Beispiel #1
static void Stringize (StrBuf* Source, StrBuf* Target)
/* Stringize the given string: Add double quotes at start and end and preceed
 * each occurance of " and \ by a backslash.
    char C;

    /* Add a starting quote */
    SB_AppendChar (Target, '\"');

    /* Replace any characters inside the string may not be part of a string
     * unescaped.
    while ((C = SB_Get (Source)) != '\0') {
        switch (C) {
            case '\"':
            case '\\':
                SB_AppendChar (Target, '\\');
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
                SB_AppendChar (Target, C);

    /* Add the closing quote */
    SB_AppendChar (Target, '\"');
Beispiel #2
static int GetComma (StrBuf* B)
/* Expects and skips a comma in B. Prints an error and returns zero if no
 * comma is found. Return a value <> 0 otherwise.
    SB_SkipWhite (B);
    if (SB_Get (B) != ',') {
        Error ("Comma expected");
        return 0;
    SB_SkipWhite (B);
    return 1;
Beispiel #3
static void FuncSPrintF (void)
/* Handle the .SPRINTF function */
    StrBuf      Format = STATIC_STRBUF_INITIALIZER; /* User supplied format */
    StrBuf      R = STATIC_STRBUF_INITIALIZER;      /* Result string */
    StrBuf      F1 = STATIC_STRBUF_INITIALIZER;     /* One format spec from F */
    StrBuf      R1 = STATIC_STRBUF_INITIALIZER;     /* One result */
    char        C;
    int         Done;
    long        IVal;                               /* Integer value */

    /* Skip the .SPRINTF token */
    NextTok ();

    /* Left paren expected */
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* First argument is a format string. Remember and skip it */
    if (!LookAtStrCon ()) {
    SB_Copy (&Format, &CurTok.SVal);
    NextTok ();

    /* Walk over the format string, generating the function result in R */
    while (1) {

        /* Get the next char from the format string and check for EOS */
        if (SB_Peek (&Format) == '\0') {

        /* Check for a format specifier */
        if (SB_Peek (&Format) != '%') {
            /* No format specifier, just copy */
            SB_AppendChar (&R, SB_Get (&Format));
        SB_Skip (&Format);
        if (SB_Peek (&Format) == '%') {
            /* %% */
            SB_AppendChar (&R, '%');
            SB_Skip (&Format);
        if (SB_Peek (&Format) == '\0') {
            InvalidFormatString ();

        /* Since a format specifier follows, we do expect anotehr argument for
         * the .sprintf function.
        ConsumeComma ();

        /* We will copy the format spec into F1 checking for the things we
         * support, and later use xsprintf to do the actual formatting. This
         * is easier than adding another printf implementation...
        SB_Clear (&F1);
        SB_AppendChar (&F1, '%');

        /* Check for flags */
        Done = 0;
        while ((C = SB_Peek (&Format)) != '\0' && !Done) {
            switch (C) {
                case '-': /* FALLTHROUGH */
                case '+': /* FALLTHROUGH */
                case ' ': /* FALLTHROUGH */
                case '#': /* FALLTHROUGH */
                case '0': SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));  break;
                default:  Done = 1;                               break;

        /* We do only support a numerical width field */
        while (IsDigit (SB_Peek (&Format))) {
            SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));

        /* Precision - only positive numerical fields supported */
        if (SB_Peek (&Format) == '.') {
            SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));
            while (IsDigit (SB_Peek (&Format))) {
                SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));

        /* Length modifiers aren't supported, so read the conversion specs */
        switch (SB_Peek (&Format)) {

            case 'd':
            case 'i':
            case 'o':
            case 'u':
            case 'X':
            case 'x':
                /* Our ints are actually longs, so we use the 'l' modifier when
                 * calling xsprintf later. Terminate the format string.
                SB_AppendChar (&F1, 'l');
                SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));
                SB_Terminate (&F1);

                /* The argument must be a constant expression */
                IVal = ConstExpression ();

                /* Format this argument according to the spec */
                SB_Printf (&R1, SB_GetConstBuf (&F1), IVal);

                /* Append the formatted argument to the result */
                SB_Append (&R, &R1);


            case 's':
                /* Add the format spec and terminate the format */
                SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));
                SB_Terminate (&F1);

                /* The argument must be a string constant */
                if (!LookAtStrCon ()) {
                    /* Make it one */
                    SB_CopyStr (&CurTok.SVal, "**undefined**");

