Beispiel #1
void SV_Configstrings_f (void)
	int			startPos, start;
	int		maxLen;		// Knightmare added

	Com_DPrintf ("Configstrings() from %s\n", sv_client->name);

	if (sv_client->state != cs_connected)
		Com_Printf ("configstrings not valid -- already spawned\n");

	// handle the case of a level changing while a client was connecting
	if ( atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) != svs.spawncount )
		Com_Printf ("SV_Configstrings_f from different level\n");
		SV_New_f ();

	//	Knightmare- use sv_baselines_maxlen for proper bounding in multiplayer
	maxLen = SV_SetMaxBaselinesSize();

//	start = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
	startPos = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
	if (startPos < 0) // r1ch's fix for negative index
		Com_Printf ("Illegal configstrings request (negative index) from %s[%s], dropping client\n", sv_client->name, NET_AdrToString(sv_client->netchan.remote_address));
		SV_DropClient (sv_client);
	start = startPos;

	// write a packet full of data
	//	Knightmare- use maxLen for proper bounding
//	while ( sv_client->netchan.message.cursize < MAX_MSGLEN/2 && start < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS)
	while ( sv_client->netchan.message.cursize < maxLen && start < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS)
		if (sv.configstrings[start][0])
			MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_configstring);
			MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, start);
			MSG_WriteString (&sv_client->netchan.message, sv.configstrings[start]);

	// send next command

	if (start == MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS)
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_stufftext);
		MSG_WriteString (&sv_client->netchan.message, va("cmd baselines %i 0\n",svs.spawncount) );
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_stufftext);
		MSG_WriteString (&sv_client->netchan.message, va("cmd configstrings %i %i\n",svs.spawncount, start) );
Beispiel #2

The message usually contains all the movement commands 
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg, qboolean delta ) {
	int			i, key;
	int			cmdCount;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	cmds[MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS];
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;

	if ( delta ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = cl->messageAcknowledge;
	} else {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	// use the checksum feed in the key
	key = sv.checksumFeed;
	// also use the message acknowledge
	key ^= cl->messageAcknowledge;
	// also use the last acknowledged server command in the key
	key ^= Com_HashKey(cl->reliableCommands[ cl->reliableAcknowledge & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ], 32);

	Com_Memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		cmd = &cmds[i];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey( msg, key, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// save time for ping calculation
	cl->frames[ cl->messageAcknowledge & PACKET_MASK ].messageAcked = svs.time;

	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == CS_PRIMED ) {
		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[0] );
		// the moves can be processed normaly
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0) {
		SV_DropClient( cl, "Cannot validate pure client!");

	if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// usually, the first couple commands will be duplicates
	// of ones we have previously received, but the servertimes
	// in the commands will cause them to be immediately discarded
	for ( i =  0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		// if this is a cmd from before a map_restart ignore it
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime > cmds[cmdCount-1].serverTime ) {
		// extremely lagged or cmd from before a map_restart
		//if ( cmds[i].serverTime > svs.time + 3000 ) {
		//	continue;
		// don't execute if this is an old cmd which is already executed
		// these old cmds are included when cl_packetdup > 0
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime <= cl->lastUsercmd.serverTime ) {
		SV_ClientThink (cl, &cmds[ i ]);
Beispiel #3

The client is going to disconnect, so remove the connection immediately  FIXME: move to game?
static void SV_Disconnect_f( client_t *cl ) {
	SV_DropClient( cl, "disconnected" );
Beispiel #4

This only happens at the end of a game, not between levels
void Host_ShutdownServer(qboolean crash)
	int		i;
	int		count;
	sizebuf_t	buf;
	char		message[4];
	double	start;

	if (!
		return; = false;

// stop all client sounds immediately
	if (cls.state == ca_connected)
		CL_Disconnect ();

// flush any pending messages - like the score!!!
	start = Sys_FloatTime();
		count = 0;
		for (i=0, host_client = svs.clients ; i<svs.maxclients ; i++, host_client++)
			if (host_client->active && host_client->message.cursize)
				if (NET_CanSendMessage (host_client->netconnection))
					NET_SendMessage(host_client->netconnection, &host_client->message);
					SZ_Clear (&host_client->message);
		if ((Sys_FloatTime() - start) > 3.0)
	while (count);

// make sure all the clients know we're disconnecting = message;
	buf.maxsize = 4;
	buf.cursize = 0;
	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_disconnect);
	count = NET_SendToAll(&buf, 5);
	if (count)
		Con_Printf("Host_ShutdownServer: NET_SendToAll failed for %u clients\n", count);

	for (i=0, host_client = svs.clients ; i<svs.maxclients ; i++, host_client++)
		if (host_client->active)

// clear structures
	memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv));
	memset (svs.clients, 0, svs.maxclientslimit*sizeof(client_t));
Beispiel #5
* SV_Disconnect_f
* The client is going to disconnect, so remove the connection immediately
static void SV_Disconnect_f( client_t *client )
	SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, NULL );
Beispiel #6

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, qboolean killBots ) {
	int			i;
	int			checksum;
	char		systemInfo[16384];
	const char	*p;

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n");
	Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server);

	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// make sure all the client stuff is unloaded

	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server

	// Restart renderer
	CL_StartHunkUsers( qtrue );

	// clear collision map data

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities 
	if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running") ) {
	} else {
		// check for maxclients or democlients change
		if ( sv_maxclients->modified || sv_democlients->modified ) {

	// clear pak references

	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
	svs.snapshotEntities = Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high );
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// save when the server started for each client already connected
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = sv.time;

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0");

	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	sv.checksumFeed = ( ((int) rand() << 16) ^ rand() ) ^ Com_Milliseconds();
	FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed );

	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum );

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId; // I suppose the init here is just to be safe
	sv.checksumFeedServerId = sv.serverId;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// clear physics interaction links
	SV_ClearWorld ();
	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for (i = 0;i < 3; i++)
		VM_Call (gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
		sv.time += 100;
		svs.time += 100;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	SV_CreateBaseline ();

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			char	*denied;

			// connect the client again
			denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse ) );	// firstTime = qfalse
			if ( denied ) {
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied );
			} else {
				// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
				// the new gamestate will be sent
				svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call (gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
	sv.time += 100;
	svs.time += 100;

	// if a dedicated server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a
	// seperate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm
	if ( com_dedicated->integer ) {

	// the server sends these to the clients so they will only
	// load pk3s also loaded at the server
	Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", sv_pure->integer ? FS_LoadedPakChecksums() : "" );
	Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", sv_pure->integer ? FS_LoadedPakNames() : "" );

	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded
	p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p );
	p = FS_ReferencedPakNames();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p );

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	Q_strncpyz( systemInfo, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ), sizeof( systemInfo ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, systemInfo );

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info


	Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n");

	// start recording a demo
	if ( sv_autoDemo->integer ) {
		qtime_t	now;
		Com_RealTime( &now );
		Cbuf_AddText( va( "demo_record %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d-%s\n",
			1900 + now.tm_year,
			1 + now.tm_mon,
			server ) );
Beispiel #7
// Change the server to a new map, taking all connected clients along with it.
//	This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, qboolean killBots ) {
	int			i;
	int			checksum;
	qboolean	isBot;
	char		systemInfo[16384];
	const char	*p;

	// shut down the existing game if it is running
	svs.gameStarted = qfalse;

	Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n");
	Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server);

	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// make sure all the client stuff is unloaded

	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server

	// Restart renderer
	CL_StartHunkUsers( qtrue );

	// clear collision map data

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities 
	if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running") ) {
	} else {
		// check for maxclients change
		if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) {

	// clear pak references

	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
	svs.snapshotEntities = Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, PREF_HIGH );
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "map_restart 0");
//	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) );

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// save when the server started for each client already connected
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = sv.time;

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0");

	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	sv.checksumFeed = ( ((int) rand() << 16) ^ rand() ) ^ Com_Milliseconds();
	FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed );

	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum );

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId; // I suppose the init here is just to be safe
	sv.checksumFeedServerId = sv.serverId;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// clear physics interaction links
	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// don't allow a map_restart if game is modified
	sv_gametype->modified = qfalse;

