// Because of the drastically different ways that same- and cross-origin XOWs
// work, we have to call JS_ClearScope when a XOW changes from being same-
// origin to cross-origin. Normally, there are defined places in Gecko where
// this happens and they notify us. However, UniversalXPConnect causes the
// same transition without any notifications. We could try to detect when this
// happens, but doing so would require calling JS_ClearScope from random
// hooks, which is bad.
// The compromise is the UXPCObject. When resolving a property on a XOW as
// same-origin because of UniversalXPConnect, we actually resolve it on the
// UXPCObject (which is just a XOW for the same object). This causes the JS
// engine to do all of its work on another object, not polluting the main
// object. However, if the get results in calling a setter, the engine still
// uses the regular object as 'this', ensuring that the UXPCObject doesn't
// leak to script.
static JSObject *
GetUXPCObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
  NS_ASSERTION(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj) == &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base, "wrong object");

  jsval v;
  if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot, &v)) {
    return nsnull;

    return obj;

  if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, sUXPCObjectSlot, &v)) {
    return nsnull;

  if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(v)) {
    return JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);

  JSObject *uxpco =
    JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base, nsnull,
  if (!uxpco) {
    return nsnull;

  JSAutoTempValueRooter tvr(cx, uxpco);

  jsval wrappedObj, parentScope;
  if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPCWrapper::sWrappedObjSlot, &wrappedObj) ||
      !JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPC_XOW_ScopeSlot, &parentScope)) {
    return nsnull;

  if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, uxpco, XPCWrapper::sWrappedObjSlot, wrappedObj) ||
      !JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, uxpco, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot,
                          INT_TO_JSVAL(FLAG_IS_UXPC_OBJECT)) ||
      !JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, uxpco, XPC_XOW_ScopeSlot, parentScope)) {
    return nsnull;

  if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, sUXPCObjectSlot, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(uxpco))) {
    return nsnull;

  return uxpco;
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_Convert(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSType type, jsval *vp)
  // Don't do any work to convert to object.
  if (type == JSTYPE_OBJECT) {
    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *wrappedObj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
  if (!wrappedObj) {
    // Converting the prototype to something.

    if (type == JSTYPE_STRING || type == JSTYPE_VOID) {
      return XPC_XOW_toString(cx, obj, 0, nsnull, vp);

    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
    return JS_TRUE;

  XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
  if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  // Note: JSTYPE_VOID and JSTYPE_STRING are equivalent.
  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, wrappedObj, nsnull);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) &&
       (type != JSTYPE_STRING && type != JSTYPE_VOID))) {
    // Ensure that we report some kind of error.
      ThrowException(rv, cx);
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (!STOBJ_GET_CLASS(wrappedObj)->convert(cx, wrappedObj, type, vp)) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)
         ? WrapSameOriginProp(cx, obj, vp)
         : XPC_XOW_RewrapIfNeeded(cx, obj, vp);
Beispiel #3
static JSBool
CloseGenerator(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
    JSGenerator *gen;

    JS_ASSERT(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj) == &js_GeneratorClass);
    gen = (JSGenerator *) JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj);
    if (!gen) {
        /* Generator prototype object. */
        return JS_TRUE;

    if (gen->state == JSGEN_CLOSED)
        return JS_TRUE;

    return SendToGenerator(cx, JSGENOP_CLOSE, obj, gen, JSVAL_VOID);
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_toString(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
                 jsval *rval)
  obj = GetWrapper(obj);
  if (!obj) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, cx);

  JSObject *wrappedObj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
  if (!wrappedObj) {
    // Someone's calling toString on our prototype.
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(protoString, "[object XPCCrossOriginWrapper]");
    JSString *str =
      JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, protoString.get(), protoString.Length());
    if (!str) {
      return JS_FALSE;
    *rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
    return JS_TRUE;

  XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
  if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, wrappedObj, nsnull);
    nsIScriptSecurityManager *ssm = XPCWrapper::GetSecurityManager();
    if (!ssm) {
      return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, cx);
    rv = ssm->CheckPropertyAccess(cx, wrappedObj,
                                  GetRTStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING),
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  XPCWrappedNative *wn =
    XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, wrappedObj);
  return XPCWrapper::NativeToString(cx, wn, argc, argv, rval, JS_FALSE);
Beispiel #5
static JSBool
DefineGetterOrSetter(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, JSBool wantGetter, jsval *vp)
    uintN attrs;
    JSBool found;
    JSPropertyOp getter, setter;
    JSObject *obj2;
    jsval v;
    jsid interned_id;

    JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);
    if (!obj)
        return JS_FALSE;
    JSFastNative forward = wantGetter ? js_obj_defineGetter : js_obj_defineSetter;
    jsval id = (argc >= 1) ? JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[0] : JSVAL_VOID;
        return forward(cx, argc, vp);
    JSString *str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(id);

    const char *name = JS_GetStringBytes(str);
    if(!JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &interned_id) ||
       !JS_LookupPropertyWithFlagsById(cx, obj, interned_id,
                                       JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED, &obj2, &v) ||
       (obj2 &&
        !JS_GetPropertyAttrsGetterAndSetterById(cx, obj2, interned_id, &attrs,
                                                &found, &getter, &setter)))
        return JS_FALSE;

    // The property didn't exist, already has a getter or setter, or is not
    // our property, then just forward now.
    if(!obj2 ||
       (attrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) ||
       !(getter || setter) ||
        return forward(cx, argc, vp);

    // Reify the getter and setter...
    if(!ReifyPropertyOps(cx, obj, id, interned_id, name, getter, setter,
                         nsnull, nsnull))
        return JS_FALSE;

    return forward(cx, argc, vp);
// Like GetWrappedObject, but works on other types of wrappers, too.
// See also js_GetWrappedObject in jsobj.h.
// TODO Move to XPCWrapper?
static inline JSObject *
GetWrappedJSObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
  JSClass *clasp = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj);
  if (!(clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED)) {
    return obj;

  JSExtendedClass *xclasp = (JSExtendedClass *)clasp;
  if (!xclasp->wrappedObject) {
    if (XPCNativeWrapper::IsNativeWrapper(obj)) {
      XPCWrappedNative *wn = XPCNativeWrapper::SafeGetWrappedNative(obj);
      return wn ? wn->GetFlatJSObject() : nsnull;

    return obj;

  return xclasp->wrappedObject(cx, obj);
Beispiel #7
static JSBool
InitNativeIterator(JSContext *cx, JSObject *iterobj, JSObject *obj, uintN flags)
    jsval state;
    JSBool ok;

    JS_ASSERT(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(iterobj) == &js_IteratorClass);

    /* Initialize iterobj in case of enumerate hook failure. */
    STOBJ_SET_PARENT(iterobj, obj);
    if (!js_RegisterCloseableIterator(cx, iterobj))
        return JS_FALSE;
    if (!obj)
        return JS_TRUE;

    ok =
         ((flags & JSITER_FOREACH) && OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj))
         ? ((JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops)->
               enumerateValues(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &state, NULL, NULL)
           OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &state, NULL);
    if (!ok)
        return JS_FALSE;

    STOBJ_SET_SLOT(iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_STATE, state);
    if (flags & JSITER_ENUMERATE) {
         * The enumerating iterator needs the original object to suppress
         * enumeration of deleted or shadowed prototype properties. Since the
         * enumerator never escapes to scripts, we use the prototype slot to
         * store the original object.
        JS_ASSERT(obj != iterobj);
        STOBJ_SET_PROTO(iterobj, obj);
    return JS_TRUE;
Beispiel #8
xpc_qsXPCOMObjectToJsval(XPCLazyCallContext &lccx, nsISupports *p,
                         nsWrapperCache *cache, const nsIID *iid,
                         XPCNativeInterface **iface, jsval *rval)
    // From the T_INTERFACE case in XPCConvert::NativeData2JS.
    // This is one of the slowest things quick stubs do.

