void WindowManager::Render() { list<WindowApplication*>::reverse_iterator windowIt = _windows.rbegin(); list<WindowApplication*>::reverse_iterator finalWindow = _windows.rend(); WindowApplication* ontop = 0; while (windowIt != finalWindow) { WindowApplication* window = (WindowApplication*)*windowIt; if (window->Settings->Enabled == 1) { window->Render(); if (window->Settings->Fullscreen) { window->RenderFullscreen(); FullScreenEnabled = 1; break; } if (window->Settings->OnTop == 1) ontop = window; else RenderWindow(window); } windowIt++; } if (ontop) RenderWindow(ontop); ontop = 0; }
void RenderWindows( Window* window ) { memset( &map[0], ' ', sizeof(map) ); RenderWindow( &map[0], &window[0] ); RenderWindow( &map[0], &window[1] ); RenderWindow( &map[0], &window[2] ); for(uint32_t i=0; i<sizeof(map); i+=8) { printf("%c", map[i] ); } printf("\n"); }
void TreeGeneratorCanvas::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if(gEngine->GetDriver()->GetD3DDevice()) RenderWindow(); event.RequestMore(true); }
void ModelPreviewCanvas::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) { if(gEngine->GetDriver()->GetD3DDevice()) RenderWindow(); event.RequestMore(true); }
void DXApp::Run() { MSG msg = { 0 }; BOOL bRet = 1; float dt = 0; PreInit(); InitGame(); LateInit(); while (msg.message != WM_QUIT) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { m_gameTimer->Tick(); if (!m_appPaused) { CalculateFrameStats(); dt += m_gameTimer->DeltaTime(); if (dt >= 1.f / TICKS_PER_SECOND) { OnTickUpdate(m_gameTimer->DeltaTime()); LateTickUpdate(m_gameTimer->DeltaTime()); dt = 0; tick++; } if (tick == TICKS_PER_SECOND) { std::wstringstream ss; ss << "DirectX title - FPS: "; ss << fps; BOOL b = SetWindowText(m_mainHandle, LPCWSTR(ss.str().c_str())); DWORD d = GetLastError(); fps = 0; tick = 0; } PrepareWindow(); RenderUpdate(); RenderWindow(); fps++; } else { Sleep(100); } } } }
//Our main loop which should continue running as long as we don't quite the game static void MainLoop() { char DLLFilePath[MAX_PATH]; char *onePastLastSlash; DWORD pathSize = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, DLLFilePath, sizeof(DLLFilePath)); onePastLastSlash = DLLFilePath; for (char *scan = DLLFilePath; *scan; scan++) { if (*scan == '\\') { onePastLastSlash = scan + 1; } } char DLLFullPath[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileFullPath(&state, "playground game.dll", DLLFullPath, sizeof(DLLFullPath)); char tempDLLFullPath[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileFullPath(&state, "playground game_temp.dll", tempDLLFullPath, sizeof(tempDLLFullPath)); char PDBFullPath[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileFullPath(&state, "playground game.pdb", PDBFullPath, sizeof(PDBFullPath)); char tempPDBFullPath[MAX_PATH]; BuildFileFullPath(&state, "playground game_temp.pdb", tempPDBFullPath, sizeof(tempPDBFullPath)); Input = {}; Input.UP.Button = VK_UP; Input.DOWN.Button = VK_DOWN; Input.RIGHT.Button = VK_RIGHT; Input.LEFT.Button = VK_LEFT; LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&performanceFrequency); TicksPerSecond = performanceFrequency.QuadPart; int monitorRefreshHZ = 60; HDC deviceContext = GetDC(Window.Window); int refreshHz = GetDeviceCaps(deviceContext, VREFRESH); ReleaseDC(Window.Window, deviceContext); if (refreshHz > 1) { monitorRefreshHZ = refreshHz; } float gameUpdateHZ = (float)(monitorRefreshHZ); float targetSecondsPerFrame = 1.0f / gameUpdateHZ; UINT desiredSchedulerTime = 1; bool sleepIsSmaller = true;//timeBeginPeriod(desiredSchedulerTime) == TIMERR_NOERROR; LARGE_INTEGER lastTick = GetTicks(); float updateTime = 0; int updates = 0; double frames = 0; double frameTime = 0; while (IsRunning) { /* start_loop = clock(); */ FILETIME newWriteTimeDLL = GetLastWriteTime(DLLFullPath); FILETIME newWriteTimePDB = GetLastWriteTime(PDBFullPath); if (CompareFileTime(&newWriteTimeDLL, &Game.LastWriteTimeDLL) != 0 && CompareFileTime(&newWriteTimeDLL, &Game.LastWriteTimePDB) != 0) { UnloadGameCode(&Game); CopyFile(PDBFullPath, tempPDBFullPath, FALSE); Game = LoadGameCode(DLLFullPath, tempDLLFullPath); Game.Game_Init(Dimensions); } LARGE_INTEGER gameTimerStart = GetTicks(); ProcessPendingMessages(&Keys); ProcessInput(&Input); //Update everything //Update the game Game.Game_Update(&Input); /*NOTE(kai): TEST ONLY*/ //Testing if A button is pressed if (IsKeyDown(&Keys, 'A')) { OutputDebugString("Key: a is pressed\n"); } //Testing if A button is released if (IsKeyUp(&Keys, 'A')) { OutputDebugString("Key: a is released\n"); } //Render everything //Clear the window ClearWindow(); //Render the game Game.Game_Render(); LARGE_INTEGER gameTimerEnd = GetTicks(); frameTime += (double)(1000.0f * GetSecondsElapsed(gameTimerStart, gameTimerEnd)); frames++; //frames += 1000.0f / (double)(1000.0f * GetSecondsElapsed(gameTimerStart, gameTimerEnd)); //PrintTimeElapsed(lastTick, gameTimerEnd); float secondsElapsedForFrame = GetSecondsElapsed(lastTick, GetTicks()); if (secondsElapsedForFrame < targetSecondsPerFrame) { if (sleepIsSmaller) { DWORD sleepTime = (DWORD)(1000.0f * (targetSecondsPerFrame - secondsElapsedForFrame)); if (sleepTime > 0) { Sleep(sleepTime); } } while (secondsElapsedForFrame < targetSecondsPerFrame) { secondsElapsedForFrame = GetSecondsElapsed(lastTick, GetTicks()); } updates++; } updateTime += GetSecondsElapsed(lastTick, GetTicks()); if (updateTime >= 1.0f) { double avgFPS = 1000.0f / ((frameTime) / frames); std::cout << "UPS: " << updates << ", average FPS: " << avgFPS << ", average work/frame: " << (frameTime) / frames << "\n"; frames = 0; frameTime = 0; updates = 0; updateTime = 0; } LARGE_INTEGER endTick = GetTicks(); //PrintTimeElapsed(lastTick, endTick); lastTick = endTick; //Render the window RenderWindow(Window.Window); /* //calc fps calcfps(); static int framecount = 0; framecount++; if (framecount == 10) { framecount = 0; std::cout << "frame per second is : " << (fps) << std::endl; } //QueryPerformanceCounter(&t_current_loop); end_loop = clock(); //float frameticks = (t_current_loop.QuadPart - t_previous_loop.QuadPart) / ((frequency_loop.QuadPart) / 1000.0); float frameticks = ((float)(end_loop - start_loop) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000.0f; //print the current fps // std::cout << 1000/frameticks << std::endl; if (1000.0f / max_fps > frameticks){ Sleep(1000.0f / max_fps - frameticks); } */ } //Release resources (if there is any) and destory the window Release(); }
void RenderWindowFrame(FRAMETYPE frame, UDWORD x, UDWORD y, UDWORD Width, UDWORD Height) { RenderWindow(frame, x, y, Width, Height, false); }