Beispiel #1
bool		SG_Get_Triangle_CircumCircle(TSG_Point Triangle[3], TSG_Point &Point, double &Radius)
	TSG_Point	AB, AC, AB_M, AC_M, AB_N, AC_N;

	AB.x	= B.x - A.x;
	AB.y	= B.y - A.y;
	AB_M.x	= A.x + AB.x / 2.0;
	AB_M.y	= A.y + AB.y / 2.0;
	AB_N.x	= AB_M.x - AB.y;
	AB_N.y	= AB_M.y + AB.x;

	AC.x	= C.x - A.x;
	AC.y	= C.y - A.y;
	AC_M.x	= A.x + AC.x / 2.0;
	AC_M.y	= A.y + AC.y / 2.0;
	AC_N.x	= AC_M.x - AC.y;
	AC_N.y	= AC_M.y + AC.x;

	if( SG_Get_Crossing(Point, AB_M, AB_N, AC_M, AC_N, false) )
		AB.x	= A.x - Point.x;
		AB.y	= A.y - Point.y;

		Radius	= sqrt(AB.x*AB.x + AB.y*AB.y);

		return( true );

	return( false );
Beispiel #2
bool	SG_Get_Crossing_InRegion(TSG_Point &Crossing, const TSG_Point &a, const TSG_Point &b, const TSG_Rect &Region)
	TSG_Point	ra, rb;

	ra.y			= Region.yMin;
	rb.y			= Region.yMax;

	ra.x	= rb.x	= Region.xMin;

	if(	SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, ra, rb, true) )
		return( true );

	ra.x	= rb.x	= Region.xMax;

	if(	SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, ra, rb, true) )
		return( true );

	ra.x			= Region.xMin;
	ra.y			= Region.yMax;

	if(	SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, ra, rb, true) )
		return( true );

	ra.y	= rb.y	= Region.yMin;

	if(	SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, ra, rb, true) )
		return( true );

	return( false );
Beispiel #3
double		SG_Get_Nearest_Point_On_Line(const TSG_Point &Point, const TSG_Point &Ln_A, const TSG_Point &Ln_B, TSG_Point &Ln_Point, bool bExactMatch)
	double		dx, dy, Distance, d;
	TSG_Point	Point_B;

	Point_B.x	= Point.x - (Ln_B.y - Ln_A.y);
	Point_B.y	= Point.y + (Ln_B.x - Ln_A.x);

	if( SG_Get_Crossing(Ln_Point, Ln_A, Ln_B, Point, Point_B, false) )
		if( !bExactMatch || (bExactMatch && SG_IS_BETWEEN(Ln_A.x, Ln_Point.x, Ln_B.x) && SG_IS_BETWEEN(Ln_A.y, Ln_Point.y, Ln_B.y)) )
			dx			= Point.x - Ln_Point.x;
			dy			= Point.y - Ln_Point.y;
			Distance	= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
			dx			= Point.x - Ln_A.x;
			dy			= Point.y - Ln_A.y;
			d			= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

			dx			= Point.x - Ln_B.x;
			dy			= Point.y - Ln_B.y;
			Distance	= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

			if( d < Distance )
				Distance	= d;
				Ln_Point	= Ln_A;
				Ln_Point	= Ln_B;

		return( Distance );

	return( -1.0 );
TSG_Point CPolygon_Clip::Get_Crossing(CSG_Shape_Polygon *pPolygon, const TSG_Point &a, const TSG_Point &b)
	TSG_Point	c	= a;

	for(int iPart=0; iPart<pPolygon->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
		TSG_Point	A, B;

		B	= pPolygon->Get_Point(pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart);

		for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pPolygon->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
			A	= B;
			B	= pPolygon->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

			if( SG_Get_Crossing(c, A, B, a, b) )
				return( c );

	return( c );
Beispiel #5
void CShapes2Grid::Set_Polygon(CSG_Shape *pShape)
	bool		bFill, *bCrossing;
	int			x, y, xStart, xStop;
	TSG_Point	A, B, a, b, c;
	CSG_Rect	Extent;

	bCrossing	= (bool *)SG_Malloc(m_pGrid->Get_NX() * sizeof(bool));

