Beispiel #1
BOOL SetLGP(BOOL bRestore, BOOL* bExistingKey, const char* szPath, const char* szPolicy, DWORD dwValue)
	SetLGP_Params params = {bRestore, bExistingKey, szPath, szPolicy, dwValue};
	HANDLE thread_id;

	if (ReadSettingBool(SETTING_DISABLE_LGP)) {
		uprintf("LPG handling disabled, per settings");
		return FALSE;

	thread_id = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SetLGPThread, (LPVOID)&params, 0, NULL);
	if (thread_id == NULL) {
		uprintf("SetLGP: Unable to start thread");
		return FALSE;
	if (WaitForSingleObject(thread_id, 2500) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
		uprintf("SetLGP: Killing stuck thread!");
		TerminateThread(thread_id, 0);
		return FALSE;
	if (!GetExitCodeThread(thread_id, &r))
		return FALSE;
	return (BOOL) r;
Beispiel #2
 * Background thread to check for updates
static DWORD WINAPI CheckForUpdatesThread(LPVOID param)
	BOOL releases_only, found_new_version = FALSE;
	int status = 0;
	const char* server_url = RUFUS_URL "/";
	int i, j, k, verbose = 0, verpos[4];
	static const char* archname[] = {"win_x86", "win_x64"};
	static const char* channel[] = {"release", "beta"};		// release channel
	const char* accept_types[] = {"*/*\0", NULL};
	DWORD dwFlags, dwSize, dwDownloaded, dwTotalSize, dwStatus;
	char* buf = NULL;
	char agent[64], hostname[64], urlpath[128], mime[32];
	OSVERSIONINFOA os_version = {sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""};
	HINTERNET hSession = NULL, hConnection = NULL, hRequest = NULL;
		hostname, sizeof(hostname), 0, NULL, 1, urlpath, sizeof(urlpath), NULL, 1};
	SYSTEMTIME ServerTime, LocalTime;
	int64_t local_time = 0, reg_time, server_time, update_interval;

	update_check_in_progress = TRUE;
	verbose = ReadSetting32(SETTING_VERBOSE_UPDATES);
	// Without this the FileDialog will produce error 0x8001010E when compiled for Vista or later
	// Unless the update was forced, wait a while before performing the update check
	if (!force_update_check) {
		// It would of course be a lot nicer to use a timer and wake the thread, but my
		// development time is limited and this is FASTER to implement.
		do {
			for (i=0; (i<30) && (!force_update_check); i++)
		} while ((!force_update_check) && ((iso_op_in_progress || format_op_in_progress || (dialog_showing>0))));
		if (!force_update_check) {
			if ((ReadSetting32(SETTING_UPDATE_INTERVAL) == -1)) {
				vuprintf("Check for updates disabled, as per settings.\n");
				goto out;
			reg_time = ReadSetting64(SETTING_LAST_UPDATE);
			update_interval = (int64_t)ReadSetting32(SETTING_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
			if (update_interval == 0) {
				update_interval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
			if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&LocalTime, &FileTime))
				goto out;
			local_time = ((((int64_t)FileTime.dwHighDateTime)<<32) + FileTime.dwLowDateTime) / 10000000;
			vvuprintf("Local time: %" PRId64 "\n", local_time);
			if (local_time < reg_time + update_interval) {
				vuprintf("Next update check in %" PRId64 " seconds.\n", reg_time + update_interval - local_time);
				// This is as good a place as any to ask for translation help
				goto out;

	PrintInfoDebug(3000, MSG_243);
	status++;	// 1

	if (!GetVersionExA(&os_version)) {
		uprintf("Could not read Windows version - Check for updates cancelled.\n");
		goto out;

	if ((!InternetCrackUrlA(server_url, (DWORD)safe_strlen(server_url), 0, &UrlParts)) || (!InternetGetConnectedState(&dwFlags, 0)))
		goto out;
	hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = 0;

	safe_sprintf(agent, ARRAYSIZE(agent), APPLICATION_NAME "/%d.%d.%d", rufus_version[0], rufus_version[1], rufus_version[2]);
	hSession = InternetOpenA(agent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);
	if (hSession == NULL)
		goto out;
	hConnection = InternetConnectA(hSession, UrlParts.lpszHostName, UrlParts.nPort, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, (DWORD_PTR)NULL);
	if (hConnection == NULL)
		goto out;

	status++;	// 2
	releases_only = !ReadSettingBool(SETTING_INCLUDE_BETAS);

	for (k=0; (k<(releases_only?1:(int)ARRAYSIZE(channel))) && (!found_new_version); k++) {
		uprintf("Checking %s channel...\n", channel[k]);
		// At this stage we can query the server for various update version files.
		// We first try to lookup for "<appname>_<os_arch>_<os_version_major>_<os_version_minor>.ver"
		// and then remove each each of the <os_> components until we find our match. For instance, we may first
		// look for rufus_win_x64_6.2.ver (Win8 x64) but only get a match for rufus_win_x64_6.ver (Vista x64 or later)
		// This allows sunsetting OS versions (eg XP) or providing different downloads for different archs/groups.
		safe_sprintf(urlpath, sizeof(urlpath), "%s%s%s_%s_%d.%d.ver", APPLICATION_NAME, (k==0)?"":"_",
			(k==0)?"":channel[k], archname[is_x64()?1:0], os_version.dwMajorVersion, os_version.dwMinorVersion);
		vuprintf("Base update check: %s\n", urlpath);
		for (i=0, j=(int)safe_strlen(urlpath)-5; (j>0)&&(i<ARRAYSIZE(verpos)); j--) {
			if ((urlpath[j] == '.') || (urlpath[j] == '_')) {
				verpos[i++] = j;
		if (i != ARRAYSIZE(verpos)) {
			uprintf("Broken code in CheckForUpdatesThread()!\n");
			goto out;