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for (i = 0;i < 3; i++)
		game->RunFrame( sv.time );
		SV_BotFrame (sv.time);
		sv.time += 100;
		svs.time += 100;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			char	*denied;

			if ( svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
				if ( killBots ) {
					SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], "" );
				isBot = qtrue;
			else {
				isBot = qfalse;

			// connect the client again
			denied = game->ClientConnect( i, qfalse, isBot );	// firstTime = qfalse
			if ( denied ) {
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied );
			} else {
				if( !isBot ) {
					// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
					// the new gamestate will be sent
					svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;
				else {
					client_t		*client;
					sharedEntity_t	*ent;

					client = &svs.clients[i];
					client->state = CS_ACTIVE;
					ent = SV_GentityNum( i );
					ent->s.number = i;
					client->gentity = ent;

					client->deltaMessage = -1;
					client->lastSnapshotTime = 0;	// generate a snapshot immediately

					game->ClientBegin( i );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	game->RunFrame( sv.time );
	SV_BotFrame (sv.time);
	sv.time += 100;
	svs.time += 100;

	if ( sv_pure->integer ) {
		// the server sends these to the clients so they will only
		// load pk3s also loaded at the server
		p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", p );
		if (strlen(p) == 0) {
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n" );
		p = FS_LoadedPakNames();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", p );

		// if a dedicated pure server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a
		// seperate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm
		if ( com_dedicated->integer ) {
	else {
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", "" );
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", "" );
	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded
	p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p );
	p = FS_ReferencedPakNames();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p );

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	Q_strncpyz( systemInfo, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ), sizeof( systemInfo ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, systemInfo );

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info


	Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n");
Beispiel #8
P_P_F void Plugin_BanClient( unsigned int clientnum, int duration, int invokerid, char *banreason )
	client_t *cl;
	char* guid;
	time_t expire;
	char* temp;
    time_t aclock;
	char endtime[32];
    char dropmsg[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

	if(clientnum > sv_maxclients->integer)
	cl = &svs.clients[clientnum];

	if(duration == -1)
		expire = duration;
		Q_strncpyz(endtime, "never", sizeof(endtime));
		expire = (aclock+(time_t)(duration*60));
		temp = ctime(&expire);
		temp[strlen(temp)-1] = 0;
		Q_strncpyz(endtime, temp, sizeof(endtime));
	if(strlen(cl->pbguid) == 32)
		guid = &cl->pbguid[24];
	else if(cl->uid < 1)
		Com_Printf("Error: This player has no valid ID and got banned by IP only\n");
		SV_DropClient(cl, "Invalid ID\n");
		SV_PlayerAddBanByip(&cl->netchan.remoteAddress, "INVALID USER", 0, "INVALID", 0, expire);
	if(banreason == NULL)
		banreason = "N/A";
	SV_AddBan(cl->uid, invokerid, guid, cl->name, expire, banreason);

	if( cl->uid > 0 )
		Com_Printf( "Banrecord added for player: %s uid: %i\n", cl->name, cl->uid);
		SV_PrintAdministrativeLog( "Banned player: %s uid: %i until %s with the following reason: %s", cl->name, cl->uid, endtime, banreason);
		Com_sprintf(dropmsg, sizeof(dropmsg), "You have been banned from this server\nYour ban will expire on: %s\nYour UID is: %i    Banning admin UID is: %i\nReason for this ban:\n%s",
			endtime, cl->uid, invokerid, banreason);

		Com_Printf( "Banrecord added for player: %s guid: %s\n", cl->name, cl->pbguid);
		SV_PrintAdministrativeLog( "Banned player: %s guid: %s until %s with the following reason: %s", cl->name, cl->pbguid, endtime, banreason);
		Com_sprintf(dropmsg, sizeof(dropmsg), "You have been banned from this server\nYour ban will expire on: %s\nYour GUID is: %s    Banning admin UID is: %i\nReason for this ban:\n%s",
			endtime, cl->pbguid, invokerid, banreason);

		if(cl->authentication < 1)
			SV_PlayerAddBanByip(&cl->netchan.remoteAddress, banreason, 0, cl->pbguid, 0, expire);
	SV_DropClient(cl, dropmsg);
Beispiel #9

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void ) {
	int			i;
	client_t	*client;
	char		*denied;
	qboolean	isBot;
	int			delay;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId ) {

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( sv.restartTime ) {

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv(1) );
	else {
		delay = 5;
	if( delay ) {
		sv.restartTime = svs.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime) );

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified || sv_gametype->modified ) {
		char	mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf( "variable change -- restarting.\n" );
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname, qfalse, eForceReload_NOTHING );

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId;
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
		svs.time += 100;

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
			isBot = qtrue;
		} else {
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) );
		if ( denied ) {
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
//			SV_DropClient( client, denied );
			SV_DropClient( client, "@MENUS_LOST_CONNECTION" );
			Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i ); // bk010125

		client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

		SV_ClientEnterWorld( client, &client->lastUsercmd );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
	svs.time += 100;
Beispiel #10

The current net_message is parsed for the given client
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage(client_t * cl)
        MAX_STRINGCMDS = 8

    int c;
    char * s;

    usercmd_t nullcmd;
    usercmd_t oldest, oldcmd, newcmd;
    int net_drop;
    int stringCmdCount;
    int checksum, calculatedChecksum;
    int checksumIndex;
    qboolean move_issued;
    int lastframe;

    sv_client = cl;
    sv_player = sv_client->edict;

    // only allow one move command
    move_issued = false;
    stringCmdCount = 0;

    while (1)
        if (net_message.readcount > net_message.cursize)
            Com_Printf("SV_ReadClientMessage: badread\n");

        c = MSG_ReadByte(&net_message);
        if (c == -1)

        switch (c)
            Com_Printf("SV_ReadClientMessage: unknown command char\n");

        case clc_nop:

        case clc_userinfo:
            strncpy(cl->userinfo, MSG_ReadString(&net_message), sizeof(cl->userinfo) - 1);

        case clc_move:
            if (move_issued)
                return; // someone is trying to cheat...

            move_issued = true;
            checksumIndex = net_message.readcount;
            checksum = MSG_ReadByte(&net_message);
            lastframe = MSG_ReadLong(&net_message);
            if (lastframe != cl->lastframe)
                cl->lastframe = lastframe;
                if (cl->lastframe > 0)
                    cl->frame_latency[cl->lastframe & (LATENCY_COUNTS - 1)] =
                    svs.realtime - cl->frames[cl->lastframe & UPDATE_MASK].senttime;

            memset(&nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd));
            MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &nullcmd, &oldest);
            MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &oldest, &oldcmd);
            MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &oldcmd, &newcmd);

            if (cl->state != cs_spawned)
                cl->lastframe = -1;

            // if the checksum fails, ignore the rest of the packet
            calculatedChecksum = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
   + checksumIndex + 1,
            net_message.readcount - checksumIndex - 1,

            if (calculatedChecksum != checksum)
                Com_DPrintf("Failed command checksum for %s (%d != %d)/%d\n",
                            cl->name, calculatedChecksum, checksum,

            if (!sv_paused->value)
                net_drop = cl->netchan.dropped;
                if (net_drop < 20)

                    //if (net_drop > 2)

                    //	Com_Printf ("drop %i\n", net_drop);
                    while (net_drop > 2)
                        SV_ClientThink(cl, &cl->lastcmd);

                    if (net_drop > 1)
                        SV_ClientThink(cl, &oldest);

                    if (net_drop > 0)
                        SV_ClientThink(cl, &oldcmd);
                SV_ClientThink(cl, &newcmd);

            cl->lastcmd = newcmd;

        case clc_stringcmd:
            s = MSG_ReadString(&net_message);