	Extent		= pShape->Get_Extent();

	xStart		= (int)((Extent.m_rect.xMin - m_pGrid->Get_XMin()) / m_pGrid->Get_Cellsize()) - 1;
	if( xStart < 0 )
		xStart	= 0;

	xStop		= (int)((Extent.m_rect.xMax - m_pGrid->Get_XMin()) / m_pGrid->Get_Cellsize()) + 1;
	if( xStop >= m_pGrid->Get_NX() )
		xStop	= m_pGrid->Get_NX() - 1;

	A.x			= m_pGrid->Get_XMin() - 1.0;
	B.x			= m_pGrid->Get_XMax() + 1.0;

	for(y=0, A.y=m_pGrid->Get_YMin(); y<m_pGrid->Get_NY(); y++, A.y+=m_pGrid->Get_Cellsize())
		if( A.y >= Extent.m_rect.yMin && A.y <= Extent.m_rect.yMax )
			B.y	= A.y;

			memset(bCrossing, 0, m_pGrid->Get_NX() * sizeof(bool));

			for(int iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
				b	= pShape->Get_Point(pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart);

				for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
					a	= b;
					b	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

					if(	((a.y <= A.y && A.y  < b.y)
					||	 (a.y  > A.y && A.y >= b.y)) )
						SG_Get_Crossing(c, a, b, A, B, false);

						x	= (int)(1.0 + X_WORLD_TO_GRID(c.x));

						if( x < 0 )
							x	= 0;
						else if( x >= m_pGrid->Get_NX() )
							x	= m_pGrid->Get_NX() - 1;

						bCrossing[x]	= !bCrossing[x];

			for(x=xStart, bFill=false; x<=xStop; x++)
				if( bCrossing[x] )
					bFill	= !bFill;

				if( bFill )
					Set_Value(x, y);

Beispiel #6
bool CGCS_Graticule::Get_Coordinate(const CSG_Rect &Extent, CSG_Shapes *pCoordinates, CSG_Shape *pLine, int Axis)
	if( !pCoordinates || !Extent.Intersects(pLine->Get_Extent()) || pLine->Get_Point_Count(0) < 2 )
		return( false );

	TSG_Point	A[2], B[2], C;

	switch( Axis )
	case AXIS_LEFT  : A[0].x = A[1].x = Extent.Get_XMin(); A[0].y = Extent.Get_YMin(); A[1].y = Extent.Get_YMax(); break;
	case AXIS_RIGHT : A[0].x = A[1].x = Extent.Get_XMax(); A[0].y = Extent.Get_YMin(); A[1].y = Extent.Get_YMax(); break;
	case AXIS_BOTTOM: A[0].y = A[1].y = Extent.Get_YMin(); A[0].x = Extent.Get_XMin(); A[1].x = Extent.Get_XMax(); break;
	case AXIS_TOP   : A[0].y = A[1].y = Extent.Get_YMax(); A[0].x = Extent.Get_XMin(); A[1].x = Extent.Get_XMax(); break;

		return( false );

	B[1]	= pLine->Get_Point(0);

	for(int i=1; i<pLine->Get_Point_Count(); i++)
		B[0]	= B[1];
		B[1]	= pLine->Get_Point(i);

		if( SG_Get_Crossing(C, A[0], A[1], B[0], B[1], true) )
			CSG_Shape	*pPoint	= pCoordinates->Add_Shape();
			pPoint->Set_Value(0, CSG_String(pLine->asString(0)) + (Axis == AXIS_LEFT || Axis == AXIS_BOTTOM ? "_MIN" : "_MAX"));
			pPoint->Set_Value(1, pLine->asString(1));

			return( true );

	switch( Axis )
	case AXIS_LEFT  : C	= pLine->Get_Point(0, 0, true ); break;
	case AXIS_RIGHT : C	= pLine->Get_Point(0, 0, false); break;
	case AXIS_BOTTOM: C	= pLine->Get_Point(0, 0, true ); break;
	case AXIS_TOP   : C	= pLine->Get_Point(0, 0, false); break;

