void SIM_PLOT_FRAME::onCursorUpdate( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxSize size = m_cursors->GetClientSize();
    SIM_PLOT_PANEL* plotPanel = CurrentPlot();

    if( !plotPanel )

    if( m_signalsIconColorList )
        m_cursors->SetImageList(m_signalsIconColorList, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL);

    // Fill the signals listctrl
    m_cursors->AppendColumn( _( "Signal" ), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, size.x / 2 );
    const long X_COL = m_cursors->AppendColumn( plotPanel->GetLabelX(), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, size.x / 4 );

    wxString labelY1 = plotPanel->GetLabelY1();
    wxString labelY2 = plotPanel->GetLabelY2();
    wxString labelY;

    if( !labelY2.IsEmpty() )
        labelY = labelY1 + " / " + labelY2;
        labelY = labelY1;

    const long Y_COL = m_cursors->AppendColumn( labelY, wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, size.x / 4 );

    // Update cursor values
    int itemidx = 0;
    for( const auto& trace : plotPanel->GetTraces() )
        if( CURSOR* cursor = trace.second->GetCursor() )
           // Find the right icon color in list.
            // It is the icon used in m_signals list for the same trace
            long iconColor = m_signals->FindItem( -1, trace.first );

            const wxRealPoint coords = cursor->GetCoords();
            long idx = m_cursors->InsertItem( itemidx++, trace.first, iconColor );
            m_cursors->SetItem( idx, X_COL, SPICE_VALUE( coords.x ).ToSpiceString() );
            m_cursors->SetItem( idx, Y_COL, SPICE_VALUE( coords.y ).ToSpiceString() );
bool DIALOG_SPICE_MODEL::generatePowerSource( wxString& aTarget ) const
    wxString acdc, trans;
    wxWindow* page = m_powerNotebook->GetCurrentPage();
    bool useTrans = true;       // shall we use the transient command part?

    // Variables for generic processing
    bool genericProcessing = false;
    unsigned int genericReqParamsCount = 0;
    std::vector<wxTextCtrl*> genericControls;

    /// DC / AC section
    // If SPICE_VALUE can be properly constructed, then it is a valid value
        if( !empty( m_genDc ) )
            acdc += wxString::Format( "dc %s ", SPICE_VALUE( m_genDc->GetValue() ).ToSpiceString() );
    catch( ... )
        DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Invalid DC value" ) );
        return false;

        if( !empty( m_genAcMag ) )
            acdc += wxString::Format( "ac %s ", SPICE_VALUE( m_genAcMag->GetValue() ).ToSpiceString() );

            if( !empty( m_genAcPhase ) )
                acdc += wxString::Format( "%s ", SPICE_VALUE( m_genAcPhase->GetValue() ).ToSpiceString() );
    catch( ... )
        DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Invalid AC magnitude or phase" ) );
        return false;

    /// Transient section
    if( page == m_pwrPulse )
        if( !m_pwrPulse->Validate() )
            return false;

        genericProcessing = true;
        trans += "pulse";
        genericReqParamsCount = 2;
        genericControls = { m_pulseInit, m_pulseNominal, m_pulseDelay,
            m_pulseRise, m_pulseFall, m_pulseWidth, m_pulsePeriod };

    else if( page == m_pwrSin )
        if( !m_pwrSin->Validate() )
            return false;

        genericProcessing = true;
        trans += "sin";
        genericReqParamsCount = 2;
        genericControls = { m_sinOffset, m_sinAmplitude, m_sinFreq, m_sinDelay, m_sinDampFactor };

    else if( page == m_pwrExp )
        if( !m_pwrExp->Validate() )
            return false;

        genericProcessing = true;
        trans += "exp";
        genericReqParamsCount = 2;
        genericControls = { m_expInit, m_expPulsed,
            m_expRiseDelay, m_expRiseConst, m_expFallDelay, m_expFallConst };

    else if( page == m_pwrPwl )
        if( m_pwlValList->GetItemCount() > 0 )
            trans += "pwl(";

            for( int i = 0; i < m_pwlValList->GetItemCount(); ++i )
                trans += wxString::Format( "%s %s ", m_pwlValList->GetItemText( i, m_pwlTimeCol ),
                                                     m_pwlValList->GetItemText( i, m_pwlValueCol ) );

            trans += ")";

    if( genericProcessing )
        trans += "(";