            // malicious users may try using too many string commands
            if (++stringCmdCount < MAX_STRINGCMDS)

            if (cl->state == cs_zombie)
                return; // disconnect command
Beispiel #11
/* <ee4f8> ../engine/sv_steam3.cpp:190 */
void CSteam3Server::OnGSClientDenyHelper(client_t *cl, EDenyReason eDenyReason, const char *pchOptionalText)
	switch (eDenyReason)
	case k_EDenyInvalidVersion:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Client version incompatible with server. \nPlease exit and restart");

	case k_EDenyNotLoggedOn:
		if (!this->m_bLanOnly)
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "No Steam logon\n");

	case k_EDenyLoggedInElseWhere:
		if (!this->m_bLanOnly)
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "This Steam account is being used in another location\n");

	case k_EDenyNoLicense:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "This Steam account does not own this game. \nPlease login to the correct Steam account.");

	case k_EDenyCheater:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "VAC banned from secure server\n");

	case k_EDenyUnknownText:
		if (pchOptionalText && *pchOptionalText)
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, pchOptionalText);
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Client dropped by server");

	case k_EDenyIncompatibleAnticheat:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "You are running an external tool that is incompatible with Secure servers.");

	case k_EDenyMemoryCorruption:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Memory corruption detected.");

	case k_EDenyIncompatibleSoftware:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "You are running software that is not compatible with Secure servers.");

	case k_EDenySteamConnectionLost:
		if (!this->m_bLanOnly)
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Steam connection lost\n");

	case k_EDenySteamConnectionError:
		if (!this->m_bLanOnly)
			SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Unable to connect to Steam\n");

	case k_EDenySteamResponseTimedOut:
		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Client timed out while answering challenge.\n---> Please make sure that you have opened the appropriate ports on any firewall you are connected behind.\n---> See for help with firewall configuration.");

	case k_EDenySteamValidationStalled:
		if (this->m_bLanOnly)
			cl->network_userid.m_SteamID = 1;

		SV_DropClient(cl, 0, "Client dropped by server");
Beispiel #12

The client is going to disconnect, so remove the connection immediately
void SV_Disconnect_f(void)
    //	SV_EndRedirect ();
Beispiel #13
void SV_BeginDownload_f(void)
	char		*name, *p;
	size_t		length;
	qboolean	valid;
//	extern int	file_from_pak; // ZOID did file come from pak?

	int offset = 0;

	name = Cmd_Argv(1);

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 2)
		offset = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2)); // downloaded offset

	// r1ch fix: name is always filtered for security reasons
	StripHighBits (name, 1);

	// hacked by zoid to allow more conrol over download
	// first off, no .. or global allow check

	// r1ch fix: for  some ./ references in maps, eg ./textures/map/file
	length = strlen(name);
	p = name;
	while ((p = strstr (p, "./")))
		memmove (p, p+2, length - (p - name) - 1);
		length -= 2;

	// r1ch fix: block the really nasty ones - \server.cfg will download from mod root on win32, .. is obvious
	if (name[0] == '\\' || strstr (name, ".."))
		Com_Printf ("Refusing illegal download path %s to %s\n", name, sv_client->name);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_download);
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, -1);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, 0);
		Com_Printf ("Client %s[%s] tried to download illegal path: %s\n", sv_client->name, NET_AdrToString (sv_client->netchan.remote_address), name);
		SV_DropClient (sv_client);
	else if (offset < 0) // r1ch fix: negative offset will crash on read
		Com_Printf ("Refusing illegal download offset %d to %s\n", offset, sv_client->name);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_download);
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, -1);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, 0);
		Com_Printf ("Client %s[%s] supplied illegal download offset for %s: %d\n", sv_client->name, NET_AdrToString (sv_client->netchan.remote_address), name, offset);
		SV_DropClient (sv_client);
	else if ( !length || name[0] == 0 // empty name, maybe as result of ./ normalize
			|| !IsValidChar(name[0])
			// r1ch: \ is bad in general, client won't even write properly if we do sent it
			|| strchr (name, '\\')
			// MUST be in a subdirectory, unless a pk3	
			|| (!strstr (name, "/") && strcmp(name+strlen(name)-4, ".pk3"))
			// r1ch: another bug, maps/. will fopen(".") -> crash
			|| !IsValidChar(name[length-1]) )
/*	if (strstr (name, "..") || !allow_download->value
		// leading dot is no good
		|| *name == '.' 
		// leading slash bad as well, must be in subdir
		|| *name == '/'
		// next up, skin check
		|| (strncmp(name, "players/", 8) == 0 && !allow_download_players->value)
		// now models
		|| (strncmp(name, "models/", 7) == 0 && !allow_download_models->value)
		// now sounds
		|| (strncmp(name, "sound/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_sounds->value)
		// now maps (note special case for maps, must not be in pak)
		|| (strncmp(name, "maps/", 5) == 0 && !allow_download_maps->value)
		// MUST be in a subdirectory, unless a pk3	
		|| (!strstr (name, "/") && strcmp(name+strlen(name)-4, ".pk3")) )	*/
	{	// don't allow anything with .. path
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_download);
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, -1);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, 0);

	valid = true;

	if ( !allow_download->value
		|| (strncmp(name, "players/", 8) == 0 && !allow_download_players->value)
		|| (strncmp(name, "models/", 7) == 0 && !allow_download_models->value)
		|| (strncmp(name, "sound/", 6) == 0 && !allow_download_sounds->value)
		|| (strncmp(name, "maps/", 5) == 0 && !allow_download_maps->value)
		|| (strncmp(name, "pics/", 5) == 0 && !allow_download_pics->value)
		|| ( ((strncmp(name, "env/", 4) == 0 || strncmp(name, "textures/", 9) == 0)) && !allow_download_textures->value ) )
		valid = false;

	if (!valid)
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_download);
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, -1);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, 0);

	if (sv_client->download)
		FS_FreeFile (sv_client->download);

	sv_client->downloadsize = FS_LoadFile (name, (void **)&sv_client->download);
	sv_client->downloadcount = offset;

	if (offset > sv_client->downloadsize)
		sv_client->downloadcount = sv_client->downloadsize;

	// ZOID- special check for maps, if it came from a pak file, don't allow download  
	if (!sv_client->download || (strncmp(name, "maps/", 5) == 0 && file_from_pak))
		Com_DPrintf ("Couldn't download %s to %s\n", name, sv_client->name);
		if (sv_client->download)
			FS_FreeFile (sv_client->download);
			sv_client->download = NULL;

		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_download);
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv_client->netchan.message, -1);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, 0);

	SV_NextDownload_f ();
	Com_DPrintf ("Downloading %s to %s\n", name, sv_client->name);
Beispiel #14
void SV_Baselines_f (void)
	int				startPos, start;
	int				maxLen;	// Knightmare added
	entity_state_t	nullstate;
	entity_state_t	*base;

	Com_DPrintf ("Baselines() from %s\n", sv_client->name);

	if (sv_client->state != cs_connected)
		Com_Printf ("baselines not valid -- already spawned\n");
	// handle the case of a level changing while a client was connecting
	if ( atoi(Cmd_Argv(1)) != svs.spawncount )
		Com_Printf ("SV_Baselines_f from different level\n");
		SV_New_f ();

	//	Knightmare- use sv_baselines_maxlen for proper bounding in multiplayer
	maxLen = SV_SetMaxBaselinesSize();

//	start = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
	startPos = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));
	if (startPos < 0) // r1ch's fix for negative index
		Com_Printf ("Illegal baselines request (negative index) from %s[%s], dropping client\n", sv_client->name, NET_AdrToString(sv_client->netchan.remote_address));
		SV_DropClient (sv_client);
	start = startPos;

	memset (&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate));

	// write a packet full of data
	//	Knightmare- use maxLen for proper bounding
//	while ( sv_client->netchan.message.cursize <  MAX_MSGLEN/2 && start < MAX_EDICTS)
	while ( sv_client->netchan.message.cursize < maxLen && start < MAX_EDICTS)
		base = &sv.baselines[start];
		if (base->modelindex || base->sound || base->effects)
			MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_spawnbaseline);
			MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (&nullstate, base, &sv_client->netchan.message, true, true);

	// send next command

	if (start == MAX_EDICTS)
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_stufftext);
		MSG_WriteString (&sv_client->netchan.message, va("precache %i\n", svs.spawncount) );
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv_client->netchan.message, svc_stufftext);
		MSG_WriteString (&sv_client->netchan.message, va("cmd baselines %i %i\n",svs.spawncount, start) );
Beispiel #15

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server )
	int        i;
	int        checksum;
	qboolean   isBot;
	const char *p;

