Beispiel #1

Called internally by SV_ForceCvar_f.
static void SV_ForceCvar_f_helper( client_t *cl ) {
	int		oldInfoLen;
	int		newInfoLen;
	qboolean	touchedUserinfo = qfalse;

	// Who knows what would happen if we called the VM with a GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED
	// when this client wasn't connected.
	if (cl->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

	// First remove all keys; there might exist more than one in the userinfo.
	oldInfoLen = strlen(cl->userinfo);
	while (qtrue) {
		Info_RemoveKey(cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2));
		newInfoLen = strlen(cl->userinfo);
		if (oldInfoLen == newInfoLen) { break; } // userinfo wasn't modified.
		oldInfoLen = newInfoLen;
		touchedUserinfo = qtrue;

	if (strlen(Cmd_Argv(3)) > 0) {
		if (strlen(Cmd_Argv(2)) + strlen(Cmd_Argv(3)) + 2 + newInfoLen >= MAX_INFO_STRING) {
			SV_DropClient(cl, "userinfo string length exceeded");
		Info_SetValueForKey(cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2), Cmd_Argv(3));
		touchedUserinfo = qtrue;

	if (touchedUserinfo) {
		VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients);
Beispiel #2
* SV_UserinfoCommand_f
static void SV_UserinfoCommand_f( client_t *client )
	char *info;
	unsigned int time;

	info = Cmd_Argv( 1 );
	if( !Info_Validate( info ) )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: Invalid userinfo" );

	time = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if( client->userinfoLatchTimeout > time )
		Q_strncpyz( client->userinfoLatched, info, sizeof( client->userinfo ) );
		Q_strncpyz( client->userinfo, info, sizeof( client->userinfo ) );

		client->userinfoLatched[0] = '\0';
		client->userinfoLatchTimeout = time + USERINFO_UPDATE_COOLDOWN_MSEC;

		SV_UserinfoChanged( client );
Beispiel #3
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	char *arg = Cmd_Argv(1);

	// Stop random empty /userinfo calls without hurting anything
	if (!arg || !*arg) {

	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, arg, sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	if (cl->lastUserInfoChange > svs.time) {

		if (cl->lastUserInfoCount >= INFO_CHANGE_MAX_COUNT) {
			SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"Warning: Too many info changes, last info ignored\n\"\n");
	} else {
		cl->lastUserInfoCount = 0;
		cl->lastUserInfoChange = svs.time + INFO_CHANGE_MIN_INTERVAL;

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );

	// call prog code to allow overrides
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );

	// get the name out of the game and set it in the engine
	SV_GetConfigstring(CS_PLAYERS + (cl - svs.clients), info, sizeof(info));
	Info_SetValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "name", Info_ValueForKey(info, "n"));
	Q_strncpyz(cl->name, Info_ValueForKey(info, "n"), sizeof(cl->name));
Beispiel #4
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	char *arg = Cmd_Argv(1);

	// Stop random empty /userinfo calls without hurting anything
	if( !arg || !*arg )

	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, arg, sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	if (cl->lastUserInfoChange > svs.time)

		if (cl->lastUserInfoCount >= INFO_CHANGE_MAX_COUNT)
		//	SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"Warning: Too many info changes, last info ignored\n\"\n");
			SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"@@@TOO_MANY_INFO\n\"\n");
		cl->lastUserInfoCount = 0;
		cl->lastUserInfoChange = svs.time + INFO_CHANGE_MIN_INTERVAL;

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	GVM_ClientUserinfoChanged( cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #5

Sets a user's name
static void SV_ForceName_f( void ) {
	client_t	*cl;
	const char	*name;

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( Cmd_Argc() >= 2 ) {
		cl = SV_GetPlayerByNum();
		if ( !cl ) {
		if ( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) {
			Com_Printf ("forcename: %s: %s\n",Cmd_Argv(1),cl->name);
		} else {
			name = Cmd_ArgsFrom(2);
			cl->forcename = 2;
			Q_strncpyz( cl->name, name, sizeof(cl->name) );
			SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );
			Com_Printf ("forcename: %s: %s\n",Cmd_Argv(1),cl->name);
	Com_Printf ("Usage: forcename <client number> [<name>]\n");
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #7
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	if (cl->lastUserInfoChange > svs.time)

		if (cl->lastUserInfoCount >= INFO_CHANGE_MAX_COUNT)
		//	SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"Warning: Too many info changes, last info ignored\n\"\n");
			SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"@@@TOO_MANY_INFO\n\"\n");
		cl->lastUserInfoCount = 0;
		cl->lastUserInfoChange = svs.time + INFO_CHANGE_MIN_INTERVAL;

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #8
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	ge->ClientUserinfoChanged( cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #9
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl, const Cmd::Args& args )
	if (args.Argc() < 2) {

	Q_strncpyz(cl->userinfo, args.Argv(1).c_str(), sizeof(cl->userinfo)); // FIXME QUOTING INFO

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	gvm.GameClientUserInfoChanged( cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #10
static void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
#if 0
	/* TODO */
	if( cl->lastUserInfoChange > svs.time && cl->lastUserInfoCount > 5 ) {
		SV_SendServerCommand( cl, "print \"@@@TOO_MANY_INFO\n\"" );
	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #11
* SV_UserinfoCommand_f
static void SV_UserinfoCommand_f( client_t *client )
	char *info;

	info = Cmd_Argv( 1 );

	if( !Info_Validate( info ) )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Invalid userinfo" );

	Q_strncpyz( client->userinfo, info, sizeof( client->userinfo ) );
	SV_UserinfoChanged( client );
void SV_UpdateUserinfo_f( client_t *cl ) {
	if ( (sv_floodProtect->integer) && (cl->state >= CS_ACTIVE) && (svs.time < cl->nextReliableUserTime) ) {
		Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfobuffer, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfobuffer) );
		SV_SendServerCommand(cl, "print \"^7Command ^1delayed^7 due to sv_floodprotect.\"");
	cl->nextReliableUserTime = svs.time + 5000;

