Beispiel #1
 * Callback when iterating over stashes
 * @param index The position within the stash list. 0 points to the
 * most recent stashed state.
 * @param message The stash message.
 * @param stash_id The commit oid of the stashed state.
 * @param payload Pointer to a git2r_stash_list_cb_data data structure.
 * @return 0 if OK, else error code
static int git2r_stash_list_cb(
    size_t index,
    const char* message,
    const git_oid *stash_id,
    void *payload)
    int error = 0, nprotect = 0;
    SEXP stash, class;
    git2r_stash_list_cb_data *cb_data = (git2r_stash_list_cb_data*)payload;

    /* Check if we have a list to populate */
    if (!Rf_isNull(cb_data->list)) {
        PROTECT(class = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
        SET_STRING_ELT(class, 0, Rf_mkChar("git_stash"));
        SET_STRING_ELT(class, 1, Rf_mkChar("git_commit"));

        PROTECT(stash = Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, git2r_S3_items__git_commit));
        Rf_setAttrib(stash, R_ClassSymbol, class);

        error = git2r_stash_init(
        if (error)
            goto cleanup;

        SET_VECTOR_ELT(cb_data->list, cb_data->n, stash);
Beispiel #2
// called from package MatrixModels's R code:
SEXP dgCMatrix_cholsol(SEXP x, SEXP y)
    /* Solve Sparse Least Squares X %*% beta ~= y  with dense RHS y,
     * where X = t(x) i.e. we pass  x = t(X)  as argument,
     * via  "Cholesky(X'X)" .. well not really:
     * cholmod_factorize("x", ..) finds L in  X'X = L'L directly */
    CHM_SP cx = AS_CHM_SP(x);
    /* FIXME: extend this to work in multivariate case, i.e. y a matrix with > 1 column ! */
    CHM_DN cy = AS_CHM_DN(coerceVector(y, REALSXP)), rhs, cAns, resid;
    CHM_FR L;
    int n = cx->ncol;/* #{obs.} {x = t(X) !} */
    double one[] = {1,0}, zero[] = {0,0}, neg1[] = {-1,0};
    const char *nms[] = {"L", "coef", "Xty", "resid", ""};
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));

    if (n < cx->nrow || n <= 0)
	error(_("dgCMatrix_cholsol requires a 'short, wide' rectangular matrix"));
    if (cy->nrow != n)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    rhs = cholmod_allocate_dense(cx->nrow, 1, cx->nrow, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c);
    /* cholmod_sdmult(A, transp, alpha, beta, X, Y, &c):
     *		Y := alpha*(A*X) + beta*Y or alpha*(A'*X) + beta*Y ;
     * here: rhs := 1 * x %*% y + 0 =  x %*% y =  X'y  */
    if (!(cholmod_sdmult(cx, 0 /* trans */, one, zero, cy, rhs, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_sdmult error (rhs)"));
    L = cholmod_analyze(cx, &c);
    if (!cholmod_factorize(cx, L, &c))
	error(_("cholmod_factorize failed: status %d, minor %d from ncol %d"),
	      c.status, L->minor, L->n);
/* FIXME: Do this in stages so an "effects" vector can be calculated */
    if (!(cAns = cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_A, L, rhs, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_solve (CHOLMOD_A) failed: status %d, minor %d from ncol %d"),
	      c.status, L->minor, L->n);
    /* L : */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, chm_factor_to_SEXP(L, 0));
    /* coef : */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, allocVector(REALSXP, cx->nrow));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1)), (double*)(cAns->x), cx->nrow);
    /* X'y : */
/* FIXME: Change this when the "effects" vector is available */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2, allocVector(REALSXP, cx->nrow));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 2)), (double*)(rhs->x), cx->nrow);
    /* resid := y */
    resid = cholmod_copy_dense(cy, &c);
    /* cholmod_sdmult(A, transp, alp, bet, X, Y, &c):
     *		Y := alp*(A*X) + bet*Y or alp*(A'*X) + beta*Y ;
     * here: resid := -1 * x' %*% coef + 1 * y = y - X %*% coef  */
    if (!(cholmod_sdmult(cx, 1/* trans */, neg1, one, cAns, resid, &c)))
	error(_("cholmod_sdmult error (resid)"));
    /* FIXME: for multivariate case, i.e. resid  *matrix* with > 1 column ! */
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 3)), (double*)(resid->x), n);

