Beispiel #1
void CBlock_ScaleSpectralData(CAacDecoderChannelInfo *pAacDecoderChannelInfo, SamplingRateInfo *pSamplingRateInfo)
  int band;
  int window;
  const SHORT * RESTRICT pSfbScale  = pAacDecoderChannelInfo->pDynData->aSfbScale;
  SHORT * RESTRICT pSpecScale = pAacDecoderChannelInfo->specScale;
  int groupwin,group;
  const SHORT * RESTRICT BandOffsets = GetScaleFactorBandOffsets(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo->icsInfo, pSamplingRateInfo);
  SPECTRAL_PTR RESTRICT pSpectralCoefficient = pAacDecoderChannelInfo->pSpectralCoefficient;

  FDKmemclear(pSpecScale, 8*sizeof(SHORT));

  int max_band = GetScaleFactorBandsTransmitted(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo->icsInfo);
  for (window=0, group=0; group < GetWindowGroups(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo->icsInfo); group++)
    for (groupwin=0; groupwin < GetWindowGroupLength(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo->icsInfo,group); groupwin++, window++)
      int SpecScale_window = pSpecScale[window];
      FIXP_DBL *pSpectrum = SPEC(pSpectralCoefficient, window,  pAacDecoderChannelInfo->granuleLength);

      /* find scaling for current window */
      for (band=0; band < max_band; band++)
        SpecScale_window = fMax(SpecScale_window, (int)pSfbScale[window*16+band]);

      if (pAacDecoderChannelInfo->pDynData->TnsData.Active) {
        SpecScale_window += TNS_SCALE;

      /* store scaling of current window */
      pSpecScale[window] = SpecScale_window;

#ifdef FUNCTION_CBlock_ScaleSpectralData_func1

      CBlock_ScaleSpectralData_func1(pSpectrum, max_band, BandOffsets, SpecScale_window, pSfbScale, window);

#else /* FUNCTION_CBlock_ScaleSpectralData_func1 */
      for (band=0; band < max_band; band++)
        int scale = SpecScale_window - pSfbScale[window*16+band];
        if (scale)
          /* following relation can be used for optimizations: (BandOffsets[i]%4) == 0 for all i */
          int max_index = BandOffsets[band+1];
          for (int index = BandOffsets[band]; index < max_index; index++)
            pSpectrum[index] >>= scale;
#endif  /* FUNCTION_CBlock_ScaleSpectralData_func1 */

Beispiel #2
static void
_kcmdline_parse_var(const char *start, size_t len)
    static const struct spec {
        const char *prefix;
        size_t prefixlen;
        void *data;
        void (*parse)(const char *str, size_t size, void *data);
    } specs[] = {
#define SPEC(str, storage, parse)               \
    { str, sizeof(str) - 1, storage, parse \
        SPEC("LEVELS", NULL, _levels_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("LEVEL", &_global_domain.level, _level_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("ABORT", &_abort_level, _level_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("SHOW_COLORS", &_show_colors, _bool_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("SHOW_FILE", &_show_file, _bool_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("SHOW_FUNCTION", &_show_function, _bool_parse_wrapper),
        SPEC("SHOW_LINE", &_show_line, _bool_parse_wrapper),
#undef SPEC
    const struct spec *itr, *itr_end;

    itr = specs;
    itr_end = itr + SOL_UTIL_ARRAY_SIZE(specs);
    for (; itr < itr_end; itr++) {
        if (itr->prefixlen + 1 < len &&
            memcmp(itr->prefix, start, itr->prefixlen) == 0 &&
            start[itr->prefixlen] == '=') {
            itr->parse(start + (itr->prefixlen + 1),
                len - (itr->prefixlen + 1),
Beispiel #3
        Set register value
EXPORT	ER	setRegister(W regno, UW val)
	W	i, ix;

	i = regTab[regno].id & (R_GRP | 0x3ff);
	if (i & R_ONLY) return E_RONLY;		// cannot be set

	if (i < SPEC(0)) {	// normal register
		regStack[i & 0xff] = val;
		return 0;