	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(cl->userinfo) );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );
	// call prog code to allow overrides
	VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients );
Beispiel #13
* SV_UserinfoCommand_f
static void SV_UserinfoCommand_f( client_t *client )
	char *info;

	// prevent userinfo cmd flood
	if( client->userinfoUpTimeout > Sys_Milliseconds() )
	client->userinfoUpTimeout = Sys_Milliseconds() + USERINFO_UPDATE_COOLDOWN_MSEC;

	info = Cmd_Argv( 1 );

	if( !Info_Validate( info ) )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Error: Invalid userinfo" );

	Q_strncpyz( client->userinfo, info, sizeof( client->userinfo ) );
	SV_UserinfoChanged( client );
Beispiel #14

Called internally by SV_ForceCvar_f
static void SV_ForceCvar_f_helper(client_t *cl) {
    char *val;
    int len = -1;

    if (strlen(Cmd_Argv(3)) > 0) {
        val = Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2));
        if (val[0])
            len = strlen(Cmd_Argv(3)) - strlen(val) + strlen(cl->userinfo);
            len = strlen(Cmd_Argv(2)) + strlen(Cmd_Argv(3)) + 2 + strlen(cl->userinfo);
    if (len >= MAX_INFO_STRING)
        SV_DropClient(cl, "userinfo string length exceeded");
    else {
        // In the case where Cmd_Argv(3) is "", the Info_SetValueForKey() call will
        // actually just call Info_RemoveKey().
        Info_SetValueForKey(cl->userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2), Cmd_Argv(3));
        // call prog code to allow overrides
        VM_Call(gvm, GAME_CLIENT_USERINFO_CHANGED, cl - svs.clients);
Beispiel #15

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	MAC_STATIC client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	char		*denied;
	int			count;
	char		*ip;
#ifdef _XBOX
	bool		reconnect = false;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {

/* This was preventing sv_reconnectlimit from working.  It seems like commenting this
   out has solved the problem.  HOwever, if there is a future problem then it could
   be this.
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {

		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nReconnect rejected : too soon\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));

	// don't let "ip" overflow userinfo string
	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress (from) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char *)NET_AdrToString( from );
	if( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from,
			"print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
			"Try removing setu cvars from your config.\n" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip );

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		int		ping;

		for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) {
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr)) {
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge ) {
					break;		// good
		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for address.\n" );

		ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[i].pingTime;
		Com_Printf( SE_GetString("MP_SVGAME", "CLIENT_CONN_WITH_PING"), i, ping);//"Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		svs.challenges[i].connected = qtrue;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				// don't let them keep trying until they get a big delay
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SE_GetString("MP_SVGAME", "SERVER_FOR_HIGH_PING")));//Server is for high pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf (SE_GetString("MP_SVGAME", "CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING"), i);//"Client %i rejected on a too low ping\n", i);
				// reset the address otherwise their ping will keep increasing
				// with each connect message and they'd eventually be able to connect
				svs.challenges[i].adr.port = 0;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SE_GetString("MP_SVGAME", "SERVER_FOR_LOW_PING")));//Server is for low pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf (SE_GetString("MP_SVGAME", "CLIENT_REJECTED_HIGH_PING"), i);//"Client %i rejected on a too high ping\n", i);
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
#ifdef _XBOX
			reconnect = true;
			// VVFIXME - both SOF2 and Wolf remove this call, claiming it blows away the user's info
			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
			// player might have are dropped
			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect\n" );
		else {
			const char *SV_GetStringEdString(char *refSection, char *refName);
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SV_GetStringEdString("MP_SVGAME","SERVER_IS_FULL")));
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;


	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = (char *)VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, (int)denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	newcl->lastUserInfoChange = 0; //reset the delay
	newcl->lastUserInfoCount = 0; //reset the count

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	intptr_t		denied;
	int			count;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	if ( Q_stricmp( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ), PROTOCOL_VERSION ) ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version "PROTOCOL_VERSION".\n" );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %s\n", Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ));

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		int		ping;

		for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) {
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr)) {
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge ) {
					break;		// good
		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for address.\n" );
		// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( from ) );

		ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[i].pingTime;
		Com_Printf( "Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		svs.challenges[i].connected = qtrue;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				// don't let them keep trying until they get a big delay
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for high pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too low ping\n", i);
				// reset the address otherwise their ping will keep increasing
				// with each connect message and they'd eventually be able to connect
				svs.challenges[i].adr.port = 0;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for low pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too high ping\n", i);
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < MAX_PLAYERS ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect\n" );
		else {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is full.\n" );
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);
	// init the netchan queue
	newcl->netchan_end_queue = &newcl->netchan_start_queue;

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		char *str = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "error\n%s\n", str );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", str);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {

	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
Beispiel #17

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from, const Cmd::Args& args )
	char                userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
	int                 i;
	client_t            *cl, *newcl;
	client_t            temp;
	sharedEntity_t      *ent;
	int                 clientNum;
	int                 version;
	int                 qport;
	int                 challenge;
	const char                *password;
	int                 startIndex;
	bool            denied;
	char                reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
	int                 count;
	const char          *ip;
	const char          *country = nullptr;

	if ( args.Argc() < 2 )

	Log::Debug( "SVC_DirectConnect ()" );

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, args.Argv(1).c_str(), sizeof( userinfo ) );

	// DHM - Nerve :: Update Server allows any protocol to connect
	// NOTE TTimo: but we might need to store the protocol around for potential non http/ftp clients
	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );

	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i (yours is %i).", PROTOCOL_VERSION, version );
		Log::Debug( "    rejected connect from version %i", version );

