int main(void) { /* Declare YOUR variables here ! */ Slist mylist; int menu_choice; /* Seed to random generator and clear the screen.. */ srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); if ((mylist = SLISTinit(my_destroy)) == NULL) { printf("\nFatal error... - bailing out!"); SLISTdestroy(mylist); exit(-1); } /* Set match-callback into list structure.. */ SLISTsetmatch(mylist, my_match); /* Populate the (empty) list.. */ create_random_nodes(mylist, NR_OF_ITEMS); /* Enter menu loop... */ do { menu_choice = menu(MAIN_MENU_ROW, 0, 5); switch (menu_choice) { case 1: ins_nodes(mylist); break; case 2: rem_nodes(mylist); break; case 3: search_node(mylist); break; case 4: sort_list(mylist); break; case 5: print_list(mylist); break; default: final_status(mylist); break; } } while (menu_choice); /* ..and finally destroy the list. */ prompt_and_pause("\n\nLet's tidy up and destroy the list..- Bye!"); SLISTdestroy(mylist); return 0; }
int bfs(void) { Graph gr; Slist network; struct BfsVertexdata_ bfstmp; BfsVertexdata netdata; int tmpid, retval; SlistNode listnode; my_clearscrn(); printf("--- NETWORK HOPS/BFS DEMO ---"); gr = GRAPHinit(bfs_match, bfs_destroy); /* Read net node(=vertex) data into graph.. */ if ((read_netnodes(gr, net_nodes, NR_OF_NETNODES)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error when reading netnode data - bailing out.."); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } /* Read net connection(=edge) data into graph.. */ if ((read_netconnections(gr, net_connections, NR_OF_NETNODES)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error when reading netconnections data - bailing out.."); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } prompt_and_pause("\n\nGraph initialized and graph data read.."); printf("\nGRAPH:"); /* Display graph.. */ GRAPHprint(gr, prt_bfs_vtx, prt_bfs_edge); printf("\nNr of vertices/edges: %d/%d", GRAPHvcount(gr), GRAPHecount(gr)); tmpid = read_int("\nEnter startnode id ", 1, 6); = &tmpid; if ((retval = ALGObfs(gr, &bfstmp, &network, bfs_match)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal error when calling 'ALGObfs()'(Return value: %d) - Bailing out..", retval); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } printf("\nNetwork Hops(BFS Analysis)\n--------------------------"); for (listnode = SLISThead(network); listnode != NULL; listnode = SLISTnext(listnode)) { netdata = (BfsVertexdata)SLISTdata(listnode); printf("\nNode%02d, color=%d, hops=%d", *(int *)netdata->data, netdata->color, netdata->hops); } prompt_and_pause("\n\nTime to tidy up.."); SLISTdestroy(network); GRAPHdestroy(gr); return OK; }
int dfs(void) { Graph gr; Slist tasks; DfsVertexdata taskdata; int retval; SlistNode listnode; my_clearscrn(); printf("--- TOPOLOGICAL SORTING/DFS DEMO ---"); gr = GRAPHinit(dfs_match, dfs_destroy); /* Read task node(=vertex) data into graph.. */ if ((read_tasknodes(gr, task_nodes, NR_OF_TASKNODES)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error when reading task node data - bailing out.."); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } /* Read task connection(=edge) data into graph.. */ if ((read_taskconnections(gr, task_connections, NR_OF_TASKNODES)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error when reading taskconnections data - bailing out.."); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } prompt_and_pause("\n\nGraph created and graph data read.."); printf("\nGRAPH:"); /* Display graph.. */ GRAPHprint(gr, prt_dfs_vtx, prt_dfs_edge); printf("\nNr of vertices/edges: %d/%d", GRAPHvcount(gr), GRAPHecount(gr)); if ((retval = ALGOdfs(gr, &tasks)) != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFatal error when calling 'ALGOdfs()'(Return value: %d) - Bailing out..", retval); GRAPHdestroy(gr); exit(-1); } printf("\n\nTopological Sort(DFS Analysis):\n-------------------------------"); for (listnode = SLISThead(tasks); listnode != NULL; listnode = SLISTnext(listnode)) { taskdata = (DfsVertexdata)SLISTdata(listnode); printf("\nNode %c, color=%d", *(char *)taskdata->data, taskdata->color); } prompt_and_pause("\n\nTime to tidy up.."); SLISTdestroy(tasks); GRAPHdestroy(gr); return OK; }
