Beispiel #1
 * Searches shim database for a next tag which matches prev_child within parent's domain.
 * @param [in]  pdb          Handle to the shim database.
 * @param [in]  parent      TAGID of parent.
 * @param [in]  prev_child  TAGID of previous match.
 * @return  Success: TAGID of next match, Failure: TAGID_NULL.
TAGID WINAPI SdbFindNextTag(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAGID prev_child)
    TAG tag;
    TAGID iter;

    tag = SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, prev_child);
    iter = SdbGetNextChild(pdb, parent, prev_child);

    while (iter != TAGID_NULL)
        if (SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, iter) == tag)
            return iter;
        iter = SdbGetNextChild(pdb, parent, iter);
    return TAGID_NULL;
Beispiel #2
BOOL WINAPI SdbpCheckTagIDType(PDB db, TAGID tagid, WORD type)
    TAG tag = SdbGetTagFromTagID(db, tagid);
    if (tag == TAG_NULL)
        return FALSE;
    return SdbpCheckTagType(tag, type);
Beispiel #3
 * Searches shim database for a tag within specified domain.
 * @param [in]  pdb      Handle to the shim database.
 * @param [in]  parent  TAGID of parent.
 * @param [in]  tag     TAG to be located.
 * @return  Success: TAGID of first matching tag, Failure: TAGID_NULL.
TAGID WINAPI SdbFindFirstTag(PDB pdb, TAGID parent, TAG tag)
    TAGID iter;

    iter = SdbGetFirstChild(pdb, parent);
    while (iter != TAGID_NULL)
        if (SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, iter) == tag)
            return iter;
        iter = SdbGetNextChild(pdb, parent, iter);
    return TAGID_NULL;
Beispiel #4
static DWORD WINAPI SdbpGetTagSize(PDB pdb, TAGID tagid)
    WORD type;
    DWORD size;

    type = SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid) & TAG_TYPE_MASK;
    if (type == TAG_NULL)
        return 0;

    size = SdbGetTagDataSize(pdb, tagid);
    if (type <= TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF)
        return size += sizeof(TAG);
    else size += (sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD));

    return size;
Beispiel #5
 * Searches shim database for a child of specified parent tag.
 * @param [in]  pdb      Handle to the shim database.
 * @param [in]  parent  TAGID of parent.
 * @return  Success: TAGID of child tag, Failure: TAGID_NULL.
TAGID WINAPI SdbGetFirstChild(PDB pdb, TAGID parent)
    /* if we are at beginning of database */
    if (parent == TAGID_ROOT)
        /* header only database: no tags */
        if (pdb->size <= _TAGID_ROOT)
            return TAGID_NULL;
        /* return *real* root tagid */
        else return _TAGID_ROOT;

    /* only list tag can have children */
    if ((SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, parent) & TAG_TYPE_MASK) != TAG_TYPE_LIST)
        return TAGID_NULL;

    /* first child is sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD) bytes after beginning of list */
    return parent + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD);
Beispiel #6
LPWSTR WINAPI SdbpGetString(PDB pdb, TAGID tagid, PDWORD size)
    TAG tag;
    TAGID offset;

    tag = SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid);
    if (tag == TAG_NULL)
        return NULL;

        /* No stringtable; all references are invalid */
        if (pdb->stringtable == TAGID_NULL)
            return NULL;

        /* TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF contains offset of string relative to stringtable */
        if (!SdbpReadData(pdb, &tagid, tagid + sizeof(TAG), sizeof(TAGID)))
            return NULL;

        offset = pdb->stringtable + tagid + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(TAGID);
    else if ((tag & TAG_TYPE_MASK) == TAG_TYPE_STRING)
        offset = tagid + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(TAGID);
        SHIM_ERR("Tag 0x%u at tagid %u is neither a string or reference to string\n", tag, tagid);
        return NULL;

    /* Optionally read string size */
    if (size && !SdbpReadData(pdb, size, offset - sizeof(TAGID), sizeof(*size)))
        return FALSE;

    return (LPWSTR)(&pdb->data[offset]);
Beispiel #7
 * Retrieves size of data at specified tagid.
 * @param [in]  pdb      Handle to the shim database.
 * @param [in]  tagid   Tagid of tag whose size is queried.
 * @return  Success: Size of data at specified tagid, Failure: 0.
DWORD WINAPI SdbGetTagDataSize(PDB pdb, TAGID tagid)
    /* sizes of data types with fixed size */
    static const SIZE_T sizes[6] = {
        0, /* NULL  */ 1, /* BYTE      */
        2, /* WORD  */ 4, /* DWORD     */
        8, /* QWORD */ 4  /* STRINGREF */
    WORD type;
    DWORD size;

    type = SdbGetTagFromTagID(pdb, tagid) & TAG_TYPE_MASK;
    if (type == TAG_NULL)
        return 0;

    if (type <= TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF)
        return sizes[(type >> 12) - 1];

    /* tag with dynamic size (e.g. list): must read size */
    if (!SdbpReadData(pdb, &size, tagid + sizeof(TAG), sizeof(size)))
        return 0;

    return size;