// Same as above, but only changing the AES mode of operation (CBC, not CFB)
SecureBinaryData CryptoAES::EncryptCBC(SecureBinaryData & data, 
                                       SecureBinaryData & key,
                                       SecureBinaryData & iv)
      cout << "AES Decrypt" << endl;
      cout << "   BinData: " << data.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinKey : " << key.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinIV  : " << iv.toHexStr() << endl;

   if(data.getSize() == 0)
      return SecureBinaryData(0);

   SecureBinaryData encrData(data.getSize());

   // Caller can supply their own IV/entropy, or let it be generated here
   // (variable "iv" is a reference, so check it on the way out)
   if(iv.getSize() == 0)
      iv = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(BTC_AES::BLOCKSIZE);

   BTC_CBC_MODE<BTC_AES>::Encryption aes_enc( (byte*)key.getPtr(), 

   aes_enc.ProcessData( (byte*)encrData.getPtr(), 

   return encrData;
// Same as above, but only changing the AES mode of operation (CBC, not CFB)
SecureBinaryData CryptoAES::DecryptCBC(SecureBinaryData & data, 
                                       SecureBinaryData & key,
                                       SecureBinaryData   iv  )
      cout << "AES Decrypt" << endl;
      cout << "   BinData: " << data.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinKey : " << key.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinIV  : " << iv.toHexStr() << endl;

   if(data.getSize() == 0)
      return SecureBinaryData(0);

   SecureBinaryData unencrData(data.getSize());

   BTC_CBC_MODE<BTC_AES>::Decryption aes_enc( (byte*)key.getPtr(), 

   aes_enc.ProcessData( (byte*)unencrData.getPtr(), 
   return unencrData;
SecureBinaryData KdfRomix::DeriveKey(SecureBinaryData const & password)
   SecureBinaryData masterKey(password);
   for(uint32_t i=0; i<numIterations_; i++)
      masterKey = DeriveKey_OneIter(masterKey);
   return SecureBinaryData(masterKey);
SecureBinaryData CryptoAES::Encrypt(SecureBinaryData & data, 
                                    SecureBinaryData & key,
                                    SecureBinaryData & iv)
      cout << "AES Decrypt" << endl;
      cout << "   BinData: " << data.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinKey : " << key.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinIV  : " << iv.toHexStr() << endl;

   if(data.getSize() == 0)
      return SecureBinaryData(0);

   SecureBinaryData encrData(data.getSize());
   //cout << "   StartPlain: " << data.toHexStr() << endl;
   //cout << "   Key Data  : " << key.toHexStr() << endl;

   // Caller can supply their own IV/entropy, or let it be generated here
   if(iv.getSize() == 0)
      iv = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(BTC_AES::BLOCKSIZE);

   BTC_AES_MODE<BTC_AES>::Encryption aes_enc( (byte*)key.getPtr(), 

   aes_enc.ProcessData( (byte*)encrData.getPtr(), 

   //cout << "   IV Data   : " << iv.toHexStr() << endl;
   //cout << "   Ciphertext: " << encrData.toHexStr() << endl;
   return encrData;
// Deterministically generate new public key using a chaincode
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::ComputeChainedPublicKey(
                                SecureBinaryData const & binPubKey,
                                SecureBinaryData const & chainCode,
                                SecureBinaryData* multiplierOut)
      cout << "ComputeChainedPUBLICKey:" << endl;
      cout << "   BinPub: " << binPubKey.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinChn: " << chainCode.toHexStr() << endl;
   static SecureBinaryData SECP256K1_ORDER_BE = SecureBinaryData::CreateFromHex(

   // Added extra entropy to chaincode by xor'ing with hash256 of pubkey
   BinaryData chainMod  = binPubKey.getHash256();
   BinaryData chainOrig = chainCode.getRawCopy();
   BinaryData chainXor(32);
   for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++)
      uint8_t offset = 4*i;
      *(uint32_t*)(chainXor.getPtr()+offset) =
                           *(uint32_t*)( chainMod.getPtr()+offset) ^ 

   // Parse the chaincode as a big-endian integer
   CryptoPP::Integer mult;
   mult.Decode(chainXor.getPtr(), chainXor.getSize(), UNSIGNED);

   // "new" init as "old", to make sure it's initialized on the correct curve
   BTC_PUBKEY oldPubKey = ParsePublicKey(binPubKey); 
   BTC_PUBKEY newPubKey = ParsePublicKey(binPubKey);

   // Let Crypto++ do the EC math for us, serialize the new public key
   newPubKey.SetPublicElement( oldPubKey.ExponentiatePublicElement(mult) );

   if(multiplierOut != NULL)
      (*multiplierOut) = SecureBinaryData(chainXor);

