static void testdigestandsignalg(SecKeyRef privKey, SecKeyRef pubKey, const SecAsn1AlgId *algId) {
    uint8_t dataToDigest[256] = {0,};
    size_t dataToDigestLen = sizeof(dataToDigest);
    size_t sigLen = SecKeyGetSize(privKey, kSecKeySignatureSize);
    uint8_t sig[sigLen];

    DERItem oid;
    oid.length = algId->algorithm.Length; = algId->algorithm.Data;

    /* Get the oid in decimal for display purposes. */
    CFStringRef oidStr = SecDERItemCopyOIDDecimalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, &oid);
	char oidBuf[40];
    CFStringGetCString(oidStr, oidBuf, sizeof(oidBuf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

    OSStatus status;

    /* Time to sign. */
    ok_status(status = SecKeyDigestAndSign(privKey, algId, dataToDigest, dataToDigestLen,
                                           sig, &sigLen),
              "digest and sign %s with %ld bit RSA key", oidBuf, sigLen * 8);

    skip("SecKeyDigestAndSign failed", 3, status == errSecSuccess);

    /* Verify the signature we just made. */
    ok_status(SecKeyDigestAndVerify(pubKey, algId, dataToDigest, dataToDigestLen,
                                    sig, sigLen), "digest and verify");
    /* Invalidate the signature. */
    sig[0] ^= 0xff;
    is_status(SecKeyDigestAndVerify(pubKey, algId, dataToDigest, dataToDigestLen,
                                    sig, sigLen), errSSLCrypto, "digest and verify bad sig");
    sig[0] ^= 0xff;
    dataToDigest[0] ^= 0xff;
    is_status(SecKeyDigestAndVerify(pubKey, algId, dataToDigest, dataToDigestLen,
                                    sig, sigLen), errSSLCrypto, "digest and verify bad digest");
static bool SecKeyDigestAndVerifyWithError(
                                           SecKeyRef           key,            /* Public key */
                                           const SecAsn1AlgId  *algId,         /* algorithm oid/params */
                                           const uint8_t       *dataToDigest,	/* signature over this data */
                                           size_t              dataToDigestLen,/* length of dataToDigest */
                                           uint8_t             *sig,			/* signature to verify */
                                           size_t              sigLen,         /* length of sig */
                                           CFErrorRef          *error) {
    OSStatus status = SecKeyDigestAndVerify(key, algId, dataToDigest, dataToDigestLen, sig, sigLen);
    require_noerr(status, fail);
    return true;
    SecOTRCreateError(secOTRErrorOSError, status, CFSTR("Error verifying message. OSStatus in error code."), NULL, error);
    return false;