                /* Format this argument according to the spec */
                SB_Printf (&R1, SB_GetConstBuf (&F1), SB_GetConstBuf (&CurTok.SVal));

                /* Skip the string constant */
                NextTok ();

                /* Append the formatted argument to the result */
                SB_Append (&R, &R1);


            case 'c':
                /* Add the format spec and terminate the format */
                SB_AppendChar (&F1, SB_Get (&Format));
                SB_Terminate (&F1);

                /* The argument must be a constant expression */
                IVal = ConstExpression ();

                /* Check for a valid character range */
                if (IVal <= 0 || IVal > 255) {
                    Error ("Char argument out of range");
                    IVal = ' ';

                /* Format this argument according to the spec. Be sure to pass
                 * an int as the char value.
                SB_Printf (&R1, SB_GetConstBuf (&F1), (int) IVal);

                /* Append the formatted argument to the result */
                SB_Append (&R, &R1);


                Error ("Invalid format string");
                SB_Skip (&Format);


    /* Terminate the result string */
    SB_Terminate (&R);

    /* We expect a closing parenthesis, but will not skip it but replace it
     * by the string token just created.
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_RPAREN) {
        Error ("`)' expected");
    } else {
        CurTok.Tok = TOK_STRCON;
        SB_Copy (&CurTok.SVal, &R);
        SB_Terminate (&CurTok.SVal);

    /* Delete the string buffers */
    SB_Done (&Format);
    SB_Done (&R);
    SB_Done (&F1);
    SB_Done (&R1);
Beispiel #4
static void FuncIdent (void)
/* Handle the .IDENT function */
    token_t   Id;
    unsigned  I;

    /* Skip it */
    NextTok ();

    /* Left paren expected */
    ConsumeLParen ();

    /* The function expects a string argument */
    if (!LookAtStrCon ()) {

    /* Check that the string contains a valid identifier. While doing so,
     * determine if it is a cheap local, or global one.
    SB_Reset (&CurTok.SVal);

    /* Check for a cheap local symbol */
    if (SB_Peek (&CurTok.SVal) == LocalStart) {
        SB_Skip (&CurTok.SVal);
        Id = TOK_LOCAL_IDENT;
    } else {
        Id = TOK_IDENT;

    /* Next character must be a valid identifier start */
    if (!IsIdStart (SB_Get (&CurTok.SVal))) {
        NoIdent ();
    for (I = SB_GetIndex (&CurTok.SVal); I < SB_GetLen (&CurTok.SVal); ++I) {
        if (!IsIdChar (SB_AtUnchecked (&CurTok.SVal, I))) {
            NoIdent ();
    if (IgnoreCase) {
        UpcaseSVal ();

    /* If anything is ok, save and skip the string. Check that the next token
     * is a right paren, then replace the token by an identifier token.
    SB_Copy (&Buf, &CurTok.SVal);
    NextTok ();
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_RPAREN) {
        Error ("`)' expected");
    } else {
        CurTok.Tok = Id;
        SB_Copy (&CurTok.SVal, &Buf);
        SB_Terminate (&CurTok.SVal);

    /* Free buffer memory */
    SB_Done (&Buf);
Beispiel #5
static void IFNextChar (CharSource* S)
/* Read the next character from the input file */
    /* Check for end of line, read the next line if needed */
    while (SB_GetIndex (&S->V.File.Line) >= SB_GetLen (&S->V.File.Line)) {

        unsigned Len;

        /* End of current line reached, read next line */
        SB_Clear (&S->V.File.Line);
        while (1) {

            int N = fgetc (S->V.File.F);
            if (N == EOF) {
                /* End of file. Accept files without a newline at the end */
                if (SB_NotEmpty (&S->V.File.Line)) {

                /* No more data - add an empty line to the listing. This
                ** is a small hack needed to keep the PC output in sync.
                NewListingLine (&EmptyStrBuf, S->V.File.Pos.Name, FCount);
                C = EOF;

            /* Check for end of line */
            } else if (N == '\n') {

                /* End of line */

            /* Collect other stuff */
            } else {

                /* Append data to line */
                SB_AppendChar (&S->V.File.Line, N);


