void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SetPrintParameters( );

    // If no layer selected, we have no plot. prompt user if it happens
    // because he could think there is a bug in Pcbnew:
    if( s_Parameters.m_PrintMaskLayer == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected" ) );

    wxPrintDialogData printDialogData( *s_PrintData );

    wxPrinter         printer( &printDialogData );

    wxString          title = _( "Print" );
    BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER      printout( s_Parameters, m_parent, title );

    if( !printer.Print( this, &printout, true ) )
        if( wxPrinter::GetLastError() == wxPRINTER_ERROR )
            DisplayError( this, _( "There was a problem printing" ) );
        *s_PrintData = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData();
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )

    if( m_config )
        ConfigBaseWriteDouble( m_config, OPTKEY_PRINT_X_FINESCALE_ADJ,
                               s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust );
        ConfigBaseWriteDouble( m_config, OPTKEY_PRINT_Y_FINESCALE_ADJ,
                               s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust );
        m_config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_SCALE, m_ScaleOption->GetSelection() );
        m_config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_PAGE_FRAME, s_Parameters.m_Print_Sheet_Ref);
        m_config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_MONOCHROME_MODE, s_Parameters.m_Print_Black_and_White);
        m_config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_PAGE_PER_LAYER, s_Parameters.m_OptionPrintPage );
        m_config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_PADS_DRILL, (long) s_Parameters.m_DrillShapeOpt );
        wxString layerKey;

        for( unsigned layer = 0; layer < DIM(m_BoxSelectLayer);  ++layer )
            if( !m_BoxSelectLayer[layer] )

            layerKey.Printf( OPTKEY_LAYERBASE, layer );
            m_config->Write( layerKey, m_BoxSelectLayer[layer]->IsChecked() );
    EndModal( 0 );

    // If no layer selected, we have no plot. prompt user if it happens
    // because he could think there is a bug in Pcbnew:
    if( m_Parent->GetGerberLayout()->GetPrintableLayers().size() == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected" ) );
        return false;

    return true;
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintPreview( wxCommandEvent& event )

/* Open and display a previewer frame for printing
    SetPrintParameters( );

    // Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
    wxString        title   = _( "Print Preview" );
    wxPrintPreview* preview =
        new wxPrintPreview( new BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER( s_Parameters, m_Parent, title ),
                            new BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER( s_Parameters, m_Parent, title ),
                            g_PrintData );

    if( preview == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, wxT( "OnPrintPreview() problem" ) );


    // If no layer selected, we have no plot. prompt user if it happens
    // because he could think there is a bug in Pcbnew:
    if( s_Parameters.m_PrintMaskLayer == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected" ) );

    // Uses the parent position and size.
    // @todo uses last position and size ans store them when exit in m_Config
    wxPoint         WPos  = m_Parent->GetPosition();
    wxSize          WSize = m_Parent->GetSize();

    wxPreviewFrame* frame = new wxPreviewFrame( preview, this, title, WPos, WSize );

    frame->Show( true );
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )

    if( m_Config )
        m_Config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_X_FINESCALE_ADJ, s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust );
        m_Config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_Y_FINESCALE_ADJ, s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust );
        m_Config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_SCALE, m_ScaleOption->GetSelection() );
        m_Config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_PAGE_FRAME, s_Parameters.m_Print_Sheet_Ref);
        m_Config->Write( OPTKEY_PRINT_MONOCHROME_MODE, s_Parameters.m_Print_Black_and_White);
        wxString layerKey;
        for( LAYER_NUM layer = FIRST_LAYER; layer < NB_GERBER_LAYERS; ++layer )
            layerKey.Printf( OPTKEY_LAYERBASE, layer );
            m_Config->Write( layerKey, m_BoxSelectLayer[layer]->IsChecked() );
    EndModal( 0 );
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )

/* Called on activate Print button
    SetPrintParameters( );

    // If no layer selected, we have no plot. prompt user if it happens
    // because he could think there is a bug in Pcbnew:
    if( s_Parameters.m_PrintMaskLayer == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected" ) );

    wxPrintDialogData printDialogData( *g_PrintData );

    wxPrinter         printer( &printDialogData );

    wxString          title = _( "Print" );
    BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER      printout( s_Parameters, m_Parent, title );

#if !defined(__WINDOWS__) && !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
    wxDC*             dc = printout.GetDC();
    ( (wxPostScriptDC*) dc )->SetResolution( 600 );  // Postscript DC resolution is 600 ppi

    if( !printer.Print( this, &printout, true ) )
        if( wxPrinter::GetLastError() == wxPRINTER_ERROR )
            DisplayError( this, _( "There was a problem printing" ) );
        *g_PrintData = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData();
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintPreview( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SetPrintParameters( );

    // If no layer selected, we have no plot. prompt user if it happens
    // because he could think there is a bug in Pcbnew:
    if( s_Parameters.m_PrintMaskLayer == 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No layer selected" ) );

    // Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
    wxString        title   = _( "Print Preview" );
    wxPrintPreview* preview =
        new wxPrintPreview( new BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER( s_Parameters, m_parent, title ),
                            new BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER( s_Parameters, m_parent, title ),
                            s_PrintData );

    if( preview == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, wxT( "OnPrintPreview() problem" ) );

    // Uses the parent position and size.
    wxPoint         WPos  = m_parent->GetPosition();
    wxSize          WSize = m_parent->GetSize();

    preview->SetZoom( 100 );

    wxPreviewFrame* frame = new wxPreviewFrame( preview, this, title, WPos, WSize );
    frame->SetMinSize( wxSize( 550, 350 ) );


    frame->Raise(); // Needed on Ubuntu/Unity to display the frame
    frame->Show( true );