // If there is no backing store, this is just a read operation.
                _ASSERTE((m_iType == STGIO_HFILE) && (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE));
                _ASSERTE(m_hModule == NULL);
                ULONG   cbTemp = 0;
                if (!pcbRead)
                    pcbRead = &cbTemp;
                hr = ReadFromDisk(pbBuff, cbBuff, pcbRead);
                m_cbOffset += *pcbRead;

        // Data in a stream is always just read.
        case STGIO_STREAM:
            _ASSERTE((IStream *) m_pIStream);
            if (!pcbRead)
                pcbRead = &cbCopy;
            *pcbRead = 0;
            hr = m_pIStream->Read(pbBuff, cbBuff, pcbRead);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                m_cbOffset += *pcbRead;

        // Simply copy the data from our data.
        case STGIO_MEM:
        case STGIO_SHAREDMEM:
        case STGIO_HFILEMEM:
            _ASSERTE(m_pData && m_cbData);

            // Check for read past end of buffer and adjust.
            if (GetCurrentOffset() + cbBuff > m_cbData)
                cbCopy = m_cbData - GetCurrentOffset();
                cbCopy = cbBuff;
            // Copy the data into the callers buffer.
            memcpy(pbBuff, (void *) ((DWORD_PTR)m_pData + GetCurrentOffset()), cbCopy);
            if (pcbRead)
                *pcbRead = cbCopy;
            // Save a logical offset.
            m_cbOffset += cbCopy;
        case STGIO_NODATA:

    return (hr);
Beispiel #5
           Reread file information

    void SCXFileInfo::Refresh() {
Beispiel #6