        /* If we come here, we have a new input line. To avoid problems
        ** with strange line terminators, remove all whitespace from the
        ** end of the line, then add a single newline.
        Len = SB_GetLen (&S->V.File.Line);
        while (Len > 0 && IsSpace (SB_AtUnchecked (&S->V.File.Line, Len-1))) {
        SB_Drop (&S->V.File.Line, SB_GetLen (&S->V.File.Line) - Len);
        SB_AppendChar (&S->V.File.Line, '\n');

        /* Terminate the string buffer */
        SB_Terminate (&S->V.File.Line);

        /* One more line */

        /* Remember the new line for the listing */
        NewListingLine (&S->V.File.Line, S->V.File.Pos.Name, FCount);


    /* Set the column pointer */
    S->V.File.Pos.Col = SB_GetIndex (&S->V.File.Line);

    /* Return the next character from the buffer */
    C = SB_Get (&S->V.File.Line);
Beispiel #6
static void NumericConst (void)
/* Parse a numeric constant */
    unsigned Base;              /* Temporary number base */
    unsigned Prefix;            /* Base according to prefix */
    int      IsFloat;
    char     C;
    unsigned DigitVal;
    unsigned long IVal;         /* Value */

    /* Check for a leading hex or octal prefix and determine the possible
    ** integer types.
    if (CurC == '0') {
        /* Gobble 0 and examine next char */
        NextChar ();
        if (toupper (CurC) == 'X') {
            Base = Prefix = 16;
            NextChar ();        /* gobble "x" */
        } else {
            Base = 10;          /* Assume 10 for now - see below */
            Prefix = 8;         /* Actual prefix says octal */
    } else {
        Base  = Prefix = 10;

    /* Because floating point numbers don't have octal prefixes (a number
    ** with a leading zero is decimal), we first have to read the number
    ** before converting it, so we can determine if it's a float or an
    ** integer.
    while (IsXDigit (CurC) && HexVal (CurC) < Base) {
        SB_AppendChar (&S, CurC);
        NextChar ();
    SB_Terminate (&S);

    /* The following character tells us if we have an integer or floating
    ** point constant. Note: Hexadecimal floating point constants aren't
    ** supported in C89.
    IsFloat = (CurC == '.' ||
               (Base == 10 && toupper (CurC) == 'E') ||
               (Base == 16 && toupper (CurC) == 'P' && IS_Get (&Standard) >= STD_C99));

    /* If we don't have a floating point type, an octal prefix results in an
    ** octal base.
    if (!IsFloat && Prefix == 8) {
        Base = 8;

    /* Since we do now know the correct base, convert the remembered input
    ** into a number.
    SB_Reset (&S);
    IVal = 0;
    while ((C = SB_Get (&S)) != '\0') {
        DigitVal = HexVal (C);
        if (DigitVal >= Base) {
            Error ("Numeric constant contains digits beyond the radix");
        IVal = (IVal * Base) + DigitVal;

    /* We don't need the string buffer any longer */
    SB_Done (&S);

    /* Distinguish between integer and floating point constants */
    if (!IsFloat) {

        unsigned Types;
        int      HaveSuffix;

        /* Check for a suffix and determine the possible types */
        HaveSuffix = 1;
        if (toupper (CurC) == 'U') {
            /* Unsigned type */
            NextChar ();
            if (toupper (CurC) != 'L') {
                Types = IT_UINT | IT_ULONG;
            } else {
                NextChar ();
                Types = IT_ULONG;
        } else if (toupper (CurC) == 'L') {
            /* Long type */
            NextChar ();
            if (toupper (CurC) != 'U') {
                Types = IT_LONG | IT_ULONG;
            } else {
                NextChar ();
                Types = IT_ULONG;
        } else {
            HaveSuffix = 0;
            if (Prefix == 10) {
                /* Decimal constants are of any type but uint */
                Types = IT_INT | IT_LONG | IT_ULONG;
            } else {
                /* Octal or hex constants are of any type */
                Types = IT_INT | IT_UINT | IT_LONG | IT_ULONG;

        /* Check the range to determine the type */
        if (IVal > 0x7FFF) {
            /* Out of range for int */
            Types &= ~IT_INT;
            /* If the value is in the range 0x8000..0xFFFF, unsigned int is not
            ** allowed, and we don't have a type specifying suffix, emit a
            ** warning, because the constant is of type long.
            if (IVal <= 0xFFFF && (Types & IT_UINT) == 0 && !HaveSuffix) {
                Warning ("Constant is long");
        if (IVal > 0xFFFF) {
            /* Out of range for unsigned int */
            Types &= ~IT_UINT;
        if (IVal > 0x7FFFFFFF) {
            /* Out of range for long int */
            Types &= ~IT_LONG;

