Beispiel #1
int Rf_initEmbeddedR(int argc, char **argv)
    Rf_initialize_R(argc, argv);
    R_Interactive = TRUE;  /* Rf_initialize_R set this based on isatty */
Beispiel #2
int main(int ac, char **av)
    R_running_as_main_program = 1;
    Rf_initialize_R(ac, av);
    Rf_mainloop(); /* does not return */
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static char *RAPIinitialize(void) {
// TODO: check for header/library version mismatch?
	char *e;

	// set R_HOME for packages etc. We know this from our configure script
	setenv("R_HOME", RHOME, TRUE);

	// set some command line arguments
		structRstart rp;
		Rstart Rp = &rp;
		char *rargv[] = { "R", "--slave", "--vanilla" };
		int stat = 0;

		Rp->R_Slave = (Rboolean) TRUE;
		Rp->R_Quiet = (Rboolean) TRUE;
		Rp->R_Interactive = (Rboolean) FALSE;
		Rp->R_Verbose = (Rboolean) FALSE;
		Rp->LoadSiteFile = (Rboolean) FALSE;
		Rp->LoadInitFile = (Rboolean) FALSE;
		Rp->RestoreAction = SA_NORESTORE;
		Rp->SaveAction = SA_NOSAVE;
		Rp->NoRenviron = TRUE;
		stat = Rf_initialize_R(2, rargv);
		if (stat < 0) {
			return "Rf_initialize failed";

	/* disable stack checking, because threads will throw it off */
	R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t) -1;
	/* redirect input/output and set error handler */
	R_Outputfile = NULL;
	R_Consolefile = NULL;
	/* we do not want R to handle any signal, will interfere with monetdbd */
	R_SignalHandlers = 0;
	/* we want control R's output and input */
	ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx = writeConsoleEx;
	ptr_R_WriteConsole = writeConsole;
	ptr_R_ReadConsole = NULL;
	ptr_R_ClearerrConsole = clearRErrConsole;

	// big boy here

	if ((e = RAPIinstalladdons()) != 0) {
		return e;
	// patch R internals to disallow quit and system. Setting them to NULL produces an error.
	SET_INTERNAL(install("quit"), R_NilValue);
	// install.packages() uses system2 to call gcc etc., so we cannot disable it (perhaps store the pointer somewhere just for that?)
	//SET_INTERNAL(install("system"), R_NilValue);

	rapiInitialized = true;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #4
 * Initialises the R interpreter.
void init_R(int argc, char **argv){

  if (RSRUBY_R_HOME) {
    setenv("R_HOME", RSRUBY_R_HOME, 0);

  Rf_initialize_R(argc, argv);
  R_Interactive = TRUE;
  R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t)-1; //disable stack limit checking
  R_Interactive = FALSE; //Remove crash menu (and other interactive R features)
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	char *r_home = getenv("R_HOME");
	if (r_home == NULL) {
		printf("R_HOME must be set\n");
	Rf_initialize_R(argc, argv);
	structRstart rp;
	Rstart Rp = &rp;
	Rp->SaveAction = SA_SAVEASK;
	ptr_stdR_CleanUp = ptr_R_CleanUp;
	ptr_R_CleanUp = &testR_CleanUp;
	ptr_stdR_Suicide = ptr_R_Suicide;
	ptr_R_Suicide = &testR_Suicide;
	ptr_R_ReadConsole = &testR_ReadConsole;
	ptr_R_WriteConsole = &testR_WriteConsole;
	DllInfo *eDllInfo = R_getEmbeddingDllInfo();
Beispiel #6
void runEmbeddedR(const core::FilePath& /*rHome*/,    // ignored on posix
                  const core::FilePath& /*userHome*/, // ignored on posix
                  bool newSession,
                  SA_TYPE defaultSaveAction,
                  const Callbacks& callbacks,
                  InternalCallbacks* pInternal)
   // disable R signal handlers. see src/main/main.c for the default
   // implementations. in our case ignore them for the following reasons:
   // INT - no concept of Ctrl-C based interruption (use flag directly)
   // SEGV, ILL, & BUS: unsupported due to prompt invoking networking
   // code (unsupported from within a signal handler)
   // USR1 & USR2: same as above SEGV, etc. + we use them for other purposes
   // PIPE: we ignore this globally in SessionMain. before doing this we
   // confirmed that asio wasn't in some way manipulating it -- on linux
   // boost passes MSG_NOSIGNAL to sendmsg and on OSX sets the SO_NOSIGPIPE
   // option on all sockets created. note that on other platforms including
   // solaris, hpux, etc. boost uses detail/signal_init to ignore SIGPIPE

   // globally (this is done in io_service.hpp).
   R_SignalHandlers = 0;

   // set message callback early so we can see initialization error messages
   ptr_R_ShowMessage = callbacks.showMessage ;

   // running as main program (affects location of R_CStackStart on platforms
   // without HAVE_LIBC_STACK_END or HAVE_KERN_USRSTACK). see also discussion
   // on R_CStackStart in 8.1.5 Threading issues
   R_running_as_main_program = 1;

