void TankTop::Initialize(float x, float y, float z){

	Matrix temp = Matrix();
	tankTopScale.set( SCALE, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
	//tankShellRot.set( ROT_XYZ, rotation[x],rotation[y] , rotation[z]);
	tankTopPos = Vect(x,y,z);
	temp = tankTopScale * tankTopRot * Matrix( TRANS, tankTopPos );
//	SetGameObjectWorld(temp);
	tankTopScale.set( SCALE, 5000.0f, 5000.0f, 5000.0f);
	temp = tankTopScale * tankTopRot * Matrix( TRANS, tankTopPos );

TankTop::TankTop(Vect& position,Vect& scale,Vect& rotation,Tank* owner){
	hit =false;
	myOwner = owner;
	Matrix temp = Matrix();
	tankTopScale.set( SCALE, scale[x], scale[y], scale[z]);
	tankTopRot.set( ROT_XYZ, rotation[x],rotation[y] , rotation[z]);
	tankTopPos = position;
	temp = tankTopScale * tankTopRot * Matrix( TRANS, tankTopPos );
//	SetGameObjectWorld(temp);
	SetGraphicAndCollisionModel(GraphicsObjectMaker::CreateGraphicsObjectFlatTexture(AssetManager::GetModel("TankTopModel"),AssetManager::GetTexture("TankTopTexture")), OOBBVolume);


            archive - pointer to the IMG archive entry (probably just filename)
            imgID - index of the loading IMG archive
            Loads an IMG archive into the streaming management memory.
            This allocates entries for COL libraries and IPL sectors.
            Paintjobs are allocated and models validated.
        Binary offsets:
            (1.0 US and 1.0 EU): 0x005B6170
    static void __cdecl LoadArchive( IMGFile& archive, unsigned int imgID )
        CFile *file = OpenGlobalStream( archive.name, "rb" );

        // We should always find the IMG container. Do a security check anyway.
        // NOTE: Rockstar did this too.
        if ( !file )

        modelId_t lastID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            char version[8];    // has to be "VER2"
            unsigned int checksum;

        memset( version, 0, 5 );

        file->Read( version, 1, 4 );

        assert( checksum == '2REV' );
        int numFiles;
        bool successful = file->ReadInt( numFiles );

        // Bugfix: make sure we read the file entry count properly.
        if ( successful )
            // Load all files one by one
            while ( numFiles )

                resourceFileHeader header;

                file->Read( &header, 1, sizeof(header) );

                if ( header.primaryBlockOffset > biggestResourceBlockCount )
                    biggestResourceBlockCount = header.primaryBlockOffset;

                // Zero terminated for safety
                header.name[ sizeof(header.name) - 1 ] = '\0';

                char *dot = strchr( header.name, '.' );

                if ( !dot || (size_t)( dot - header.name ) > 20 )
                    header.name[ sizeof(header.name) - 1 ] = '\0';
                    goto failureAdd;

                const char *ext = dot + 1;

                *dot = '\0';

                modelId_t id;

                if ( strnicmp( ext, "DFF", 3 ) == 0 )
                    if ( !GetModelByName( header.name, &id ) )
                        // We found a structure that has no representation in the game configuration files.
                        // Native GTA:SA supports about 550 of such models.
                        // We can still load such data through .SCM there (RequestSpecialModel).
                        // That is done by storing the resourceFileHeader in a special stack.
                        header.offset = Streaming::GetFileHandle( imgID, header.offset );

                        // Some sort of debug container
                        (*VAR_MissingModelInfo)->Add( header );
                        goto failureAdd;
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "TXD", 3 ) == 0 )
                    int txdId = pGame->GetTextureManager()->FindTxdEntry( header.name );

                    if ( txdId == -1 )
                        txdId = pGame->GetTextureManager()->CreateTxdEntry( header.name );

                        // Assign the txd to a vehicle if found a valid one
                        TxdAssignVehiclePaintjob( header.name, txdId );

                    id = (modelId_t)( txdId + DATA_TEXTURE_BLOCK );
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "COL", 3 ) == 0 )
                    id = DATA_COLL_BLOCK + RegisterCollision( header.name );
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "IPL", 3 ) == 0 )
                    unsigned int iplIndex = FindIPLFile( header.name );

                    if ( iplIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF )
                        iplIndex = GetIPLEnvironment().RegisterInstance( header.name );

                    id = iplIndex + DATA_IPL_BLOCK;
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "DAT", 3 ) == 0 )
                    sscanf( header.name + 5, "%d", &id );
                    id += DATA_PATHFIND_BLOCK;
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "IFP", 3 ) == 0 )
                    id = DATA_ANIM_BLOCK + pGame->GetAnimManager()->RegisterAnimBlock( header.name );
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "RRR", 3 ) == 0 )
                    id = DATA_RECORD_BLOCK + pGame->GetRecordings()->Register( header.name );
                else if ( strnicmp( ext, "SCM", 3 ) == 0 )
                    // For now we do not need these script files.
                    // If we ever need them, contact midnightStar/Martin.
#ifdef _DEBUG
                    OutputDebugString( "found unsupported SCM file: " );
                    OutputDebugString( header.name );
                    OutputDebugString( "\n" );
#endif //_DEBUG
                    goto failureAdd;
                    *dot = '.';
                    goto failureAdd;

                // Prepare the loading of this resource by storing its offset and IMG archive index
                unsigned int offset, count;

                // If this ID slot is already occupied, skip preparing this resource.
                CModelLoadInfoSA& info = Streaming::GetModelLoadInfo( id );

                if ( info.GetOffset( offset, count ) )
                    goto failureAdd;

                info.m_imgID = imgID;

                if ( header.secondaryBlockOffset != 0 )
                    header.primaryBlockOffset = header.secondaryBlockOffset;

                info.SetOffset( header.offset, header.primaryBlockOffset );
                info.m_flags = 0;

                // This id is used to optimize loading from disk.
                // The streaming system knows which data is next to each other.
                // It can be loaded in a swipe.
                if ( lastID != 0xFFFFFFFF )
                    Streaming::GetModelLoadInfo( lastID ).m_lastID = id;

                lastID = id;

                lastID = 0xFFFFFFFF;

        delete file;