NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgGroupThread::RemoveChildHdr(nsIMsgDBHdr *child, nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  uint32_t flags;
  nsMsgKey key;
  if (!child)
  // if this was the newest msg, clear the newest msg date so we'll recalc.
  uint32_t date;
  if (date == m_newestMsgDate)

  if (!(flags & nsMsgMessageFlags::Read))
  nsMsgViewIndex threadIndex = FindMsgHdr(child);
  bool wasFirstChild = threadIndex == 0;
  nsresult rv = RemoveChildAt(threadIndex);
  // if we're deleting the root of a dummy thread, need to update the threadKey
  // and the dummy header at position 0
  if (m_dummy && wasFirstChild && m_keys.Length() > 1)
    nsIMsgDBHdr *newRootChild;
    GetChildHdrAt(1, &newRootChild);
    SetMsgHdrAt(0, newRootChild);

  return rv;
void UPanelWidget::ClearChildren()
	int32 Children = GetChildrenCount();
	for ( int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Children; ChildIndex++ )
void SDockingArea::DockFromOutside(SDockingNode::RelativeDirection Direction, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent)
	TSharedPtr<FDockingDragOperation> DragDropOperation = StaticCastSharedPtr<FDockingDragOperation>(DragDropEvent.GetOperation());
	// Dock from outside.
	const bool bDirectionMatches = DoesDirectionMatchOrientation( Direction, this->Splitter->GetOrientation() );

	if (!bDirectionMatches && Children.Num() > 1)
		// We have multiple children, but the user wants to add a new node that's perpendicular to their orientation.
		// We need to nest our children into a child splitter so that we can re-orient ourselves.
			// Create a new, re-oriented splitter and copy all the children into it.
			TSharedRef<SDockingSplitter> NewSplitter = SNew(SDockingSplitter, FTabManager::NewSplitter()->SetOrientation(Splitter->GetOrientation()) );
			for( int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
				NewSplitter->AddChildNode( Children[ChildIndex], INDEX_NONE );

			// Remove all our children.
			while( Children.Num() > 0 )
			AddChildNode( NewSplitter );

		// Re-orient ourselves
		const EOrientation NewOrientation = (this->Splitter->GetOrientation() == Orient_Horizontal)
			? Orient_Vertical
			: Orient_Horizontal;

		this->SetOrientation( NewOrientation );

	// Add the new node.
		TSharedRef<SDockingTabStack> NewStack = SNew(SDockingTabStack, FTabManager::NewStack());

		if ( Direction == LeftOf || Direction == Above )
			this->PlaceNode( NewStack, Direction, Children[0] );
			this->PlaceNode( NewStack, Direction, Children.Last() );

		NewStack->OpenTab( DragDropOperation->GetTabBeingDragged().ToSharedRef() );

bool UPanelWidget::RemoveChild(UWidget* Content)
	int32 ChildIndex = GetChildIndex(Content);
	if ( ChildIndex != -1 )
		return RemoveChildAt(ChildIndex);

	return false;