   //LOGINFO << "Computed new chained public key using:";
   //LOGINFO << "   Public key: " << binPubKey.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   PubKeyHash: " << chainMod.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   Chaincode:  " << chainOrig.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   Multiplier: " << chainXor.toHexStr().c_str();

   return CryptoECDSA::SerializePublicKey(newPubKey);
Beispiel #6
void Payload_Version::setVersionHeaderIPv4(uint32_t version, uint64_t services,
   int64_t timestamp,
   const sockaddr& recvaddr,
   const sockaddr& fromaddr)
   vheader_.version_ = version;
   vheader_.services_ = services;
   vheader_.timestamp_ = timestamp;

   vheader_.addr_recv_.setIPv4(services, recvaddr);
   vheader_.addr_from_.setIPv4(services, fromaddr);

   auto&& randombytes = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(8);
   vheader_.nonce_ = *(uint64_t*)randombytes.getPtr();
// Use the secp256k1 curve to sign data of an arbitrary length.
// Input:  Data to sign  (const SecureBinaryData&)
//         The private key used to sign the data  (const BTC_PRIVKEY&)
//         A flag indicating if deterministic signing is used  (const bool&)
// Output: None
// Return: The signature of the data  (SecureBinaryData)
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::SignData(SecureBinaryData const & binToSign, 
                                       BTC_PRIVKEY const & cppPrivKey,
                                       const bool& detSign)

   // We trick the Crypto++ ECDSA module by passing it a single-hashed
   // message, it will do the second hash before it signs it.  This is 
   // exactly what we need.
   CryptoPP::SHA256  sha256;
   BTC_PRNG prng;

   // Execute the first sha256 op -- the signer will do the other one
   SecureBinaryData hashVal(32);

   // Do we want to use a PRNG or use deterministic signing (RFC 6979)?
   string signature;
      BTC_DETSIGNER signer(cppPrivKey);
         hashVal.toBinStr(), true, new CryptoPP::SignerFilter(
         prng, signer, new CryptoPP::StringSink(signature)));
      BTC_SIGNER signer(cppPrivKey);
         hashVal.toBinStr(), true, new CryptoPP::SignerFilter(
         prng, signer, new CryptoPP::StringSink(signature)));

   return SecureBinaryData(signature);
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::SignData(SecureBinaryData const & binToSign, 
                                       BTC_PRIVKEY const & cppPrivKey)

   // We trick the Crypto++ ECDSA module by passing it a single-hashed
   // message, it will do the second hash before it signs it.  This is 
   // exactly what we need.
   static CryptoPP::SHA256  sha256;
   static BTC_PRNG prng;

   // Execute the first sha256 op -- the signer will do the other one
   SecureBinaryData hashVal(32);

   string signature;
   BTC_SIGNER signer(cppPrivKey);
               hashVal.toBinStr(), true, new CryptoPP::SignerFilter(
               prng, signer, new CryptoPP::StringSink(signature))); 
   return SecureBinaryData(signature);
// Deterministically generate new private key using a chaincode
// Changed:  added using the hash of the public key to the mix
//           b/c multiplying by the chaincode alone is too "linear"
//           (there's no reason to believe it's insecure, but it doesn't
//           hurt to add some extra entropy/non-linearity to the chain
//           generation process)
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::ComputeChainedPrivateKey(
                                 SecureBinaryData const & binPrivKey,
                                 SecureBinaryData const & chainCode,
                                 SecureBinaryData binPubKey,
                                 SecureBinaryData* multiplierOut)
      cout << "ComputeChainedPrivateKey:" << endl;
      cout << "   BinPrv: " << binPrivKey.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinChn: " << chainCode.toHexStr() << endl;
      cout << "   BinPub: " << binPubKey.toHexStr() << endl;

   if( binPubKey.getSize()==0 )
      binPubKey = ComputePublicKey(binPrivKey);

   if( binPrivKey.getSize() != 32 || chainCode.getSize() != 32)
      LOGERR << "***ERROR:  Invalid private key or chaincode (both must be 32B)";
      LOGERR << "BinPrivKey: " << binPrivKey.getSize();
      LOGERR << "BinPrivKey: (not logged for security)";
      //LOGERR << "BinPrivKey: " << binPrivKey.toHexStr();
      LOGERR << "BinChain  : " << chainCode.getSize();
      LOGERR << "BinChain  : " << chainCode.toHexStr();

   // Adding extra entropy to chaincode by xor'ing with hash256 of pubkey
   BinaryData chainMod  = binPubKey.getHash256();
   BinaryData chainOrig = chainCode.getRawCopy();
   BinaryData chainXor(32);
   for(uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++)
      uint8_t offset = 4*i;
      *(uint32_t*)(chainXor.getPtr()+offset) =
                           *(uint32_t*)( chainMod.getPtr()+offset) ^ 

