Beispiel #1
	// specialization for type conversion
	void copyBuf (byte *pTo, const RGB_TRIPLE *const pFrom, int width1, int height1)
		for (int iy = 0; iy < height1; iy++)
			for (int ix = 0; ix < width1; ix++)
				RGB_TRIPLE Pix = pFrom[ix + ((height1 - 1 - iy) * width1)];
				pTo[ix + iy * width1] = RgbToGray(Pix);
Beispiel #2
    PDEVDATA  pdev,
    PSRGB    *prgb


Routine Description:

    Select a new color into the current graphics state


    pdev - Points to our DEVDATA structure
    prgb - Specifies the new color to be selected

Return Value:



    if (pdev->dm.dmPrivate.dwFlags & PSDEVMODE_BLACK) {

        // If monochrome flag is set, map all non-white colors to black

        if (*((ULONG *) prgb) == RGB_WHITE)
            psputs(pdev, "1 g\n");
            psputs(pdev, "0 g\n");

    } else if (pdev->cgs.ulColor != *((ULONG *) prgb)) {

        PS_FIX psfxRed, psfxGreen, psfxBlue;

        // Save the new color in the current graphics state structure.

        pdev->cgs.ulColor = *((ULONG *) prgb);

        // Convert RGB values from integers in the range of 0-255
        // to 24.8 fixed-point values:
        //  fixValue = (rgbValue << 8) / 255
        // Here, we use a simpler formula here to achieve similar results.

        psfxRed = prgb->red;
        if (psfxRed > 128) psfxRed++;

        psfxGreen = prgb->green;
        if (psfxGreen > 128) psfxGreen++;

        psfxBlue = prgb->blue;
        if (psfxBlue > 128) psfxBlue++;

        if (pdev->dm.dmPublic.dmColor == DMCOLOR_COLOR) {

            // If all color components have equal value, just output a
            // gray scale value. Otherwise, output the RGB value.
            if (psfxRed == psfxGreen && psfxRed == psfxBlue) {
                psprintf(pdev, "%f g\n", psfxRed);
            } else {
                psprintf(pdev, "%f %f %f r\n", psfxRed, psfxGreen, psfxBlue);

        } else {

            // Convert RGB color to grayscale using NTSC formula
            // and output the grayscale value to the printer.

            psprintf(pdev, "%f g\n", RgbToGray(psfxRed, psfxGreen, psfxBlue));