Beispiel #1
void ACarlaHUD::DrawHUD()

  if (!bIsVisible)

  // Calculate ratio from 720p
  const float HUDXRatio = Canvas->SizeX / 1280.f;
  const float HUDYRatio = Canvas->SizeY / 720.f;

  ACarlaVehicleController *Vehicle = Cast<ACarlaVehicleController>(
      GetOwningPawn() == nullptr ? nullptr : GetOwningPawn()->GetController());

  if (Vehicle != nullptr)
    FVector2D ScaleVec(HUDYRatio * 1.4f, HUDYRatio * 1.4f);

    auto Text = GetHUDText(Vehicle->GetPlayerState());
    FCanvasTextItem HUDTextItem(FVector2D(HUDXRatio * 50.0f, HUDYRatio * 330.0f), Text, HUDFont, FLinearColor::White);
    HUDTextItem.Scale = ScaleVec;
Beispiel #2
void bicgstab_euclid(Mat_dh A, Euclid_dh ctx, double *x, double *b, HYPRE_Int *itsOUT)
  HYPRE_Int its, m = ctx->m;
  bool monitor;
  HYPRE_Int maxIts = ctx->maxIts;
  double atol = ctx->atol, rtol = ctx->rtol;

  /* scalars */
  double alpha, alpha_1,
         widget, widget_1,
         rho_1, rho_2,
         s_norm, eps,
         exit_a, b_iprod, r_iprod;

  /* vectors */
  double *t, *s, *s_hat, *v, *p, *p_hat, *r, *r_hat;

  monitor = Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-monitor");

  /* allocate working space */
  t = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  s = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  s_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  v = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  p = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  p_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  r = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));
  r_hat = (double*)MALLOC_DH(m*sizeof(double));

  /* r = b - Ax */
  Mat_dhMatVec(A, x, s); /* s = Ax */
  CopyVec(m, b, r);      /* r = b */
  Axpy(m, -1.0, s, r);   /* r = b-Ax */
  CopyVec(m, r, r_hat); /* r_hat = r */

  /* compute stopping criteria */
  b_iprod = InnerProd(m, b, b); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  exit_a = atol*atol*b_iprod;  CHECK_V_ERROR; /* absolute stopping criteria */
  eps = rtol*rtol*b_iprod;       /* relative stoping criteria (residual reduction) */

  its = 0;
  while(1) {
    rho_1 = InnerProd(m, r_hat, r);
    if (rho_1 == 0) {
      SET_V_ERROR("(r_hat . r) = 0; method fails");

    if (its == 1) {
      CopyVec(m, r, p);   /* p = r_0 */ CHECK_V_ERROR;
    } else {
      beta_1 = (rho_1/rho_2)*(alpha_1/widget_1);
      /* p_i = r_(i-1) + beta_(i-1)*( p_(i-1) - w_(i-1)*v_(i-1) ) */
      Axpy(m, -widget_1, v, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      ScaleVec(m, beta_1, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      Axpy(m, 1.0, r, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* solve M*p_hat = p_i */
    Euclid_dhApply(ctx, p, p_hat); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* v_i = A*p_hat */
    Mat_dhMatVec(A, p_hat, v); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* alpha_i = rho_(i-1) / (r_hat^T . v_i ) */
    { double tmp = InnerProd(m, r_hat, v); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      alpha = rho_1/tmp;

    /* s = r_(i-1) - alpha_i*v_i */
    CopyVec(m, r, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, -alpha, v, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* check norm of s; if small enough:
     * set x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i*p_i and stop.
     * (Actually, we use the square of the norm)
    s_norm = InnerProd(m, s, s);
    if (s_norm < exit_a) {
      SET_INFO("reached absolute stopping criteria");

