Beispiel #1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * load PCB
 * parse the file with enabled 'PCB mode' (see parser)
 * if successful, update some other stuff
LoadPCB (char *Filename)
  PCBTypePtr newPCB = CreateNewPCB (false);
  PCBTypePtr oldPCB;
  bool units_mm;
#ifdef DEBUG
  double elapsed;
  clock_t start, end;

  start = clock ();

  oldPCB = PCB;
  PCB = newPCB;

  /* new data isn't added to the undo list */
  if (!ParsePCB (PCB, Filename))
      RemovePCB (oldPCB);

      CreateNewPCBPost (PCB, 0);
      ResetStackAndVisibility ();

      /* update cursor location */
      Crosshair.X = MAX (0, MIN (PCB->CursorX, (LocationType) PCB->MaxWidth));
      Crosshair.Y =
	MAX (0, MIN (PCB->CursorY, (LocationType) PCB->MaxHeight));

      Xorig = Crosshair.X - TO_PCB (Output.Width / 2);
      Yorig = Crosshair.Y - TO_PCB (Output.Height / 2);

      /* update cursor confinement and output area (scrollbars) */
      ChangePCBSize (PCB->MaxWidth, PCB->MaxHeight);

      /* create default font if necessary */
      if (!PCB->Font.Valid)
	  Message (_
		   ("File '%s' has no font information, using default font\n"),
	  CreateDefaultFont ();

      /* clear 'changed flag' */
      SetChangedFlag (false);
      PCB->Filename = strdup (Filename);
      /* just in case a bad file saved file is loaded */

      units_mm = (PCB->Grid != (int) PCB->Grid) ? true : false;

      Settings.grid_units_mm = units_mm;

      sort_netlist ();

      set_some_route_style ();

      hid_action ("PCBChanged");

#ifdef DEBUG
      end = clock ();
      elapsed = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      gui->log ("Loading file %s took %f seconds of CPU time\n",
		Filename, elapsed);

      return (0);
  PCB = oldPCB;
  hid_action ("PCBChanged");

  /* release unused memory */
  RemovePCB (newPCB);
  return (1);
Beispiel #2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * load PCB
 * parse the file with enabled 'PCB mode' (see parser)
 * if successful, update some other stuff
 * If revert is true, we pass "revert" as a parameter
 * to the HID's PCBChanged action.
static int
real_load_pcb (char *Filename, bool revert)
  const char *unit_suffix, *grid_size;
  char *new_filename;
  PCBType *newPCB = CreateNewPCB (false);
  PCBType *oldPCB;
#ifdef DEBUG
  double elapsed;
  clock_t start, end;

  start = clock ();

  new_filename = strdup (Filename);

  oldPCB = PCB;
  PCB = newPCB;

  /* mark the default font invalid to know if the file has one */
  newPCB->Font.Valid = false;

  /* new data isn't added to the undo list */
  if (!ParsePCB (PCB, new_filename))
      RemovePCB (oldPCB);

      CreateNewPCBPost (PCB, 0);
      ResetStackAndVisibility ();

      /* update cursor location */
      Crosshair.X = CLAMP (PCB->CursorX, 0, PCB->MaxWidth);
      Crosshair.Y = CLAMP (PCB->CursorY, 0, PCB->MaxHeight);

      /* update cursor confinement and output area (scrollbars) */
      ChangePCBSize (PCB->MaxWidth, PCB->MaxHeight);

      /* enable default font if necessary */
      if (!PCB->Font.Valid)
	  Message (_
		   ("File '%s' has no font information, using default font\n"),
	  PCB->Font.Valid = true;

      /* clear 'changed flag' */
      SetChangedFlag (false);
      PCB->Filename = new_filename;
      /* just in case a bad file saved file is loaded */

      /* Use attribute PCB::grid::unit as unit, if we can */
      unit_suffix = AttributeGet (PCB, "PCB::grid::unit");
      if (unit_suffix && *unit_suffix)
          const Unit *new_unit = get_unit_struct (unit_suffix);
          if (new_unit)
            Settings.grid_unit = new_unit;
      AttributePut (PCB, "PCB::grid::unit", Settings.grid_unit->suffix);
      /* Use attribute PCB::grid::size as size, if we can */
      grid_size = AttributeGet (PCB, "PCB::grid::size");
      if (grid_size)
          PCB->Grid = GetValue (grid_size, NULL, NULL);
      sort_netlist ();

      set_some_route_style ();

      if (revert)
        hid_actionl ("PCBChanged", "revert", NULL);
        hid_action ("PCBChanged");

#ifdef DEBUG
      end = clock ();
      elapsed = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      gui->log ("Loading file %s took %f seconds of CPU time\n",
		new_filename, elapsed);

      return (0);
  PCB = oldPCB;
  hid_action ("PCBChanged");

  /* release unused memory */
  RemovePCB (newPCB);
  return (1);
Beispiel #3
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i;