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		// DHM - Nerve :: This check was allowing clients to reconnect after zombietime(2 secs)
		//if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
		          || from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			if ( ( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime )
			     < ( sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000 ) )
				Log::Debug( "%s: reconnect rejected: too soon", NET_AdrToString( from ) );


	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = NET_AdrToString( from );

	if ( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from,
		                    "print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
		                    "Try removing setu cvars from your config." );

	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip, false );

	// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		int ping;

		for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++ )
			if ( NET_CompareAdr( from, svs.challenges[ i ].adr ) )
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[ i ].challenge )
					break; // good

		if ( i == MAX_CHALLENGES )
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]No or bad challenge for address." );

		// force the IP address key/value pair, so the game can filter based on it
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( from ), false );

		if ( svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing == 0 )
			ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[ i ].pingTime;
			svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing = ping;
			ping = svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing;

		country = NET_GeoIP_Country( &from );

		if ( country )
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from %s with %i challenge ping\n", i, country, ping );
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from somewhere unknown with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );

		svs.challenges[ i ].connected = true;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) )
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value )
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]Server is for high pings only" );
				Log::Debug( "Client %i rejected on a too low ping", i );

			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value )
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]Server is for low pings only" );
				Log::Debug( "Client %i rejected on a too high ping: %i", i, ping );
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost", false );

	newcl = &temp;
	memset( newcl, 0, sizeof( client_t ) );

	// if there is already a slot for this IP address, reuse it
	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if ( cl->state == clientState_t::CS_FREE )

		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
		          || from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			Log::Notice( "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );

	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) )
		startIndex = 0;
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = nullptr;

	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		cl = &svs.clients[ i ];

		if ( cl->state == clientState_t::CS_FREE )
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl )
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
			count = 0;

			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
				cl = &svs.clients[ i ];

				if ( SV_IsBot(cl) )

			// if they're all bots
			if ( count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex )
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ], "only bots on server" );
				newcl = &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ];
				Com_Error( errorParm_t::ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", sv_fullmsg->string );
			Log::Debug( "Rejected a connection." );

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = std::move(temp);
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;
	ent->r.svFlags = 0;


	if ( country )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "geoip", country, false );

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport );
	// init the netchan queue

	// Save the pubkey
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->pubkey, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "pubkey" ), sizeof( newcl->pubkey ) );
	Info_RemoveKey( userinfo, "pubkey", false );
	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( newcl->userinfo ) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = gvm.GameClientConnect( reason, sizeof( reason ), clientNum, true, false );  // firstTime = true

	if ( denied )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]%s", reason );
		Log::Debug( "Game rejected a connection: %s.", reason );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// DHM - Nerve :: Clear out firstPing now that client is connected
	svs.challenges[ i ].firstPing = 0;

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Log::Debug( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;

	for ( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if ( svs.clients[ i ].state >= clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED )

	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer )
Beispiel #18
 * @brief The current net_message is parsed for the given client
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage (client_t * cl, int cmd, struct dbuffer *msg)
	if (cmd == -1)

	switch (cmd) {
		Com_Printf("SV_ExecuteClientMessage: unknown command char '%d'\n", cmd);
		SV_DropClient(cl, "Unknown command\n");

	case clc_nop:

	case clc_ack:
		cl->lastmessage = svs.realtime;

	case clc_userinfo:
		NET_ReadString(msg, cl->userinfo, sizeof(cl->userinfo));
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SERVER, "userinfo from client: %s\n", cl->userinfo);

	case clc_stringcmd:
		char str[1024];
		NET_ReadString(msg, str, sizeof(str));

		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SERVER, "stringcmd from client: %s\n", str);
		SV_ExecuteUserCommand(cl, str);

		if (cl->state == cs_free)
			return;			/* disconnect command */

	case clc_action:
		/* client actions are handled by the game module */
		sv->messageBuffer = msg;
		sv->messageBuffer = NULL;

	case clc_endround:
		/* player wants to end round */
		sv->messageBuffer = msg;
		sv->messageBuffer = NULL;

	case clc_teaminfo:
		/* player sends team info */
		/* actors spawn accordingly */
		sv->messageBuffer = msg;
		sv->messageBuffer = NULL;
		SV_SetClientState(cl, cs_spawned);

	case clc_initactorstates:
		/* player sends team info */
		/* actors spawn accordingly */
		sv->messageBuffer = msg;
		sv->messageBuffer = NULL;
Beispiel #19
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	intptr_t		denied;
	int			count;
	char		*ip;
	const char	*stringEd;
	qboolean	compat = qfalse;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");
	// Check whether this client is banned.
	if(SV_IsBanned(&from, qfalse))
		NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nYou are banned from this server.\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "protocol"));
	if(version > 0 && com_legacyprotocol->integer == version)
		compat = qtrue;
		if(version != com_protocol->integer)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i "
					   "(yours is %i).\n", com_protocol->integer, version);
			Com_DPrintf("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
	// don't let "ip" overflow userinfo string
	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress (from) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char *)NET_AdrToString( from );
	if( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from,
			"print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
			"Try removing setu cvars from your config.\n" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip );

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(from))
		int ping;
		challenge_t *challengeptr;

		for (i=0; i<MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr))
				if(challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)

		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for your address.\n" );
		challengeptr = &svs.challenges[i];
			// Return silently, so that error messages written by the server keep being displayed.

		ping = svs.time - challengeptr->pingTime;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_HIGH_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_LOW_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;

		stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_CONN_WITH_PING");
		Com_Printf(stringEd, i, ping);
		challengeptr->connected = qtrue;

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
		else {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_IS_FULL") );
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	newcl->compat = compat;
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, compat);
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, qfalse);
	// init the netchan queue
	newcl->netchan_end_queue = &newcl->netchan_start_queue;

