Beispiel #1
/** gets time needed to price existing problem variables */
SCIP_Real SCIPpricestoreGetProbPricingTime(
   SCIP_PRICESTORE*      pricestore          /**< pricing storage */
   assert(pricestore != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(pricestore->probpricingtime);
Beispiel #2
/** gets time in seconds used in this reader for reading */
SCIP_Real SCIPreaderGetReadingTime(
   SCIP_READER*          reader              /**< reader */
   assert(reader != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(reader->readingtime);
Beispiel #3
/** gets time in seconds used in this relaxation handler */
SCIP_Real SCIPrelaxGetTime(
   SCIP_RELAX*           relax               /**< relaxation handler */
   assert(relax != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(relax->relaxclock);
Beispiel #4
/** gets time in seconds used in this presolver */
SCIP_Real SCIPpresolGetTime(
   SCIP_PRESOL*          presol              /**< presolver */
   assert(presol != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(presol->presolclock);
Beispiel #5
/** gets time in seconds used in this separator */
SCIP_Real SCIPsepaGetTime(
   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa                /**< separator */
   assert(sepa != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(sepa->sepaclock);
Beispiel #6
/** gets time in seconds used in this relaxator for setting up for next stages */
SCIP_Real SCIPrelaxGetSetupTime(
   SCIP_RELAX*           relax               /**< relaxator */
   assert(relax != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(relax->setuptime);
Beispiel #7
/** gets time in seconds used in this heuristic */
SCIP_Real SCIPcomprGetTime(
   SCIP_COMPR*           compr               /**< tree compression */
   assert(compr != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(compr->comprclock);
Beispiel #8
/** gets time in seconds used in this pricer */
SCIP_Real SCIPpricerGetTime(
   SCIP_PRICER*            pricer                /**< variable pricer */
   assert(pricer != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(pricer->pricerclock);
Beispiel #9
/** gets time in seconds used in this heuristic */
SCIP_Real SCIPheurGetTime(
   SCIP_HEUR*            heur                /**< primal heuristic */
   assert(heur != NULL);

   return SCIPclockGetTime(heur->heurclock);
Beispiel #10
/** prints current solution time to visualization output file */
void printTime(
   SCIP_VISUAL*          visual,             /**< visualization information */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_Bool             vbc                 /**< whether we use vbc output (bak otherwise) */
   SCIP_Longint step;
   int hours;
   int mins;
   int secs;
   int hunds;

   assert( visual != NULL );
   assert( stat != NULL );

   if( visual->userealtime )
      double time;
      time = SCIPclockGetTime(stat->solvingtime);
      step = (SCIP_Longint)(time * 100.0);
      step = visual->timestep;

   if ( vbc )
      hours = (int)(step / (60*60*100));
      step %= 60*60*100;
      mins = (int)(step / (60*100));
      step %= 60*100;
      secs = (int)(step / 100);
      step %= 100;
      hunds = (int)step;

      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->vbcfile, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d ", hours, mins, secs, hunds);
      SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(visual->messagehdlr, visual->bakfile, "%f ", (SCIP_Real) step/100.0);
Beispiel #11
/** prints current solution time to VBC output file */
void printTime(
   SCIP_VBC*             vbc,                /**< VBC information */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat                /**< problem statistics */
   SCIP_Longint step;
   int hours;
   int mins;
   int secs;
   int hunds;

   assert(vbc != NULL);
   assert(stat != NULL);

   if( vbc->userealtime )
      double time;
      time = SCIPclockGetTime(stat->solvingtime);
      step = (SCIP_Longint)(time * 100.0);
      step = vbc->timestep;
   hours = (int)(step / (60*60*100));
   step %= 60*60*100;
   mins = (int)(step / (60*100));
   step %= 60*100;
   secs = (int)(step / 100);
   step %= 100;
   hunds = (int)step;

   SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(vbc->messagehdlr, vbc->file, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d ", hours, mins, secs, hunds);
Beispiel #12
double SCIPSolver::getTime(){
  return SCIPclockGetTime(_scip->stat->solvingtime);
Beispiel #13
/** reads problem data from file with given reader or returns SCIP_DIDNOTRUN */
   SCIP_READER*          reader,             /**< reader */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   const char*           filename,           /**< name of the input file */
   const char*           extension,          /**< extension of the input file name */
   SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< pointer to store the result of the callback method */
   SCIP_RETCODE retcode;

   assert(reader != NULL);
   assert(set != NULL);
   assert(filename != NULL);
   assert(result != NULL);

   /* check, if reader is applicable on the given file */
   if( readerIsApplicable(reader, extension) && reader->readerread != NULL )
      SCIP_CLOCK* readingtime;

      /**@note we need temporary clock to measure the reading time correctly since in case of creating a new problem
       *       within the reader all clocks are reset (including the reader clocks); this resetting is necessary for
       *       example for those case we people solve several problems using the (same) interactive shell


