void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetLooping(bool bIsLooping)
	bLooping = bIsLooping;

	if (UAnimMontage* Montage = Cast<UAnimMontage>(CurrentAsset))
		SetMontageLoop(Montage, bLooping, Montage_GetCurrentSection());
void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::RestartMontage(UAnimMontage * Montage, FName FromSection)
	if( Montage == CurrentAsset )
		Montage_Play(Montage, PlayRate);
		if( FromSection != NAME_None )
		SetMontageLoop(Montage, bLooping, FromSection);
void UAnimPreviewInstance::MontagePreview_SetLoopNormal(bool bIsLooping, int32 PreferSectionIdx)
	if (UAnimMontage* Montage = Cast<UAnimMontage>(CurrentAsset))

		if (PreferSectionIdx == INDEX_NONE)
			PreferSectionIdx = Montage->GetSectionIndexFromPosition(CurrentTime);
		int32 TotalSection = Montage->CompositeSections.Num();
		if (TotalSection > 0)
			int PreferedInChain = TotalSection;
			TArray<bool> AlreadyUsed;
			while (true)
				// find first not already used section
				int32 NotUsedIdx = 0;
				while (NotUsedIdx < TotalSection)
					if (! AlreadyUsed[NotUsedIdx])
					++ NotUsedIdx;
				if (NotUsedIdx >= TotalSection)
				// find if this is one we're looking for closest to starting one
				int32 CurSectionIdx = NotUsedIdx;
				int32 InChain = 0;
				while (true)
					// find first that contains this
					if (CurSectionIdx == PreferSectionIdx &&
						InChain < PreferedInChain)
						PreferedInChain = InChain;
						PreferSectionIdx = NotUsedIdx;
					AlreadyUsed[CurSectionIdx] = true;
					FName NextSection = Montage->CompositeSections[CurSectionIdx].NextSectionName;
					CurSectionIdx = Montage->GetSectionIndex(NextSection);
					if (CurSectionIdx == INDEX_NONE || AlreadyUsed[CurSectionIdx]) // break loops
					++ InChain;
				// loop this section
				SetMontageLoop(Montage, bIsLooping, Montage->CompositeSections[NotUsedIdx].SectionName);
			if (Montage->CompositeSections.IsValidIndex(PreferSectionIdx))
				SetMontageLoop(Montage, bIsLooping, Montage->CompositeSections[PreferSectionIdx].SectionName);