    JSContext *cx = lccx.GetJSContext();
        return xpc_qsThrow(cx, NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_NATIVE);

    // XXX The OBJ_IS_NOT_GLOBAL here is not really right. In
    // fact, this code is depending on the fact that the
    // global object will not have been collected, and
    // therefore this NativeInterface2JSObject will not end up
    // creating a new XPCNativeScriptableShared.

    nsresult rv;
    if(!XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(lccx, rval, nsnull, p,
                                             iid, iface, cache,
                                             lccx.GetCurrentJSObject(), PR_TRUE,
                                             OBJ_IS_NOT_GLOBAL, &rv))
        // I can't tell if NativeInterface2JSObject throws JS exceptions
        // or not.  This is a sloppy stab at the right semantics; the
        // method really ought to be fixed to behave consistently.
            xpc_qsThrow(cx, NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
        return JS_FALSE;

#ifdef DEBUG
    JSObject* jsobj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*rval);
    if(jsobj && !STOBJ_GET_PARENT(jsobj))
                     "Why did we recreate this wrapper?");

    return JS_TRUE;
Beispiel #9
GetScopeOfObject(JSObject* obj)
    nsISupports* supports;
    JSClass* clazz = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj);

    if(!IS_WRAPPER_CLASS(clazz) ||
       !(supports = (nsISupports*) xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj)))
#ifdef DEBUG
            if(!(~clazz->flags & (JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE |
                                  JSCLASS_PRIVATE_IS_NSISUPPORTS)) &&
               (supports = (nsISupports*) xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj)) &&
                nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedNative> iface =

                NS_ASSERTION(!iface, "Uh, how'd this happen?");

        return nsnull;

#ifdef DEBUG
        nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedNative> iface = do_QueryInterface(supports);

        NS_ASSERTION(iface, "Uh, how'd this happen?");

    // obj is one of our nsXPConnectWrappedNative objects.
    return ((XPCWrappedNative*)supports)->GetScope();
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_HasInstance(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval v, JSBool *bp)
  JSObject *iface = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);

  XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
  if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, iface, nsnull);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Don't do this test across origins.
      return ThrowException(rv, cx);
    return JS_FALSE;

  JSClass *clasp = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(iface);

  *bp = JS_FALSE;
  if (!clasp->hasInstance) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  // Prematurely unwrap the left hand side.
    JSObject *test = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);

    // GetWrappedObject does an instanceof check.
    test = GetWrappedObject(cx, test);
    if (test) {
      v = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(test);

  return clasp->hasInstance(cx, iface, v, bp);
XPC_XOW_RewrapIfNeeded(JSContext *cx, JSObject *outerObj, jsval *vp)
  // Don't need to wrap primitive values.
  if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(*vp)) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp);

  if (JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, obj)) {
    return XPC_XOW_WrapFunction(cx, outerObj, obj, vp);

  XPCWrappedNative *wn = nsnull;
  if (STOBJ_GET_CLASS(obj) == &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base &&
      STOBJ_GET_PARENT(outerObj) != STOBJ_GET_PARENT(obj)) {
    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(GetWrappedObject(cx, obj));
  } else if (!(wn = XPCWrappedNative::GetAndMorphWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, obj))) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  return XPC_XOW_WrapObject(cx, JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, outerObj), vp, wn);
XPC_SJOW_Construct(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv,
                   jsval *rval)
  if (argc < 1) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS, cx);

  // |obj| almost always has the wrong proto and parent so we have to create
  // our own object anyway.  Set |obj| to null so we don't use it by accident.
  obj = nsnull;

  if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(argv[0])) {
    JSStackFrame *fp = nsnull;
    if (JS_FrameIterator(cx, &fp) && JS_IsConstructorFrame(cx, fp)) {
      return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);

    *rval = argv[0];
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *objToWrap = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[0]);

  // Prevent script created Script objects from ever being wrapped
  // with XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper, and never let the eval function
  // object be directly wrapped.

  if (STOBJ_GET_CLASS(objToWrap) == &js_ScriptClass ||
      (::JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, objToWrap) &&
       ::JS_GetFunctionNative(cx, ::JS_ValueToFunction(cx, argv[0])) ==
       XPCWrapper::sEvalNative)) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, cx);

  SLIM_LOG_WILL_MORPH(cx, objToWrap);
  if(IS_SLIM_WRAPPER(objToWrap) && !MorphSlimWrapper(cx, objToWrap)) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  // Check that the caller can access the unsafe object.
  if (!CanCallerAccess(cx, objToWrap)) {
    // CanCallerAccess() already threw for us.
    return JS_FALSE;

