void APlayerCharacter::GiveItem(FInventoryItemStruct Item)

	int32 idx = ItemInventoryStructure.Find(Item); // Grab the index of the item

	if (!ItemInventoryStructure.IsValidIndex(idx)) // If the index is NOT valid it means the item isnt in our inventory / array
		//Then the item can be added!
		RefreshInventory(); // Update our Ui


void APlayerCharacter::UseItem(FInventoryItemStruct Item, FInventoryItemStruct &InventoryItem)
	if (!TrapInConstruction)
	AInventoryItem* WorldItem = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AInventoryItem>(Item.ItemClass, GetActorLocation(), FRotator(0, 0, 0)); // Spawn the item in the world
	WorldItem->UseItem(this, InventoryItem); // call the blueprint event
	//ItemInventoryStructure.Remove(Item); // Remove it from the array

		ItemBeingCrafted = WorldItem;
		TrapInConstruction = true;
		printMSG(TEXT("Hold X to place trap"), 5.0);
		RefreshInventory(); // Update our UI
void APlayerCharacter::DropItem(FInventoryItemStruct Item)

	AInventoryItem* WorldItem = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AInventoryItem>(Item.ItemClass, FVector(SentryLocation.X, SentryLocation.Y,SentryLocation.Z), FRotator(0, 0, 0)); // Spawn the item in the world
	WorldItem->ItemInfo = Item; // Assign the item info of the newly spawned item in the world to the one we dropped
	int32 idx = ItemInventoryStructure.Find(Item); // Grab the index of the item we want to drop

	if (ItemInventoryStructure.IsValidIndex(idx)) // Make sure its valid
		if (ItemInventoryStructure[idx] == Item) // Make sure the item in our inventory matches the one we want to drop
			ItemInventoryStructure.Remove(Item); // Remove it from the array
			RefreshInventory(); // Update our UI
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Removed item from player inventory")));

Beispiel #4
void AMainGameMode::OnInventorySlotReleased(AItem *Item)
	GrabbedItem = nullptr;
Beispiel #5
void AMainGameMode::AddToInventory(AItem *AnItem)
void APlayerCharacter::UpdateInventory()