	if( Extent.Contains(C) )
		CSG_Shape	*pPoint	= pCoordinates->Add_Shape();
		pPoint->Set_Value(0, CSG_String(pLine->asString(0)) + (Axis == AXIS_LEFT || Axis == AXIS_BOTTOM ? "_MIN" : "_MAX"));
		pPoint->Set_Value(1, pLine->asString(1));

		return( true );

	return( false );
Beispiel #7
bool CLine_Crossings::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Shapes	*pLines_A	= Parameters("LINES_A"  )->asShapes();
	CSG_Shapes	*pLines_B	= Parameters("LINES_B"  )->asShapes();
	CSG_Shapes	*pCrossings	= Parameters("CROSSINGS")->asShapes();

	if(	!pLines_A->is_Valid() || !pLines_B->is_Valid() || pLines_A->Get_Extent().Intersects(pLines_B->Get_Extent()) == INTERSECTION_None )
		Error_Set(_TL("no intersection"));

		return( false );

	int	Attributes	= Parameters("ATTRIBUTES")->asInt();

	pCrossings->Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, CSG_String::Format("%s [%s - %s]", _TL("Crossings"), pLines_A->Get_Name(), pLines_B->Get_Name()));

	if( Attributes == 0 || Attributes == 2 )
		pCrossings->Add_Field("ID_A", SG_DATATYPE_Int);
		pCrossings->Add_Field("ID_B", SG_DATATYPE_Int);

	if( Attributes == 1 || Attributes == 2 )
		Add_Attributes(pCrossings, pLines_A);
		Add_Attributes(pCrossings, pLines_B);

	for(int aLine=0, iPair=0, nPairs=pLines_A->Get_Count()*pLines_B->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); aLine<pLines_A->Get_Count(); aLine++)
		CSG_Shape_Line	*pA	= (CSG_Shape_Line *)pLines_A->Get_Shape(aLine);

		for(int bLine=0; bLine<pLines_B->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iPair++, nPairs); bLine++)
			CSG_Shape_Line	*pB	= (CSG_Shape_Line *)pLines_B->Get_Shape(bLine);

			if( pA->Intersects(pB) )
				for(int aPart=0; aPart<pA->Get_Part_Count(); aPart++)
					TSG_Point	A[2];	A[1]	= pA->Get_Point(0, aPart);

					for(int aPoint=1; aPoint<pA->Get_Point_Count(aPart); aPoint++)
						A[0]	= A[1];	A[1]	= pA->Get_Point(aPoint, aPart);

						for(int bPart=0; bPart<pB->Get_Part_Count(); bPart++)
							TSG_Point	B[2], C;	B[1]	= pB->Get_Point(0, bPart);

							for(int bPoint=1; bPoint<pB->Get_Point_Count(bPart); bPoint++)
								B[0]	= B[1];	B[1]	= pB->Get_Point(bPoint, bPart);

								if( SG_Get_Crossing(C, A[0], A[1], B[0], B[1]) )
									Set_Crossing(C, pA, pB, pCrossings->Add_Shape(), Attributes);

	return( pCrossings->Get_Count() > 0 );
// This function has been copied from Module: 'Grid_Statistics_AddTo_Polygon'
// Function: Get_ShapeIDs(...)
// copyright by Olaf Conrad
// added support to clip only with selected polygons (Volker Wichmann)
bool CGrid_Polygon_Clip::Get_Mask(CSG_Shapes *pShapes, CSG_Grid *pMask)
	bool		bFill, *bCrossing;
    bool        bOnlySelected = false;
	int			x, y, ix, xStart, xStop, iShape, iPart, iPoint;
	double		yPos;
	TSG_Point	pLeft, pRight, pa, pb, p;
	TSG_Rect	Extent;
	CSG_Shape	*pShape;


	bCrossing	= (bool *)SG_Malloc(pMask->Get_NX() * sizeof(bool));

    if (pShapes->Get_Selection_Count() > 0)
        bOnlySelected = true;

	for(iShape=0; iShape<pShapes->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pShapes->Get_Count()); iShape++)
        if (bOnlySelected && !pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape)->is_Selected())

		pShape		= pShapes->Get_Shape(iShape);
		Extent		= pShape->Get_Extent().m_rect;