        // obtain mode
	ix = ixCpuMode();

        // special register
	switch(i) {
	case SPEC(0x00):	// R8
	case SPEC(0x01):	// R9
	case SPEC(0x02):	// R10
	case SPEC(0x03):	// R11
	case SPEC(0x04):	// R12
		if (ix != ixFIQ) ix = ixUSR;
	case SPEC(0x05):	// R13
	case SPEC(0x06):	// R14
		regStack[ix + i - SPEC(0x00)] = val;
	case SPEC(0x08):	// SPSR
		if (ix == ixUSR) break;	// undefined
		if (ix == ixFIQ) ix -= 5;
		regStack[ix + 4] = val;
	case SPEC(0x0F):	// CP15 R1
		regStack[ixCP15R1] &= MASK_CACHEMMU;
		regStack[ixCP15R1] |= val & VALID_CACHEMMU;
		return E_PAR;
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
        obtain register value
EXPORT	UW	getRegister(W regno)
	W	i, ix;

	i = regTab[regno].id & (R_GRP | 0x3ff);

        // normal register
	if (i < SPEC(0)) return regStack[i & 0xff];

        // obtain mode
	ix = ixCpuMode();

        // special register
	switch(i) {
	case SPEC(0x00):	// R8
	case SPEC(0x01):	// R9
	case SPEC(0x02):	// R10
	case SPEC(0x03):	// R11
	case SPEC(0x04):	// R12
		if (ix != ixFIQ) ix = ixUSR;
	case SPEC(0x05):	// R13
	case SPEC(0x06):	// R14
		return regStack[ix + i - SPEC(0)];
	case SPEC(0x08):	// SPSR
		if (ix == ixUSR) return 0;	// undefined
		if (ix == ixFIQ) ix -= 5;
		return regStack[ix + 4];
	case SPEC(0x0F):	// CP15 R1
		return regStack[ixCP15R1];
        // retur 0 on error
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
#define	ixCP15		39		// CP15 index
#define	ixCP15R1	(ixCP15 + 0)

#define	N_ACTREGS	(16 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 10)
#define	N_REGS		(N_ACTREGS + 3)

LOCAL	const	REGTAB	regTab[N_REGS] = {
	{"R0      ",	R_GEN + 0x00			},	// 0
	{"R1      ",	R_GEN + 0x01			},	// 1
	{"R2      ",	R_GEN + 0x02			},	// 2
	{"R3      ",	R_GEN + 0x03 + R_LF		},	// 3
	{"R4      ",	R_GEN + 0x04			},	// 4
	{"R5      ",	R_GEN + 0x05			},	// 5
	{"R6      ",	R_GEN + 0x06			},	// 6
	{"R7      ",	R_GEN + 0x07 + R_LF		},	// 7
	{"R8      ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x00)		},	// 8
	{"R9      ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x01)		},	// 9
	{"R10/SL  ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x02)		},	// 10
	{"R11/FP  ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x03) + R_LF	},	// 11
	{"R12/IP  ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x04)		},	// 12
	{"R13/SP  ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x05)		},	// 13
	{"R14/LR  ",	R_GEN + SPEC(0x06)		},	// 14
	{"R15/PC  ",	R_GEN + ixPC + R_LF		},	// 15

	{"R8_USR  ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 0 + R_GAP	},	// 16
	{"R9_USR  ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 1		},	// 17
	{"R10_USR ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 2		},	// 18
	{"R11_USR ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 3 + R_LF	},	// 19
	{"R12_USR ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 4		},	// 20
	{"R13_USR ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 5		},	// 21
	{"R14_USR ",	R_GEN + ixUSR + 6 + R_LF	},	// 22
Beispiel #6
  return plugin_dispatch_values(vl);
} /* dispatch_size */

static struct {
  const char *name;
  const char *config_key;
  size_t offset;

  int (*dispatcher)(CURL *, CURLINFO, value_list_t *);
  const char *type;
  CURLINFO info;
} field_specs[] = {
#define SPEC(name, config_key, dispatcher, type, info)                         \
  { #name, config_key, offsetof(curl_stats_t, name), dispatcher, type, info }