    cholmod_free_factor(&L, &c);
    cholmod_free_dense(&rhs, &c);
    cholmod_free_dense(&cAns, &c);
    return ans;
Beispiel #3
 * Return compile time options for libgit2.
 * @return A VECSXP with threads, https and ssh set to TRUE/FALSE
SEXP git2r_libgit2_features(void)
    const char *names[] = {"threads", "https", "ssh", ""};
    int value = git_libgit2_features();
    SEXP features;

    PROTECT(features = Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, names));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(features, 0, Rf_ScalarLogical(value & GIT_FEATURE_THREADS));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(features, 1, Rf_ScalarLogical(value & GIT_FEATURE_HTTPS));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(features, 2, Rf_ScalarLogical(value & GIT_FEATURE_SSH));

    return features;
Beispiel #4
 * Return the version of the libgit2 library being currently used.
 * @return A VECSXP with major, minor and rev.
SEXP git2r_libgit2_version(void)
    const char *names[] = {"major", "minor", "rev", ""};
    SEXP version;
    int major, minor, rev;

    git_libgit2_version(&major, &minor, &rev);
    PROTECT(version = Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, names));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(version, 0, Rf_ScalarInteger(major));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(version, 1, Rf_ScalarInteger(minor));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(version, 2, Rf_ScalarInteger(rev));

    return version;
Beispiel #5
SEXP dgeMatrix_Schur(SEXP x, SEXP vectors, SEXP isDGE)
// 'x' is either a traditional matrix or a  dgeMatrix, as indicated by isDGE.
    int *dims, n, vecs = asLogical(vectors), is_dge = asLogical(isDGE),
	info, izero = 0, lwork = -1, nprot = 1;

    if(is_dge) {
	dims = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimSym));
    } else { // traditional matrix
	dims = INTEGER(getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol));
	if(!isReal(x)) { // may not be "numeric" ..
	    x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP)); // -> maybe error
    double *work, tmp;
    const char *nms[] = {"WR", "WI", "T", "Z", ""};
    SEXP val = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));

    n = dims[0];
    if (n != dims[1] || n < 1)
	error(_("dgeMatrix_Schur: argument x must be a non-null square matrix"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(val, 0, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(val, 1, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(val, 2, allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, n));
    Memcpy(REAL(VECTOR_ELT(val, 2)),
	   REAL(is_dge ? GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_xSym) : x),
	   n * n);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(val, 3, allocMatrix(REALSXP, vecs ? n : 0, vecs ? n : 0));
    F77_CALL(dgees)(vecs ? "V" : "N", "N", NULL, dims, (double *) NULL, dims, &izero,
		    (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, dims,
		    &tmp, &lwork, (int *) NULL, &info);
    if (info) error(_("dgeMatrix_Schur: first call to dgees failed"));
    lwork = (int) tmp;
    C_or_Alloca_TO(work, lwork, double);

    F77_CALL(dgees)(vecs ? "V" : "N", "N", NULL, dims, REAL(VECTOR_ELT(val, 2)), dims,
		    &izero, REAL(VECTOR_ELT(val, 0)), REAL(VECTOR_ELT(val, 1)),
		    REAL(VECTOR_ELT(val, 3)), dims, work, &lwork,
		    (int *) NULL, &info);
    if(lwork >= SMALL_4_Alloca) Free(work);
    if (info) error(_("dgeMatrix_Schur: dgees returned code %d"), info);
    return val;
} // dgeMatrix_Schur
Beispiel #6
// called from package MatrixModels's R code
SEXP dgCMatrix_qrsol(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP ord)
    /* FIXME: extend this to work in multivariate case, i.e. y a matrix with > 1 column ! */
		       duplicate(y) : coerceVector(y, REALSXP));
    CSP xc = AS_CSP(x); /* <--> x  may be  dgC* or dtC* */
    int order = asInteger(ord);
#ifdef _not_yet_do_FIXME__
    const char *nms[] = {"L", "coef", "Xty", "resid", ""};
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, nms));