void CHTBLdestroy(CHtbl htbl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < htbl->buckets; ++i) { SLISTdestroy(htbl->table[i]); } free(htbl->table); free(htbl); }
/* --- Function: void rem_nodes(Slist list) --- */ void rem_nodes(Slist list) { int tmp, *pi, retval; char mess[BUFSIZ]; do { my_clearscrn(); printf("--- REMOVE NODE FROM LIST ---\n"); printf("\nCurrent list status(%d nodes): ", SLISTsize(list)); SLISTtraverse(list, print, SLIST_FWD); tmp = read_int("\nEnter keydata for node to be removed (-1=Quit): ", 0, 0); if (tmp == -1) break; /* Remove node - and free memory */ pi = &tmp; if ((retval = SLISTfind_remove(list, (void **)&pi)) != OK) { if (retval == 1) { sprintf(mess, "Error: Node %d not found..!", tmp); prompt_and_pause(mess); } else { if (retval == -2) printf("\nError: Match-callback is missing... - bailing out!"); else printf("\nFatal error... - bailing out!"); SLISTdestroy(list); exit(retval); } } else { /* Removal succesful - notify user.. */ sprintf(mess, "Node %d will be removed..!", *(int *)pi); prompt_and_pause(mess); /* Free node - after being removed from list.. */ my_destroy(pi); } } while (TRUE); }
/* --- Function: void ins_nodes(Slist list) --- */ void ins_nodes(Slist list) { int tmp, *pi; SlistNode node; char mess[BUFSIZ]; do { my_clearscrn(); printf("--- ADD NODE - WITH DATA=99 - AFTER USER-SPECIFIED NODE ---\n"); printf("\nCurrent list status(%d nodes): ", SLISTsize(list)); SLISTtraverse(list, print, SLIST_FWD); tmp = read_int("\nEnter (key)data, after which new node(key=99) will be inserted (-1=Quit): ", 0, 0); if (tmp == -1) break; if ((node = SLISTfindnode(list, &tmp)) != NULL) /* Node found */ { /* Insert node after first occurance of user-specified node */ pi = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); MALCHK(pi); *pi = 99; if ((SLISTinsnext(list, node, pi)) != OK) { printf("\nFatal error - exiting...!"); SLISTdestroy(list); exit(-1); } else { sprintf(mess, "Node 99 will be inserted after node %d", *(int *)SLISTdata(node)); prompt_and_pause(mess); } } else { sprintf(mess, "Error: Node %d not found...!", tmp); prompt_and_pause(mess); } } while (TRUE); }
int main(void) { /* Declare YOUR variables here ! */ Stack mystk; Queue myqueue; char mess[BUFSIZ]; int i, nr; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); my_clearscrn(); printf("--- INITIALIZING A QUEUE, %d ELEMENTS, RANDOM INTEGER DATA ---", NR_OF_ITEMS); if ((myqueue = QUEUEinit(my_destroy)) == NULL) /* Initialize the queue... */ { printf("\nFatal error - bailing out...!"); exit(-1); } queue_elements(myqueue, NR_OF_ITEMS); /* Populate the queue... */ nr = QUEUEsize(myqueue)/2; /* Save half the size of the queue... */ sprintf(mess, "\nNext - let's DEQUEUE %d elements from our queue...", nr); prompt_and_pause(mess); prompt_and_pause("...and now PUSH them - on a brand, new STACK...!!"); if ((mystk = STACKinit(my_destroy)) == NULL) /* Set up a new stack... */ { printf("\nFatal error - bailing out...!"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < nr; ++i) { void *piq, *pis; int retval; retval = QUEUEdequeue(myqueue, &piq); assert(retval == OK); sprintf(mess, "QUEUE: Dequeued: %02d (new frontvalue: %02d)", *(int *)piq, *(int *)QUEUEpeek(myqueue)); prompt_and_pause(mess); /* Check current stack top... */ pis = STACKpeek(mystk); /* Push the value just dequeued - from our queue... */ retval = STACKpush(mystk, piq); assert(retval == OK); if (pis == NULL) /* If this is the FIRST stack push... */ sprintf(mess, "STACK: Pushed : %02d (old stacktop : none)", *(int *)STACKpeek(mystk)); else sprintf(mess, "STACK: Pushed : %02d (old stacktop : %02d)", *(int *)STACKpeek(mystk), *(int *)pis); /* Print the message assembled above... */ prompt_and_pause(mess); } printf("\n--- CURRENT STATUS OF STACK AND QUEUE ---"); printf("\nStack: "); SLISTtraverse(mystk, print, SLIST_FWD); printf("\nQueue: "); SLISTtraverse(myqueue, print, SLIST_FWD); prompt_and_pause("\n\nLet's tidy up (destroy queue/stack) - Bye!"); SLISTdestroy(mystk); SLISTdestroy(myqueue); return 0; }