   // Hard-code the order of the group
   static SecureBinaryData SECP256K1_ORDER_BE = SecureBinaryData().CreateFromHex(
   CryptoPP::Integer mult, origPrivExp, ecOrder;
   // A 
   mult.Decode(chainXor.getPtr(), chainXor.getSize(), UNSIGNED);
   // B 
   origPrivExp.Decode(binPrivKey.getPtr(), binPrivKey.getSize(), UNSIGNED);
   // C
   ecOrder.Decode(SECP256K1_ORDER_BE.getPtr(), SECP256K1_ORDER_BE.getSize(), UNSIGNED);

   // A*B mod C will get us a new private key exponent
   CryptoPP::Integer newPrivExponent = 
                  a_times_b_mod_c(mult, origPrivExp, ecOrder);

   // Convert new private exponent to big-endian binary string 
   SecureBinaryData newPrivData(32);
   newPrivExponent.Encode(newPrivData.getPtr(), newPrivData.getSize(), UNSIGNED);

   if(multiplierOut != NULL)
      (*multiplierOut) = SecureBinaryData(chainXor);

   //LOGINFO << "Computed new chained private key using:";
   //LOGINFO << "   Public key: " << binPubKey.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   PubKeyHash: " << chainMod.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   Chaincode:  " << chainOrig.toHexStr().c_str();
   //LOGINFO << "   Multiplier: " << chainXor.toHexStr().c_str();

   return newPrivData;
// Swap endianness of the bytes in the index range [pos1, pos2)
SecureBinaryData SecureBinaryData::copySwapEndian(size_t pos1, size_t pos2) const
   return SecureBinaryData(BinaryData::copySwapEndian(pos1, pos2));
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::GenerateNewPrivateKey(SecureBinaryData entropy)
   return SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32, entropy);
BTC_PRIVKEY CryptoECDSA::CreateNewPrivateKey(SecureBinaryData entropy)
   return ParsePrivateKey(SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32, entropy));
void KdfRomix::computeKdfParams(double targetComputeSec, uint32_t maxMemReqts)
   // Create a random salt, even though this is probably unnecessary:
   // the variation in numIter and memReqts is probably effective enough
   salt_ = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32);

   // If target compute is 0s, then this method really only generates 
   // a random salt, and sets the other params to default minimum.
   if(targetComputeSec == 0)
      numIterations_ = 1;
      memoryReqtBytes_ = 1024;

   // Here, we pick the largest memory reqt that allows the executing system
   // to compute the KDF is less than the target time.  A maximum can be 
   // specified, in case the target system is likely to be memory-limited
   // more than compute-speed limited
   SecureBinaryData testKey("This is an example key to test KDF iteration speed");

   // Start the search for a memory value at 1kB
   memoryReqtBytes_ = 1024;
   double approxSec = 0;
   while(approxSec <= targetComputeSec/4 && memoryReqtBytes_ < maxMemReqts)
      memoryReqtBytes_ *= 2;

      sequenceCount_ = memoryReqtBytes_ / hashOutputBytes_;

      testKey = DeriveKey_OneIter(testKey);
      approxSec = TIMER_READ_SEC("KDF_Mem_Search");

   // Recompute here, in case we didn't enter the search above 
   sequenceCount_ = memoryReqtBytes_ / hashOutputBytes_;

   // Depending on the search above (or if a low max memory was chosen, 
   // we may need to do multiple iterations to achieve the desired compute
   // time on this system.
   double allItersSec = 0;
   uint32_t numTest = 1;
   while(allItersSec < 0.02)
      numTest *= 2;
      for(uint32_t i=0; i<numTest; i++)
         SecureBinaryData testKey("This is an example key to test KDF iteration speed");
         testKey = DeriveKey_OneIter(testKey);
      allItersSec = TIMER_READ_SEC("KDF_Time_Search");

   double perIterSec  = allItersSec / numTest;
   numIterations_ = (uint32_t)(targetComputeSec / (perIterSec+0.0005));
   numIterations_ = (numIterations_ < 1 ? 1 : numIterations_);
   //cout << "System speed test results    :  " << endl;
   //cout << "   Total test of the KDF took:  " << allItersSec*1000 << " ms" << endl;
   //cout << "                   to execute:  " << numTest << " iterations" << endl;
   //cout << "   Target computation time is:  " << targetComputeSec*1000 << " ms" << endl;
   //cout << "   Setting numIterations to:    " << numIterations_ << endl;
BlockDataManagerConfig::BlockDataManagerConfig() :
Beispiel #15
SecureBinaryData CryptoECDSA::GenerateNewPrivateKey(void)
   return SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32);