bool CSrScriptView::CheckCanClose (void) { CString Buffer; bool fResult; int Result; GetControlData(); for (dword i = 0; i < m_Scripts.GetSize(); ++i) { if (!m_Scripts[i]->IsModified()) continue; Buffer.Format("Script '%s' has not been saved. Do you wish to save now?", m_Scripts[i]->GetScriptName()); Result = AfxMessageBox(Buffer, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (Result == IDCANCEL) return false; if (Result == IDYES) { fResult = SaveScript(m_Scripts[i]); if (!fResult) return false; } } return true; }
void __fastcall TfrmSearch::menuOpenScriptClick(TObject *Sender) { if(SkyEdit2->Modified) { switch(MessageBox(Handle,"是否保存所做的修改?","问题",MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNOCANCEL)) { case IDYES: if(!SaveScript()) return; break; case IDNO: break; default: return; } } if(!OpenDialog1->Execute()) return; try { SkyEdit2->Lines->LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1->FileName); SkyEdit2->SelLength = 0; CurScriptFileName = OpenDialog1->FileName; } catch(Exception * E) { MessageBox(Handle,E->Message.c_str(),"错误",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return; } SkyEdit2->Modified = false; labScriptFile->Caption = CurScriptFileName; }
void __fastcall TfrmSearch::menuSaveClick(TObject *Sender) { if(CurScriptFileName == "" && SkyEdit2->Text == "") return; if(!SaveScript()) return; MessageBox(Handle,"查询脚本已保存!","信息",MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
void Cmd_TextureMix() { miptex32_t *qtex32; char filename[1024]; int size; InitVars(); GetScriptToken (false); strcpy(root, token); RemoveExt(root); RemoveLeading(root); strcpy(filename, ExpandPathAndArchive(token)); if (SetVars(filename)) { // Create combined texture percent = ((TotalArea() * 100) / (out.w * out.h)); printf("Total area consumed : %d%%\n", percent); printf("Texture resolution : %dx%d pixels.\n", xcharsize, ycharsize); CreateMain(); // Save image as m32 sprintf (filename, "%spics/misc/%s.m32", gamedir,; qtex32 = CreateMip32((unsigned *)outpixels, out.w, out.h, &size, false); qtex32->contents = 0; qtex32->value = 0; qtex32->scale_x = 1.0; qtex32->scale_y = 1.0; sprintf (qtex32->name, "misc/%s",; printf ("\n\nwriting %s\n", filename); SaveFile (filename, (byte *)qtex32, size); free (qtex32); // Save out script file sprintf (filename, "%spics/misc/%s.fnt", gamedir, outscript); printf("Writing %s as script file\n", filename); if (!SaveScript(filename)) { printf("Unable to save output script.\n"); } } printf("Everythings groovy.\n"); Cleanup(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GmatSavePanel::OnSaveAs(wxCommandEvent &event) { #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSaveAs() entered, script = '%s', mIsScriptActive = %d\n", mFilename.c_str(), mIsScriptActive); #endif wxFileDialog dialog(this, _T("Choose a file"), _T(""), _T(""), _T("Script files (*.script, *.m)|*.script;*.m|"\ "Text files (*.txt, *.text)|*.txt;*.text|"\ "All files (*.*)|*.*"), wxSAVE); bool saveScript = false; if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxString path = dialog.GetPath().c_str(); mSaveCanceled = false; if(DoesFileExist(path.c_str())) { if (wxMessageBox(_T("File already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite?"), _T("Please confirm"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxYES) { mFilename = path; saveScript = true; } else mSaveCanceled = true; } else { mFilename = path; saveScript = true; } } else mSaveCanceled = true; if (saveScript) SaveScript(); #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSaveAs() leaving, saveScript=%d, mSaveCanceled=%d, script = '%s'\n", saveScript, mSaveCanceled, mFilename.c_str()); #endif }
/*! * Returns \a true if the application is ready to start with other script. Otherwise, * returns \a false. */ bool CodeEditorWidget::OkToContinue() { QTextDocument* document = codeEditor->document(); if ( document->isModified () ) { int answer = QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Tonatiuh" ), tr( "The document has been modified.\n" "Do you want to save your changes?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default, QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape ); if ( answer == QMessageBox::Yes ) return SaveScript(); else if ( answer == QMessageBox::Cancel ) return false; } return true; }
void __fastcall TfrmSearch::menuNewScriptClick(TObject *Sender) { if(SkyEdit2->Modified) { switch(MessageBox(Handle,"是否保存所做的修改?","问题",MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNOCANCEL)) { case IDYES: if(!SaveScript()) return; break; case IDNO: break; default: return; } } SkyEdit2->Text = ""; CurScriptFileName = ""; labScriptFile->Caption = "新的查询脚本"; SkyEdit2->Modified = false; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GmatSavePanel::OnSave(wxCommandEvent &event) { // scriptStatus: 1 = clean, 2 = dirty, 3 = error int scriptStatus = theGuiManager->GetActiveScriptStatus(); int guiStatus = theGuiManager->GetGuiStatus(); #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSave() entered, mSyncGui=%d, mFilename='%s'\n tempFileName='%s', " "scriptStatus=%d, guiStatus=%d\n", mSyncGui, mFilename.c_str(), GmatAppData::Instance()->GetTempScriptName().c_str(), scriptStatus, guiStatus); #endif // If it is active script and both script and GUI is clean, there is nothing to save if (mIsScriptActive && scriptStatus == 1 && guiStatus == 1) { #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSave() leaving, both script and GUI is clean\n", scriptStatus); #endif return; } mSaveCanceled = false; // if it is temp script file, call OnSaveAs() to bring up file dialog to save if (mFilename == GmatAppData::Instance()->GetTempScriptName()) { OnSaveAs(event); if (mSaveCanceled) { #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSave() leaving, user canceled SaveAs, mFilename='%s'\n", mFilename.c_str()); #endif return; } } else if (!mSyncGui) { // Save inactive script and return SaveScript(); mSyncGui = false; #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSave() leaving, inactive script saved, mFilename='%s'\n", mFilename.c_str()); #endif return; } // Confirm user if user wants to refresh GUI with script bool saveScript = false; if (guiStatus == 1) { saveScript = true; } // If GUI is dirty, prompt user to select an action else if (guiStatus == 2) { #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage(" ==> Showing GUI overwrite confirm message\n"); #endif wxString guiOverwriteMsg = "You will lose changes made in the GUI if the script " "is saved. Do you want to save the script, discard the GUI changes, and reload " "the GUI with the saved script"; if (event.GetEventObject() == mSaveSyncButton) guiOverwriteMsg = guiOverwriteMsg + "?"; else if (event.GetEventObject() == mSaveSyncRunButton) guiOverwriteMsg = guiOverwriteMsg + " and run?"; wxMessageDialog *msgDlg = new wxMessageDialog (this, guiOverwriteMsg, "Save script...", wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL |wxICON_QUESTION, wxDefaultPosition); int result = msgDlg->ShowModal(); if (result == wxID_YES) saveScript = true; else mSyncGui = false; delete msgDlg; } #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage (" saveScript=%d, mSyncGui=%d\n", saveScript, mSyncGui); #endif if (saveScript) SaveAndBuildScript(event); #ifdef DEBUG_SAVE MessageInterface::ShowMessage ("GmatSavePanel::OnSave() leaving, mFilename='%s', mSyncGui=%d\n", mFilename.c_str(), mSyncGui); #endif }
bool CSrScriptView::SaveCurrentScript (void) { GetControlData(); return SaveScript(m_pCurrentScript); }