Beispiel #1
void wxHtmlTableCell::AddCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *cell, const wxHtmlTag& tag)
    // Is this cell in new row?
    // VS: we can't do it in AddRow, see my comment there
    if (m_ActualCol == -1)
        if (m_ActualRow + 1 > m_NumRows - 1)
            ReallocRows(m_ActualRow + 2);

    // cells & columns:
    } while ((m_ActualCol < m_NumCols) &&
             (m_CellInfo[m_ActualRow][m_ActualCol].flag != cellFree));

    if (m_ActualCol > m_NumCols - 1)
        ReallocCols(m_ActualCol + 1);

    int r = m_ActualRow, c = m_ActualCol;

    m_CellInfo[r][c].cont = cell;
    m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan = 1;
    m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan = 1;
    m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed;
    m_CellInfo[r][c].minheight = 0;
    m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP;

    /* scan for parameters: */

    // id:
    wxString idvalue;
    if (tag.GetParamAsString(wxT("ID"), &idvalue))

    // width:
        int width = 0;
        bool wpercent = false;
        if (tag.GetParamAsIntOrPercent(wxT("WIDTH"), &width, wpercent))
            if (wpercent)
                m_ColsInfo[c].width = width;
                m_ColsInfo[c].units = wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT;
                m_ColsInfo[c].width = (int)(m_PixelScale * (double)width);
                m_ColsInfo[c].units = wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS;

    // spanning:
        tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("COLSPAN"), &m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan);
        tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("ROWSPAN"), &m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan);

        // VS: the standard says this about col/rowspan:
        //     "This attribute specifies the number of rows spanned by the
        //     current cell. The default value of this attribute is one ("1").
        //     The value zero ("0") means that the cell spans all rows from the
        //     current row to the last row of the table." All mainstream
        //     browsers act as if 0==1, though, and so does wxHTML.
        if (m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan < 1)
            m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan = 1;
        if (m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan < 1)
            m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan = 1;

        if ((m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan > 1) || (m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan > 1))
            int i, j;

            if (r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan > m_NumRows)
                ReallocRows(r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan);
            if (c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan > m_NumCols)
                ReallocCols(c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan);
            for (i = r; i < r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan; i++)
                for (j = c; j < c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan; j++)
                    m_CellInfo[i][j].flag = cellSpan;
            m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed;

    //background color:
        wxColour bk = m_rBkg;
        tag.GetParamAsColour(wxT("BGCOLOR"), &bk);
        if (bk.IsOk())
    if (m_Border > 0)
        cell->SetBorder(TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2, TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1);

    // vertical alignment:
        wxString valign;
        if (!tag.GetParamAsString(wxT("VALIGN"), &valign))
            valign = m_tValign;
        if (valign == wxT("TOP"))
            m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP;
        else if (valign == wxT("BOTTOM"))
            m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
        else m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_CENTER;

    // nowrap
    m_CellInfo[r][c].nowrap = tag.HasParam(wxT("NOWRAP"));

    cell->SetIndent(m_Padding, wxHTML_INDENT_ALL, wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS);
Beispiel #2
void wxHtmlListCell::AddRow(wxHtmlContainerCell *mark, wxHtmlContainerCell *cont)
    m_RowInfo[m_NumRows - 1].mark = mark;
    m_RowInfo[m_NumRows - 1].cont = cont;