Beispiel #1
  // From "Component SUPG contributions" section of the notes,
  // the mass equation is stabilized by taum and the gradient of
  // phi_i dotted with the momentum equation strong residuals.
  // Note that the momentum equation strong residuals are stored
  // in entries 1,2,3 of the "_strong_residuals" vector, regardless
  // of what dimension we're solving in.
  RealVectorValue Ru(
      _strong_residuals[_qp][1], _strong_residuals[_qp][2], _strong_residuals[_qp][3]);

  // Separate variable just for printing purposes...
  Real result = _taum[_qp] * (Ru * _grad_test[_i][_qp]);

  return result;
ZSparseMatrix RigidMotionAssembler::assemble(FESettingPtr setting) {
    typedef FESetting::FEMeshPtr FEMeshPtr;

    typedef Eigen::Triplet<Float> T;
    std::vector<T> entries;

    FEMeshPtr mesh = setting->get_mesh();

    const size_t dim = mesh->getDim();
    const size_t num_nodes = mesh->getNbrNodes();

    // Translation part
    for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
        for (size_t j=0; j<dim; j++) {
            entries.push_back(T(j,i*dim+j, 1.0));

    // Rotation part
    size_t rot_degrees = 0;
    if (dim == 2) {
        rot_degrees = 1;
        for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
            VectorF x = mesh->getNode(i);
            entries.push_back(T(dim  , i*dim  , -x[1]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim  , i*dim+1,  x[0]));
    } else {
        rot_degrees = 3;
        for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
            VectorF x = mesh->getNode(i);
            entries.push_back(T(dim  , i*dim+1, -x[2]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim  , i*dim+2,  x[1]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim+1, i*dim  ,  x[2]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim+1, i*dim+2, -x[0]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim+2, i*dim  , -x[1]));
            entries.push_back(T(dim+2, i*dim+1,  x[0]));

    ZSparseMatrix Ru(dim + rot_degrees, dim * num_nodes);
    Ru.setFromTriplets(entries.begin(), entries.end());
    return Ru;