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		char *str = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", str );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", str);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse %d", challenge);

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
Beispiel #20
 * ==================
 * SVC_DirectConnect
 * A connection request that did not come from the master
 * ==================
void SVC_DirectConnect(void)
    char     userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
    netadr_t adr;
    int      i;
    client_t *cl, *newcl;
    client_t temp;
    edict_t  *ent;
    int      edictnum;
    int      version;
    int      qport;
    int      challenge;
    int      previousclients;                           // rich: connection limit per IP

    adr = net_from;

    Com_DPrintf("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

    version = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
    if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nServer is version %4.2f.\n", VERSION);
        Com_DPrintf("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

    qport = atoi(Cmd_Argv(2));

    challenge = atoi(Cmd_Argv(3));

    // r1ch: limit connections from a single IP
    previousclients = 0;
    for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < (int)maxclients->value; i++, cl++)
        if (cl->state == cs_free)
        if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(adr, cl->netchan.remote_address))
            // r1ch: zombies are less dangerous
            if (cl->state == cs_zombie)
                previousclients += 2;
    if (previousclients >= (int)sv_iplimit->value * 2)
        Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nToo many connections from your host.\n");
        Com_DPrintf("    too many connections\n");
    // end r1ch fix

    strncpy(userinfo, Cmd_Argv(4), sizeof(userinfo) - 1);
    userinfo[sizeof(userinfo) - 1] = 0;

    // force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
    Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString(net_from));

    // attractloop servers are ONLY for local clients
    if (sv.attractloop)
        if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr))
            Com_Printf("Remote connect in attract loop.  Ignored.\n");
            Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nConnection refused.\n");

    // see if the challenge is valid
    if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr))
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
            if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(net_from, svs.challenges[i].adr))
                if (challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)
                    break;                              // good
                Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nBad challenge.\n");
        if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
            Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nNo challenge for address.\n");

    newcl = &temp;
    memset(newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

    // if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
    for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < maxclients->value; i++, cl++)
        if (cl->state == cs_free)
        if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(adr, cl->netchan.remote_address) &&
            ((cl->netchan.qport == qport) ||
             (adr.port == cl->netchan.remote_address.port)))
            if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr) && ((svs.realtime - cl->lastconnect) < ((int)sv_reconnect_limit->value * 1000)))
                Com_DPrintf("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString(adr));
            // r1ch: !! fix nasty bug where non-disconnected clients (from dropped disconnect
            // packets) could be overwritten!
            if (cl->state != cs_zombie)
                Com_DPrintf("    client already found\n");
                // If we legitly get here, spoofed udp isn't possible (passed challenge) and client addr/port combo
                // is exactly the same, so we can assume its really a dropped/crashed client. i hope...
                Com_Printf("Dropping %s, ghost reconnect\n", cl->name);
            // end r1ch fix

            Com_Printf("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString(adr));

            SV_CleanClient(cl);                 // r1ch: clean up last client data

            newcl = cl;
            goto gotnewcl;

    // find a client slot
    newcl = NULL;
    for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < maxclients->value; i++, cl++)
        if (cl->state == cs_free)
            newcl = cl;
    if (!newcl)
        Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nServer is full.\n");
        Com_DPrintf("Rejected a connection.\n");

    // build a new connection
    // accept the new client
    // this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
    *newcl           = temp;
    sv_client        = newcl;
    edictnum         = (newcl - svs.clients) + 1;
    ent              = EDICT_NUM(edictnum);
    newcl->edict     = ent;
    newcl->challenge = challenge;     // save challenge for checksumming

    // get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
    if (!(ge->ClientConnect(ent, userinfo)))
        if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"))
            Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\n%s\nConnection refused.\n",
                                   Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"));
            Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nConnection refused.\n");
        Com_DPrintf("Game rejected a connection.\n");

    // parse some info from the info strings
    strncpy(newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) - 1);

    // send the connect packet to the client
    Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "client_connect");

    Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, adr, qport);

    newcl->state = cs_connected;

    SZ_Init(&newcl->datagram, newcl->datagram_buf, sizeof(newcl->datagram_buf));
    newcl->datagram.allowoverflow = true;
    newcl->lastmessage            = svs.realtime; // don't timeout
    newcl->lastconnect            = svs.realtime;
Beispiel #21

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	char		*denied;
	int			count;
	char		*ip;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	// Check whether this client is banned.
	if ( SV_IsBanned( &from, qfalse ) )
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nYou are banned from this server.\n" );
		Com_DPrintf( "    rejected connect from %s (banned)\n", NET_AdrToString(from) );

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i (yours is %i).\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, version );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {

/* This was preventing sv_reconnectlimit from working.  It seems like commenting this
   out has solved the problem.  HOwever, if there is a future problem then it could
   be this.

		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {

		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime)
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nReconnect rejected : too soon\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));

	// don't let "ip" overflow userinfo string
	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress (from) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char *)NET_AdrToString( from );
	if( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from,
			"print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
			"Try removing setu cvars from your config.\n" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip );

	// see if the challenge is valid (localhost clients don't need to challenge)
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(from))
		// Verify the received challenge against the expected challenge
		if (!SV_VerifyChallenge(challenge, from))
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nIncorrect challenge for your address.\n" );

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
			// VVFIXME - both SOF2 and Wolf remove this call, claiming it blows away the user's info
			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
			// player might have are dropped
			GVM_ClientDisconnect( newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect\n" );
		else {
			const char *SV_GetStringEdString(char *refSection, char *refName);
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SV_GetStringEdString("MP_SVGAME","SERVER_IS_FULL")));
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;


	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = GVM_ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	newcl->lastUserInfoChange = 0; //reset the delay
	newcl->lastUserInfoCount = 0; //reset the count

