Beispiel #1
/* ---------------- Test main for the slp_compare.c module ----------------
 * Compile with:
 *    gcc -g -Wall -I .. -o0 -D SLP_COMPARE_TEST -D DEBUG -D HAVE_CONFIG_H \
 *       -o slp-compare-test slp_compare.c slp_linkedlist.c slp_xmalloc.c
int main(void)
   /* test data */
   static char lst1[] = "item_a_1,item_aa_2,item_aaa_3, item_aaaa_4";
   static char lst2[] = "item_a_1";
   static char lst3[] = "item_aa_2, item_aaaaa_5";
   static char lst4[] = "item_aaaaa_5,item_aaaaaa_6";
   static char str1[] = "item_x";
   static char str2[] = "item_a_1";
   static char str3[] = "item_aa_2";

   int count;

   /* *** SLPContainsStringList ***
   count = SLPContainsStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof str1 - 1, str1);
   if (count != 0)
      return -1;

   count = SLPContainsStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof str2 - 1 , str2);
   if (count != 1)
      return -1;

   count = SLPContainsStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof str3 - 1, str3);
   if (count != 10)
      return -1;

   /* *** SLPIntersectStringList ***
   count = SLPIntersectStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof lst2 - 1, lst2);
   if (count != 1)
      return -1;

   count = SLPIntersectStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof lst3 - 1, lst3);
   if (count != 1)
      return -1;

   count = SLPIntersectStringList(sizeof lst1 - 1, lst1, sizeof lst4 - 1, lst4);
   if (count != 0)
      return -1;

   return 0;
Beispiel #2
/** Take the union of two string lists.
 * Generates a string list that contains all unique strings within
 * two specified string lists.
 * @param[in] list1 - A pointer to the first string-list.
 * @param[in] list1len - The length in bytes of @p list1.
 * @param[in] list2 - A pointer to the second string-list.
 * @param[in] list2len - The length in bytes of @p list2.
 * @param[out] unionlist - A pointer to a buffer that will receive
 *    the union of @p list1 and @p list2.
 * @param[in,out] unionlistlen - A pointer to the size in bytes of the
 *    @p unionlist buffer on entry; also receives the number of bytes
 * written to the @p unionlist buffer on success.
 * @return The length of the resulting union list, or a negative value
 *    if @p unionlist is not large enough. If a negative value is returned
 *    @p *unionlist will return the required size of @p unionlist.
 * @remarks In order ensure that @p unionlist does not contain duplicates,
 *    @p list1 must not have any duplicates. Also, as a speed optimization,
 *    if neither @p list1 nor @p list2 contain internal duplicates, the
 *    larger list should be passed in as @p list1.
 * @remarks To avoid buffer overflow errors pass @p list1len +
 *    @p list2len + 1 as the value for @p unionlistlen.
int SLPUnionStringList(size_t list1len, const char * list1, size_t list2len,
      const char * list2, size_t * unionlistlen, char * unionlist)
   char * listend = (char *)list2 + list2len;
   char * itembegin = (char *)list2;
   char * itemend = itembegin;
   size_t itemlen;
   size_t copiedlen;

   if (unionlist == 0 || *unionlistlen == 0 || *unionlistlen < list1len)
      *unionlistlen = list1len + list2len + 1;
      return  -1;

   /* Copy list1 into the unionlist since it should not have any duplicates */
   memcpy(unionlist, list1, list1len);
   copiedlen = list1len;

   while (itemend < listend)
      itembegin = itemend;

      /* seek to the end of the next list item */
      while (1)
         if (itemend == listend || *itemend == ',')
            if (*(itemend - 1) != '\\')

      itemlen = itemend - itembegin;
      if (SLPContainsStringList(list1len, list1, itemlen, itembegin) == 0)
         if (copiedlen + itemlen + 1 > *unionlistlen)
            *unionlistlen = list1len + list2len + 1;
            return  -1;

