Beispiel #1
 // Set power_low_alert field
 // Units: watts
 void SetPowerLowAlert(FIT_UINT16 powerLowAlert)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(3, powerLowAlert, 0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::EVENT_MESG_DATA_FIELD_POWER_LOW_ALERT);
 // Set garmin_product field
 void SetGarminProduct(FIT_GARMIN_PRODUCT garminProduct)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(1, garminProduct, 0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::SOFTWARE_MESG_PRODUCT_FIELD_GARMIN_PRODUCT);
Beispiel #3
 // Set sessions field
 void SetSessions(FIT_UINT16 sessions)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(5, sessions, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #4
 // Set number field
 // Comment: Only set for files that are not created/erased.
 void SetNumber(FIT_UINT16 number)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(5, number, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set software_version field
 void SetSoftwareVersion(FIT_UINT16 softwareVersion)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(0, softwareVersion, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #6
 // Set functional_threshold_power field
 void SetFunctionalThresholdPower(FIT_UINT16 functionalThresholdPower)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(3, functionalThresholdPower, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set product field
 void SetProduct(FIT_UINT16 product)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(4, product);
 // Set avg_power field
 // Units: watts
 // Comment: total_power / total_timer_time if non_zero_avg_power otherwise total_power / total_elapsed_time
 void SetAvgPower(FIT_UINT16 avgPower)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(19, avgPower);
 // Set max_power field
 // Units: watts
 void SetMaxPower(FIT_UINT16 maxPower)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(20, maxPower);
Beispiel #10
 // Set total_calories field
 // Units: kcal
 void SetTotalCalories(FIT_UINT16 totalCalories)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(11, totalCalories);
Beispiel #11
 // Set total_fat_calories field
 // Units: kcal
 // Comment: If New Leaf
 void SetTotalFatCalories(FIT_UINT16 totalFatCalories)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(12, totalFatCalories);
 // Set mesg_num field
 void SetMesgNum(FIT_MESG_NUM mesgNum)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(1, mesgNum, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set count field
 void SetCount(FIT_UINT16 count)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(3, count, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #14
 // Set data16 field
 void SetData16(FIT_UINT16 data16)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(2, data16, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set message_index field
 void SetMessageIndex(FIT_MESSAGE_INDEX messageIndex)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(254, messageIndex);
Beispiel #16
 // Set total_ascent field
 // Units: m
 void SetTotalAscent(FIT_UINT16 totalAscent)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(21, totalAscent);
 // Set high_value field
 // Units: watts
 void SetHighValue(FIT_UINT16 highValue)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(1, highValue);
Beispiel #18
 // Set total_descent field
 // Units: m
 void SetTotalDescent(FIT_UINT16 totalDescent)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(22, totalDescent);
 // Set local_id field
 void SetLocalId(FIT_USER_LOCAL_ID localId)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(22, localId, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set timestamp_ms field
 // Units: ms
 // Comment: Millisecond part of the timestamp.
 void SetTimestampMs(FIT_UINT16 timestampMs)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(0, timestampMs, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set manufacturer field
 void SetManufacturer(FIT_MANUFACTURER manufacturer)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(2, manufacturer);
 // Set sample_time_offset field
 // Units: ms
 // Comment: Each time in the array describes the time at which the gyro sample with the corrosponding index was taken. Limited to 30 samples in each message. The samples may span across seconds. Array size must match the number of samples in gyro_x and gyro_y and gyro_z
 void SetSampleTimeOffset(FIT_UINT8 index, FIT_UINT16 sampleTimeOffset)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(1, sampleTimeOffset, index, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #23
 // Set garmin_product field
 void SetGarminProduct(FIT_GARMIN_PRODUCT garminProduct)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(2, garminProduct, 0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::FILE_ID_MESG_PRODUCT_FIELD_GARMIN_PRODUCT);
 // Set gyro_x field
 // Units: counts
 // Comment: These are the raw ADC reading. Maximum number of samples is 30 in each message. The samples may span across seconds. A conversion will need to be done on this data once read.
 void SetGyroX(FIT_UINT8 index, FIT_UINT16 gyroX)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(2, gyroX, index, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #25
 // Set product field
 void SetProduct(FIT_UINT16 product)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(1, product, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set gyro_y field
 // Units: counts
 // Comment: These are the raw ADC reading. Maximum number of samples is 30 in each message. The samples may span across seconds. A conversion will need to be done on this data once read.
 void SetGyroY(FIT_UINT8 index, FIT_UINT16 gyroY)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(3, gyroY, index, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #27
 // Set manufacturer field
 void SetManufacturer(FIT_MANUFACTURER manufacturer)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(0, manufacturer, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
 // Set gyro_z field
 // Units: counts
 // Comment: These are the raw ADC reading. Maximum number of samples is 30 in each message. The samples may span across seconds. A conversion will need to be done on this data once read.
 void SetGyroZ(FIT_UINT8 index, FIT_UINT16 gyroZ)
     SetFieldUINT16Value(4, gyroZ, index, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #29
 // Set message_index field
 void SetMessageIndex(FIT_MESSAGE_INDEX messageIndex)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(254, messageIndex, 0, FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD);
Beispiel #30
 // Set cad_low_alert field
 // Units: rpm
 void SetCadLowAlert(FIT_UINT16 cadLowAlert)
    SetFieldUINT16Value(3, cadLowAlert, 0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::EVENT_MESG_DATA_FIELD_CAD_LOW_ALERT);