  \param     map PCRaster map handle. It is ours to close.
         MAP* map)

  : GDALPamDataset(),
    d_map(map), d_west(0.0), d_north(0.0), d_cellSize(0.0)

  // Read header info.
  nRasterXSize = RgetNrCols(d_map);
  nRasterYSize = RgetNrRows(d_map);
  d_west = static_cast<double>(RgetXUL(d_map));
  d_north = static_cast<double>(RgetYUL(d_map));
  d_cellSize = static_cast<double>(RgetCellSize(d_map));
  d_cellRepresentation = RgetUseCellRepr(d_map);
  CPLAssert(d_cellRepresentation != CR_UNDEFINED);
  d_valueScale = RgetValueScale(d_map);
  CPLAssert(d_valueScale != VS_UNDEFINED);
  d_defaultNoDataValue = ::missingValue(d_cellRepresentation);
  d_location_changed = false;

  // Create band information objects.
  nBands = 1;
  SetBand(1, new PCRasterRasterBand(this));

  SetMetadataItem("PCRASTER_VALUESCALE", valueScale2String(
Beispiel #2
static int ReadAttr(
       ATTRIBUTES *a,
       MAP *m,
       BOOL readOnly) /* are the attribute only used for teh PRINT op
       if (RuseAs(m, CR_REAL8))
              goto failure;
        RgetMinVal(m, &(a->minVal));
        RgetMaxVal(m, &(a->maxVal));
        a->projection = MgetProjection(m);
        a->xUL = RgetXUL(m);
        a->yUL = RgetYUL(m);
       a->nrRows = RgetNrRows(m);
       a->nrCols = RgetNrCols(m);
       a->cellSize = RgetCellSize(m);
        a->version    = MgetVersion(m);
       a->gisFileId = MgetGisFileId(m);
       a->byteOrder = m->main.byteOrder;
       a->attrTable = m->main.attrTable;
       if (Merrno)
              goto failure;
       if (a->version == 2 || readOnly)
       { /* otherwise use defaults */
          a->valueScale = RgetValueScale(m);
          a->cellRepr = RgetCellRepr(m);
         a->angle = RgetAngle(m);
         if (a->angle < 0)
             a->angle = -Rad2Deg(-a->angle);
             a->angle = Rad2Deg(a->angle);
       return 0;
       return 1;