  JSObject *unsafeObj = GetUnsafeObject(objToWrap);

  if (unsafeObj) {
    // We're asked to wrap an already wrapped object. Re-wrap the
    // object wrapped by the given wrapper.

    objToWrap = unsafeObj;

  // Don't use the object the JS engine created for us, it is in most
  // cases incorectly parented and has a proto from the wrong scope.
  JSObject *wrapperObj =
    ::JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &sXPC_SJOW_JSClass.base, nsnull,

  if (!wrapperObj) {
    // JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto already threw.
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (!::JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, wrapperObj, XPC_SJOW_SLOT_IS_RESOLVING,
                            JSVAL_ZERO)) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  *rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(wrapperObj);

  return JS_TRUE;
Beispiel #13
XPCWrappedNativeScope::SetGlobal(XPCCallContext& ccx, JSObject* aGlobal)
    // We allow for calling this more than once. This feature is used by
    // nsXPConnect::InitClassesWithNewWrappedGlobal.

    mGlobalJSObject = aGlobal;
    mScriptObjectPrincipal = nsnull;
    // Now init our script object principal, if the new global has one

    const JSClass* jsClass = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(aGlobal);
    if(!(~jsClass->flags & (JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE |
        // Our global has an nsISupports native pointer.  Let's
        // see whether it's what we want.
        nsISupports* priv = (nsISupports*)xpc_GetJSPrivate(aGlobal);
        nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectWrappedNative> native =
            mScriptObjectPrincipal = do_QueryWrappedNative(native);
            mScriptObjectPrincipal = do_QueryInterface(priv);

    // Lookup 'globalObject.Object.prototype' for our wrapper's proto
        AutoJSErrorAndExceptionEater eater(ccx); // scoped error eater

        jsval val;
        jsid idObj = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_OBJECT);
        jsid idFun = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_FUNCTION);
        jsid idProto = mRuntime->GetStringID(XPCJSRuntime::IDX_PROTOTYPE);

        if(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(ccx, aGlobal, idObj, &val) &&
           !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val) &&
           OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), idProto, &val) &&
            mPrototypeJSObject = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val);
            NS_ERROR("Can't get globalObject.Object.prototype");

        if(OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(ccx, aGlobal, idFun, &val) &&
           !JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(val) &&
           OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), idProto, &val) &&
            mPrototypeJSFunction = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val);
            NS_ERROR("Can't get globalObject.Function.prototype");

    // Clear the no helper wrapper prototype object so that a new one
    // gets created if needed.
    mPrototypeNoHelper = nsnull;
Beispiel #14
static JSBool
CallEnumeratorNext(JSContext *cx, JSObject *iterobj, uintN flags, jsval *rval)
    JSObject *obj, *origobj;
    jsval state;
    JSBool foreach;
    jsid id;
    JSObject *obj2;
    JSBool cond;
    JSClass *clasp;
    JSExtendedClass *xclasp;
    JSProperty *prop;
    JSString *str;

    JS_ASSERT(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(iterobj) == &js_IteratorClass);

    obj = STOBJ_GET_PARENT(iterobj);
    origobj = STOBJ_GET_PROTO(iterobj);
    state = STOBJ_GET_SLOT(iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_STATE);
    if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(state))
        goto stop;

    foreach = (flags & JSITER_FOREACH) != 0;
     * Treat an XML object specially only when it starts the prototype chain.
     * Otherwise we need to do the usual deleted and shadowed property checks.
    if (obj == origobj && OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
        if (foreach) {
            JSXMLObjectOps *xmlops = (JSXMLObjectOps *) obj->map->ops;

            if (!xmlops->enumerateValues(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &state,
                                         &id, rval)) {
                return JS_FALSE;
        } else {
            if (!OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &state, &id))
                return JS_FALSE;
        STOBJ_SET_SLOT(iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_STATE, state);
        if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(state))
            goto stop;
    } else
        if (!OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_NEXT, &state, &id))
            return JS_FALSE;