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	Com_Printf(_( "------ Server Initialization ------\n" ));
	Com_Printf(_( "Server: %s\n"), server );

	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// make sure all the client stuff is unloaded

	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server

	// clear collision map data     // (SA) NOTE: TODO: used in missionpack

	// wipe the entire per-level structure

	// MrE: main zone should be pretty much emtpy at this point
	// except for file system data and cached renderer data

	// allocate empty config strings
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++ )
		sv.configstrings[ i ] = CopyString( "" );
		sv.configstringsmodified[ i ] = qfalse;

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities
	if ( !Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_running" ) )
		// check for maxclients change
		if ( sv_maxclients->modified )

	// clear pak references
	FS_ClearPakReferences( 0 );

	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
	svs.snapshotEntities = Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( entityState_t ) * svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high );
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set sv_nextmap to the same map, but it may be overridden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "sv_nextmap", "map_restart 0" );
//  Cvar_Set( "sv_nextmap", va("map %s", server) );

	SV_SetExpectedHunkUsage( va( "maps/%s.bsp", server ) );

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );

#if !defined( DO_LIGHT_DEDICATED )
	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	srand( Sys_Milliseconds() );
	sv.checksumFeed = ( ( ( int ) rand() << 16 ) ^ rand() ) ^ Sys_Milliseconds();

	// only comment out when you need a new pure checksum string and its associated random feed
	//Com_DPrintf("SV_SpawnServer checksum feed: %p\n", sv.checksumFeed);

#else // DO_LIGHT_DEDICATED implementation below
	// we are not able to randomize the checksum feed since the feed is used as key for pure_checksum computations
	// files.c 1776 : pack->pure_checksum = Com_BlockChecksumKey( fs_headerLongs, 4 * fs_numHeaderLongs, LittleLong(fs_checksumFeed) );
	// we request a fake randomized feed, files.c knows the answer
	srand( Sys_Milliseconds() );
	sv.checksumFeed = FS_RandChecksumFeed();
	FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed );

	CM_LoadMap( va( "maps/%s.bsp", server ), qfalse, &checksum );

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va( "%i", checksum ) );

	sv_newGameShlib = Cvar_Get( "sv_newGameShlib", "", CVAR_TEMP );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId;
	sv.checksumFeedServerId = sv.serverId;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va( "%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// clear physics interaction links

	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "1" );

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES; i++ )
		VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
		SV_BotFrame( svs.time );
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications

	for ( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( svs.clients[ i ].state >= CS_CONNECTED )
			char *denied;

			if ( svs.clients[ i ].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT )

				isBot = qtrue;
				isBot = qfalse;

			// connect the client again
			denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot ) );   // firstTime = qfalse

			if ( denied )
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ i ], denied );
				if ( !isBot )
					// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
					// the new gamestate will be sent
					svs.clients[ i ].state = CS_CONNECTED;
					client_t       *client;
					sharedEntity_t *ent;

					client = &svs.clients[ i ];
					client->state = CS_ACTIVE;
					ent = SV_GentityNum( i );
					ent->s.number = i;
					client->gentity = ent;

					client->deltaMessage = -1;
					client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time; // generate a snapshot immediately

					VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, i );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time );
	SV_BotFrame( svs.time );
	svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	if ( sv_pure->integer )
		// the server sends these to the clients so they will only
		// load pk3s also loaded at the server
		p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", p );

		if ( strlen( p ) == 0 )
			Com_Printf(_( "WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n" ));

		p = FS_LoadedPakNames();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", p );

		// if a dedicated pure server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a
		// separate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm
		if ( com_dedicated->integer )
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", "" );
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", "" );

	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded
	// NOTE: we consider the referencedPaks as 'required for operation'

	p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p );
	p = FS_ReferencedPakNames();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p );

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, qtrue ) );

	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info



	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverRestarting", "0" );


	Com_Printf( "-----------------------------------\n" );
Beispiel #16

The client is going to disconnect, so remove the connection immediately  FIXME: move to game?
static void SV_Disconnect_f( client_t *cl ) {
	SV_DropClient( cl, "@@@DISCONNECTED" );
Beispiel #17

Called by SV_SendClientSnapshot and SV_SendClientGameState
__cdecl void SV_SendMessageToClient( msg_t *msg, client_t *client ) {
	int rateMsec;
	int len;

	*(int32_t*)0x13f39080 = *(int32_t*)msg->data;

	len = 4 + MSG_WriteBitsCompress( 0, msg->data + 4 ,(byte*)0x13f39084 ,msg->cursize - 4);

		SV_DropClient(client, client->delayDropMsg);

	if(client->demorecording && !client->demowaiting)
		SV_WriteDemoMessageForClient((byte*)0x13f39080, len, client);

	// record information about the message
	client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSize = len;
	client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageSent = Sys_Milliseconds();
	client->frames[client->netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK].messageAcked = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	// send the datagram
	SV_Netchan_Transmit( client, (byte*)0x13f39080, len );

	// set nextSnapshotTime based on rate and requested number of updates

	// local clients get snapshots every frame
	// TTimo - show_bug.cgi?id=491
	// added sv_lanForceRate check

	if(client->state == CS_ACTIVE && client->deltaMessage >= 0 && client->netchan.outgoingSequence - client->deltaMessage > 28){

		client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time + client->snapshotMsec * irand();

		if(client->unknown6 +1 > 8)
			client->unknown6 = 8;

	client->unknown6 = 0;

	if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_LOOPBACK || Sys_IsLANAddress( &client->netchan.remoteAddress )) {
		client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time - 1;

	// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
	rateMsec = SV_RateMsec( client, msg->cursize );

	// TTimo - during a download, ignore the snapshotMsec
	// the update server on steroids, with this disabled and sv_fps 60, the download can reach 30 kb/s
	// on a regular server, we will still top at 20 kb/s because of sv_fps 20
	if ( !*client->downloadName && rateMsec < client->snapshotMsec ) {
		// never send more packets than this, no matter what the rate is at
		rateMsec = client->snapshotMsec;
		client->rateDelayed = qfalse;
	} else {
		client->rateDelayed = qtrue;

	client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time + rateMsec;

	// don't pile up empty snapshots while connecting
	if ( client->state != CS_ACTIVE && !*client->downloadName) {
		// a gigantic connection message may have already put the nextSnapshotTime
		// more than a second away, so don't shorten it
		// do shorten if client is downloading
		if (  client->nextSnapshotTime < svs.time + 1000 ) {
			client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time + 1000;
	sv.bpsTotalBytes += len ;
Beispiel #18

If we are pure, disconnect the client if they do no meet the following conditions:

1. the first two checksums match our view of cgame and ui
2. there are no any additional checksums that we do not have

This routine would be a bit simpler with a goto but i abstained

static void SV_VerifyPaks_f( client_t *cl ) {
	int nChkSum1, nChkSum2, nClientPaks, nServerPaks, i, j, nCurArg;
	int nClientChkSum[1024];
	int nServerChkSum[1024];
	const char *pPaks, *pArg;
	qboolean bGood = qtrue;

	// if we are pure, we "expect" the client to load certain things from 
	// certain pk3 files, namely we want the client to have loaded the
	// ui and cgame that we think should be loaded based on the pure setting
	if ( sv_pure->integer != 0 ) {

		nChkSum1 = nChkSum2 = 0;
		// we run the game, so determine which cgame and ui the client "should" be running
		bGood = (FS_FileIsInPAK("cgame" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, &nChkSum1) == 1);
		if (bGood)
			bGood = (FS_FileIsInPAK("ui" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT, &nChkSum2) == 1);

		nClientPaks = Cmd_Argc();

		// start at arg 2 ( skip serverId cl_paks )
		nCurArg = 1;

		pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
		if(!pArg) {
			bGood = qfalse;
			// we may get incoming cp sequences from a previous checksumFeed, which we need to ignore
			// since serverId is a frame count, it always goes up
			if (atoi(pArg) < sv.checksumFeedServerId)
				Com_DPrintf("ignoring outdated cp command from client %s\n", cl->name);
		// we basically use this while loop to avoid using 'goto' :)
		while (bGood) {