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
Beispiel #22

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from, const Cmd::Args& args )
	if ( args.Argc() < 2 )

	Log::Debug( "SVC_DirectConnect ()" );

	InfoMap userinfo = InfoStringToMap(args.Argv(1));

	// DHM - Nerve :: Update Server allows any protocol to connect
	// NOTE TTimo: but we might need to store the protocol around for potential non http/ftp clients
	int version = atoi( userinfo["protocol"].c_str() );

	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i (yours is %i).", PROTOCOL_VERSION, version );
		Log::Debug( "    rejected connect from version %i", version );

	int qport = atoi( userinfo["qport"].c_str() );

	auto clients_begin = svs.clients;
	auto clients_end = clients_begin + sv_maxclients->integer;

	client_t* reconnecting = std::find_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
		[&from, qport](const client_t& client)
			return NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, client.netchan.remoteAddress )
		     && ( client.netchan.qport == qport || from.port == client.netchan.remoteAddress.port );

	if ( reconnecting != clients_end &&
		svs.time - reconnecting->lastConnectTime < sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000 )
		Log::Debug( "%s: reconnect rejected: too soon", NET_AdrToString( from ) );

	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
		userinfo["ip"] = "loopback";
		// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
		Challenge::Duration ping_duration;
		if ( !ChallengeManager::MatchString( from, userinfo["challenge"], &ping_duration ) )
			Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]No or bad challenge for address." );

		userinfo["ip"] = NET_AdrToString( from );

	client_t *new_client = nullptr;

	// if there is already a slot for this IP address, reuse it
	if ( reconnecting != clients_end )
		Log::Notice( "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
		new_client = reconnecting;
		// find a client slot
		// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
		// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
		// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
		// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
		// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
		// to a full server.
		// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
		// servers so we can play without having to kick people.
		// check for privateClient password

		int startIndex = 0;
		if ( userinfo["password"] != sv_privatePassword->string )
			// skip past the reserved slots
			startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

		new_client = std::find_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
			[](const client_t& client) {
				return client.state == clientState_t::CS_FREE;

		if ( new_client == clients_end )
			if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) )
				int count = std::count_if(clients_begin+startIndex, clients_end,
					[](const client_t& client) { return SV_IsBot(&client); }

				// if they're all bots
				if ( count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex )
					SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ], "only bots on server" );
					new_client = &svs.clients[ sv_maxclients->integer - 1 ];
					Com_Error( errorParm_t::ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
				Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", sv_fullmsg->string );
				Log::Debug( "Rejected a connection." );

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	memset( new_client, 0, sizeof( client_t ) );
	int clientNum = new_client - svs.clients;

		const char * country = NET_GeoIP_Country( &from );

		if ( country )
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from %s\n", clientNum, country );
			userinfo["geoip"] = country;
			Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting from somewhere unknown\n", clientNum );
		Log::Notice( "Client %i connecting\n", clientNum );

	new_client->gentity = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	new_client->gentity->r.svFlags = 0;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, &new_client->netchan, from, qport );
	// init the netchan queue

	// Save the pubkey
	Q_strncpyz( new_client->pubkey, userinfo["pubkey"].c_str(), sizeof( new_client->pubkey ) );
	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( new_client->userinfo, InfoMapToString(userinfo).c_str(), sizeof( new_client->userinfo ) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	char reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
	if ( gvm.GameClientConnect( reason, sizeof( reason ), clientNum, true, false ) )
		Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "print\n[err_dialog]%s", reason );
		Log::Debug( "Game rejected a connection: %s.", reason );

	SV_UserinfoChanged( new_client );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	Net::OutOfBandPrint( netsrc_t::NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Log::Debug( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s", new_client->name );

	new_client->state = clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;
	new_client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	new_client->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	new_client->lastConnectTime = svs.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	new_client->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	int count = std::count_if(clients_begin, clients_end,
		[](const client_t& client) {
			return client.state >= clientState_t::CS_CONNECTED;

	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer )
Beispiel #23
 * A connection request that did not come from the master
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	netadr_t adr;
	int i;
	client_t *cl, *newcl;
	client_t temp;
	edict_t *ent;
	int edictnum;
	int version;
	int qport;
	int challenge;

	adr = net_from;

	Com_DPrintf("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	version = (int)strtol(Cmd_Argv(1), (char **)NULL, 10);

	if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION)
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
				"print\nServer is version %s.\n", YQ2VERSION);
		Com_DPrintf("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	qport = (int)strtol(Cmd_Argv(2), (char **)NULL, 10);

	challenge = (int)strtol(Cmd_Argv(3), (char **)NULL, 10);

	Q_strlcpy(userinfo, Cmd_Argv(4), sizeof(userinfo));

	/* force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip */
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString(net_from));

	/* attractloop servers are ONLY for local clients */
	if (sv.attractloop)
		if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr))
			Com_Printf("Remote connect in attract loop.  Ignored.\n");
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
					"print\nConnection refused.\n");

	/* see if the challenge is valid */
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr))
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
			if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(net_from, svs.challenges[i].adr))
				if (challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)
					break; /* good */

				Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
						"print\nBad challenge.\n");

		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
					"print\nNo challenge for address.\n");

	newcl = &temp;
	memset(newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	/* if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it */
	for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < maxclients->value; i++, cl++)
		if (cl->state < cs_connected)

		if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(adr, cl->netchan.remote_address) &&
			((cl->netchan.qport == qport) ||
			 (adr.port == cl->netchan.remote_address.port)))
			if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(adr))
				Com_DPrintf("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n",

			Com_Printf("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString(adr));
			newcl = cl;
			goto gotnewcl;

	/* find a client slot */
	newcl = NULL;

	for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < maxclients->value; i++, cl++)
		if (cl->state == cs_free)
			newcl = cl;

	if (!newcl)
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nServer is full.\n");
		Com_DPrintf("Rejected a connection.\n");