        STOBJ_SET_SLOT(iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_STATE, state);
        if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(state)) {
            if (OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, obj)) {
                 * We just finished enumerating an XML obj that is present on
                 * the prototype chain of a non-XML origobj. Stop further
                 * prototype chain searches because XML objects don't
                 * enumerate prototypes.
                JS_ASSERT(origobj != obj);
                JS_ASSERT(!OBJECT_IS_XML(cx, origobj));
            } else
                obj = OBJ_GET_PROTO(cx, obj);
                if (obj) {
                    STOBJ_SET_PARENT(iterobj, obj);
                    if (!OBJ_ENUMERATE(cx, obj, JSENUMERATE_INIT, &state, NULL))
                        return JS_FALSE;
                    STOBJ_SET_SLOT(iterobj, JSSLOT_ITER_STATE, state);
                    if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(state))
                        goto restart;
            goto stop;

        /* Skip properties not in obj when looking from origobj. */
        if (!OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY(cx, origobj, id, &obj2, &prop))
            return JS_FALSE;
        if (!prop)
            goto restart;
        OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY(cx, obj2, prop);

         * If the id was found in a prototype object or an unrelated object
         * (specifically, not in an inner object for obj), skip it. This step
         * means that all OBJ_LOOKUP_PROPERTY implementations must return an
         * object further along on the prototype chain, or else possibly an
         * object returned by the JSExtendedClass.outerObject optional hook.
        if (obj != obj2) {
            cond = JS_FALSE;
            clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj2);
            if (clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED) {
                xclasp = (JSExtendedClass *) clasp;
                cond = xclasp->outerObject &&
                    xclasp->outerObject(cx, obj2) == obj;
            if (!cond)
                goto restart;

        if (foreach) {
            /* Get property querying the original object. */
            if (!OBJ_GET_PROPERTY(cx, origobj, id, rval))
                return JS_FALSE;

    if (foreach) {
        if (flags & JSITER_KEYVALUE) {
            if (!NewKeyValuePair(cx, id, *rval, rval))
                return JS_FALSE;
    } else {
        /* Make rval a string for uniformity and compatibility. */
        str = js_ValueToString(cx, ID_TO_VALUE(id));
        if (!str)
            return JS_FALSE;
        *rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
    return JS_TRUE;

    *rval = JSVAL_HOLE;
    return JS_TRUE;
Beispiel #15
static JSBool
LookupGetterOrSetter(JSContext *cx, JSBool wantGetter, uintN argc, jsval *vp)
    uintN attrs;
    JSBool found;
    JSPropertyOp getter, setter;
    JSObject *obj2;
    jsid interned_id;
    jsval v;


    if(argc == 0)
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
        return JS_TRUE;

    JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp);
    if (!obj)
        return JS_FALSE;
    jsval idval = JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[0];

    const char *name = JSVAL_IS_STRING(idval)
                       ? JS_GetStringBytes(JSVAL_TO_STRING(idval))
                       : nsnull;
    if(!JS_ValueToId(cx, idval, &interned_id) ||
       !JS_LookupPropertyWithFlagsById(cx, obj, interned_id,
                                       JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED, &obj2, &v) ||
       (obj2 &&
        !JS_GetPropertyAttrsGetterAndSetterById(cx, obj2, interned_id, &attrs,
                                                &found, &getter, &setter)))
        return JS_FALSE;

    // No property at all means no getters or setters possible.
    if(!obj2 || !found)
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
        return JS_TRUE;

    // Inline obj_lookup[GS]etter here.
        if(attrs & JSPROP_GETTER)
            JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp,
                        OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(JSObject *, getter)));
            return JS_TRUE;
        if(attrs & JSPROP_SETTER)
            JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp,
                        OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(JSObject *, setter)));
            return JS_TRUE;

    // Since XPConnect doesn't use JSPropertyOps in any other contexts,
    // ensuring that we have an XPConnect prototype object ensures that
    // we are only going to expose quickstubbed properties to script.
    // Also be careful not to overwrite existing properties!
    if(!name ||
       (attrs & (JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER)) ||
       !(getter || setter))
        JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
        return JS_TRUE;

    JSObject *getterobj, *setterobj;
    if(!ReifyPropertyOps(cx, obj, idval, interned_id, name, getter, setter,
                         &getterobj, &setterobj))
        return JS_FALSE;