		xStart		= Get_System()->Get_xWorld_to_Grid(Extent.xMin) - 1;	if( xStart < 0 )		xStart	= 0;
		xStop		= Get_System()->Get_xWorld_to_Grid(Extent.xMax) + 1;	if( xStop >= Get_NX() )	xStop	= Get_NX() - 1;

		pLeft.x		= pMask->Get_XMin() - 1.0;
		pRight.x	= pMask->Get_XMax() + 1.0;

		for(y=0, yPos=pMask->Get_YMin(); y<pMask->Get_NY(); y++, yPos+=pMask->Get_Cellsize())
			if( yPos >= Extent.yMin && yPos <= Extent.yMax )
				memset(bCrossing, 0, pMask->Get_NX() * sizeof(bool));

				pLeft.y	= pRight.y	= yPos;

				for(iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
					pb		= pShape->Get_Point(pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart) - 1, iPart);

					for(iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
						pa	= pb;
						pb	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

						if(	(	(pa.y <= yPos && yPos < pb.y)
							||	(pa.y > yPos && yPos >= pb.y)	)	)
							SG_Get_Crossing(p, pa, pb, pLeft, pRight, false);

							ix	= (int)((p.x - pMask->Get_XMin()) / pMask->Get_Cellsize() + 1.0);

							if( ix < 0)
								ix	= 0;
							else if( ix >= pMask->Get_NX() )

							bCrossing[ix]	= !bCrossing[ix];

				for(x=xStart, bFill=false; x<=xStop; x++)
					if( bCrossing[x] )
						bFill	= !bFill;

					if( bFill )
						pMask->Set_Value(x, y, MASK_ON);


	return( true );
Beispiel #9
bool CSG_Network::_Add_Line(CSG_Shape *pLine, int ID)
	int			iEdge, iPoint, iCrossing;
	CSG_Shape	*pEdge, *pCrossing;
	CSG_Shapes	Crossings(SHAPE_TYPE_Point);

	// 1. find crossings

	Crossings.Add_Field(SG_T("LINE_POINT")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	Crossings.Add_Field(SG_T("EDGE_ID")		, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	Crossings.Add_Field(SG_T("EDGE_POINT")	, SG_DATATYPE_Int);
	Crossings.Add_Field(SG_T("EDGE_DIST")	, SG_DATATYPE_Double);

	for(iEdge=0; iEdge<m_Edges.Get_Count(); iEdge++)
		pEdge	= m_Edges.Get_Shape(iEdge);

		if( pEdge->Intersects(pLine) )
			TSG_Point	a	= pEdge->Get_Point(0);

			for(int iEdge_Point=1; iEdge_Point<pEdge->Get_Point_Count(0); iEdge_Point++)
				TSG_Point	b	= a;	a	= pEdge->Get_Point(iEdge_Point);
				TSG_Point	A	= pLine->Get_Point(0);

				for(iPoint=1; iPoint<pLine->Get_Point_Count(0); iPoint++)
					TSG_Point	C, B	= A;	A	= pLine->Get_Point(iPoint);

					if( SG_Get_Crossing(C, A, B, a, b) )
						pCrossing	= Crossings.Add_Shape();
						pCrossing->Set_Value(0, iPoint);
						pCrossing->Set_Value(1, iEdge);
						pCrossing->Set_Value(2, iEdge_Point);
						pCrossing->Set_Value(3, SG_Get_Distance(C, b));

	// 2. add new line's vertices

	Crossings.Set_Index(0, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending);

	pEdge		= m_Edges.Add_Shape();
	pEdge		->Set_Value(3, ID);

	for(iCrossing=0, iPoint=0; iCrossing<Crossings.Get_Count(); iCrossing++)
		pCrossing	= Crossings.Get_Shape_byIndex(iCrossing);

		while( iPoint < pCrossing->asInt(0) )


		pEdge		= m_Edges.Add_Shape();
		pEdge		->Set_Value(3, ID);
		pEdge		->Add_Point(pCrossing->Get_Point(0));

	while( iPoint < pLine->Get_Point_Count(0) )