  /* init application:
   * - make program name available for error handlers
   * - evaluate special options
   * - initialize toplevel shell and resources
   * - create an empty PCB with default symbols
   * - initialize all other widgets
   * - update screen and get size of drawing area
   * - evaluate command-line arguments
   * - register 'call on exit()' function

  setbuf (stdout, 0);
  InitPaths (argv[0]);

  bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");

  srand ( time(NULL) ); /* Set seed for rand() */

  polygon_init ();
  hid_init ();

  hid_load_settings ();

  program_name = argv[0];
  program_basename = strrchr (program_name, PCB_DIR_SEPARATOR_C);
  if (program_basename)
      program_directory = strdup (program_name);
      *strrchr (program_directory, PCB_DIR_SEPARATOR_C) = 0;
      program_directory = ".";
      program_basename = program_name;
  Progname = program_basename;

  /* Print usage or version if requested.  Then exit.  */  
  if (argc > 1 &&
      (strcmp (argv[1], "-h") == 0 ||
       strcmp (argv[1], "-?") == 0 ||
       strcmp (argv[1], "--help") == 0))
    usage ();
  if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "-V") == 0)
    print_version ();
  /* Export pcb from command line if requested.  */
  if (argc > 1 && strcmp (argv[1], "-p") == 0)
      exporter = gui = hid_find_printer ();
  else if (argc > 2 && strcmp (argv[1], "-x") == 0)
      exporter = gui = hid_find_exporter (argv[2]);
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;
    /* Otherwise start GUI. */
  else if (argc > 2 && strcmp (argv[1], "--gui") == 0)
    gui = hid_find_gui (argv[2]);
    if (gui == NULL) {
      Message("Can't find the gui requested.\n");
    argc -= 2;
    argv += 2;
  else {
    const char **g;

    gui = NULL;
    for(g = try_gui_hids; (*g != NULL) && (gui == NULL); g++) {
      gui = hid_find_gui (*g);

    /* try anything */
    if (gui == NULL) {
      Message("Warning: can't find any of the preferred GUIs, falling back to anything available...\n");
      gui = hid_find_gui (NULL);

  /* Exit with error if GUI failed to start. */
  if (!gui)
    exit (1);

/* Initialize actions only when the gui is already known so only the right
   one is registered (there can be only one GUI). */
#include "action_list.h"

  /* Set up layers. */
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_LAYER; i++)
      char buf[20];
      sprintf (buf, "signal%d", i + 1);
      Settings.DefaultLayerName[i] = strdup (buf);
      Settings.LayerColor[i] = "#c49350";
      Settings.LayerSelectedColor[i] = "#00ffff";

  gui->parse_arguments (&argc, &argv);

  if (show_help || (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-'))
    usage ();
  if (show_version)
    print_version ();
  if (show_defaults)
    print_defaults ();
  if (show_copyright)
    copyright ();

  settings_post_process ();

  if (show_actions)
      print_actions ();
      exit (0);

  if (do_dump_actions)
      extern void dump_actions (void);
      dump_actions ();
      exit (0);


  /* Create a new PCB object in memory */
  PCB = CreateNewPCB ();

	if (PCB == NULL) {
		Message("Can't load the default pcb (%s) for creating an empty layout\n", Settings.DefaultPcbFile);

  /* Add silk layers to newly created PCB */
  CreateNewPCBPost (PCB, 1);
  if (argc > 1)
    command_line_pcb = argv[1];

  ResetStackAndVisibility ();

  if (gui->gui)
    InitCrosshair ();
  InitHandler ();
  InitBuffers ();
  SetMode (ARROW_MODE);

  if (command_line_pcb)
      /* keep filename even if initial load command failed;
       * file might not exist
      if (LoadPCB (command_line_pcb))
	PCB->Filename = strdup (command_line_pcb);

  if (Settings.InitialLayerStack
      && Settings.InitialLayerStack[0])
      LayerStringToLayerStack (Settings.InitialLayerStack);

  /* This must be called before any other atexit functions
   * are registered, as it configures an atexit function to
   * clean up and free various items of allocated memory,
   * and must be the last last atexit function to run.
  leaky_init ();

  /* Register a function to be called when the program terminates.
   * This makes sure that data is saved even if LEX/YACC routines
   * abort the program.
   * If the OS doesn't have at least one of them,
   * the critical sections will be handled by parse_l.l
  atexit (EmergencySave);

  /* read the library file and display it if it's not empty
  if (!ReadLibraryContents () && Library.MenuN)
    hid_action ("LibraryChanged");

  stroke_init ();

  if (Settings.ScriptFilename)
      Message (_("Executing startup script file %s\n"),
      hid_actionl ("ExecuteFile", Settings.ScriptFilename, NULL);
  if (Settings.ActionString)
      Message (_("Executing startup action %s\n"), Settings.ActionString);
      hid_parse_actions (Settings.ActionString);

  if (gui->printer || gui->exporter)
      // Workaround to fix batch output for non-C locales
      gui->do_export (0);
      exit (0);


  EnableAutosave ();

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf ("Settings.FontPath            = \"%s\"\n", 
  printf ("Settings.ElementPath         = \"%s\"\n", 
  printf ("Settings.LibrarySearchPaths  = \"%s\"\n", 
  printf ("Settings.LibraryShell        = \"%s\"\n", 
  printf ("Settings.MakeProgram = \"%s\"\n",
          UNKNOWN (Settings.MakeProgram));
  printf ("Settings.GnetlistProgram = \"%s\"\n",
          UNKNOWN (Settings.GnetlistProgram));


  gui->do_export (0);

  return (0);