			// must be at least 6: "cl_paks cgame ui @ firstref ... numChecksums"
			// numChecksums is encoded
			if (nClientPaks < 6) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// verify first to be the cgame checksum
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (!pArg || *pArg == '@' || atoi(pArg) != nChkSum1 ) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// verify the second to be the ui checksum
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (!pArg || *pArg == '@' || atoi(pArg) != nChkSum2 ) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// should be sitting at the delimeter now
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (*pArg != '@') {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// store checksums since tokenization is not re-entrant
			for (i = 0; nCurArg < nClientPaks; i++) {
				nClientChkSum[i] = atoi(Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++));

			// store number to compare against (minus one cause the last is the number of checksums)
			nClientPaks = i - 1;

			// make sure none of the client check sums are the same
			// so the client can't send 5 the same checksums
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < nClientPaks; j++) {
					if (i == j)
					if (nClientChkSum[i] == nClientChkSum[j]) {
						bGood = qfalse;
				if (bGood == qfalse)
			if (bGood == qfalse)

			// get the pure checksums of the pk3 files loaded by the server
			pPaks = FS_LoadedPakPureChecksums();
			Cmd_TokenizeString( pPaks );
			nServerPaks = Cmd_Argc();
			if (nServerPaks > 1024)
				nServerPaks = 1024;

			for (i = 0; i < nServerPaks; i++) {
				nServerChkSum[i] = atoi(Cmd_Argv(i));

			// check if the client has provided any pure checksums of pk3 files not loaded by the server
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < nServerPaks; j++) {
					if (nClientChkSum[i] == nServerChkSum[j]) {
				if (j >= nServerPaks) {
					bGood = qfalse;
			if ( bGood == qfalse ) {

			// check if the number of checksums was correct
			nChkSum1 = sv.checksumFeed;
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				nChkSum1 ^= nClientChkSum[i];
			nChkSum1 ^= nClientPaks;
			if (nChkSum1 != nClientChkSum[nClientPaks]) {
				bGood = qfalse;

			// break out

		cl->gotCP = qtrue;

		if (bGood) {
			cl->pureAuthentic = 1;
		else {
			cl->pureAuthentic = 0;
			cl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
			cl->state = CS_ACTIVE;
			SV_SendClientSnapshot( cl );
			SV_DropClient( cl, "Unpure client detected. Invalid .PK3 files referenced!" );
Beispiel #19

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, ForceReload_e eForceReload, qboolean bAllowScreenDissolve )
	int			i;
	int			checksum;

	RE_RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin( server, eForceReload, bAllowScreenDissolve );

	Cvar_SetValue( "cl_paused", 0 );
	Cvar_Set( "timescale", "1" );//jic we were skipping

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n%s\n", com_version->string);
	Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server);	

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities 
	if ( !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_running") ) {

	// don't let sound stutter and dump all stuff on the hunk

 	// clear out those shaders, images and Models

	// create a heap for Ghoul2 to use for game side model vertex transforms used in collision detection
	if (!G2VertSpaceServer)
		static const int MiniHeapSize=128 * 1024; // maxsize of ghoul2 miniheap
		G2VertSpaceServer	= new CMiniHeap(MiniHeapSize);

	if (svs.snapshotEntities)
	// allocate the snapshot entities 
	svs.snapshotEntities = (entityState_t *) Z_Malloc (sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, TAG_CLIENTS, qtrue );


	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
//!@	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) );

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		if ( sv.configstrings[i] ) {
			Z_Free( sv.configstrings[i] );

	memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv));

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");

	sv.time = 1000;

	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum );

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// clear physics interaction links
	SV_ClearWorld ();
	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		ge->RunFrame( sv.time );
		sv.time += 100;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	SV_CreateBaseline ();

	for (i=0 ; i<1 ; i++) {
		// clear all time counters, because we have reset sv.time
		svs.clients[i].lastPacketTime = 0;
		svs.clients[i].lastConnectTime = 0;
		svs.clients[i].nextSnapshotTime = 0;

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			char	*denied;

			// connect the client again
			denied = ge->ClientConnect( i, qfalse, eNO/*qfalse*/ );	// firstTime = qfalse, qbFromSavedGame
			if ( denied ) {
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied );
			} else {
				svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;
				// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
				// the new gamestate will be sent

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all connected clients
	ge->RunFrame( sv.time );
	sv.time += 100;

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info
	svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999999;

	Com_Printf ("-----------------------------------\n");
Beispiel #20

Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
into a more C friendly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( client_t *cl ) {
	char	*val;
	char	*ip;
	int		i;
	int	len;

	// name for C code
	Q_strncpyz( cl->name, Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"), sizeof(cl->name) );

	// rate command

	// if the client is on the same subnet as the server and we aren't running an
	// internet public server, assume they don't need a rate choke
	if ( Sys_IsLANAddress( cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) && com_dedicated->integer != 2 && sv_lanForceRate->integer == 1) {
		cl->rate = 99999;	// lans should not rate limit
	} else {
		val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "rate");
		if (strlen(val)) {
			i = atoi(val);
			cl->rate = i;
			if (cl->rate < 1000) {
				cl->rate = 1000;
			} else if (cl->rate > 90000) {
				cl->rate = 90000;
		} else {
			cl->rate = 3000;
	val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "handicap");
	if (strlen(val)) {
		i = atoi(val);
		if (i<=0 || i>100 || strlen(val) > 4) {
			Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "handicap", "100" );

	// snaps command
	val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "snaps");
		i = atoi(val);
		if(i < 1)
			i = 1;
		else if(i > sv_fps->integer)
			i = sv_fps->integer;

		i = 1000 / i;
		i = 50;

	if(i != cl->snapshotMsec)
		// Reset last sent snapshot so we avoid desync between server frame time and snapshot send time
		cl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
		cl->snapshotMsec = i;		
#ifdef USE_VOIP
		cl->hasVoip = qfalse;
		val = Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "cl_voip");
		cl->hasVoip = atoi(val);

	// TTimo
	// maintain the IP information
	// the banning code relies on this being consistently present
	if( NET_IsLocalAddress(cl->netchan.remoteAddress) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char*)NET_AdrToString( cl->netchan.remoteAddress );

	val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip" );
	if( val[0] )
		len = strlen( ip ) - strlen( val ) + strlen( cl->userinfo );
		len = strlen( ip ) + 4 + strlen( cl->userinfo );

	if( len >= MAX_INFO_STRING )
		SV_DropClient( cl, "userinfo string length exceeded" );
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip", ip );

Beispiel #21
 * @brief Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
 * clients along with it.
 * This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer(char *server)
	int        i;
	int        checksum;
	qboolean   isBot;
	const char *p;

	// broadcast a level change to all connected clients
	if (svs.clients && !com_errorEntered)
		SV_FinalCommand("spawnserver", qfalse);

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	Com_Printf("------ Server Initialization ------\n");
	Com_Printf("Server: %s\n", server);

	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// make sure all the client stuff is unloaded

	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server

	// clear collision map data

	// wipe the entire per-level structure

	// main zone should be pretty much emtpy at this point
	// except for file system data and cached renderer data

	// allocate empty config strings
	for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++)
		sv.configstrings[i]         = CopyString("");
		sv.configstringsmodified[i] = qfalse;

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities
	if (!Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running"))
		// check for maxclients change
		if (sv_maxclients->modified)
			// If we are playing/waiting to play/waiting to stop a demo, we use a specialized function that will move real clients slots (so that democlients will be put to their original slots they were affected at the time of the real game)
			if (sv.demoState == DS_WAITINGPLAYBACK || sv.demoState == DS_PLAYBACK || sv.demoState == DS_WAITINGSTOP)

	// clear pak references

	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
	svs.snapshotEntities     = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(entityState_t) * svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high);
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set("nextmap", "map_restart 0");

	SV_SetExpectedHunkUsage(va("maps/%s.bsp", server));

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0");

	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	sv.checksumFeed = ((rand() << 16) ^ rand()) ^ Sys_Milliseconds();

	// only comment out when you need a new pure checksum string and it's associated random feed
	// Com_DPrintf("SV_SpawnServer checksum feed: %p\n", sv.checksumFeed);


