// Displays the features in the given window with the given color.
void TrainingSample::DisplayFeatures(ScrollView::Color color,
                                     ScrollView* window) const {
  for (uint32_t f = 0; f < num_features_; ++f) {
    RenderIntFeature(window, &features_[f], color);
Beispiel #2
// page_res is non-const because the iterator doesn't know if you are going
// to change the items it points to! Really a const here though.
void Tesseract::blob_feature_display(PAGE_RES* page_res,
                                     const TBOX& selection_box) {
  ROW* row;               // row of word
  BLOCK* block;           // block of word
  WERD* word = make_pseudo_word(page_res, selection_box, block, row);
  if (word != NULL) {
    WERD_RES word_res(word);
    word_res.x_height = row->x_height();
    word_res.SetupForRecognition(unicharset, this, BestPix(),
                                 tessedit_ocr_engine_mode, NULL,
                                 row, block);
    TWERD* bln_word = word_res.chopped_word;
    TBLOB* bln_blob = bln_word->blobs[0];
    GenericVector<INT_FEATURE_STRUCT> bl_features;
    GenericVector<INT_FEATURE_STRUCT> cn_features;
    Classify::ExtractFeatures(*bln_blob, classify_nonlinear_norm, &bl_features,
                              &cn_features, &fx_info, NULL);
    // Display baseline features.
    ScrollView* bl_win = CreateFeatureSpaceWindow("BL Features", 512, 0);
    ClearFeatureSpaceWindow(baseline, bl_win);
    for (int f = 0; f < bl_features.size(); ++f)
      RenderIntFeature(bl_win, &bl_features[f], ScrollView::GREEN);
    // Display cn features.
    ScrollView* cn_win = CreateFeatureSpaceWindow("CN Features", 512, 0);
    ClearFeatureSpaceWindow(character, cn_win);
    for (int f = 0; f < cn_features.size(); ++f)
      RenderIntFeature(cn_win, &cn_features[f], ScrollView::GREEN);

    delete word;
Beispiel #3
// Visual debugger classifies the given sample, displays the results and
// solicits user input to display other classifications. Returns when
// the user has finished with debugging the sample.
// Probably doesn't need to be overridden if the subclass provides
// DisplayClassifyAs.
void ShapeClassifier::DebugDisplay(const TrainingSample& sample,
                                   Pix* page_pix,
                                   UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) {
  static ScrollView* terminator = NULL;
  if (terminator == NULL) {
    terminator = new ScrollView("XIT", 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50, true);
  ScrollView* debug_win = CreateFeatureSpaceWindow("ClassifierDebug", 0, 0);
  // Provide a right-click menu to choose the class.
  SVMenuNode* popup_menu = new SVMenuNode();
  popup_menu->AddChild("Choose class to debug", 0, "x", "Class to debug");
  popup_menu->BuildMenu(debug_win, false);
  // Display the features in green.
  const INT_FEATURE_STRUCT* features = sample.features();
  int num_features = sample.num_features();
  for (int f = 0; f < num_features; ++f) {
    RenderIntFeature(debug_win, &features[f], ScrollView::GREEN);
  GenericVector<UnicharRating> results;
  // Debug classification until the user quits.
  const UNICHARSET& unicharset = GetUnicharset();
  SVEvent* ev;
  SVEventType ev_type;
  do {
    PointerVector<ScrollView> windows;
    if (unichar_id >= 0) {
      tprintf("Debugging class %d = %s\n",
              unichar_id, unicharset.id_to_unichar(unichar_id));
      UnicharClassifySample(sample, page_pix, 1, unichar_id, &results);
      DisplayClassifyAs(sample, page_pix, unichar_id, 1, &windows);
    } else {
      tprintf("Invalid unichar_id: %d\n", unichar_id);
      UnicharClassifySample(sample, page_pix, 1, -1, &results);
    if (unichar_id >= 0) {
      tprintf("Debugged class %d = %s\n",
              unichar_id, unicharset.id_to_unichar(unichar_id));
    tprintf("Right-click in ClassifierDebug window to choose debug class,");
    tprintf(" Left-click or close window to quit...\n");
    UNICHAR_ID old_unichar_id;
    do {
      old_unichar_id = unichar_id;
      ev = debug_win->AwaitEvent(SVET_ANY);
      ev_type = ev->type;
      if (ev_type == SVET_POPUP) {
        if (unicharset.contains_unichar(ev->parameter)) {
          unichar_id = unicharset.unichar_to_id(ev->parameter);
        } else {
          tprintf("Char class '%s' not found in unicharset", ev->parameter);
      delete ev;
    } while (unichar_id == old_unichar_id &&
             ev_type != SVET_CLICK && ev_type != SVET_DESTROY);
  } while (ev_type != SVET_CLICK && ev_type != SVET_DESTROY);
  delete debug_win;