	/* build a new connection  accept the new client this
	   is the only place a client_t is ever initialized */
	*newcl = temp;
	sv_client = newcl;
	edictnum = (newcl - svs.clients) + 1;
	ent = EDICT_NUM(edictnum);
	newcl->edict = ent;
	newcl->challenge = challenge; /* save challenge for checksumming */

	/* get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo */
	if (!(ge->ClientConnect(ent, userinfo)))
		if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"))
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
					"print\n%s\nConnection refused.\n",
					Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"));
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr,
					"print\nConnection refused.\n");

		Com_DPrintf("Game rejected a connection.\n");

	/* parse some info from the info strings */
	Q_strlcpy(newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo));

	/* send the connect packet to the client */
	Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "client_connect");

	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, adr, qport);

	newcl->state = cs_connected;

	SZ_Init(&newcl->datagram, newcl->datagram_buf, sizeof(newcl->datagram_buf));
	newcl->datagram.allowoverflow = true;
	newcl->lastmessage = svs.realtime;  /* don't timeout */
	newcl->lastconnect = svs.realtime;
Beispiel #24
* SV_ClientConnect
* accept the new client
* this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
qboolean SV_ClientConnect( const socket_t *socket, const netadr_t *address, client_t *client, char *userinfo,
						  int game_port, int challenge, qboolean fakeClient, qboolean tvClient,
						  unsigned int ticket_id, int session_id )
	int i;
	edict_t	*ent;
	int edictnum;

	edictnum = ( client - svs.clients ) + 1;
	ent = EDICT_NUM( edictnum );

	// give mm a chance to reject if the server is locked ready for mm
	// must be called before ge->ClientConnect
	// ch : rly ignore fakeClient and tvClient here?
	session_id = SV_MM_ClientConnect( address, userinfo, ticket_id, session_id );
	if( !session_id )
		return qfalse;

	// we need to set local sessions to userinfo ourselves
	if( session_id < 0 )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_mm_session", va("%d", session_id) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	if( !ge->ClientConnect( ent, userinfo, fakeClient, tvClient ) )
		return qfalse;

	// the connection is accepted, set up the client slot
	memset( client, 0, sizeof( *client ) );
	client->edict = ent;
	client->challenge = challenge; // save challenge for checksumming

	client->tvclient = tvClient;

	client->mm_session = session_id;
	client->mm_ticket = ticket_id;

	if( socket )
		switch( socket->type )
		case SOCKET_TCP:
			client->reliable = qtrue;
			client->individual_socket = qtrue;
			client->socket = *socket;

		case SOCKET_UDP:
			client->reliable = qfalse;
			client->individual_socket = qfalse;
			client-> = qfalse;

			assert( qfalse );
		assert( fakeClient );
		client->reliable = qfalse;
		client->individual_socket = qfalse;
		client-> = qfalse;

	SV_ClientResetCommandBuffers( client );

	// reset timeouts
	client->lastPacketReceivedTime = svs.realtime;
	client->lastconnect = svs.realtime;

	// init the connection
	client->state = CS_CONNECTING;

	if( fakeClient )
		client->netchan.remoteAddress.type = NA_NOTRANSMIT; // fake-clients can't transmit
		// TODO: if mm_debug_reportbots
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_mm_session", va("%d", client->mm_session) );
		if( client->individual_socket )
			Netchan_Setup( &client->netchan, &client->socket, address, game_port );
			Netchan_Setup( &client->netchan, socket, address, game_port );

	// create default rating for the client and current gametype
	ge->AddDefaultRating( ent, NULL );

	// parse some info from the info strings
	Q_strncpyz( client->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( client->userinfo ) );
	SV_UserinfoChanged( client );

	// generate session id
	for( i = 0; i < sizeof( svs.clients[0].session ) - 1; i++ ) {
		 const unsigned char symbols[65] =
		client->session[i] = symbols[rand() % (sizeof( symbols )-1)];
	client->session[i] = '\0';

	return qtrue;
Beispiel #25

A connection request that did not come from the master
static void cDirectConnect(int argc, char **argv)
	int		i;

	netadr_t adr = net_from;


	int version = atoi(argv[1]);
	if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION)
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nServer is version %4.2f.\n", VERSION);
		Com_DPrintf("  rejected connect from version %d\n", version);

	int port = atoi(argv[2]);
	int challenge = atoi(argv[3]);

	// get userinfo
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	appStrncpyz(userinfo, argv[4], sizeof(userinfo));
	// force the IP key/value pair to be in userinfo (for game-side IP filters)
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString(&net_from));

	// attractloop servers are ONLY for local clients
	if (sv.attractloop)
		if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(&adr))
			appPrintf("Remote connect in attract loop. Ignored.\n");
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nConnection refused.\n");

	// see if the challenge is valid
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(&adr))
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
			if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(&net_from, &svs.challenges[i].adr))
				if (challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)
					break;		// good
				Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nBad challenge.\n");
		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nNo challenge for address.\n");

	client_t temp, *cl;
	memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(client_t));
	client_t *newcl = NULL;

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++,cl++)
		if (cl->state == cs_free) continue;

		if (NET_CompareBaseAdr(&adr, &cl->netchan.remote_address) &&
			(cl->netchan.port == port || adr.port == cl->netchan.remote_address.port))
			if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(&adr) && (svs.realtime - cl->lastconnect) < (sv_reconnect_limit->integer * 1000))
				Com_DPrintf("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString(&adr));
			appPrintf("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString(&adr));
			newcl = cl;

	// find a client slot
	if (!newcl)
		for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++,cl++)
			if (cl->state == cs_free)
				newcl = cl;
	if (!newcl)
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nServer is full.\n");
		Com_DPrintf("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	sv_client = newcl;
	int edictnum = (newcl-svs.clients)+1;
	edict_t *ent = EDICT_NUM(edictnum);
	newcl->edict = ent;
	newcl->challenge = challenge;		// save challenge for checksumming