	CM_LoadMap(va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum);

	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set("mapname", server);

	Cvar_Set("sv_mapChecksum", va("%i", checksum));

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId             = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId    = sv.serverId;
	sv.checksumFeedServerId = sv.serverId;
	Cvar_Set("sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId));

	// clear physics interaction links

	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for (i = 0 ; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES ; i++)
		VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications

	for (i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++)
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED)
			char *denied;

			if (svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT)
				isBot = qtrue;
				isBot = qfalse;

			// connect the client again
			denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr(gvm, VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot));       // firstTime = qfalse
			if (denied)
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[i], denied);
				if (!isBot)
					// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
					// the new gamestate will be sent
					svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;
					client_t       *client;
					sharedEntity_t *ent;

					client          = &svs.clients[i];
					client->state   = CS_ACTIVE;
					ent             = SV_GentityNum(i);
					ent->s.number   = i;
					client->gentity = ent;

					client->deltaMessage     = -1;
					client->lastSnapshotTime = 0;   // generate a snapshot immediately

					VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_BEGIN, i);

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, svs.time);

	svs.time += FRAMETIME;

	if (sv_pure->integer)
		// the server sends these to the clients so they will only
		// load pk3s also loaded at the server
		p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums();
		Cvar_Set("sv_paks", p);
		if (strlen(p) == 0)
			Com_Printf("WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n");

		p = FS_LoadedPakNames();
		Cvar_Set("sv_pakNames", p);
		Cvar_Set("sv_paks", "");
		Cvar_Set("sv_pakNames", "");
	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded
	// NOTE: we consider the referencedPaks as 'required for operation'

	// we want the server to reference the mod_bin pk3 that the client is expected to load from

	p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums();
	Cvar_Set("sv_referencedPaks", p);
	p = FS_ReferencedPakNames();
	Cvar_Set("sv_referencedPakNames", p);

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring(CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString_Big(CVAR_SYSTEMINFO));

	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	SV_SetConfigstring(CS_WOLFINFO, Cvar_InfoString(CVAR_WOLFINFO));
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_WOLFINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info
	if (sv_advert->integer & SVA_MASTER)
	else // let admin's know it's disabled
		Com_Printf("Not sending heartbeats to master servers - disabled by sv_advert.\n");




	// start recording a demo
	if (sv_autoDemo->integer)
Beispiel #22

The message usually contains all the movement commands 
that were in the last three packets, so that the information
in dropped packets can be recovered.

On very fast clients, there may be multiple usercmd packed into
each of the backup packets.
static void SV_UserMove( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg, qboolean delta ) {
	int			i, key;
	int			cmdCount;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	cmds[MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS];
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;

	if ( delta ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = cl->messageAcknowledge;
	} else {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	cmdCount = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

	if ( cmdCount < 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount < 1\n" );

	if ( cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
		Com_Printf( "cmdCount > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n" );

	// use the checksum feed in the key
	key = sv.checksumFeed;
	// also use the message acknowledge
	key ^= cl->messageAcknowledge;
	// also use the last acknowledged server command in the key
	key ^= MSG_HashKey(cl->reliableCommands[ cl->reliableAcknowledge & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ], 64);

	Com_Memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		cmd = &cmds[i];
		MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmdKey( msg, key, oldcmd, cmd );
		oldcmd = cmd;

	// save time for ping calculation
	cl->frames[ cl->messageAcknowledge & PACKET_MASK ].messageAcked = svs.time;

	// TTimo
	// catch the no-cp-yet situation before SV_ClientEnterWorld
	// if CS_ACTIVE, then it's time to trigger a new gamestate emission
	// if not, then we are getting remaining parasite usermove commands, which we should ignore
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0 && !cl->gotCP) {
		if (cl->state == CS_ACTIVE)
			// we didn't get a cp yet, don't assume anything and just send the gamestate all over again
			Com_DPrintf( "%s: didn't get cp command, resending gamestate\n", cl->name);
			SV_SendClientGameState( cl );
	// if this is the first usercmd we have received
	// this gamestate, put the client into the world
	if ( cl->state == CS_PRIMED ) {
		SV_ClientEnterWorld( cl, &cmds[0] );
		// the moves can be processed normaly
	// a bad cp command was sent, drop the client
	if (sv_pure->integer != 0 && cl->pureAuthentic == 0) {		
		SV_DropClient( cl, "Cannot validate pure client!");

	if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
		cl->deltaMessage = -1;

	// usually, the first couple commands will be duplicates
	// of ones we have previously received, but the servertimes
	// in the commands will cause them to be immediately discarded
	for ( i =  0 ; i < cmdCount ; i++ ) {
		// if this is a cmd from before a map_restart ignore it
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime > cmds[cmdCount-1].serverTime ) {
		// extremely lagged or cmd from before a map_restart
		//if ( cmds[i].serverTime > svs.time + 3000 ) {
		//	continue;
		// don't execute if this is an old cmd which is already executed
		// these old cmds are included when cl_packetdup > 0
		if ( cmds[i].serverTime <= cl->lastUsercmd.serverTime ) {
		SV_ClientThink (cl, &cmds[ i ]);
Beispiel #23
* SV_ParseClientMessage
* The current message is parsed for the given client
void SV_ParseClientMessage( client_t *client, msg_t *msg )
	int c;
	char *s;
	bool move_issued;
	unsigned int cmdNum;

	if( !msg )


	// only allow one move command
	move_issued = false;
	while( 1 )
		if( msg->readcount > msg->cursize )
			Com_Printf( "SV_ParseClientMessage: badread\n" );
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: Bad message" );

		c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );
		if( c == -1 )

		switch( c )
			Com_Printf( "SV_ParseClientMessage: unknown command char\n" );
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: Unknown command char" );

		case clc_nop:

		case clc_move:
				if( move_issued )
					return; // someone is trying to cheat...

				move_issued = true;
				SV_ParseMoveCommand( client, msg );

		case clc_svcack:
				if( client->reliable )
					Com_Printf( "SV_ParseClientMessage: svack from reliable client\n" );
					SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: svack from reliable client" );
				cmdNum = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
				if( cmdNum < client->reliableAcknowledge || cmdNum > client->reliableSent )
					//SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: bad server command acknowledged" );
				client->reliableAcknowledge = cmdNum;

		case clc_clientcommand:
			if( !client->reliable )
				cmdNum = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
				if( cmdNum <= client->clientCommandExecuted )
					s = MSG_ReadString( msg ); // read but ignore
				client->clientCommandExecuted = cmdNum;
			s = MSG_ReadString( msg );
			SV_ExecuteUserCommand( client, s );
			if( client->state == CS_ZOMBIE )
				return; // disconnect command

		case clc_extension:
			if( 1 )
				int ext, len;

				ext = MSG_ReadByte( msg );		// extension id
				MSG_ReadByte( msg );			// version number
				len = MSG_ReadShort( msg );		// command length

				switch( ext )
					// unsupported
					MSG_SkipData( msg, len );
Beispiel #24

Parse a client packet
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage( client_t *cl, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			c;
	int			serverId;


	serverId = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
	cl->messageAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	if (cl->messageAcknowledge < 0) {
		// usually only hackers create messages like this
		// it is more annoying for them to let them hanging
#ifndef NDEBUG
		SV_DropClient( cl, "DEBUG: illegible client message" );

	cl->reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg );

	// NOTE: when the client message is fux0red the acknowledgement numbers
	// can be out of range, this could cause the server to send thousands of server
	// commands which the server thinks are not yet acknowledged in SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient
	if (cl->reliableAcknowledge < cl->reliableSequence - MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS) {
		// usually only hackers create messages like this
		// it is more annoying for them to let them hanging
#ifndef NDEBUG
		SV_DropClient( cl, "DEBUG: illegible client message" );
		cl->reliableAcknowledge = cl->reliableSequence;
	// if this is a usercmd from a previous gamestate,
	// ignore it or retransmit the current gamestate
	// if the client was downloading, let it stay at whatever serverId and
	// gamestate it was at.  This allows it to keep downloading even when
	// the gamestate changes.  After the download is finished, we'll
	// notice and send it a new game state
	// don't drop as long as previous command was a nextdl, after a dl is done, downloadName is set back to ""
	// but we still need to read the next message to move to next download or send gamestate
	// I don't like this hack though, it must have been working fine at some point, suspecting the fix is somewhere else
	if ( serverId != sv.serverId && !*cl->downloadName && !strstr(cl->lastClientCommandString, "nextdl") ) {
		if ( serverId >= sv.restartedServerId && serverId < sv.serverId ) { // TTimo - use a comparison here to catch multiple map_restart
			// they just haven't caught the map_restart yet
			Com_DPrintf("%s : ignoring pre map_restart / outdated client message\n", cl->name);
		// if we can tell that the client has dropped the last
		// gamestate we sent them, resend it
		if ( cl->messageAcknowledge > cl->gamestateMessageNum ) {
			Com_DPrintf( "%s : dropped gamestate, resending\n", cl->name );
			SV_SendClientGameState( cl );

	// this client has acknowledged the new gamestate so it's
	// safe to start sending it the real time again
	if( cl->oldServerTime && serverId == sv.serverId ){
		Com_DPrintf( "%s acknowledged gamestate\n", cl->name );
		cl->oldServerTime = 0;

	// read optional clientCommand strings
	do {
		c = MSG_ReadByte( msg );

		if ( c == clc_EOF ) {

		if ( c != clc_clientCommand ) {
		if ( !SV_ClientCommand( cl, msg ) ) {
			return;	// we couldn't execute it because of the flood protection
		if (cl->state == CS_ZOMBIE) {
			return;	// disconnect command
	} while ( 1 );

	// read the usercmd_t
	if ( c == clc_move ) {
		SV_UserMove( cl, msg, qtrue );
	} else if ( c == clc_moveNoDelta ) {
		SV_UserMove( cl, msg, qfalse );
	} else if ( c == clc_voip ) {
#ifdef USE_VOIP
		SV_UserVoip( cl, msg );
	} else if ( c != clc_EOF ) {
		Com_Printf( "WARNING: bad command byte for client %i\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients) );
//	if ( msg->readcount != msg->cursize ) {
//		Com_Printf( "WARNING: Junk at end of packet for client %i\n", cl - svs.clients );
//	}
Beispiel #25
/* <ba1d0> ../engine/sv_upld.c:491 */
void SV_ParseResourceList(client_t *pSenderClient)
	int i, total;
	int totalsize;
	resource_t *resource;
	resourceinfo_t ri;

	total = MSG_ReadShort();

	SV_ClearResourceLists( host_client );
	SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesneeded );
	SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesonhand );
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES

	if (total > 1) // client uses only one custom resource (spray decal)
		SV_DropClient(host_client, false, "Too many resources in client resource list");

	for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
		resource = (resource_t *)Mem_ZeroMalloc(sizeof(resource_t));
		Q_strncpy(resource->szFileName, MSG_ReadString(), sizeof(resource->szFileName) - 1);
		resource->szFileName[sizeof(resource->szFileName) - 1] = 0;
		resource->type = (resourcetype_t)MSG_ReadByte();
		resource->nIndex = MSG_ReadShort();
		resource->nDownloadSize = MSG_ReadLong();
		resource->ucFlags = MSG_ReadByte() & (~RES_WASMISSING);
		if (resource->ucFlags & RES_CUSTOM)
			MSG_ReadBuf(16, resource->rgucMD5_hash);
		resource->pNext = NULL;
		resource->pPrev = NULL;

		SV_AddToResourceList(resource, &host_client->resourcesneeded);	// FIXED: Mem leak. Add to list to free current resource in SV_ClearResourceList if something goes wrong.
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES

		if (msg_badread || resource->type > t_world ||
			resource->type != t_decal || !(resource->ucFlags & RES_CUSTOM) || Q_strcmp(resource->szFileName, "tempdecal.wad") != 0 || // client uses only tempdecal.wad for customization
			resource->nDownloadSize <= 0 ||		// FIXED: Check that download size is valid
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES
			resource->nDownloadSize > 1024 * 1024 * 1024)	// FIXME: Are they gone crazy??!
			SV_ClearResourceLists( host_client );
			SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesneeded );
			SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesonhand );
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES		

		SV_AddToResourceList(resource, &host_client->resourcesneeded);
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES

	if (sv_allow_upload.value != 0.0f)
		Con_DPrintf("Verifying and uploading resources...\n");
		totalsize = COM_SizeofResourceList(&host_client->resourcesneeded, &ri);
		if (totalsize > 0)
		if (totalsize != 0)
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES
			Con_DPrintf("Custom resources total %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
#ifndef REHLDS_FIXES // because client can send only decals, why there is need to check other types?
			if ([t_model].size)
				total =[t_model].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Models:  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
			if ([t_sound].size)
				total =[t_sound].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Sounds:  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
			if ([t_decal].size) 
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES
			// this check is useless, because presence of decals was checked before.
				total =[t_decal].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Decals:  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
			if ([t_skin].size)
				total =[t_skin].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Skins :  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
			if ([t_generic].size)
				total =[t_generic].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Generic :  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
			if ([t_eventscript].size)
				total =[t_eventscript].size;
				Con_DPrintf("  Events  :  %.2fK\n", total / 1024.0f);
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES

			int bytestodownload = SV_EstimateNeededResources();

			if (bytestodownload > sv_max_upload.value * 1024 * 1024)
				SV_ClearResourceLists( host_client );
				SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesneeded );
				SV_ClearResourceList( &host_client->resourcesonhand );

			if (bytestodownload > 1024)
				Con_DPrintf("Resources to request: %.2fK\n", bytestodownload / 1024.0f);
				Con_DPrintf("Resources to request: %i bytes\n", bytestodownload);

	host_client->uploading = TRUE;
	host_client->uploaddoneregistering = FALSE;

Beispiel #26
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	intptr_t		denied;
	int			count;
	char		*ip;
	const char	*stringEd;
	qboolean	compat = qfalse;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");
	// Check whether this client is banned.
	if(SV_IsBanned(&from, qfalse))
		NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nYou are banned from this server.\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "protocol"));
	if(version > 0 && com_legacyprotocol->integer == version)
		compat = qtrue;
		if(version != com_protocol->integer)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i "
					   "(yours is %i).\n", com_protocol->integer, version);
			Com_DPrintf("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
	// don't let "ip" overflow userinfo string
	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress (from) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char *)NET_AdrToString( from );
	if( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from,
			"print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
			"Try removing setu cvars from your config.\n" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip );

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(from))
		int ping;
		challenge_t *challengeptr;

		for (i=0; i<MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr))
				if(challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)

		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for your address.\n" );
		challengeptr = &svs.challenges[i];
			// Return silently, so that error messages written by the server keep being displayed.

		ping = svs.time - challengeptr->pingTime;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_HIGH_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_LOW_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;

		stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_CONN_WITH_PING");
		Com_Printf(stringEd, i, ping);
		challengeptr->connected = qtrue;

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
		else {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_IS_FULL") );
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	newcl->compat = compat;
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, compat);
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, qfalse);
	// init the netchan queue
	newcl->netchan_end_queue = &newcl->netchan_start_queue;

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		char *str = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", str );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", str);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse %d", challenge);

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
Beispiel #27

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	MAC_STATIC client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	char		*denied;
	int			count;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		int		ping;

		for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) {
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr)) {
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge ) {
					break;		// good
		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for address.\n" );
		// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( from ) );

		ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[i].pingTime;
		Com_Printf( "Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		svs.challenges[i].connected = qtrue;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				// don't let them keep trying until they get a big delay
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for high pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too low ping\n", i);
				// reset the address otherwise their ping will keep increasing
				// with each connect message and they'd eventually be able to connect
				svs.challenges[i].adr.port = 0;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for low pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too high ping\n", i);
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
			// player might have are dropped
			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect\n" );
		else {
			const char *SV_GetStripEdString(char *refSection, char *refName);
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SV_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME","SERVER_IS_FULL")));
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = (char *)VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, (int)denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
Beispiel #28

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f(void) {
    int         i;
    client_t*    client;
    char*        denied;
    qboolean    isBot;
    int         delay;