	// 3. split edges, if necessary

	Crossings.Set_Index(1, TABLE_INDEX_Descending, 2, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending, 3, TABLE_INDEX_Ascending);

	for(iCrossing=0; iCrossing<Crossings.Get_Count(); )
		pCrossing	= Crossings.Get_Shape_byIndex(iCrossing);
		iEdge		= pCrossing->asInt(1);
		pLine		= m_Edges.Get_Shape(iEdge);
		ID			= pLine->asInt(0);
		iPoint		= 0;
		pEdge		= m_Edges.Add_Shape();
		pEdge		->Set_Value(3, pLine->asInt(3));

		while( 1 )
			while( iPoint < pCrossing->asInt(2) )


			if( ++iCrossing < Crossings.Get_Count() && iEdge == Crossings.Get_Shape_byIndex(iCrossing)->asInt(1) )
				pEdge		= m_Edges.Add_Shape();
				pEdge		->Set_Value(3, pLine->asInt(3));


				pCrossing	= Crossings.Get_Shape_byIndex(iCrossing);
				if( iPoint < pLine->Get_Point_Count() )
					pEdge		= m_Edges.Add_Shape();
					pEdge		->Set_Value(3, pLine->asInt(3));

					while( iPoint < pLine->Get_Point_Count() )



	return( true );
Beispiel #10
bool	SG_Get_Crossing_InRegion(TSG_Point &Crossing, const TSG_Point &_a, const TSG_Point &_b, const TSG_Rect &Region)
	bool		bResult;
	TSG_Point	a, b, pExt_XY, pExt_X, pExt_Y;
	CSG_Rect	r(Region);

	a	= _a;
	b	= _b;

	if( !r.Contains(a) && r.Contains(b) )
		pExt_X	= a;
		a		= b;
		b		= pExt_X;
		bResult	= true;
	else if( r.Contains(a) && !r.Contains(b) )
		bResult	= true;
		bResult	= false;

	if( bResult )
		if( a.x > b.x )
			pExt_XY.x	= Region.xMin;
			pExt_X.x	= Region.xMin;
			pExt_Y.x	= Region.xMax;
			pExt_XY.x	= Region.xMax;
			pExt_X.x	= Region.xMax;
			pExt_Y.x	= Region.xMin;
		if( a.y > b.y )
			pExt_XY.y	= Region.yMin;
			pExt_Y.y	= Region.yMin;
			pExt_X.y	= Region.yMax;
			pExt_XY.y	= Region.yMax;
			pExt_Y.y	= Region.yMax;
			pExt_X.y	= Region.yMin;

		if( !SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, pExt_X, pExt_XY) )
			if( !SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, a, b, pExt_Y, pExt_XY) )
				bResult	= false;

	return( bResult );
TSG_Intersection CSG_Shape_Line::On_Intersects(CSG_Shape *pShape)
	if( pShape->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Point || pShape->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Points )
		bool	bIn		= false;
		bool	bOut	= false;

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<m_nParts; iPart++)
			for(int jPart=0; jPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); jPart++)
				for(int jPoint=1; jPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(jPart); jPoint++)
					TSG_Point	Point;

					if( Get_Distance(pShape->Get_Point(jPoint, jPart), Point, iPart) == 0.0 )
						bIn		= true;
						bOut	= true;

					if( bIn && bOut )
						return( INTERSECTION_Overlaps );

		if( bIn )
			return( INTERSECTION_Contained );

	else if( pShape->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Line )
		TSG_Point	iA, iB, jA, jB, Crossing;

		for(int iPart=0; iPart<m_nParts; iPart++)
			if( Get_Point_Count(iPart) > 1 )
				iA	= Get_Point(0, iPart);

				for(int iPoint=1; iPoint<Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
					iB	= iA;
					iA	= Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

					for(int jPart=0; jPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); jPart++)
						if( pShape->Get_Point_Count(jPart) > 1 )
							jA	= pShape->Get_Point(0, jPart);

							for(int jPoint=1; jPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(jPart); jPoint++)
								jB	= jA;
								jA	= pShape->Get_Point(jPoint, jPart);

								if( SG_Get_Crossing(Crossing, iA, iB, jA, jB) )
									return( INTERSECTION_Overlaps );

	return( INTERSECTION_None );