    JSObject *wantedobj = wantGetter ? getterobj : setterobj;
    v = wantedobj ? OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(wantedobj) : JSVAL_VOID;
    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, v);
    return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_NewResolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, uintN flags,
                   JSObject **objp)
  obj = GetWrapper(obj);

  JSObject *wrappedObj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
  if (!wrappedObj) {
    // No wrappedObj means that this is probably the prototype.
    *objp = nsnull;
    return JS_TRUE;

  XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
  if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  JSBool privilegeEnabled;
  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, wrappedObj, &privilegeEnabled);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      return JS_FALSE;

    // We're dealing with a cross-origin lookup. Ensure that we're allowed to
    // resolve this property and resolve it if so. Otherwise, we deny access
    // and throw a security error. Note that this code does not actually check
    // to see if the property exists, that's dealt with below.

    XPCWrappedNative *wn =
      XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, wrappedObj);
    NS_ASSERTION(wn, "How did we wrap a non-WrappedNative?");
    if (!IsValFrame(wrappedObj, id, wn)) {
      nsIScriptSecurityManager *ssm = XPCWrapper::GetSecurityManager();
      if (!ssm) {
        return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, cx);

      PRUint32 action = (flags & JSRESOLVE_ASSIGNING)
                        ? XPCWrapper::sSecMgrSetProp
                        : XPCWrapper::sSecMgrGetProp;
      rv = ssm->CheckPropertyAccess(cx, wrappedObj,
                                    id, action);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        // The security manager threw an exception for us.
        return JS_FALSE;

    // We're out! We're allowed to resolve this property.
    return XPCWrapper::ResolveNativeProperty(cx, obj, wrappedObj, wn, id,
                                             flags, objp, JS_FALSE);


  if (privilegeEnabled && !(obj = GetUXPCObject(cx, obj))) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (id == GetRTStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING)) {
    jsval oldSlotVal;
    if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot, &oldSlotVal) ||
        !JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot,
                            INT_TO_JSVAL(JSVAL_TO_INT(oldSlotVal) |
                                         FLAG_RESOLVING))) {
      return JS_FALSE;

    JSBool ok = JS_DefineFunction(cx, obj, "toString",
                                  XPC_XOW_toString, 0, 0) != nsnull;

    JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, obj, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot, oldSlotVal);

    if (ok) {
      *objp = obj;

    return ok;

  return XPCWrapper::NewResolve(cx, obj, JS_TRUE, wrappedObj, id, flags, objp);
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_GetOrSetProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, jsval *vp,
                         JSBool isSet)
  if (id == GetRTStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_TO_STRING)) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  // Don't do anything if we already resolved to a wrapped function in
  // NewResolve. In practice, this means that this is a wrapped eval
  // function.
  jsval v = *vp;
      JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v)) &&
      JS_GetFunctionNative(cx, JS_ValueToFunction(cx, v)) ==
      XPC_XOW_FunctionWrapper) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *origObj = obj;
  obj = GetWrapper(obj);
  if (!obj) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);

  XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx);
  if (!ccx.IsValid()) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, cx);

  AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, vp);

  JSObject *wrappedObj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
  if (!wrappedObj) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);

  JSBool privilegeEnabled;
  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, wrappedObj, &privilegeEnabled);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      return JS_FALSE;

    // This is a request to get a property across origins. We need to
    // determine if this property is allAccess. If it is, then we need to
    // actually get the property. If not, we simply need to throw an
    // exception.

    XPCWrappedNative *wn =
      XPCWrappedNative::GetWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, wrappedObj);
    NS_ASSERTION(wn, "How did we wrap a non-WrappedNative?");
    if (!IsValFrame(wrappedObj, id, wn)) {
      nsIScriptSecurityManager *ssm = XPCWrapper::GetSecurityManager();
      if (!ssm) {
        return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED, cx);
      rv = ssm->CheckPropertyAccess(cx, wrappedObj,
                                    id, isSet ? XPCWrapper::sSecMgrSetProp
                                              : XPCWrapper::sSecMgrGetProp);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        // The security manager threw an exception for us.
        return JS_FALSE;

    return XPCWrapper::GetOrSetNativeProperty(cx, obj, wn, id, vp, isSet,

  JSObject *proto = nsnull; // Initialize this to quiet GCC.
  JSBool checkProto =
    (isSet && id == GetRTStringByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_PROTO));
  if (checkProto) {
    proto = STOBJ_GET_PROTO(wrappedObj);

