Beispiel #1
static void SampleKorobov(cSamples *samples, cBounds *b, creal vol)
  creal norm = vol*samples->weight;
  real *x = samples->x, *xlast = x + ndim_;
  real *f = samples->f, *flast = f + ncomp_;
  real *avg = samples->avg;
  ccount n = samples->n, neff = samples->neff;
  count nextra = n;
  real dist = 0;
  count i, dim, comp;

  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i ) {
    count c = i;
    for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
      creal dx = abs(2*c - neff)*samples->weight;
      *xlast++ = b[dim].lower + dx*(b[dim].upper - b[dim].lower);
      c = c*samples->coeff % neff;

  for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
    creal dx = (x[dim] = b[dim].upper) - border_.upper;
    if( dx > 0 ) dist += Sq(dx);

  if( dist > 0 ) {
    dist = sqrt(dist)/EXTRAPOLATE_EPS;
    for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) {
      real x2 = x[dim], dx = x2 - border_.upper;
      if( dx > 0 ) {
        x[dim] = border_.upper;
        x2 = border_.upper - dx/dist;
      xlast[dim] = x2;

  DoSample(nextra, ndim_, x, f);

  ResCopy(avg, flast);
  flast += ncomp_;
  for( i = 2; i < n; ++i )
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      avg[comp] += *flast++;

  if( nextra > n ) {
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      f[comp] += dist*(f[comp] - flast[comp]);
    for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim )
      x[dim] = b[dim].upper;

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
    avg[comp] = (avg[comp] + avg[comp] + f[comp])*norm;
Beispiel #2
static void SampleSobol(cSamples *samples, cBounds *b, creal vol)
  creal norm = vol*samples->weight;
  real *x = samples->x, *f = samples->f, *avg = samples->avg;
  ccount n = samples->n;
  count i, dim, comp;

  for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
    for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++x, ++dim )
      *x = b[dim].lower + *x*(b[dim].upper - b[dim].lower);

  DoSample(n, ndim_, samples->x, f);

  ResCopy(avg, f);
  f += ncomp_;
  for( i = 1; i < n; ++i )
    for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
      avg[comp] += *f++;

  for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp )
    avg[comp] *= norm;
Beispiel #3
static int Integrate(This *t, real *integral, real *error, real *prob)

  count dim, comp, df;
  int fail;
  Result totals[NCOMP];
  Region *anchor = NULL, *region = NULL;

  if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
    char s[256];
    sprintf(s, "Suave input parameters:\n"
      "  ndim " COUNT "\n  ncomp " COUNT "\n"
      "  epsrel " REAL "\n  epsabs " REAL "\n"
      "  flags %d\n  seed %d\n"
      "  mineval " NUMBER "\n  maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
      "  nnew " NUMBER "\n  flatness " REAL,
      t->ndim, t->ncomp,
      t->epsrel, t->epsabs,
      t->flags, t->seed,
      t->mineval, t->maxeval,
      t->nnew, t->flatness);

  if( BadComponent(t) ) return -2;
  if( BadDimension(t) ) return -1;

  if( (fail = setjmp(t->abort)) ) goto abort;

  t->epsabs = Max(t->epsabs, NOTZERO);

  RegionAlloc(t, anchor, t->nnew, t->nnew);
  anchor->next = NULL;
  anchor->div = 0;

  for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
    Bounds *b = &anchor->bounds[dim];
    b->lower = 0;
    b->upper = 1;
    b->mid = .5;

    if( dim == 0 ) {
      count bin;
      /* define the initial distribution of bins */
      for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin )
        b->grid[bin] = (bin + 1)/(real)NBINS;
    else Copy(b->grid, anchor->bounds[0].grid, NBINS);

  Sample(t, t->nnew, anchor, anchor->w,
    anchor->w + t->nnew,
    anchor->w + t->nnew + t->ndim*t->nnew);
  df = anchor->df;
  ResCopy(totals, anchor->result);

  for( t->nregions = 1; ; ++t->nregions ) {
    Var var[NDIM][2], *vLR;
    real maxratio, maxerr, minfluct, bias, mid;
    Region *regionL, *regionR, *reg, **parent, **par;
    Bounds *bounds, *boundsL, *boundsR;
    count maxcomp, bisectdim;
    number n, nL, nR, nnewL, nnewR;
    real *w, *wL, *wR, *x, *xL, *xR, *f, *fL, *fR, *wlast, *flast;

    if( VERBOSE ) {
      char s[128 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;

      p += sprintf(p, "\n"
        "Iteration " COUNT ":  " NUMBER " integrand evaluations so far",
        t->nregions, t->neval);

      for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
        cResult *tot = &totals[comp];
        p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] " 
          REAL " +- " REAL "  \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
          comp + 1, tot->avg, tot->err, tot->chisq, df);