      /* create a temporary clock for measuring the reading time */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPclockCreate(&readingtime, SCIP_CLOCKTYPE_DEFAULT) );

      /* start timing */
      SCIPclockStart(readingtime, set);

      /* call reader to read problem */
      retcode = reader->readerread(set->scip, reader, filename, result);

      /* stop timing */
      SCIPclockStop(readingtime, set);

      /* add time to reader reading clock */
      SCIPclockSetTime(reader->readingtime, SCIPclockGetTime(reader->readingtime) + SCIPclockGetTime(readingtime));

      /* free the temporary clock */
      *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
      retcode = SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check for reader errors */
   if( retcode == SCIP_NOFILE || retcode == SCIP_READERROR )
      return retcode;

   /* check if the result code is valid in case no reader error occurred */
   assert( *result == SCIP_DIDNOTRUN || *result == SCIP_SUCCESS );

   SCIP_CALL( retcode );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
Beispiel #14
/** update the primal-dual integral statistic. method accepts + and - SCIPsetInfinity() as values for
 *  upper and lower bound, respectively
void SCIPstatUpdatePrimalDualIntegral(
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics data */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_PROB*            transprob,          /**< transformed problem */
   SCIP_PROB*            origprob,           /**< original problem */
   SCIP_Real             upperbound,         /**< current upper bound in transformed problem, or infinity */
   SCIP_Real             lowerbound          /**< current lower bound in transformed space, or -infinity */
   SCIP_Real currentgap;
   SCIP_Real solvingtime;
   SCIP_Real primalbound;
   SCIP_Real dualbound;

   assert(stat != NULL);
   assert(set != NULL);

   solvingtime = SCIPclockGetTime(stat->solvingtime);
   assert(solvingtime >= stat->previntegralevaltime);

   if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, upperbound) ) /*lint !e777*/
      /* get value in original space for gap calculation */
      primalbound = SCIPprobExternObjval(transprob, origprob, set, upperbound);

      if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, primalbound) )
         primalbound = 0.0;
      /* no new upper bound: use stored values from last update */
      upperbound = stat->lastupperbound;
      primalbound = stat->lastprimalbound;
      assert(SCIPsetIsZero(set, primalbound) == (primalbound == 0.0)); /*lint !e777*/

   if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -lowerbound) ) /*lint !e777*/
      /* get value in original space for gap calculation */
      dualbound = SCIPprobExternObjval(transprob, origprob, set, lowerbound);

      if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, dualbound) )
         dualbound = 0.0;
      /* no new lower bound: use stored values from last update */
      lowerbound = stat->lastlowerbound;
      dualbound = stat->lastdualbound;
      assert(SCIPsetIsZero(set, dualbound) == (dualbound == 0.0)); /*lint !e777*/

   /* computation of the gap, special cases are handled first */
   if( primalbound == SCIP_UNKNOWN || dualbound == SCIP_UNKNOWN ) /*lint !e777*/
      currentgap = 100.0;
   /* the gap is 0.0 if bounds coincide */
   else if( SCIPsetIsGE(set, lowerbound, upperbound) || SCIPsetIsEQ(set, primalbound, dualbound) )
      currentgap = 0.0;
   /* the gap is 100.0 if bounds have different signs */
   else if( primalbound * dualbound <= 0.0 ) /*lint !e777*/
      currentgap = 100.0;
   else if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, REALABS(primalbound)) && !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, REALABS(dualbound)) )
      SCIP_Real absprim = REALABS(primalbound);
      SCIP_Real absdual = REALABS(dualbound);

      /* The gap in the definition of the primal-dual integral differs from the default SCIP gap function.
       * Here, the MAX(primalbound, dualbound) is taken for gap quotient in order to ensure a gap <= 100.
      currentgap = 100.0 * REALABS(primalbound - dualbound) / MAX(absprim, absdual);
      assert(SCIPsetIsLE(set, currentgap, 100.0));
      currentgap = 100.0;

   /* if primal and dual bound have opposite signs, the gap always evaluates to 100.0% */
   assert(currentgap == 0.0 || currentgap == 100.0 || SCIPsetIsGE(set, primalbound * dualbound, 0.0));
   assert(SCIPsetIsGE(set, stat->previousgap, currentgap) || (set->stage == SCIP_STAGE_EXITPRESOLVE
         && SCIPsetIsFeasGE(set, stat->previousgap, currentgap)));

   /* update the integral based on previous information */
   stat->primaldualintegral += (solvingtime - stat->previntegralevaltime) * stat->previousgap;

   /* update all relevant information for next evaluation */
   stat->previousgap = currentgap;
   stat->previntegralevaltime = solvingtime;
   stat->lastprimalbound = primalbound;
   stat->lastdualbound = dualbound;
   stat->lastlowerbound = lowerbound;
   stat->lastupperbound = upperbound;