        auto first_empty = std::find_if( genericControls.begin(), genericControls.end(), empty );
        auto first_not_empty = std::find_if( genericControls.begin(), genericControls.end(),
                []( const wxTextCtrl* c ){ return !empty( c ); } );

        if( std::distance( first_not_empty, genericControls.end() ) == 0 )
            // all empty
            useTrans = false;
        else if( std::distance( genericControls.begin(), first_empty ) < (int)genericReqParamsCount )
            DisplayError( nullptr,
                    wxString::Format( wxT( "You need to specify at least the "
                                           "first %d parameters for the transient source" ),
                            genericReqParamsCount ) );

            return false;
        else if( std::find_if_not( first_empty, genericControls.end(),
                         empty ) != genericControls.end() )
            DisplayError( nullptr, wxT( "You cannot leave interleaved empty fields "
                                        "when defining a transient source" ) );
            return false;
            std::for_each( genericControls.begin(), first_empty,
                    [&trans] ( wxTextCtrl* ctrl ) {
                trans += wxString::Format( "%s ", ctrl->GetValue() );
            } );

        trans += ")";

    aTarget = acdc;

    if( useTrans )
        aTarget += trans;

    // Remove whitespaces from left and right side
    aTarget.Trim( false );
    aTarget.Trim( true );

    return true;
bool DIALOG_SPICE_MODEL::parsePowerSource( const wxString& aModel )
    if( aModel.IsEmpty() )
        return false;

    wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( aModel, " ()" );
    wxString tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();

    while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
        // Variables used for generic values processing (filling out wxTextCtrls in sequence)
        bool genericProcessing = false;
        unsigned int genericReqParamsCount = 0;
        std::vector<wxTextCtrl*> genericControls;

        if( tkn == "dc" )
            // There might be an optional "dc" or "trans" directive, skip it
            if( tkn == "dc" || tkn == "trans" )
                tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();

            // DC value
                m_genDc->SetValue( SPICE_VALUE( tkn ).ToSpiceString() );
            catch( ... )
                return false;

        else if( tkn == "ac" )
            // AC magnitude
                tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();
                m_genAcMag->SetValue( SPICE_VALUE( tkn ).ToSpiceString() );
            catch( ... )
                return false;

            // AC phase (optional)
                tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();
                m_genAcPhase->SetValue( SPICE_VALUE( tkn ).ToSpiceString() );
            catch( ... )
                continue;   // perhaps another directive

        else if( tkn == "pulse" )
            m_powerNotebook->SetSelection( m_powerNotebook->FindPage( m_pwrPulse ) );

            genericProcessing = true;
            genericReqParamsCount = 2;
            genericControls = { m_pulseInit, m_pulseNominal, m_pulseDelay,
                m_pulseRise, m_pulseFall, m_pulseWidth, m_pulsePeriod };

        else if( tkn == "sin" )
            m_powerNotebook->SetSelection( m_powerNotebook->FindPage( m_pwrSin ) );

            genericProcessing = true;
            genericReqParamsCount = 2;
            genericControls = { m_sinOffset, m_sinAmplitude, m_sinFreq, m_sinDelay, m_sinDampFactor };

        else if( tkn == "exp" )
            m_powerNotebook->SetSelection( m_powerNotebook->FindPage( m_pwrExp ) );

            genericProcessing = true;
            genericReqParamsCount = 2;
            genericControls = { m_expInit, m_expPulsed,
                m_expRiseDelay, m_expRiseConst, m_expFallDelay, m_expFallConst };

        else if( tkn == "pwl" )
            m_powerNotebook->SetSelection( m_powerNotebook->FindPage( m_pwrPwl ) );

                while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
                    tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
                    SPICE_VALUE time( tkn );

                    tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
                    SPICE_VALUE value( tkn );

                    addPwlValue( time.ToSpiceString(), value.ToSpiceString() );
            catch( ... )
                return false;

            // Unhandled power source type
            wxASSERT_MSG( false, "Unhandled power source type" );
            return false;

        if( genericProcessing )
                for( unsigned int i = 0; i < genericControls.size(); ++i )
                    // If there are no more tokens, let's check if we got at least required fields
                    if( !tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
                        return ( i >= genericReqParamsCount );

                    tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();
                    genericControls[i]->SetValue( SPICE_VALUE( tkn ).ToSpiceString() );
            catch( ... )
                return false;

        // Get the next token now, so if any of the branches catches an expection, try to
        // process it in another branch
        tkn = tokenizer.GetNextToken().Lower();

    return true;