// Purpose: Generates a view matrix based on our current yaw, pitch, and roll.
//			The view matrix does not consider FOV or clip plane distances.
void CCamera::BuildViewMatrix()
	// The camera transformation is produced by multiplying roll * yaw * pitch.
	// This will transform a point from world space into quake camera space, 
	// which is exactly what we want for our view matrix. However, quake
	// camera space isn't the same as material system camera space, so
	// we're going to have to apply a transformation that goes from quake
	// camera space to material system camera space.
	CameraIdentityMatrix( m_ViewMatrix );

	RotateAroundAxis(m_ViewMatrix, m_fPitch, 0 );
	RotateAroundAxis(m_ViewMatrix, m_fRoll, 1);
	RotateAroundAxis(m_ViewMatrix, m_fYaw, 2);

	// Translate the viewpoint to the world origin.
	VMatrix TempMatrix;
	TempMatrix.SetTranslation( -m_ViewPoint );

	m_ViewMatrix = m_ViewMatrix * TempMatrix;

	m_ViewProjMatrix = m_ProjMatrix * m_ViewMatrix;
	m_ViewProjMatrix.InverseGeneral( m_InvViewProjMatrix );
Beispiel #2
int SOPAngle::RotateAroundAxis(lua_State *L) {
    SOPAngle *ang = RotateAroundAxis(Lunar<SOPVector>::check(L, 1), luaL_checknumber(L, 2));
        Lunar<SOPAngle>::push(L, ang, true);
        return 1;
    return 1;