        /* Now set the type string to the smallest type in types */
        if (Types & IT_INT) {
            NextTok.Type = type_int;
        } else if (Types & IT_UINT) {
            NextTok.Type = type_uint;
        } else if (Types & IT_LONG) {
            NextTok.Type = type_long;
        } else {
            NextTok.Type = type_ulong;

        /* Set the value and the token */
        NextTok.IVal = IVal;
        NextTok.Tok  = TOK_ICONST;

    } else {

        /* Float constant */
        Double FVal = FP_D_FromInt (IVal);      /* Convert to double */

        /* Check for a fractional part and read it */
        if (CurC == '.') {

            Double Scale;

            /* Skip the dot */
            NextChar ();

            /* Read fractional digits */
            Scale  = FP_D_Make (1.0);
            while (IsXDigit (CurC) && (DigitVal = HexVal (CurC)) < Base) {
                /* Get the value of this digit */
                Double FracVal = FP_D_Div (FP_D_FromInt (DigitVal * Base), Scale);
                /* Add it to the float value */
                FVal = FP_D_Add (FVal, FracVal);
                /* Scale base */
                Scale = FP_D_Mul (Scale, FP_D_FromInt (DigitVal));
                /* Skip the digit */
                NextChar ();

        /* Check for an exponent and read it */
        if ((Base == 16 && toupper (CurC) == 'F') ||
            (Base == 10 && toupper (CurC) == 'E')) {

            unsigned Digits;
            unsigned Exp;

            /* Skip the exponent notifier */
            NextChar ();

            /* Read an optional sign */
            if (CurC == '-') {
                NextChar ();
            } else if (CurC == '+') {
                NextChar ();

            /* Read exponent digits. Since we support only 32 bit floats
            ** with a maximum exponent of +-/127, we read the exponent
            ** part as integer with up to 3 digits and drop the remainder.
            ** This avoids an overflow of Exp. The exponent is always
            ** decimal, even for hex float consts.
            Digits = 0;
            Exp    = 0;
            while (IsDigit (CurC)) {
                if (++Digits <= 3) {
                    Exp = Exp * 10 + HexVal (CurC);
                NextChar ();

            /* Check for errors: We must have exponent digits, and not more
            ** than three.
            if (Digits == 0) {
                Error ("Floating constant exponent has no digits");
            } else if (Digits > 3) {
                Warning ("Floating constant exponent is too large");

            /* Scale the exponent and adjust the value accordingly */
            if (Exp) {
                FVal = FP_D_Mul (FVal, FP_D_Make (pow (10, Exp)));

        /* Check for a suffix and determine the type of the constant */
        if (toupper (CurC) == 'F') {
            NextChar ();
            NextTok.Type = type_float;
        } else {
            NextTok.Type = type_double;

        /* Set the value and the token */
        NextTok.FVal = FVal;
        NextTok.Tok  = TOK_FCONST;

Beispiel #7
static void ParsePragma (void)
/* Parse the contents of the _Pragma statement */
    pragma_t Pragma;

    /* Create a string buffer from the string literal */
    SB_Append (&B, GetLiteralStrBuf (CurTok.SVal));

    /* Skip the string token */
    NextToken ();

    /* Get the pragma name from the string */
    SB_SkipWhite (&B);
    if (!SB_GetSym (&B, &Ident, "-")) {
        Error ("Invalid pragma");
        goto ExitPoint;

    /* Search for the name */
    Pragma = FindPragma (&Ident);

    /* Do we know this pragma? */
    if (Pragma == PRAGMA_ILLEGAL) {
        /* According to the ANSI standard, we're not allowed to generate errors
         * for unknown pragmas, but warn about them if enabled (the default).
        if (IS_Get (&WarnUnknownPragma)) {
            Warning ("Unknown pragma `%s'", SB_GetConstBuf (&Ident));
        goto ExitPoint;

    /* Check for an open paren */
    SB_SkipWhite (&B);
    if (SB_Get (&B) != '(') {
        Error ("'(' expected");
        goto ExitPoint;

    /* Skip white space before the argument */
    SB_SkipWhite (&B);