         /* append a comma if not the first entry*/
         if (copiedlen)
            unionlist[copiedlen] = ',';
         memcpy(unionlist + copiedlen, itembegin, itemlen);
         copiedlen += itemlen;
   *unionlistlen = copiedlen;
   return (int)copiedlen;
Beispiel #3
int SLPIntersectStringList(int list1len,
                           const char* list1,
                           int list2len,
                           const char* list2)
/* Calculates the number of common entries between two string-lists        */
/*                                                                         */
/* list1 -      pointer to the string-list to be checked                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* list1len -   length in bytes of the list to be checked                  */
/*                                                                         */
/* list2 -      pointer to the string-list to be checked                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* list2len -   length in bytes of the list to be checked                  */
/*                                                                         */
/* Returns -    The number of common entries.                              */
    int result = 0;
    char* listend = (char*)list1 + list1len;
    char* itembegin = (char*)list1;
    char* itemend = itembegin;

    while(itemend < listend)
        itembegin = itemend;

        /* seek to the end of the next list item */
            if(itemend == listend || *itemend == ',')
                if(*(itemend - 1) != '\\')

            itemend ++;

                                 itemend - itembegin,
            result ++;

        itemend ++;    

    return result;
Beispiel #4
/** Intersects two string lists.
 * Calculates the number of common entries between two string-lists.
 * @param[in] list1 - A pointer to the string-list to be checked
 * @param[in] list1len - The length in bytes of the list to be checked
 * @param[in] list2 - A pointer to the string-list to be checked
 * @param[in] list2len - The length in bytes of the list to be checked
 * @return The number of common entries between @p list1 and @p list2.
int SLPIntersectStringList(size_t list1len, const char * list1,
      size_t list2len, const char * list2)
   int result = 0;
   const char * listend = list1 + list1len;
   const char * itembegin = list1;
   const char * itemend = itembegin;

   while (itemend < listend)
      itembegin = itemend;

      /* Seek to the end of the next list item, break on commas. */
      while (itemend < listend && itemend[0] != ',')

      if (SLPContainsStringList(list2len, list2,
            itemend - itembegin, itembegin))

   return result;
Beispiel #5
int SLPUnionStringList(int list1len,
                       const char* list1,
                       int list2len,
                       const char* list2,
                       int* unionlistlen,
                       char * unionlist)
/* Generate a string list that is a union of two string lists              */
/*                                                                         */
/* list1len -   length in bytes of list1                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* list1 -      pointer to a string-list                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* list2len -   length in bytes of list2                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* list2 -      pointer to a string-list                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* unionlistlen - pointer to the size in bytes of the unionlist buffer.    */
/*                also receives the size in bytes of the unionlist buffer  */
/*                on successful return.                                    */
/*                                                                         */
/* unionlist -  pointer to the buffer that will receive the union list.    */ 
/*                                                                         */
/*                                                                         */
/* Returns -    Length of the resulting union list or negative if          */
/*              unionlist is not big enough. If negative is returned       */
/*              *unionlist will be changed indicate the size of unionlist  */
/*              buffer needed                                              */
/*                                                                         */
/* Important: In order ensure that unionlist does not contain any          */
/*            duplicates, at least list1 must not have any duplicates.     */
/*            Also, for speed optimization if list1 and list2 are both     */
/*            with out duplicates, the larger list should be passed in     */
/*            as list1.                                                    */
/*                                                                         */
/* Note: A good size for unionlist (so that non-zero will never be         */
/*       returned) is list1len + list2len + 1                              */
    char* listend = (char*)list2 + list2len;
    char* itembegin = (char*)list2;
    char* itemend = itembegin;
    int   itemlen;
    int   copiedlen;

    if(unionlist == 0 ||
       *unionlistlen == 0 ||
       *unionlistlen < list1len)
        *unionlistlen = list1len + list2len + 1;
        return -1;

    /* Copy list1 into the unionlist since it should not have any duplicates */
    copiedlen = list1len;

    while(itemend < listend)
        itembegin = itemend;

        /* seek to the end of the next list item */
            if(itemend == listend || *itemend == ',')
                if(*(itemend - 1) != '\\')

            itemend ++;

        itemlen = itemend - itembegin;
                                 itembegin) == 0)
            if(copiedlen + itemlen + 1 > *unionlistlen)

                *unionlistlen = list1len + list2len + 1;
                return -1;

            /* append a comma if not the first entry*/
                unionlist[copiedlen] = ',';
            memcpy(unionlist + copiedlen, itembegin, itemlen);
            copiedlen += itemlen;


        itemend ++;    

