Beispiel #1
void animateScene(int value) {
  glutTimerFunc(REFRESH_MILISECS, animateScene, 0);

  static float scale = 1.0f;
  VECTOR4D Speed = { 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.0f };
  //MATRIX4D P = PerspectiveWidthHeightRH(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 10.0f);
  MATRIX4D InvV = FastInverse(Vi);
  VECTOR4D XDir = { InvV.m00, InvV.m10, InvV.m20, 0.0f };
  VECTOR4D YDir = { InvV.m01, InvV.m11, InvV.m21, 0.0f };
  VECTOR4D ZDir = { InvV.m02, InvV.m12, InvV.m22, 0.0f };
  VECTOR4D EyePos = { InvV.m03, InvV.m13, InvV.m23, 1.0f };

  P = PerspectiveWidthHeightRH(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 10.0f);

  if (bLeft)
    EyePos = EyePos + XDir * Speed;
  if (bRight)
    EyePos = EyePos - XDir * Speed;
  if (bDown)
    EyePos = EyePos + YDir * Speed;
  if (bUp)
    EyePos = EyePos - YDir * Speed;
  if (bBackward)
    EyePos = EyePos + ZDir * Speed;
  if (bForward)
    EyePos = EyePos - ZDir * Speed;
  InvV.m03 = EyePos.x;
  InvV.m13 = EyePos.y;
  InvV.m23 = EyePos.z;
  Vi = FastInverse(InvV);

  if (bRotateX) {
	  //R = R * RotationX(INCREMENT);
	  VECTOR4D Axis = {1, 0, 0, 0};
	  R = R * RotationAxis(INCREMENT, Axis);
  if (bRotateY) {
	  //R = R * RotationY(INCREMENT);
	  VECTOR4D Axis = { 0, 1, 0, 0 };
	  R = R * RotationAxis(INCREMENT, Axis);
  if (bRotateZ) {
	  //R = R * RotationZ(INCREMENT);
	  VECTOR4D Axis = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
	  R = R * RotationAxis(INCREMENT, Axis);
  if (bScaleUp)
    scale += INCREMENT;
  if (bScaleDown)
    scale -= INCREMENT;

  T = (P * Vi) * R * Scaling(scale, scale, scale);

Beispiel #2
void Quad::rotate(float r, int x, int y ,int z)

	glm::vec3	RotationAxis(x,y,z);
	Rotate   =	glm::rotate(r,RotationAxis);

void AtmosphereSample::Update(double CurrTime, double ElapsedTime)
    SampleBase::Update(CurrTime, ElapsedTime);

    m_fElapsedTime = static_cast<float>(ElapsedTime);

    const auto& SCDesc = m_pSwapChain->GetDesc();
    // Set world/view/proj matrices and global shader constants
    float aspectRatio = (float)SCDesc.Width / SCDesc.Height;

    float3 CamZ = normalize( m_f3CameraDir );
    float3 CamX = normalize( cross( float3( 0, 1, 0 ), CamZ ) );
    float3 CamY = normalize( cross( CamZ, CamX ) );

    m_mCameraView =
        translationMatrix( -m_f3CameraPos ) *
        ViewMatrixFromBasis( CamX, CamY, CamZ );

    // This projection matrix is only used to set up directions in view frustum
    // Actual near and far planes are ignored
    float FOV = (float)M_PI/4.f;
    float4x4 mTmpProj = Projection(FOV, aspectRatio, 50.f, 500000.f, m_bIsDXDevice);

    float fEarthRadius = AirScatteringAttribs().fEarthRadius;
    float3 EarthCenter(0, -fEarthRadius, 0);
    float fNearPlaneZ, fFarPlaneZ;
                                       fEarthRadius + m_fMinElevation,
                                       fEarthRadius + m_fMaxElevation,
    fNearPlaneZ = std::max(fNearPlaneZ, 50.f);
    fFarPlaneZ  = std::max(fFarPlaneZ, fNearPlaneZ+100.f);
    fFarPlaneZ  = std::max(fFarPlaneZ, 1000.f);

    m_mCameraProj = Projection(FOV, aspectRatio, fNearPlaneZ, fFarPlaneZ, m_bIsDXDevice);

#if 0
    if( m_bAnimateSun )
        auto &LightOrientationMatrix = *m_pDirLightOrienationCamera->GetParentMatrix();
        float3 RotationAxis( 0.5f, 0.3f, 0.0f );
        float3 LightDir = m_pDirLightOrienationCamera->GetLook() * -1;
        float fRotationScaler = ( LightDir.y > +0.2f ) ? 50.f : 1.f;
        float4x4 RotationMatrix = float4x4RotationAxis(RotationAxis, 0.02f * (float)deltaSeconds * fRotationScaler);
        LightOrientationMatrix = LightOrientationMatrix * RotationMatrix;

    float dt = (float)ElapsedTime;
    if (m_Animate && dt > 0 && dt < 0.2f)
        float3 axis;
        float angle = 0;
        AxisAngleFromRotation(axis, angle, m_SpongeRotation);
        if (length(axis) < 1.0e-6f) 
            axis[1] = 1;
        angle += m_AnimationSpeed * dt;
        if (angle >= 2.0f*FLOAT_PI)
            angle -= 2.0f*FLOAT_PI;
        else if (angle <= 0)
            angle += 2.0f*FLOAT_PI;
        m_SpongeRotation = RotationFromAxisAngle(axis, angle);