    /* Switch for the different pragmas */
    switch (Pragma) {

        case PRAGMA_ALIGN:
            IntPragma (&B, &DataAlignment, 1, 4096);

        case PRAGMA_BSSSEG:
            Warning ("#pragma bssseg is obsolete, please use #pragma bss-name instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case PRAGMA_BSS_NAME:
            SegNamePragma (&B, SEG_BSS);

        case PRAGMA_CHARMAP:
            CharMapPragma (&B);

            Warning ("#pragma checkstack is obsolete, please use #pragma check-stack instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case PRAGMA_CHECK_STACK:
            FlagPragma (&B, &CheckStack);

        case PRAGMA_CODESEG:
            Warning ("#pragma codeseg is obsolete, please use #pragma code-name instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case PRAGMA_CODE_NAME:
            SegNamePragma (&B, SEG_CODE);

        case PRAGMA_CODESIZE:
            IntPragma (&B, &CodeSizeFactor, 10, 1000);

        case PRAGMA_DATASEG:
            Warning ("#pragma dataseg is obsolete, please use #pragma data-name instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case PRAGMA_DATA_NAME:
            SegNamePragma (&B, SEG_DATA);

            FlagPragma (&B, &LocalStrings);

        case PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE:
            FlagPragma (&B, &Optimize);

            FlagPragma (&B, &AllowRegVarAddr);

        case PRAGMA_REGVARS:
            Warning ("#pragma regvars is obsolete, please use #pragma register-vars instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
            FlagPragma (&B, &EnableRegVars);

        case PRAGMA_RODATASEG:
            Warning ("#pragma rodataseg is obsolete, please use #pragma rodata-name instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case PRAGMA_RODATA_NAME:
            SegNamePragma (&B, SEG_RODATA);

            Warning ("#pragma signedchars is obsolete, please use #pragma signed-chars instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
            FlagPragma (&B, &SignedChars);

            Warning ("#pragma staticlocals is obsolete, please use #pragma static-locals instead");
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
            FlagPragma (&B, &StaticLocals);

        case PRAGMA_WARN:
            WarnPragma (&B);

            FlagPragma (&B, &WritableStrings);

        case PRAGMA_ZPSYM:
            StringPragma (&B, MakeZPSym);

            Internal ("Invalid pragma");

    /* Closing paren expected */
    SB_SkipWhite (&B);
    if (SB_Get (&B) != ')') {
        Error ("')' expected");
        goto ExitPoint;
    SB_SkipWhite (&B);

    /* Allow an optional semicolon to be compatible with the old syntax */
    if (SB_Peek (&B) == ';') {
        SB_Skip (&B);
        SB_SkipWhite (&B);

    /* Make sure nothing follows */
    if (SB_Peek (&B) != '\0') {
        Error ("Unexpected input following pragma directive");

    /* Release the string buffers */
    SB_Done (&B);
    SB_Done (&Ident);
Beispiel #8
static int ParseChar (StrBuf* B)
/* Parse a character. Converts \n into EOL, etc. */
    unsigned I;
    unsigned Val;
    int C;

    /* Check for escape chars */
    if ((C = SB_Get (B)) == '\\') {
        switch (SB_Peek (B)) {
            case '?':
                C = '?';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'a':
                C = '\a';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'b':
                C = '\b';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'f':
                C = '\f';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'r':
                C = '\r';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'n':
                C = '\n';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 't':
                C = '\t';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'v':
                C = '\v';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case '\"':
                C = '\"';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case '\'':
                C = '\'';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case '\\':
                C = '\\';
                SB_Skip (B);
            case 'x':
            case 'X':
                /* Hex character constant */
                SB_Skip (B);
                C = HexVal (SB_Get (B)) << 4;
                C |= HexVal (SB_Get (B));
            case '0':
            case '1':
            case '2':
            case '3':
            case '4':
            case '5':
            case '6':
            case '7':
                /* Octal constant */
                I = 0;
                Val = SB_Get (B) - '0';
                while (SB_Peek (B) >= '0' && SB_Peek (B) <= '7' && ++I <= 3) {
                    Val = (Val << 3) | (SB_Get (B) - '0');
                C = (int) Val;
                if (Val > 256) {
                    Error ("Character constant out of range");
                    C = ' ';
                Error ("Illegal character constant 0x%02X", SB_Get (B));
                C = ' ';

    /* Return the character */
    return C;