   // initialize R
   const char *args[]= {"RStudio", "--interactive"};
   Rf_initialize_R(sizeof(args)/sizeof(args[0]), (char**)args);

   // For newSession = false we need to do a few things:
   //   1) set R_Quiet so we startup without a banner
   //   2) set LoadInitFile to supress execution of .Rprofile
   //   3) we also need to make sure that .First is not executed. this is
   //      taken care of via the fact that we set RestoreAction to SA_NORESTORE
   //      which means that when setup_Rmainloop there is no .First function
   //      available to it because we haven't restored the environment yet.
   //      Note that .First is executed in the case of new sessions because
   //      it is read from .Rprofile as part of setup_Rmainloop. This implies
   //      that in our version of R the .First function must be defined in
   //      .Rprofile rather than simply saved into the global environment
   //      of the default workspace
   structRstart rp;
   Rstart Rp = &rp;
   R_DefParams(Rp) ;
   Rp->R_Slave = FALSE ;
   Rp->R_Quiet = newSession ? FALSE : TRUE;
   Rp->R_Interactive = TRUE ;
   Rp->SaveAction = defaultSaveAction ;
   Rp->RestoreAction = SA_NORESTORE; // handled within initialize()
   Rp->LoadInitFile = newSession ? TRUE : FALSE;
   R_SetParams(Rp) ;

   // redirect console
   R_Interactive = TRUE; // should have also been set by call to Rf_initialize_R
   R_Consolefile = NULL;
   R_Outputfile = NULL;
   ptr_R_ReadConsole = callbacks.readConsole ;
   ptr_R_WriteConsole = NULL; // must set this to NULL for Ex to be called
   ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx = callbacks.writeConsoleEx ;
   ptr_R_EditFile = callbacks.editFile ;
   ptr_R_Busy = callbacks.busy;

   // hook messages (in case Rf_initialize_R overwrites previously set hook)
   ptr_R_ShowMessage = callbacks.showMessage ;

   // hook file handling
   ptr_R_ChooseFile = callbacks.chooseFile ;
   ptr_R_ShowFiles = callbacks.showFiles ;

   // hook history
   ptr_R_loadhistory = callbacks.loadhistory;
   ptr_R_savehistory = callbacks.savehistory;
   ptr_R_addhistory = callbacks.addhistory;

   // hook suicide, but save reference to internal suicide so we can forward
   pInternal->suicide = ptr_R_Suicide;
   ptr_R_Suicide = callbacks.suicide;

   // hook clean up, but save reference to internal clean up so can forward
   pInternal->cleanUp = ptr_R_CleanUp;
   ptr_R_CleanUp = callbacks.cleanUp ;

   // NOTE: we do not hook the following callbacks because they are targeted
   // at clients that have a stdio-based console
   //    ptr_R_ResetConsole
   //    ptr_R_FlushConsole
   //    ptr_R_ClearerrConsole

   // run main loop (does not return)
Beispiel #7
int initR(int argc, char **argv) {

    structRstart rp;
    Rstart Rp = &rp;
    /* getenv("R_HOME","/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources",1); */
    if (!getenv("R_HOME")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "R_HOME is not set. Please set all required environment variables before running this program.\n");
        return -1;

    /* this is probably unnecessary, but we could set any other parameters here */
    Rp->NoRenviron = 0;

        int stat=Rf_initialize_R(argc, argv);
        if (stat<0) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to initialize embedded R! (stat=%d)\n",stat);
            return -1;
#if (R_VERSION >= R_Version(2,3,0))
    /* disable stack checking, because threads will thow it off */
    R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t) -1;

#ifdef JGR_DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"R primary initialization done. Setting up parameters.\n");

    R_Outputfile = NULL;
    R_Consolefile = NULL;
    R_Interactive = 1;
    SaveAction = SA_SAVEASK;

    /* ptr_R_Suicide = Re_Suicide; */
    /* ptr_R_CleanUp = Re_CleanUp; */
    ptr_R_ShowMessage = Re_ShowMessage;
    ptr_R_ReadConsole = Re_ReadConsole;
#if (R_VERSION >=R_Version(2,5,0))
    ptr_R_WriteConsole = NULL;
    ptr_R_WriteConsoleEx = Re_WriteConsoleEx;
    ptr_R_WriteConsole = Re_WriteConsole;
    ptr_R_ResetConsole = Re_ResetConsole;
    ptr_R_FlushConsole = Re_FlushConsole;
    ptr_R_ClearerrConsole = Re_ClearerrConsole;
    ptr_R_Busy = Re_Busy;
    ptr_R_ShowFiles = Re_ShowFiles;
    ptr_R_ChooseFile = Re_ChooseFile;
    ptr_R_loadhistory = Re_loadhistory;
    ptr_R_savehistory = Re_savehistory;

#ifdef JGR_DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"Setting up R event loop\n");


#ifdef JGR_DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"R initialized.\n");

    return 0;
Beispiel #8
int Rf_initEmbeddedR(int argc, char **argv)
    Rf_initialize_R(argc, argv);