    SPEC(total_time, "TotalTime", dispatch_gauge, "duration",
    SPEC(namelookup_time, "NamelookupTime", dispatch_gauge, "duration",
    SPEC(connect_time, "ConnectTime", dispatch_gauge, "duration",
    SPEC(pretransfer_time, "PretransferTime", dispatch_gauge, "duration",
    SPEC(size_upload, "SizeUpload", dispatch_gauge, "bytes",
    SPEC(size_download, "SizeDownload", dispatch_gauge, "bytes",
    SPEC(speed_download, "SpeedDownload", dispatch_speed, "bitrate",
    SPEC(speed_upload, "SpeedUpload", dispatch_speed, "bitrate",
    SPEC(header_size, "HeaderSize", dispatch_size, "bytes",
Beispiel #7
void CJointStereo_ApplyMS(
        CAacDecoderChannelInfo *pAacDecoderChannelInfo[2],
        const SHORT *pScaleFactorBandOffsets,
        const UCHAR *pWindowGroupLength,
        const int windowGroups,
        const int scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL,
        const int scaleFactorBandsTransmittedR
  CJointStereoData *pJointStereoData = &pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->pComData->jointStereoData;
  int window, group, scaleFactorBandsTransmitted;

  FDK_ASSERT(scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL == scaleFactorBandsTransmittedR);
  scaleFactorBandsTransmitted = scaleFactorBandsTransmittedL;
  for (window = 0, group = 0; group < windowGroups; group++)
    UCHAR groupMask = 1 << group;

    for (int groupwin=0; groupwin<pWindowGroupLength[group]; groupwin++, window++)
      int band;
      FIXP_DBL *leftSpectrum, *rightSpectrum;
      SHORT *leftScale = &pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->pDynData->aSfbScale[window*16];
      SHORT *rightScale = &pAacDecoderChannelInfo[R]->pDynData->aSfbScale[window*16];

      leftSpectrum = SPEC(pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->pSpectralCoefficient, window, pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->granuleLength);
      rightSpectrum = SPEC(pAacDecoderChannelInfo[R]->pSpectralCoefficient, window, pAacDecoderChannelInfo[R]->granuleLength);

      for (band=0; band<scaleFactorBandsTransmitted; band++)
        if (pJointStereoData->MsUsed[band] & groupMask)
          int lScale=leftScale[band];
          int rScale=rightScale[band];
          int commonScale=lScale > rScale ? lScale:rScale;

          /* ISO/IEC 14496-3 Chapter :
             M/S joint channel coding can only be used if common_window is ‘1’. */
          FDK_ASSERT(GetWindowSequence(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->icsInfo) == GetWindowSequence(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo[R]->icsInfo));
          FDK_ASSERT(GetWindowShape(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo[L]->icsInfo) == GetWindowShape(&pAacDecoderChannelInfo[R]->icsInfo));


          lScale = fMin(DFRACT_BITS-1, commonScale - lScale);
          rScale = fMin(DFRACT_BITS-1, commonScale - rScale);

          FDK_ASSERT(lScale >= 0 && rScale >= 0);

          for (int index=pScaleFactorBandOffsets[band]; index<pScaleFactorBandOffsets[band+1]; index++)
            FIXP_DBL leftCoefficient  = leftSpectrum [index] ;
            FIXP_DBL rightCoefficient = rightSpectrum [index] ;

            leftCoefficient >>= lScale ;
            rightCoefficient >>= rScale ;

            leftSpectrum [index] = leftCoefficient + rightCoefficient ;
            rightSpectrum [index] = leftCoefficient - rightCoefficient ;