bool CEditorCondition::Serialize(CArchive &ar, CChronoEventEditor* Ed)
	CString ExpectedName = "CEditorCondition";
	int     Version      = 2;

	if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar))
		return false;

	if( ar.IsLoading())
		m_visible = true;
		m_Valid = true;
		ar >> mid;
		ar >> cndID;
		ar >> oid;
		if(Ed)	Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);
		ar >> m_Negate;
		ar >> m_Family >> m_FamilyName;

		ar >> m_rect_default;
		ar >> m_select_default;
		ar >> m_select_default;
		ar >> m_Anim.Space;
		ar // //m_Text - note: must call EventSheetEditor::ReformatCondition 
			>> m_Object >> m_Script;
		m_Anim.m_bDestroyed = false;

		m_Text = "";

		int size = 0;
		ar >> size;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			CEditorParam* Param = new CEditorParam;
			Param->Serialize(ar, Ed);

		if (oid != -1)
			CString name = "";
			ar >> name;
			OINFO* o = GetOINFO(name);
			if (!o)
				CErrorDlg Dlg;
				Dlg.Error("Error in condition.", "An invalid object in a condition was referenced.");

				return false;

			DLLIndex = o->oID;
bool CAnimation::Serialize(CArchive& Archive)
	CString ExpectedName = "CAnimation";
	int     Version      = 3;

	if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, Archive))
		return false;

		Archive >> m_FixedID >> m_Name;
		if(Version >= 3)
			Archive >> m_Speed;
Beispiel #3
bool CEditorAction::Serialize(CArchive &ar, CChronoEventEditor* Ed )
	CString ExpectedName = "CEditorAction";
	int     Version      = 2;

	if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar))
		return false;

		m_visible = true;
		m_Valid = true;
		ar >> m_Family >> m_FamilyName;	
		ar >> actID;
		ar >> oid;

		if(Ed) Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);
		ar >> m_rect_default;
		ar >> m_select_default;
		ar >> m_Anim.Space;
		m_Anim.m_bDestroyed = false;
		ar //>> m_Text - note: must call EventSheetEditor::ReformatAction 
			>> m_Object >> m_Script;
		ar >> mid;

		m_Text = "";

		int size = 0;
		ar >> size;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			CEditorParam* Param = new CEditorParam;
			Param->Serialize(ar, Ed);

		CString name = "";
		ar >> name;
		OINFO* o = GetOINFO(name);

			DLLIndex = o->oID;
			DLLIndex = -1;

		if(Version >= 2)
			ar >> m_bEnabled;
void DistributedNetworkObject::DestroyObjectOnNetwork( void )
	// These 3 lines of code will broadcast to destroy the object
	RakNet::BitStream bitStream;
	SerializeClassHeader( &bitStream, 0, 0, false, 0 );
	BroadcastSerializedClass( &bitStream, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID );

	DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->UnregisterNetworkObject( this );

	// OnDistributedObjectDestruction gets called on the clients from the broadcast.  On the server we have to call it directly.

	if ( DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() )
		OnDistributedObjectDestruction( UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID );
	int heapNodeIndex;

	if ( DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() )
		// These 3 lines of code will broadcast to destroy the object
		RakNet::BitStream bitStream;
		SerializeClassHeader( &bitStream, 0, 0, false, 0 );
		BroadcastSerializedClass( &bitStream, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID );

	DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->UnregisterNetworkObject( this );

	for ( heapNodeIndex = 0; heapNodeIndex < 256; heapNodeIndex++ )
		if ( heapNodeList[ heapNodeIndex ].lastWriteValue )
			delete [] heapNodeList[ heapNodeIndex ].lastWriteValue;
			heapNodeList[ heapNodeIndex ].lastWriteValue = 0;
Beispiel #6
bool CLayout::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
	CString ExpectedName = "CLayout";
	int     Version      = 5;

	if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar))
		return false;

	g_pFrame = this;
		ar >> identifier >> m_w >> m_h >> m_Name >> m_clr >> m_unboundedScrolling >> application_background;
		m_ObjectFrameIsLockedTo = 0;
		m_oTemporyBehaviorInfo=0;	// used inbetwen creation of tempory Behaviors for modifying properties - I use it so if an edittime function is called, we can work out from what object it is if the identifier is -1
		m_pTempMovExt=0;	// used inbetwen creation of tempory Behaviors for modifying properties - I use it so if an edittime function is called, we can work out from what object it is if the identifier is -1
		m_oControlBehaviorInfo=0;	// If you tell a Behavior to be in control of the frame editor this is used
		m_pControlBehaviorExt=0;// If you tell a Behavior to be in control of the frame editor this is used
		m_pControlBehaviorData=0;	// If you tell a Behavior to be in control of the frame editor, this is used to serialize to once unlocked.

		long objCnt;

		ar >> objCnt;
		CObj *o;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < objCnt; i++) 
			long nKey;
			ar >> nKey;
			o = new CObj();

			if (!o->Serialize(ar))
				return false;

			objects.SetAt(nKey, o);

		ar >> objCnt;
		CLayer *layer;
		for (i = 0; i < objCnt; i++)
			layer = new CLayer("", LAYER_NORMAL);

			if (!layer->Serialize(ar))
				return false;

			if (i == 1)
				current_layer = layer;

		if (Version < 4)
			// add non-layout layer if one doesn't exist
			if (layers.GetHead()->m_layerType != LAYER_NONFRAME)
				CString layer_name;
				CLayer* nonlayout_layer = new CLayer(layer_name, LAYER_NONFRAME);
				nonlayout_layer->m_state = LAYSTATE_HIDDEN;

				nonlayout_layer->m_layerID = application->m_layerID++;

		ar >> temporary_event_sheet_id;

