Beispiel #1
void Hearthstone::EnableLogging() {
  QString path = LogConfigPath();
  QFile file( path );

  bool logModified = false;

  // Read file contents
  QString contents;
  if( file.exists() ) { QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text );
    QTextStream in( &file );
    contents = in.readAll();

  // Check what modules we have to activate
  QStringList modulesToActivate;
  for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LOG_MODULES; i++ ) {
    const char *moduleName = LOG_MODULE_NAMES[ i ];
    QString moduleLine = QString( "[%1]" ).arg( moduleName ) ;
    if( !contents.contains( moduleLine ) ) {
      contents += "\n";
      contents += moduleLine + "\n";
      contents += "LogLevel=1\n";
      contents += "FilePrinting=true\n";

      DBG( "Activate module %s", moduleName );
      logModified = true;

  if( contents.contains( "ConsolePrinting=true" ) ) {
    contents.replace( "ConsolePrinting=true", "FilePrinting=true" );

    DBG( "ConsolePrinting replaced by FilePrinting" );
    logModified = true;

  // Finally write updated log.config
  if( logModified ) {
    DBG( "Log modified. Write new version" );

    if( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) {
      ERR( "Couldn't create file %s", qt2cstr( path ) );
    } else {
      QTextStream out( &file );
      out << contents;

  // Notify about restart if game is running
  SetRestartRequired( Running() && logModified );
Beispiel #2
void Hearthstone::EnableLogging() {
  const int   NUM_LOG_MODULES = 4;
  const char  LOG_MODULES[ NUM_LOG_MODULES ][ 32 ] = { "Zone", "Asset", "Bob", "Power" };

  string path = LogConfigPath();
  QFile file( path.c_str() );

  SetRestartRequired( false );

  // Read file contents
  QString contents;
  if( file.exists() ) { QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text );
    QTextStream in( &file );
    contents = in.readAll();

  if( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text ) ) {
    LOG( "Couldn't create file %s", path.c_str() );
  } else {
    QTextStream out( &file );
    for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LOG_MODULES; i++ ) {
      const char *logModuleName = LOG_MODULES[ i ];
      if( !contents.contains( QString( "[%1]" ).arg( logModuleName ) ) ) {
        out << "\n";
        out << "[" << LOG_MODULES[i] << "]\n";
        out << "LogLevel=1\n";
        out << "ConsolePrinting=true\n";
        LOG( "Enable Log Module %s", logModuleName );

        if( Running() ) {
          SetRestartRequired( true );