		UrlParts.lpszUrlPath = urlpath;
		UrlParts.dwUrlPathLength = sizeof(urlpath);
		for (i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(verpos); i++) {
			vvuprintf("Trying %s\n", UrlParts.lpszUrlPath);
			hRequest = HttpOpenRequestA(hConnection, "GET", UrlParts.lpszUrlPath, NULL, NULL, accept_types,
			if ((hRequest == NULL) || (!HttpSendRequestA(hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)))
				goto out;

			// Ensure that we get a text file
			dwSize = sizeof(dwStatus);
			dwStatus = 404;
			if (dwStatus == 200) 
			hRequest = NULL;
			safe_strcpy(&urlpath[verpos[i]], 5, ".ver");
		if (dwStatus != 200) {
			vuprintf("Could not find a %s version file on server %s", channel[k], server_url);
			if ((releases_only) || (k+1 >= ARRAYSIZE(channel)))
				goto out;
		vuprintf("Found match for %s on server %s", urlpath, server_url);

		dwSize = sizeof(mime);
		HttpQueryInfoA(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE, (LPVOID)&mime, &dwSize, NULL);
		if (strncmp(mime, "text/plain", sizeof("text/plain")-1) != 0)
			goto out;

		// We also get a date from Apache, which we'll use to avoid out of sync check,
		// in case some set their clock way into the future and back.
		// On the other hand, if local clock is set way back in the past, we will never check.
		dwSize = sizeof(ServerTime);
		// If we can't get a date we can trust, don't bother...
		if ( (!HttpQueryInfoA(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_DATE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_SYSTEMTIME, (LPVOID)&ServerTime, &dwSize, NULL))
			|| (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&ServerTime, &FileTime)) )
			goto out;
		server_time = ((((int64_t)FileTime.dwHighDateTime)<<32) + FileTime.dwLowDateTime) / 10000000;
		vvuprintf("Server time: %" PRId64 "\n", server_time);
		// Always store the server response time - the only clock we trust!
		WriteSetting64(SETTING_LAST_UPDATE, server_time);
		// Might as well let the user know
		if (!force_update_check) {
			if ((local_time > server_time + 600) || (local_time < server_time - 600)) {
				uprintf("IMPORTANT: Your local clock is more than 10 minutes in the %s. Unless you fix this, " APPLICATION_NAME " may not be able to check for updates...", 
					(local_time > server_time + 600)?"future":"past");

		dwSize = sizeof(dwTotalSize);
		if (!HttpQueryInfoA(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, (LPVOID)&dwTotalSize, &dwSize, NULL))
			goto out;

		// Make sure the file is NUL terminated
		buf = (char*)calloc(dwTotalSize+1, 1);
		if (buf == NULL) goto out;
		// This is a version file - we should be able to gulp it down in one go
		if (!InternetReadFile(hRequest, buf, dwTotalSize, &dwDownloaded) || (dwDownloaded != dwTotalSize))
			goto out;

		vuprintf("Successfully downloaded version file (%d bytes)\n", dwTotalSize);

		parse_update(buf, dwTotalSize+1);

		vuprintf("UPDATE DATA:\n");
		vuprintf("  version: %d.%d.%d (%s)\n", update.version[0], update.version[1], update.version[2], channel[k]);
		vuprintf("  platform_min: %d.%d\n", update.platform_min[0], update.platform_min[1]);
		vuprintf("  url: %s\n", update.download_url);

		found_new_version = ((to_uint64_t(update.version) > to_uint64_t(rufus_version)) || (force_update))
			&& ( (os_version.dwMajorVersion > update.platform_min[0])
			  || ( (os_version.dwMajorVersion == update.platform_min[0]) && (os_version.dwMinorVersion >= update.platform_min[1])) );
		uprintf("N%sew %s version found%c\n", found_new_version?"":"o n", channel[k], found_new_version?'!':'.');

	if (hRequest) InternetCloseHandle(hRequest);
	if (hConnection) InternetCloseHandle(hConnection);
	if (hSession) InternetCloseHandle(hSession);
	switch(status) {
	case 1:
		PrintInfoDebug(3000, MSG_244);
	case 2:
		PrintInfoDebug(3000, MSG_245);
	case 3:
	case 4:
		PrintInfo(3000, found_new_version?MSG_246:MSG_247);
	// Start the new download after cleanup
	if (found_new_version) {
		// User may have started an operation while we were checking
		while ((!force_update_check) && (iso_op_in_progress || format_op_in_progress || (dialog_showing>0))) {
	} else if (force_update_check) {
		PostMessage(hMainDialog, UM_NO_UPDATE, 0, 0);
	force_update_check = FALSE;
	update_check_in_progress = FALSE;