void MaterialAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("MaterialAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("smoothing")) != 0) SetSmoothing(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("forceMIR")) != 0) SetForceMIR(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("cleanZonesOnly")) != 0) SetCleanZonesOnly(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("needValidConnectivity")) != 0) SetNeedValidConnectivity(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("algorithm")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 5) SetAlgorithm(Algorithm(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Algorithm value; if(Algorithm_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetAlgorithm(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("iterationEnabled")) != 0) SetIterationEnabled(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("numIterations")) != 0) SetNumIterations(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("iterationDamping")) != 0) SetIterationDamping(node->AsFloat()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("simplifyHeavilyMixedZones")) != 0) SetSimplifyHeavilyMixedZones(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxMaterialsPerZone")) != 0) SetMaxMaterialsPerZone(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("isoVolumeFraction")) != 0) SetIsoVolumeFraction(node->AsFloat()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("annealingTime")) != 0) SetAnnealingTime(node->AsInt()); }
CTrustedKey::CTrustedKey(byte* pKey, size_t uSize, bool bAuthenticated, UINT eAlgorithm) : CAbstractKey(pKey, uSize) { if(eAlgorithm == CAbstractKey::eUndefined) eAlgorithm = CHashFunction::eSHA256; SetAlgorithm(eAlgorithm); m_bAuthenticated = bAuthenticated; CHashFunction Hash(eAlgorithm); Hash.Add(pKey, uSize); Hash.Finish(); Hash.Fold((byte*)&m_FingerPrint, sizeof(uint64)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sgStagingAlgorithm::sgStagingAlgorithm(std::string algorithm) { SetAlgorithm(algorithm); }
void ToolsOptionsWindow::OnCommand (HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case ID_LSTOPTIONCATEGORY: { switch (HIWORD (wParam)) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: { int iIndex = SendMessage (m_lstcategory, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); char selItem[SIZE_STRING]; ZeroMemory (selItem, SIZE_STRING); if (iIndex != LB_ERR) { SendMessage (m_lstcategory,LB_GETTEXT, iIndex, (LPARAM) selItem); ActivatePanel (selItem); } } break; } break; } break; case ID_OPTWINDOWCLOSE: { if (SaveHotKeySettings () == true) { Hide (); } } break; case ID_CHKPFOLDERPROMPTPUP: { if (m_bpfolderspromptpowerup == false) { SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerup, true); m_bpfolderspromptpowerup = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPUP, "yes"); } else { m_registry.WriteStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPUP, "no"); SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerup, false); m_bpfolderspromptpowerup = false; } } break; case ID_CHKPFOLDERPROMPTPDN: { if (m_bpfolderspromptpowerdown == false) { SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerdown, true); m_bpfolderspromptpowerdown = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPDN, "yes"); } else { m_registry.WriteStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPDN, "no"); SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerdown, false); m_bpfolderspromptpowerdown = false; } } break; // Encryption CTRL key case ID_UTEBTNHOTENCCTRL: { if (m_buseencctrl == false) { SetCheck (m_chkencctrl, true); m_buseencctrl = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSECTRL, "yes"); } else { SetCheck (m_chkencctrl, false); m_buseencctrl = false; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSECTRL, "no"); } } break; // Encryption ALT key case ID_UTEBTNHOTENCALT: { if (m_buseencalt == false) { SetCheck (m_chkencalt, true); m_buseencalt = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSEALT, "yes"); } else { SetCheck (m_chkencalt, false); m_buseencalt = false; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSEALT, "no"); } } break; // Decryption CTRL key case ID_UTEBTNHOTDECCTRL: { if (m_busedecctrl == false) { SetCheck (m_chkdecctrl, true); m_busedecctrl = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSECTRL, "yes"); } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecctrl, false); m_busedecctrl = false; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSECTRL, "no"); } } break; // Decryption ALT key case ID_UTEBTNHOTDECALT: { if (m_busedecalt == false) { SetCheck (m_chkdecalt, true); m_busedecalt = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSEALT, "yes"); } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecalt, false); m_busedecalt = false; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSEALT, "no"); } } break; case ID_CHKAUTOUPDATECHECK: { // SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, true); // Default value // m_buseautoupdate = true; // Default value if (m_buseautoupdate == true) { SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, false); m_buseautoupdate = false; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (AUTOUPDATECHECK, "no"); } else { SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, true); m_buseautoupdate = true; m_registry.WriteStringSetting (AUTOUPDATECHECK, "yes"); } } break; case ID_OPTALGCYBERCEDE: { SetAlgorithm (ALG_CYBERCEDE); } break; case ID_OPTALGAES256: { SetAlgorithm (ALG_AES256); } break; case ID_OPTALG3DES: { SetAlgorithm (ALG_3DES); } break; case ID_OPTALGDES: { SetAlgorithm (ALG_DES); } break; } }
void ToolsOptionsWindow::ReadRegistrySettings () { if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPUP) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPUP), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerup, true); m_bpfolderspromptpowerup = true; } } if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPDN) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (PROTECTEDFOLDERSPROMPTPDN), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_pfolderspromptpowerdown, true); m_bpfolderspromptpowerdown = true; } } // UNIVERSAL TEXT ENCRYPTION SETTINGS - ENCRYPTION // Use CTRL tickbox if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEENCRYPTUSECTRL) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSECTRL), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_chkencctrl, true); m_buseencctrl = true; } else { SetCheck (m_chkencctrl, false); m_buseencctrl = false; } } else { SetCheck (m_chkencctrl, true); // Default Value m_buseencctrl = true; } // Use ALT tickbox if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEENCRYPTUSEALT) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTUSEALT), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_chkencalt, true); m_buseencalt = true; } else { SetCheck (m_chkencalt, false); m_buseencalt = false; } } else { SetCheck (m_chkencalt, false); // Default Value } // Encrypt HotKey if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEENCRYPTHOTKEY) == true) { SetDlgItemText (m_hwnd, ID_UTETXTHOTENC, m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEENCRYPTHOTKEY)); } else { SetDlgItemText (m_hwnd, ID_UTETXTHOTENC, "E"); } // UNIVERSAL TEXT ENCRYPTION SETTINGS - DECRYPTION // Use CTRL tickbox if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEDECRYPTUSECTRL) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSECTRL), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_chkdecctrl, true); m_busedecctrl = true; } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecctrl, false); m_busedecctrl = false; } } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecctrl, true); // Default Value m_busedecctrl = true; } // Use ALT tickbox if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEDECRYPTUSEALT) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTUSEALT), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_chkdecalt, true); m_busedecalt = true; } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecalt, false); m_busedecalt = false; } } else { SetCheck (m_chkdecalt, false); // Default Value } // Decrypt HotKey if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (UTEDECRYPTHOTKEY) == true) { SetDlgItemText (m_hwnd, ID_UTETXTHOTDEC, m_registry.ReadStringSetting (UTEDECRYPTHOTKEY)); } else { SetDlgItemText (m_hwnd, ID_UTETXTHOTDEC, "D"); } // Automatic Update setting if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (AUTOUPDATECHECK) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (AUTOUPDATECHECK), "yes") == 0) { SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, true); m_buseautoupdate = true; } else { SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, false); m_buseautoupdate = false; } } else { SetCheck (m_chkautoupdate, true); // Default value m_buseautoupdate = true; // Default value } // CURRENT SELECTED ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM if (m_registry.DoesSettingExist (SELECTEDALGORITHM) == true) { if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (SELECTEDALGORITHM), "Cybercede") == 0) { SetAlgorithm (ALG_CYBERCEDE); } if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (SELECTEDALGORITHM), "AES256") == 0) { SetAlgorithm (ALG_AES256); } if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (SELECTEDALGORITHM), "3DES") == 0) { SetAlgorithm (ALG_3DES); } if (strcmp (m_registry.ReadStringSetting (SELECTEDALGORITHM), "DES") == 0) { SetAlgorithm (ALG_DES); } } else { SetAlgorithm (ALG_CYBERCEDE); } }