    maxratio = -INFTY;
    maxcomp = 0;
    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      creal ratio = totals[comp].err/MaxErr(totals[comp].avg);
      if( ratio > maxratio ) {
        maxratio = ratio;
        maxcomp = comp;

    if( maxratio <= 1 && t->neval >= t->mineval ) {
      fail = 0;

    if( t->neval >= t->maxeval ) break;

    maxerr = -INFTY;
    parent = &anchor;
    region = anchor;
    for( par = &anchor; (reg = *par); par = &reg->next ) {
      creal err = reg->result[maxcomp].err;
      if( err > maxerr ) {
        maxerr = err;
        parent = par;
        region = reg;

    Fluct(t, var[0],
      region->bounds, region->w, region->n, maxcomp,
      region->result[maxcomp].avg, Max(maxerr, t->epsabs));

    bias = (t->epsrel < 1e-50) ? 2 :
      Max(pow(2., -(real)region->div/t->ndim)/t->epsrel, 2.);
    minfluct = INFTY;
    bisectdim = 0;
    for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
      cBounds *b = &region->bounds[dim];
      creal fluct = (var[dim][0].fluct + var[dim][1].fluct)*
        (bias - b->upper + b->lower);
      if( fluct < minfluct ) {
        minfluct = fluct;
        bisectdim = dim;

    vLR = var[bisectdim];
    minfluct = vLR[0].fluct + vLR[1].fluct;
    nnewL = IMax(
      (minfluct == 0) ? t->nnew/2 : (count)(vLR[0].fluct/minfluct*t->nnew),
    nL = vLR[0].n + nnewL;
    nnewR = IMax(t->nnew - nnewL, MINSAMPLES);
    nR = vLR[1].n + nnewR;

    RegionAlloc(t, regionL, nL, nnewL);
    RegionAlloc(t, regionR, nR, nnewR);

    *parent = regionL;
    regionL->next = regionR;
    regionR->next = region->next;
    regionL->div = regionR->div = region->div + 1;

    bounds = &region->bounds[bisectdim];
    mid = bounds->mid;
    n = region->n;
    w = wlast = region->w;  x = w + n;     f = flast = x + n*t->ndim;
    wL = regionL->w;        xL = wL + nL;  fL = xL + nL*t->ndim;
    wR = regionR->w;        xR = wR + nR;  fR = xR + nR*t->ndim;

    while( n-- ) {
      cbool final = (*w < 0);
      if( x[bisectdim] < mid ) {
        if( final && wR > regionR->w ) *(wR - 1) = -fabs(*(wR - 1));
        *wL++ = *w++;
        VecCopy(xL, x);
        xL += t->ndim;
        ResCopy(fL, f);
        fL += t->ncomp;
      else {
        if( final && wL > regionL->w ) *(wL - 1) = -fabs(*(wL - 1));
        *wR++ = *w++;
        VecCopy(xR, x);
        xR += t->ndim;
        ResCopy(fR, f);
        fR += t->ncomp;
      x += t->ndim;
      f += t->ncomp;
      if( n && final ) wlast = w, flast = f;

    Reweight(t, region->bounds, wlast, flast, f, totals);
    VecCopy(regionL->bounds, region->bounds);
    VecCopy(regionR->bounds, region->bounds);

    boundsL = &regionL->bounds[bisectdim];
    boundsR = &regionR->bounds[bisectdim];
    boundsL->mid = .5*(boundsL->lower + (boundsL->upper = mid));
    boundsR->mid = .5*((boundsR->lower = mid) + boundsR->upper);

    StretchGrid(bounds->grid, boundsL->grid, boundsR->grid);

    Sample(t, nnewL, regionL, wL, xL, fL);
    Sample(t, nnewR, regionR, wR, xR, fR);

    df += regionL->df + regionR->df - region->df;

    for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
      cResult *r = &region->result[comp];
      Result *rL = &regionL->result[comp];
      Result *rR = &regionR->result[comp];
      Result *tot = &totals[comp];
      real diff, sigsq;

      tot->avg += diff = rL->avg + rR->avg - r->avg;

      diff = Sq(.25*diff);
      sigsq = rL->sigsq + rR->sigsq;
      if( sigsq > 0 ) {
        creal c = Sq(1 + sqrt(diff/sigsq));
        rL->sigsq *= c;
        rR->sigsq *= c;
      rL->err = sqrt(rL->sigsq += diff);
      rR->err = sqrt(rR->sigsq += diff);

      tot->sigsq += rL->sigsq + rR->sigsq - r->sigsq;
      tot->err = sqrt(tot->sigsq);

      tot->chisq += rL->chisq + rR->chisq - r->chisq;

    region = NULL;