		// This changed in v2; make sure the function knows
		if (Version >= 2)
			layoutKeys.Serialize(ar, true);
			layoutKeys.Serialize(ar, false);

		// V3: save grid details
		if (Version >= 3) {
			ar >> m_Grid >> m_SnapMovements >> m_SnapResize >> m_GridWidth >> m_GridHeight;
Beispiel #7
void CEditorParam::Serialize( CArchive& ar, CChronoEventEditor* Ed)
	CString ExpectedName = "CEditorParam";
	int     Version      = 1;

	if (!SerializeClassHeader(ExpectedName, Version, ar))
		valid = true;

		ar << m_type;
		ar << m_reserved;
		ar << oid;

		int size = ttokens.size();

		ar << size;
		for( int a = 0; a < size; a ++ )
			ar << (int)ttokens[a].t;
			ar << ttokens[a].length;
			ar << ttokens[a].oidOwner;
			ar << ttokens[a].str;
			ar << ttokens[a].id;
			ar << (int)ttokens[a].tsub;

				int oid = ttokens[a].oidOwner;
				Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);

		if(m_type == EDITORPARAM_OBJECT && ttokens.size() == 1)
			if(ttokens[0].t == T_INTEGER)
				int oid = ttokens[0].id;
					Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);

		ar >> m_type;
		ar >> m_reserved;
		ar >> oid;

		int size = 0;

		ar >> size;
		for( int a = 0; a < size; a ++ )
			int temp;
			Token& tok = ttokens.back();
			ar >> temp;
			tok.t = (ExpToken)temp;
			ar >> tok.length;
			ar >> tok.oidOwner;
			ar >> tok.str;
			ar >>;
			ar >> temp;
			tok.tsub = (TokenSubType)temp;

				int oid = tok.oidOwner;
				Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);
				tok.oidOwner = oid;
				// Identifier tokens also seem to use oidOwner so i think its fine

		// Okay special exception...if m_type is object
		// and its a single token we can assume its the object selector param, and so that means we need to translate it
		// incase we are dragging between applications
		if(m_type == EDITORPARAM_OBJECT && ttokens.size() == 1)
			if(ttokens[0].t == T_INTEGER)
				int oid = ttokens[0].id;
					Ed->RegisterObjectID(oid, ar);
					ttokens[0].id = oid;
					ttokens[0].str.Format("%d", oid);
					ttokens[0].length = ttokens[0].str.GetLength();
// This function cannot go in the constructor because the vtable won't be setup to call GetClassName
void DistributedNetworkObject::UpdateDistributedObject( char *classID, bool isClassIDEncoded )
	bool serverProcess;
	bool dataWritten1, dataWritten2;

	if ( DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() &&
		DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface()->IsActive() )
		serverProcess = true;
		serverProcess = false;

	if ( ( DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() && DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface()->IsActive() ) ||
		( DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakClientInterface() && DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakClientInterface()->IsConnected() ) )
		char classIdentifier[ MAXIMUM_CLASS_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH ];
		RakNet::BitStream bitStream;

		if ( isClassIDEncoded )
			memcpy( classIdentifier, classID, MAXIMUM_CLASS_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH );
			EncodeClassName( classID, classIdentifier );

		bool firstTimeAddedToRegistry;

		// The only purpose of registering and unregistering network objects is so we can call SendAllDistributedObjects from
		// DistributedNetworkObjectManager to new players
		firstTimeAddedToRegistry = DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->RegisterNetworkObject( this, classIdentifier, localObjectIdentifier );

		if ( serverProcess && firstTimeAddedToRegistry && isClassIDEncoded == false )
			// This is like a local echo - call OnDistributedObjectCreation for the server when it is not
			// created by the network
			if ( OnDistributedObjectCreation( UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID ) == false )
				DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->UnregisterNetworkObject( this );
				return ;

		// This logic is correct - ProcessDistributedMemoryStack has a side effect of updating network memory to the last send so you don't
		// want to call it unnecessarily
		if ( firstTimeAddedToRegistry && ( localObject || DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() ) )
			SerializeClassHeader( &bitStream, classIdentifier, 2, firstTimeAddedToRegistry && DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakClientInterface(), localObjectIdentifier );
			ProcessDistributedMemoryStack( &bitStream, true, true, serverProcess );
			WriteToBitstreamFromHeap( &bitStream, true );
			WriteCreationData( &bitStream );
			BroadcastSerializedClass( &bitStream, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID );

			if ( ( localObject == false || DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakServerInterface() ) &&
				RakNet::GetTime() > lastBroadcastTime + maximumUpdateFrequency )
				SerializeClassHeader( &bitStream, classIdentifier, 1, firstTimeAddedToRegistry && DistributedNetworkObjectManager::Instance()->GetRakClientInterface(), localObjectIdentifier );
				dataWritten1 = ProcessDistributedMemoryStack( &bitStream, true, false, serverProcess );
				dataWritten2 = WriteToBitstreamFromHeap( &bitStream, false );

				if ( dataWritten1 || dataWritten2 )
					BroadcastSerializedClass( &bitStream, UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_ID );

	InterpolateDistributedMemory( serverProcess );