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	qboolean result;
	result = ge->ClientConnect(ent, userinfo);

	if (!result)
		if (*Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"))
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\n%s\nConnection refused.\n",
				Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg"));
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\nConnection refused.\n" );
		Com_DPrintf("Game rejected a connection.\n");

	// parse some info from the info strings
	newcl->Userinfo = userinfo;

	// check if client trying to connect with a new protocol
	newcl->newprotocol = !strcmp(argv [5], NEW_PROTOCOL_ID) && sv_extProtocol->integer;
	// send the connect packet to the client
	if (newcl->newprotocol)
		int ver = atoi(argv[6]);
			//?? we may also perform extended protocol checking by adding "[cl_]extprotocol" to userinfo
			Com_DPrintf("Client used extended protocol %d != "STR(NEW_PROTOCOL_VERSION)"\n", ver);
				Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "print\n"
				S_YELLOW"Server provides newer version of extended protocol\nPlease upgrade your client\n" );
			newcl->newprotocol = false;
	if (newcl->newprotocol)
		Com_DPrintf("Connecting client using extended protocol\n");
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "client_connect "NEW_PROTOCOL_ID" "STR(NEW_PROTOCOL_VERSION));
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, adr, "client_connect");

	newcl->netchan.Setup(NS_SERVER, adr, port);
	newcl->maxPacketSize = cl->newprotocol ? MAX_MSGLEN : MAX_MSGLEN_OLD;
	newcl->state         = cs_connected;

	newcl->datagram.Init(newcl->datagram_buf, sizeof(newcl->datagram_buf));
	newcl->datagram.allowoverflow = true;
	newcl->lastmessage   = svs.realtime;	// don't timeout
	newcl->lastconnect   = svs.realtime;
Beispiel #26
 * @brief A connection request that did not come from the master
 * @sa CL_ConnectionlessPacket
static void SVC_DirectConnect (struct net_stream *stream)
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	client_t *cl;
	player_t *player;
	int playernum;
	int version;
	bool connected;
	char buf[256];
	const char *peername = NET_StreamPeerToName(stream, buf, sizeof(buf), false);

	Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SERVER, "SVC_DirectConnect()\n");

	if (sv->started || sv->spawned) {
		Com_Printf("rejected connect because match is already running\n");
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nGame has started already.\n");

	version = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
	if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
		Com_Printf("rejected connect from version %i - %s\n", version, peername);
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nServer is version %s.\n", UFO_VERSION);

	Q_strncpyz(userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2), sizeof(userinfo));

	if (userinfo[0] == '\0') {  /* catch empty userinfo */
		Com_Printf("Empty userinfo from %s\n", peername);
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nConnection refused.\n");

	if (strchr(userinfo, '\xFF')) {  /* catch end of message in string exploit */
		Com_Printf("Illegal userinfo contained xFF from %s\n", peername);
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nConnection refused.\n");

	if (strlen(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "ip"))) {  /* catch spoofed ips  */
		Com_Printf("Illegal userinfo contained ip from %s\n", peername);
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nConnection refused.\n");

	/* force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip */
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, sizeof(userinfo), "ip", peername);

	/* find a client slot */
	cl = NULL;
	while ((cl = SV_GetNextClient(cl)) != NULL)
		if (cl->state == cs_free)
	if (cl == NULL) {
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nServer is full.\n");
		Com_Printf("Rejected a connection - server is full.\n");

	/* build a new connection - accept the new client
	 * this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized */
	playernum = cl - SV_GetClient(0);
	player = PLAYER_NUM(playernum);
	cl->player = player;
	cl->player->num = playernum;

		const ScopedMutex scopedMutex(svs.serverMutex);
		connected =>ClientConnect(player, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));

	/* get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo */
	if (!connected) {
		const char *rejmsg = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg");
		if (rejmsg[0] != '\0') {
			NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\n%s\nConnection refused.\n", rejmsg);
			Com_Printf("Game rejected a connection from %s. Reason: %s\n", peername, rejmsg);
		} else {
			NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "print\nConnection refused.\n");
			Com_Printf("Game rejected a connection from %s.\n", peername);

	/* new player */
	cl->player->inuse = true;
	cl->lastmessage = svs.realtime;

	/* parse some info from the info strings */
	strncpy(cl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(cl->userinfo) - 1);

	/* send the connect packet to the client */
	if (sv_http_downloadserver->string[0])
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "client_connect dlserver=%s", sv_http_downloadserver->string);
		NET_OOB_Printf(stream, "client_connect");

	SV_SetClientState(cl, cs_connected);

	Q_strncpyz(cl->peername, peername, sizeof(cl->peername));
	cl->stream = stream;
	NET_StreamSetData(stream, cl);
Beispiel #27
* sv_clientconnect_done
* callback for clientconnect POST request
static void sv_mm_clientconnect_done( stat_query_t *query, qboolean success, void *customp )
	stat_query_section_t *root, *ratings_section;
	int session_id, isession_id;
	client_t *cl;
	edict_t *ent;

	 * ch : JSON API
	 * {
	 *		id: [int],	// 0 on error, > 0 on logged-in user, < 0 for "anonymous" user
	 *		login: [string],	// login-name for user on success
	 *		ratings: [
	 *			{ gametype: [string], rating: [float]: deviation: [float] }
	 *			..
	 *		]
	 * }