    *unionlistlen = copiedlen;

    return copiedlen;
Beispiel #6
/** Intersects two string lists, and removes the common entries from
 * the second list.
 * @param[in] list1len - The length in bytes of the list to be checked
 * @param[in] list1 - A pointer to the string-list to be checked
 * @param[in] list2len - The length in bytes of the list to be checked
 *     and updated
 * @param[in] list2 - A pointer to the string-list to be checked and
 *     updated
 * @return The number of common entries between @p list1 and @p list2.
int SLPIntersectRemoveStringList(int list1len,
                                 const char* list1,
                                 int* list2len,
                                 char* list2)
    int result = 0;
    int pos;
    char* listend = (char*)list1 + list1len;
    char* itembegin = (char*)list1;
    char* itemend = itembegin;
    char* list2end = (char*)list2 + (*list2len);

    while(itemend < listend)
        itembegin = itemend;

        /* seek to the end of the next list item */
            if(itemend == listend || *itemend == ',')
                if(*(itemend - 1) != '\\')


        if ((pos = SLPContainsStringList(*list2len,
                                       itemend - itembegin,
                                       itembegin)) != 0)
            /* String found in the list at position pos (1-based) */
            /* Remove it from list2                               */
            char* dest = list2+(pos-1);
            char* src = dest+(itemend-itembegin);


            if (src < list2end)
                if (*src == ',')
            while (src < list2end)
                *dest++ = *src++;
            list2end = dest;


    *list2len = (int)(list2end - (char *)list2);

    return result;
Beispiel #7
int SLPDDatabaseSrvTypeRqstStart(SLPMessage msg,
                                 SLPDDatabaseSrvTypeRqstResult** result)
/* Find service types in the database                                      */
/*                                                                         */
/* msg      (IN) the SrvTypRqst to find.                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* result   (OUT) pointer result structure                                 */
/*                                                                         */
/* Returns  - Zero on success. Non-zero on failure                         */
/*                                                                         */
/* Note:    Caller must pass *result to SLPDDatabaseSrvtypeRqstEnd() to    */
/*          free                                                           */
    SLPDatabaseHandle           dh;
    SLPDatabaseEntry*           entry;
    SLPSrvReg*                  entryreg;
    SLPSrvTypeRqst*             srvtyperqst;

    dh = SLPDatabaseOpen(&G_SlpdDatabase.database);
    if ( dh )
        /* srvtyperqst is the SrvTypeRqst being made */
        srvtyperqst = &(msg->body.srvtyperqst);

        while ( 1 )
            /* Allocate result with generous srvtypelist of url entry pointers */
            *result = (SLPDDatabaseSrvTypeRqstResult*) xrealloc(*result, sizeof(SLPDDatabaseSrvTypeRqstResult) + G_SlpdDatabase.srvtypelistlen);
            if ( *result == NULL )
                /* out of memory */
                return SLP_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
            (*result)->srvtypelist = (char*)((*result) + 1);
            (*result)->srvtypelistlen = 0;
            (*result)->reserved = dh;

            /* Rewind enumeration in case we had to reallocate */

            while ( 1 )
                entry = SLPDatabaseEnum(dh);
                if ( entry == NULL )
                    /* This is the only successful way out */
                    return 0;

                /* entry reg is the SrvReg message from the database */
                entryreg = &(entry->msg->body.srvreg);

                if ( SLPCompareNamingAuth(entryreg->srvtypelen,
                                          srvtyperqst->namingauth) == 0 && 
                                            entryreg->scopelist) &&
                                           entryreg->srvtype) == 0 )
                    /* Check to see if we allocated a big enough srvtypelist */
                    if ( (*result)->srvtypelistlen + entryreg->srvtypelen > G_SlpdDatabase.srvtypelistlen )
                        /* Oops we did not allocate a big enough result */
                        G_SlpdDatabase.srvtypelistlen *= 2;

                    /* Append a comma if needed */
                    if ( (*result)->srvtypelistlen )
                        (*result)->srvtypelist[(*result)->srvtypelistlen] = ',';
                        (*result)->srvtypelistlen += 1;
                    /* Append the service type */
                    memcpy(((*result)->srvtypelist) + (*result)->srvtypelistlen,
                    (*result)->srvtypelistlen += entryreg->srvtypelen;


    return 0;