    // make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
    if (com_frameTime == sv.serverId) {

    // make sure server is running
    if (!com_sv_running->integer) {
        Com_Printf("Server is not running.\n");

    if (sv.restartTime) {

    if (Cmd_Argc() > 1) {
        delay = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
    } else {
        delay = 5;
    if (delay && !Cvar_VariableValue("g_doWarmup")) {
        sv.restartTime = sv.time + delay * 1000;
        SV_SetConfigstring(CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime));

    // check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
    // check for maxclients change
    if (sv_maxclients->modified || sv_gametype->modified) {
        char    mapname[MAX_QPATH];

        Com_Printf("variable change -- restarting.\n");
        // restart the map the slow way
        Q_strncpyz(mapname, Cvar_VariableString("mapname"), sizeof(mapname));

        SV_SpawnServer(mapname, qfalse);

    // toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
    // map_restart has happened
    svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

    // generate a new serverid
    // TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
    sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
    Cvar_Set("sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId));

    // if a map_restart occurs while a client is changing maps, we need
    // to give them the correct time so that when they finish loading
    // they don't violate the backwards time check in cl_cgame.c
    for (i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
        if (svs.clients[i].state == CS_PRIMED) {
            svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = sv.restartTime;

    // reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
    // note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
    // had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
    sv.state = SS_LOADING;
    sv.restarting = qtrue;


    // run a few frames to allow everything to settle
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
        sv.time += 100;
        svs.time += 100;

    sv.state = SS_GAME;
    sv.restarting = qfalse;

    // connect and begin all the clients
    for (i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
        client = &svs.clients[i];

        // send the new gamestate to all connected clients
        if (client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

        if (client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
            isBot = qtrue;
        } else {
            isBot = qfalse;

        // add the map_restart command
        SV_AddServerCommand(client, "map_restart\n");

        // connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
        denied = VM_ExplicitArgPtr(gvm, VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, i, qfalse, isBot));
        if (denied) {
            // this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
            // was connected before the level change
            SV_DropClient(client, denied);
            Com_Printf("SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i);

        if (client->state == CS_ACTIVE)
            SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, &client->lastUsercmd);
        else {
            // If we don't reset client->lastUsercmd and are restarting during map load,
            // the client will hang because we'll use the last Usercmd from the previous map,
            // which is wrong obviously.
            SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, NULL);

    // run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
    VM_Call(gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);
    sv.time += 100;
    svs.time += 100;
Beispiel #29

If we are pure, disconnect the client if they do no meet the following conditions:

1. the first two checksums match our view of cgame and ui
2. there are no any additional checksums that we do not have

This routine would be a bit simpler with a goto but i abstained

static void SV_VerifyPaks_f( client_t *cl ) {
	int nChkSum1, nChkSum2, nClientPaks, nServerPaks, i, j, nCurArg;
	int nClientChkSum[1024];
	int nServerChkSum[1024];
	const char *pPaks, *pArg;
	qboolean bGood = qtrue;

	// if we are pure, we "expect" the client to load certain things from 
	// certain pk3 files, namely we want the client to have loaded the
	// ui and cgame that we think should be loaded based on the pure setting
	if ( sv_pure->integer != 0 ) {

		bGood = qtrue;
		nChkSum1 = nChkSum2 = 0;
		// we run the game, so determine which cgame and ui the client "should" be running
		bGood = (qboolean)(FS_FileIsInPAK("vm/cgame.qvm", &nChkSum1) == 1);
		if (bGood)
			bGood = (qboolean)(FS_FileIsInPAK("vm/ui.qvm", &nChkSum2) == 1);

		nClientPaks = Cmd_Argc();

		// start at arg 1 ( skip cl_paks )
		nCurArg = 1;

		// we basically use this while loop to avoid using 'goto' :)
		while (bGood) {

			// must be at least 6: "cl_paks cgame ui @ firstref ... numChecksums"
			// numChecksums is encoded
			if (nClientPaks < 6) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// verify first to be the cgame checksum
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (!pArg || *pArg == '@' || atoi(pArg) != nChkSum1 ) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// verify the second to be the ui checksum
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (!pArg || *pArg == '@' || atoi(pArg) != nChkSum2 ) {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// should be sitting at the delimeter now
			pArg = Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++);
			if (*pArg != '@') {
				bGood = qfalse;
			// store checksums since tokenization is not re-entrant
			for (i = 0; nCurArg < nClientPaks; i++) {
				nClientChkSum[i] = atoi(Cmd_Argv(nCurArg++));

			// store number to compare against (minus one cause the last is the number of checksums)
			nClientPaks = i - 1;

			// make sure none of the client check sums are the same
			// so the client can't send 5 the same checksums
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < nClientPaks; j++) {
					if (i == j)
					if (nClientChkSum[i] == nClientChkSum[j]) {
						bGood = qfalse;
				if (bGood == qfalse)
			if (bGood == qfalse)

			// get the pure checksums of the pk3 files loaded by the server
			pPaks = FS_LoadedPakPureChecksums();
			Cmd_TokenizeString( pPaks );
			nServerPaks = Cmd_Argc();
			if (nServerPaks > 1024)
				nServerPaks = 1024;

			for (i = 0; i < nServerPaks; i++) {
				nServerChkSum[i] = atoi(Cmd_Argv(i));

			// check if the client has provided any pure checksums of pk3 files not loaded by the server
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < nServerPaks; j++) {
					if (nClientChkSum[i] == nServerChkSum[j]) {
				if (j >= nServerPaks) {
					bGood = qfalse;
			if ( bGood == qfalse ) {

			// check if the number of checksums was correct
			nChkSum1 = sv.checksumFeed;
			for (i = 0; i < nClientPaks; i++) {
				nChkSum1 ^= nClientChkSum[i];
			nChkSum1 ^= nClientPaks;
			if (nChkSum1 != nClientChkSum[nClientPaks]) {
				bGood = qfalse;

			// break out

		if (bGood) {
			cl->pureAuthentic = 1;
		else {
			cl->pureAuthentic = 0;
			cl->nextSnapshotTime = -1;
			cl->state = CS_ACTIVE;
			SV_SendClientSnapshot( cl );
			SV_DropClient( cl, "Unpure client detected. Invalid .PK3 files referenced!" );
Beispiel #30
* SV_UserinfoChanged
* Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
* into a more C friendly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( client_t *client )
	char *val;
	int ival;

	assert( client );
	assert( Info_Validate( client->userinfo ) );

	if( !client->edict || !( client->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
		if( !Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "socket", NET_SocketTypeToString( client->netchan.socket->type ) ) )
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Couldn't set userinfo (socket)\n" );
		if( !Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "ip", NET_AddressToString( &client->netchan.remoteAddress ) ) )
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Couldn't set userinfo (ip)\n" );

	// mm session
	ival = 0;
	val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_session" );
	if( val )
		ival = atoi( val );
	if( !val || ival != client->mm_session )
		Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_session", va("%d", client->mm_session ) );

	// mm login
	if( client->mm_login[0] != '\0' ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login", client->mm_login );
	else {
		Info_RemoveKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login" );

	// call prog code to allow overrides
	ge->ClientUserinfoChanged( client->edict, client->userinfo );

	if( !Info_Validate( client->userinfo ) )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Invalid userinfo (after game)" );

	// we assume that game module deals with setting a correct name
	val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "name" );
	if( !val || !val[0] )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: No name set" );
	Q_strncpyz( client->name, val, sizeof( client->name ) );

	// rate command
	if( NET_IsLANAddress( &client->netchan.remoteAddress ) )
		client->rate = 99999; // lans should not rate limit
		val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "rate" );
		if( val && val[0] )
			int newrate;

			newrate = atoi( val );
			if( sv_maxrate->integer && newrate > sv_maxrate->integer )
				newrate = sv_maxrate->integer;
			else if( newrate > 90000 )
				newrate = 90000;
			if( newrate < 1000 )
				newrate = 1000;
			if( client->rate != newrate )
				client->rate = newrate;
				Com_Printf( "%s%s has rate %i\n", client->name, S_COLOR_WHITE, client->rate );
			client->rate = 5000;