    if (order < 0 || order > 3)
	error(_("dgCMatrix_qrsol(., order) needs order in {0,..,3}"));
    /* --> cs_amd()  ---  order 0: natural, 1: Chol, 2: LU, 3: QR */
    if (LENGTH(ycp) != xc->m)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    /* FIXME?  Note that qr_sol() would allow *under-determined systems;
     *		In general, we'd need  LENGTH(ycp) = max(n,m)
     * FIXME also: multivariate y (see above)
    if (xc->m < xc->n || xc->n <= 0)
	error(_("dgCMatrix_qrsol(<%d x %d>-matrix) requires a 'tall' rectangular matrix"),
		xc->m, xc->n);

    /* cs_qrsol(): Tim Davis (2006) .. "8.2 Using a QR factorization", p.136f , calling
     * -------      cs_sqr(order, ..), see  p.76 */
    /* MM: FIXME: write our *OWN* version of - the first case (m >= n) - of cs_qrsol()
     * ---------  which will  (1) work with a *multivariate* y
     *                        (2) compute coefficients properly, not overwriting RHS
    if (!cs_qrsol(order, xc, REAL(ycp)))
	/* return value really is 0 or 1 - no more info there */
	error(_("cs_qrsol() failed inside dgCMatrix_qrsol()"));

    /* Solution is only in the first part of ycp -- cut its length back to n : */
    ycp = lengthgets(ycp, (R_len_t) xc->n);

    return ycp;
Beispiel #7
 * Stash
 * @param repo The repository
 * @param message Optional description
 * @param index All changes already added to the index are left
 *        intact in the working directory. Default is FALSE
 * @param untracked All untracked files are also stashed and then
 *        cleaned up from the working directory. Default is FALSE
 * @param ignored All ignored files are also stashed and then cleaned
 *        up from the working directory. Default is FALSE
 * @param stasher Signature with stasher and time of stash
 * @return S3 class git_stash
SEXP git2r_stash_save(
    SEXP repo,
    SEXP message,
    SEXP index,
    SEXP untracked,
    SEXP ignored,
    SEXP stasher)
    int error, nprotect = 0;
    SEXP result = R_NilValue, class;
    git_oid oid;
    git_stash_flags flags = GIT_STASH_DEFAULT;
    git_commit *commit = NULL;
    git_repository *repository = NULL;
    git_signature *c_stasher = NULL;

    if (git2r_arg_check_logical(index))
        git2r_error(__func__, NULL, "'index'", git2r_err_logical_arg);
    if (git2r_arg_check_logical(untracked))
        git2r_error(__func__, NULL, "'untracked'", git2r_err_logical_arg);
    if (git2r_arg_check_logical(ignored))
        git2r_error(__func__, NULL, "'ignored'", git2r_err_logical_arg);
    if (git2r_arg_check_signature(stasher))
        git2r_error(__func__, NULL, "'stasher'", git2r_err_signature_arg);

    repository = git2r_repository_open(repo);
    if (!repository)
        git2r_error(__func__, NULL, git2r_err_invalid_repository, NULL);

    if (LOGICAL(index)[0])
        flags |= GIT_STASH_KEEP_INDEX;
    if (LOGICAL(untracked)[0])
    if (LOGICAL(ignored)[0])

    error = git2r_signature_from_arg(&c_stasher, stasher);
    if (error)
        goto cleanup;

    error = git_stash_save(
        CHAR(STRING_ELT(message, 0)),
    if (error) {
        if (GIT_ENOTFOUND == error)
            error = GIT_OK;
        goto cleanup;

    PROTECT(result = Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, git2r_S3_items__git_commit));
    Rf_setAttrib(result, R_ClassSymbol, class = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
    SET_STRING_ELT(class, 0, Rf_mkChar("git_stash"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(class, 1, Rf_mkChar("git_commit"));
    error = git2r_stash_init(&oid, repository, repo, result);


    if (nprotect)

    if (error)
        git2r_error(__func__, GIT2R_ERROR_LAST(), NULL, NULL);

    return result;