Beispiel #1
 *               ROUNDED  TO NEAREST			     *
 double log_rn(double x){ 
   db_number xdb, yhdb;
   double yh, yl, ed, ri, logih, logim, logil, yrih, yril, th, zh, zl;
   double ph, pl, pm, log2edh, log2edl, log2edm, logTabPolyh, logTabPolyl, logh, logm, logl;
   int E, index;
   double zhSquare, zhCube, zhSquareHalf;
   double p35, p46, p36;
   double pUpper;
   double zhSquareHalfPlusZl;
   double zhFour;
   double logyh, logym, logyl;
   double loghover, logmover, loglover;


   /* Filter cases */
   if (xdb.i[HI] < 0x00100000){        /* x < 2^(-1022)    */
     if (((xdb.i[HI] & 0x7fffffff)|xdb.i[LO])==0){
       return -1.0/0.0;     
     }                    		   /* log(+/-0) = -Inf */
     if (xdb.i[HI] < 0){ 
       return (x-x)/0.0;                    /* log(-x) = Nan    */
     /* Subnormal number */
     E = -52; 		
     xdb.d *= two52; 	  /* make x a normal number    */ 
   if (xdb.i[HI] >= 0x7ff00000){
     return  x+x;				 /* Inf or Nan       */
   /* Extract exponent and mantissa 
      Do range reduction,
      yielding to E holding the exponent and
      y the mantissa between sqrt(2)/2 and sqrt(2)
   E += (xdb.i[HI]>>20)-1023;             /* extract the exponent */
   index = (xdb.i[HI] & 0x000fffff);
   xdb.i[HI] =  index | 0x3ff00000;	/* do exponent = 0 */
   index = (index + (1<<(20-L-1))) >> (20-L);
   /* reduce  such that sqrt(2)/2 < xdb.d < sqrt(2) */
   if (index >= MAXINDEX){ /* corresponds to xdb>sqrt(2)*/
     xdb.i[HI] -= 0x00100000; 

   yhdb.i[HI] = xdb.i[HI];
   yhdb.i[LO] = 0;
   yh = yhdb.d;
   yl = xdb.d - yh;

   index = index & INDEXMASK;
   /* Cast integer E into double ed for multiplication later */
   ed = (double) E;

      Read tables:
      Read one float for ri
      Read the first two doubles for -log(r_i) (out of three)

      Organization of the table:

      one struct entry per index, the struct entry containing 
      r, logih, logim and logil in this order

   ri = argredtable[index].ri;
      Actually we don't need the logarithm entries now
      Move the following two lines to the eventual reconstruction
      As long as we don't have any if in the following code, we can overlap 
      memory access with calculations 
   logih = argredtable[index].logih;
   logim = argredtable[index].logim;

   /* Do range reduction:

      zh + zl = y * ri - 1.0 exactly

      Exactness is assured by use of two part yh + yl and 21 bit ri and Add12

      Discard zl for higher monome degrees

   yrih = yh * ri;
   yril = yl * ri;
   th = yrih - 1.0; 
   Add12Cond(zh, zl, th, yril); 

   /* Polynomial approximation */

  zhSquare = zh * zh; /* 1 */

  p35 = p_coeff_3h + zhSquare * p_coeff_5h; /* 3 */
  p46 = p_coeff_4h + zhSquare * p_coeff_6h; /* 3 */
  zhCube = zhSquare * zh;   /* 2 */
  zhSquareHalf = p_coeff_2h * zhSquare; /* 2 */
  zhFour = zhSquare * zhSquare; /* 2 */

  p36 = zhCube * p35 + zhFour * p46; /* 4 */
  zhSquareHalfPlusZl = zhSquareHalf + zl; /* 3 */

  pUpper = zhSquareHalfPlusZl + p36; /* 5 */
  Add12(ph,pl,zh,pUpper); /* 8 */

   /* Reconstruction 

      Read logih and logim in the tables (already done)
      Compute log(x) = E * log(2) + log(1+z) - log(ri)
      i.e. log(x) = ed * (log2h + log2m) + (ph + pl) + (logih + logim) + delta

      Carry out everything in double double precision

      We store log2 as log2h + log2m + log2l where log2h and log2m have 12 trailing zeros
      Multiplication of ed (double E) and log2h is thus exact
      The overall accuracy of log2h + log2m + log2l is 53 * 3 - 24 = 135 which
      is enough for the accurate phase
      The accuracy suffices also for the quick phase: 53 * 2 - 24 = 82
      Nevertheless the storage with trailing zeros implies an overlap of the tabulated
      triple double values. We have to take it into account for the accurate phase 
      basic procedures for addition and multiplication
      The OCcondition on the next Add12 is verified as log2m is smaller than log2h 
      and both are scaled by ed

   Add12(log2edh, log2edl, log2h * ed, log2m * ed);

   /* Add logih and logim to ph and pl */

   Add22(&logTabPolyh, &logTabPolyl, logih, logim, ph, pl);

   /* Add log2edh + log2edl to logTabPolyh + logTabPolyl */

   Add22(&logh, &logm, log2edh, log2edl, logTabPolyh, logTabPolyl);

   /* Rounding test and possible return or call to the accurate function */

   if(logh == (logh + (logm * RNROUNDCST)))
     return logh;

       logil = argredtable[index].logil;

       p_accu(&ph, &pm, &pl, zh, zl);

       Add33(&logyh, &logym, &logyl, logih, logim, logil, ph, pm, pl);

       log2edh = log2h * ed;
       log2edm = log2m * ed;
       log2edl = log2l * ed;

       Add33(&loghover, &logmover, &loglover, log2edh, log2edm, log2edl, logyh, logym, logyl);

       ReturnRoundToNearest3(logh, logm, logl);