    /* solve M*s_hat = s */
    Euclid_dhApply(ctx, s, s_hat); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* t = A*s_hat */
    Mat_dhMatVec(A, s_hat, t); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* w_i = (t . s)/(t . t) */
    { double tmp1, tmp2;
      tmp1 = InnerProd(m, t, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      tmp2 = InnerProd(m, t, t); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      widget = tmp1/tmp2;

    /* x_i = x_(i-1) + alpha_i*p_hat + w_i*s_hat */
    Axpy(m, alpha, p_hat, x); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, widget, s_hat, x); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* r_i = s - w_i*t */
    CopyVec(m, s, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, -widget, t, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* check convergence; continue if necessary;
     * for continuation it is necessary thea w != 0.
    r_iprod = InnerProd(m, r, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    if (r_iprod < eps) {
      SET_INFO("stipulated residual reduction achieved");

    /* monitor convergence */
    if (monitor && myid_dh == 0) {
      hypre_fprintf(stderr, "[it = %i] %e\n", its, sqrt(r_iprod/b_iprod));

    /* prepare for next iteration */
    rho_2 = rho_1;
    widget_1 = widget;
    alpha_1 = alpha;

    if (its >= maxIts) {
      its = -its;

  *itsOUT = its;

Beispiel #3
void cg_euclid(Mat_dh A, Euclid_dh ctx, double *x, double *b, HYPRE_Int *itsOUT)
  HYPRE_Int its, m = A->m;
  double *p, *r, *s;
  double alpha, beta, gamma, gamma_old, eps, bi_prod, i_prod;
  bool monitor;
  HYPRE_Int maxIts = ctx->maxIts;
  /* double atol = ctx->atol */
  double  rtol = ctx->rtol;

  monitor = Parser_dhHasSwitch(parser_dh, "-monitor");

  /* compute square of absolute stopping threshold  */
  /* bi_prod = <b,b> */
  bi_prod = InnerProd(m, b, b); CHECK_V_ERROR;
  eps = (rtol*rtol)*bi_prod;

  p = (double *) MALLOC_DH(m * sizeof(double));
  s = (double *) MALLOC_DH(m * sizeof(double));
  r = (double *) MALLOC_DH(m * sizeof(double));

  /* r = b - Ax */
  Mat_dhMatVec(A, x, r);       /* r = Ax */ CHECK_V_ERROR;
  ScaleVec(m, -1.0, r);  /* r = b */        CHECK_V_ERROR;
  Axpy(m, 1.0, b, r);    /* r = r + b */    CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* solve Mp = r */
  Euclid_dhApply(ctx, r, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  /* gamma = <r,p> */
  gamma = InnerProd(m, r, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;

  its = 0;
  while (1) {

    /* s = A*p */
    Mat_dhMatVec(A, p, s);  CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* alpha = gamma / <s,p> */
    { double tmp = InnerProd(m, s, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
      alpha = gamma / tmp;
      gamma_old = gamma;

    /* x = x + alpha*p */
    Axpy(m, alpha, p, x); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* r = r - alpha*s */
    Axpy(m, -alpha, s, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    /* solve Ms = r */
    Euclid_dhApply(ctx, r, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* gamma = <r,s> */
    gamma = InnerProd(m, r, s); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    /* set i_prod for convergence test */
    i_prod = InnerProd(m, r, r); CHECK_V_ERROR;

    if (monitor && myid_dh == 0) {
      hypre_fprintf(stderr, "iter = %i  rel. resid. norm: %e\n", its, sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod));

    /* check for convergence */
    if (i_prod < eps) break;

    /* beta = gamma / gamma_old */
    beta = gamma / gamma_old;

    /* p = s + beta p */
    ScaleVec(m, beta, p); CHECK_V_ERROR;
    Axpy(m, 1.0, s, p);   CHECK_V_ERROR;

    if (its >= maxIts) {
      its = -its;

  *itsOUT = its;

Beispiel #4
Vec ScaleVecAdd( float s, const Vec v1, const Vec v2 ){
  Vec a = ScaleVec( s, v1 );
  return a + v2;