	 * since we are now generating the local session in SV_MM_ClientConnect, we should
	 * check if session_id < 0 just in case so that we wont try to regenerate local
	 * session or do anything stupid like that
	 * (currently we dont even tell MM about these so ignore)
	session_id = (int)customp;
	isession_id = 0;
	cl = SV_MM_ClientForSession( session_id );

	if( cl == NULL )
		// or figure out the validation anyway from the received session-id?
		Com_Printf("SV_MM_ClientConnect: Couldnt find client with session-id %d\n", session_id );

	if( !success )
		Com_Printf( "SV_MM_ClientConnect: Error\n" );
		root = sq_api->GetRoot( query );
		if( query == NULL )
			Com_Printf("SV_MM_ParseResponse: Failed to parse data\n");
			isession_id = (int)sq_api->GetNumber( root, "id" );
			if( isession_id == 0 )
				Com_Printf( "SV_MM_ClientConnect: Client not logged in\n");
			else if( isession_id != session_id )
				Com_Printf( "SV_MM_ClientConnect: Session-id doesnt match %d -> %d\n", isession_id, session_id );
				isession_id = 0;
				const char *login = sq_api->GetString( root, "login" );
				ratings_section = sq_api->GetSection( root, "ratings" );

				Q_strncpyz( cl->mm_login, login, sizeof( cl->mm_login ) );

				if( !Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_mm_login", login ) ) {
					Com_Printf( "Failed to set infokey cl_mm_login for player %s\n", login );

				if( ge != NULL && ratings_section != NULL )
					int idx = 0;
					stat_query_section_t *element = sq_api->GetArraySection( ratings_section, idx++ );
					ent = EDICT_NUM( (cl - svs.clients) + 1 );
					while( element != NULL )
						ge->AddRating( ent, sq_api->GetString( element, "gametype" ),
							sq_api->GetNumber( element, "rating" ),
							sq_api->GetNumber( element, "deviation" ) );
						element = sq_api->GetArraySection( ratings_section, idx++ );
				SV_UserinfoChanged( cl );

	// unable to validate client, either kick him out or force local session
	if( isession_id == 0 )
		if( sv_mm_loginonly->integer )
			SV_DropClient( cl, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: This server requires login. Create account at" );

		// TODO: check that session_id >= 0
		isession_id = SV_MM_GenerateLocalSession();
		Com_Printf("SV_MM_ClientConnect: Forcing local_session %d on client %s\n", isession_id, cl->name );
		cl->mm_session = isession_id;
		// TODO: reflect this to the userinfo
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "cl_mm_session", va("%d", isession_id ) );

		// We should also notify MM about the new local session id?
		// Or another option would be that MM doesnt track local sessions at all,
		// it just emits the results straight away.

		// resend scc query
		// cl->socket->address

	Com_Printf("SV_MM_ClientConnect: %s with session id %d\n", cl->name, cl->mm_session );
Beispiel #28

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	MAC_STATIC client_t	temp;
	gentity_t		*ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*denied;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );

	// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo challenge for address.\n" );
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < 1 ; i++,cl++)
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			if (( sv.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000))
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
			goto gotnewcl;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = 0; i < 1 ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is full.\n" );
		Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = ge->ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, eSavedGameJustLoaded ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = sv.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = sv.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = sv.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;
Beispiel #29

The current net_message is parsed for the given client
void SV_ExecuteClientMessage(client_t *cl){
	int	c;
	char	*s;

	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	oldest, oldcmd, newcmd;
	int	net_drop;
	int	stringCmdCount;
	int	checksum, calculatedChecksum;
	int	checksumIndex;
	qboolean	move_issued;
	int	lastframe;

	sv_client = cl;
	sv_player = sv_client->edict;

	// only allow one move command
	move_issued = false;
	stringCmdCount = 0;

		if(net_message.readcount > net_message.cursize){
			Com_Printf("SV_ReadClientMessage: badread\n");

		c = MSG_ReadByte(&net_message);
		if(c == -1)

				Com_Printf("SV_ReadClientMessage: unknown command char\n");

			case clc_nop:

			case clc_userinfo:
				strncpy(cl->userinfo, MSG_ReadString(&net_message), sizeof(cl->userinfo) - 1);

			case clc_move:
					return;		// someone is trying to cheat...

				move_issued = true;
				checksumIndex = net_message.readcount;
				checksum = MSG_ReadByte(&net_message);
				lastframe = MSG_ReadLong(&net_message);
				if(lastframe != cl->lastframe){
					cl->lastframe = lastframe;
					if(cl->lastframe > 0){
						cl->frame_latency[cl->lastframe&(LATENCY_COUNTS - 1)] =
							svs.realtime - cl->frames[cl->lastframe & UPDATE_MASK].senttime;

				memset(&nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd));
				MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &nullcmd, &oldest);
				MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &oldest, &oldcmd);
				MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd(&net_message, &oldcmd, &newcmd);

				if(cl->state != cs_spawned){
					cl->lastframe = -1;

				// if the checksum fails, ignore the rest of the packet
				calculatedChecksum = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
	 + checksumIndex + 1,
										 net_message.readcount - checksumIndex - 1,

				if(calculatedChecksum != checksum){
					Com_DPrintf("Failed command checksum for %s(%d != %d)/%d\n",
								 cl->name, calculatedChecksum, checksum,

					net_drop = cl->netchan.dropped;
					if(net_drop < 20){
//						if(net_drop > 2)
//							Com_Printf("drop %i\n", net_drop);
						while(net_drop > 2){
							SV_ClientThink(cl, &cl->lastcmd);
						if(net_drop > 1)
							SV_ClientThink(cl, &oldest);
						if(net_drop > 0)
							SV_ClientThink(cl, &oldcmd);
					SV_ClientThink(cl, &newcmd);

				cl->lastcmd = newcmd;

			case clc_stringcmd:
				s = MSG_ReadString(&net_message);

				// malicious users may try using too many string commands
				if(++stringCmdCount < MAX_STRINGCMDS)

				if(cl->state == cs_zombie)
					return;	// disconnect command