  // Same origin, pass this request along as though nothing interesting
  // happened.
  jsid asId;

  if (!JS_ValueToId(cx, id, &asId)) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  JSBool ok = isSet
              ? JS_SetPropertyById(cx, wrappedObj, asId, vp)
              : JS_GetPropertyById(cx, wrappedObj, asId, vp);
  if (!ok) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (checkProto) {
    JSObject *newProto = STOBJ_GET_PROTO(wrappedObj);

    // If code is trying to set obj.__proto__ and we're on obj's
    // prototype chain, then the JS_GetPropertyById above will do the
    // wrong thing if wrappedObj still delegates to Object.prototype.
    // However, it's hard to figure out if wrappedObj still does
    // delegate to Object.prototype so check to see if proto changed as a
    // result of setting __proto__.

    if (origObj != obj) {
      // Undo the damage.
      if (!JS_SetPrototype(cx, wrappedObj, proto) ||
          !JS_SetPrototype(cx, origObj, newProto)) {
        return JS_FALSE;
    } else if (newProto) {
      // __proto__ setting is a bad hack, people shouldn't do it. In
      // this case we're setting the direct prototype of a XOW object,
      // in the interests of sanity only allow it to be set to null in
      // this case.

      JS_SetPrototype(cx, wrappedObj, proto);
      JS_ReportError(cx, "invalid __proto__ value (can only be set to null)");
      return JS_FALSE;

  return WrapSameOriginProp(cx, obj, vp);
XPC_XOW_WrapObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *parent, jsval *vp,
                   XPCWrappedNative* wn)
               "Can't do this off the main thread!");

  // Our argument should be a wrapped native object, but the caller may have
  // passed it in as an optimization.
  JSObject *wrappedObj;
  if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(*vp) ||
      !(wrappedObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp)) ||
      STOBJ_GET_CLASS(wrappedObj) == &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  if (!wn &&
      !(wn = XPCWrappedNative::GetAndMorphWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, wrappedObj))) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  XPCJSRuntime *rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntimeInstance();

  // The parent must be the inner global object for its scope.
  parent = JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, parent);

  JSClass *clasp = STOBJ_GET_CLASS(parent);
  if (clasp->flags & JSCLASS_IS_EXTENDED) {
    JSExtendedClass *xclasp = reinterpret_cast<JSExtendedClass *>(clasp);
    if (xclasp->innerObject) {
      parent = xclasp->innerObject(cx, parent);
      if (!parent) {
        return JS_FALSE;

  XPCWrappedNativeScope *parentScope =
    XPCWrappedNativeScope::FindInJSObjectScope(cx, parent, nsnull, rt);

#ifdef DEBUG_mrbkap_off
  printf("Wrapping object at %p (%s) [%p]\n",
         (void *)wrappedObj, STOBJ_GET_CLASS(wrappedObj)->name,
         (void *)parentScope);

  JSObject *outerObj = nsnull;
  WrappedNative2WrapperMap *map = parentScope->GetWrapperMap();

  outerObj = map->Find(wrappedObj);
  if (outerObj) {
    NS_ASSERTION(STOBJ_GET_CLASS(outerObj) == &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base,
                              "What crazy object are we getting here?");
#ifdef DEBUG_mrbkap_off
    printf("But found a wrapper in the map %p!\n", (void *)outerObj);
    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(outerObj);
    return JS_TRUE;

  outerObj = JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &sXPC_XOW_JSClass.base, nsnull,
  if (!outerObj) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (!JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, outerObj, XPCWrapper::sWrappedObjSlot, *vp) ||
      !JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, outerObj, XPCWrapper::sFlagsSlot,
                          JSVAL_ZERO) ||
      !JS_SetReservedSlot(cx, outerObj, XPC_XOW_ScopeSlot,
                          PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(parentScope))) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(outerObj);

  map->Add(wn->GetScope()->GetWrapperMap(), wrappedObj, outerObj);

  return JS_TRUE;