     } /* Accurate phase launched */
Beispiel #2
 *               ROUNDED  TO NEAREST			     *
 double log_rn(double x){ 
   db_number xdb;
   double y, ed, ri, logih, logim, yrih, yril, th, zh, zl;
   double polyHorner, zhSquareh, zhSquarel, polyUpper, zhSquareHalfh, zhSquareHalfl;
   double t1h, t1l, t2h, t2l, ph, pl, log2edh, log2edl, logTabPolyh, logTabPolyl, logh, logm, logl, roundcst;
   int E, index;


   /* Filter cases */
   if (xdb.i[HI] < 0x00100000){        /* x < 2^(-1022)    */
     if (((xdb.i[HI] & 0x7fffffff)|xdb.i[LO])==0){
       return -1.0/0.0;     
     }                    		   /* log(+/-0) = -Inf */
     if (xdb.i[HI] < 0){ 
       return (x-x)/0;                      /* log(-x) = Nan    */
     /* Subnormal number */
     E = -52; 		
     xdb.d *= two52; 	  /* make x a normal number    */ 
   if (xdb.i[HI] >= 0x7ff00000){
     return  x+x;				 /* Inf or Nan       */
   /* Extract exponent and mantissa 
      Do range reduction,
      yielding to E holding the exponent and
      y the mantissa between sqrt(2)/2 and sqrt(2)
   E += (xdb.i[HI]>>20)-1023;             /* extract the exponent */
   index = (xdb.i[HI] & 0x000fffff);
   xdb.i[HI] =  index | 0x3ff00000;	/* do exponent = 0 */
   index = (index + (1<<(20-L-1))) >> (20-L);
   /* reduce  such that sqrt(2)/2 < xdb.d < sqrt(2) */
   if (index >= MAXINDEX){ /* corresponds to xdb>sqrt(2)*/
     xdb.i[HI] -= 0x00100000; 
   y = xdb.d;
   index = index & INDEXMASK;
   /* Cast integer E into double ed for multiplication later */
   ed = (double) E;

      Read tables:
      Read one float for ri
      Read the first two doubles for -log(r_i) (out of three)

      Organization of the table:

      one struct entry per index, the struct entry containing 
      r, logih, logim and logil in this order

   ri = argredtable[index].ri;
      Actually we don't need the logarithm entries now
      Move the following two lines to the eventual reconstruction
      As long as we don't have any if in the following code, we can overlap 
      memory access with calculations 
   logih = argredtable[index].logih;
   logim = argredtable[index].logim;

   /* Do range reduction:

      zh + zl = y * ri - 1.0 correctly

      Correctness is assured by use of Mul12 and Add12
      even if we don't force ri to have its' LSBs set to zero

      Discard zl for higher monome degrees

   Mul12(&yrih, &yril, y, ri);
   th = yrih - 1.0; 
   Add12Cond(zh, zl, th, yril); 

      Polynomial evaluation

      Use a 7 degree polynomial
      Evaluate the higher 5 terms in double precision (-7 * 3 = -21) using Horner's scheme
      Evaluate the lower 3 terms (the last is 0) in double double precision accounting also for zl
      using an ad hoc method


#if defined(PROCESSOR_HAS_FMA) && !defined(AVOID_FMA)
   polyHorner = FMA(FMA(FMA(FMA(c7,zh,c6),zh,c5),zh,c4),zh,c3);
   polyHorner = c3 + zh * (c4 + zh * (c5 + zh * (c6 + zh * c7)));

   Mul12(&zhSquareh, &zhSquarel, zh, zh);
   polyUpper = polyHorner * (zh * zhSquareh);
   zhSquareHalfh = zhSquareh * -0.5;
   zhSquareHalfl = zhSquarel * -0.5;
   Add12(t1h, t1l, polyUpper, -1 * (zh * zl));
   Add22(&t2h, &t2l, zh, zl, zhSquareHalfh, zhSquareHalfl);
   Add22(&ph, &pl, t2h, t2l, t1h, t1l);

   /* Reconstruction 

      Read logih and logim in the tables (already done)
      Compute log(x) = E * log(2) + log(1+z) - log(ri)
      i.e. log(x) = ed * (log2h + log2m) + (ph + pl) + (logih + logim) + delta

      Carry out everything in double double precision

      We store log2 as log2h + log2m + log2l where log2h and log2m have 12 trailing zeros
      Multiplication of ed (double E) and log2h is thus correct
      The overall accuracy of log2h + log2m + log2l is 53 * 3 - 24 = 135 which
      is enough for the accurate phase
      The accuracy suffices also for the quick phase: 53 * 2 - 24 = 82
      Nevertheless the storage with trailing zeros implies an overlap of the tabulated
      triple double values. We have to take it into account for the accurate phase 
      basic procedures for addition and multiplication
      The condition on the next Add12 is verified as log2m is smaller than log2h 
      and both are scaled by ed

   Add12(log2edh, log2edl, log2h * ed, log2m * ed);

   /* Add logih and logim to ph and pl 

      We must use conditioned Add22 as logih can move over ph

   Add22Cond(&logTabPolyh, &logTabPolyl, logih, logim, ph, pl);

   /* Add log2edh + log2edl to logTabPolyh + logTabPolyl */

   Add22Cond(&logh, &logm, log2edh, log2edl, logTabPolyh, logTabPolyl);

   /* Rounding test and eventual return or call to the accurate function */

      roundcst = ROUNDCST1;
      roundcst = ROUNDCST2;

   if(logh == (logh + (logm * roundcst)))
     return logh;
       printf("Going for Accurate Phase for x=%1.50e\n",x);

       log_td_accurate(&logh, &logm, &logl, E, ed, index, zh, zl, logih, logim); 
       ReturnRoundToNearest3(logh, logm, logl);

     } /* Accurate phase launched */