static void test_remove(void) { Seq *seq = SequenceCreateRange(10, 0, 9); SeqRemove(seq, 5); assert_int_equal(seq->length, 9); assert_int_equal(*(size_t *) seq->data[5], 6); SeqDestroy(seq); seq = SequenceCreateRange(10, 0, 9); SeqRemove(seq, 0); assert_int_equal(seq->length, 9); assert_int_equal(*(size_t *) seq->data[0], 1); SeqDestroy(seq); seq = SequenceCreateRange(10, 0, 9); SeqRemove(seq, 9); assert_int_equal(seq->length, 9); assert_int_equal(*(size_t *) seq->data[8], 8); SeqDestroy(seq); }
void EvalContextStackPopFrame(EvalContext *ctx) { assert(SeqLength(ctx->stack) > 0); SeqRemove(ctx->stack, SeqLength(ctx->stack) - 1); StackFrame *last_frame = LastStackFrame(ctx, 0); if (last_frame) { ScopeSetCurrent(StackFrameOwnerName(last_frame)); } }
static bool Render(Buffer *out, const char *start, const char *input, Seq *hash_stack, char *delim_start, size_t *delim_start_len, char *delim_end, size_t *delim_end_len, bool skip_content, const char *section, const char **section_end) { while (true) { if (!input) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unexpected end to Mustache template"); return false; } Mustache tag = NextTag(input, delim_start, *delim_start_len, delim_end, *delim_end_len); { const char *line_begin = NULL; const char *line_end = NULL; if (!IsTagTypeRenderable(tag.type) && IsTagStandalone(start, tag.begin, tag.end, &line_begin, &line_end)) { RenderContent(out, input, line_begin - input, false, skip_content); input = line_end; } else { RenderContent(out, input, tag.begin - input, false, skip_content); input = tag.end; } } switch (tag.type) { case TAG_TYPE_ERR: return false; case TAG_TYPE_DELIM: if (!SetDelimiters(tag.content, tag.content_len, delim_start, delim_start_len, delim_end, delim_end_len)) { return false; } continue; case TAG_TYPE_COMMENT: continue; case TAG_TYPE_NONE: return true; case TAG_TYPE_VAR_SERIALIZED: case TAG_TYPE_VAR_SERIALIZED_COMPACT: case TAG_TYPE_VAR_UNESCAPED: case TAG_TYPE_VAR: if (!skip_content) { if (tag.content_len > 0) { if (!RenderVariable(out, tag.content, tag.content_len, tag.type, hash_stack)) { return false; } } else { RenderContent(out, delim_start, *delim_start_len, false, false); RenderContent(out, delim_end, *delim_end_len, false, false); } } continue; case TAG_TYPE_INVERTED: case TAG_TYPE_SECTION: { char *section = xstrndup(tag.content, tag.content_len); JsonElement *var = LookupVariable(hash_stack, tag.content, tag.content_len); SeqAppend(hash_stack, var); if (!var) { const char *cur_section_end = NULL; if (!Render(out, start, input, hash_stack, delim_start, delim_start_len, delim_end, delim_end_len, skip_content || tag.type != TAG_TYPE_INVERTED, section, &cur_section_end)) { free(section); return false; } free(section); input = cur_section_end; continue; } switch (JsonGetElementType(var)) { case JSON_ELEMENT_TYPE_PRIMITIVE: switch (JsonGetPrimitiveType(var)) { case JSON_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_BOOL: { bool skip = skip_content || (!JsonPrimitiveGetAsBool(var) ^ (tag.type == TAG_TYPE_INVERTED)); const char *cur_section_end = NULL; if (!Render(out, start, input, hash_stack, delim_start, delim_start_len, delim_end, delim_end_len, skip, section, &cur_section_end)) { free(section); return false; } free(section); input = cur_section_end; } continue; default: Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Mustache sections can only take a boolean or a container (array or map) value, but section '%s' isn't getting one of those.", section); return false; } break; case JSON_ELEMENT_TYPE_CONTAINER: switch (JsonGetContainerType(var)) { case JSON_CONTAINER_TYPE_OBJECT: case JSON_CONTAINER_TYPE_ARRAY: if (JsonLength(var) > 0) { const char *cur_section_end = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < JsonLength(var); i++) { JsonElement *child_hash = JsonAt(var, i); SeqAppend(hash_stack, child_hash); if (!Render(out, start, input, hash_stack, delim_start, delim_start_len, delim_end, delim_end_len, skip_content || tag.type == TAG_TYPE_INVERTED, section, &cur_section_end)) { free(section); return false; } } input = cur_section_end; free(section); } else { const char *cur_section_end = NULL; if (!Render(out, start, input, hash_stack, delim_start, delim_start_len, delim_end, delim_end_len, tag.type != TAG_TYPE_INVERTED, section, &cur_section_end)) { free(section); return false; } free(section); input = cur_section_end; } break; } break; } } continue; case TAG_TYPE_SECTION_END: if (!section) { char *varname = xstrndup(tag.content, tag.content_len); Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Unknown section close in mustache template '%s'", varname); free(varname); return false; } else { SeqRemove(hash_stack, SeqLength(hash_stack) - 1); *section_end = input; return true; } break; default: assert(false); return false; } } assert(false); }
void EvalContextStackPopFrame(EvalContext *ctx) { assert(SeqLength(ctx->stack) > 0); SeqRemove(ctx->stack, SeqLength(ctx->stack) - 1); }