double LIB_EDIT_FRAME::BestZoom()
    /* Please, note: wxMSW before version 2.9 seems have
     * problems with zoom values < 1 ( i.e. userscale > 1) and needs to be patched:
     * edit file <wxWidgets>/src/msw/dc.cpp
     * search for line static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 1000;
     * and replace by static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 10000;
    int      dx, dy;

    LIB_PART*      part = GetCurPart();

    if( part )
        EDA_RECT boundingBox = part->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

        dx = boundingBox.GetWidth();
        dy = boundingBox.GetHeight();
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings();

        dx = pageInfo.GetSizeIU().x;
        dy = pageInfo.GetSizeIU().y;

        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );

    wxSize size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    // Reserve a 10% margin around component bounding box.
    double margin_scale_factor = 0.8;
    double zx =(double) dx / ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.x );
    double zy = (double) dy / ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.y );

    double bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );

    // keep it >= minimal existing zoom (can happen for very small components
    // for instance when starting a new component
    if( bestzoom  < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0] )
        bestzoom  = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0];

    return bestzoom;
double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    /* Please, note: wxMSW before version 2.9 seems have
     * problems with zoom values < 1 ( i.e. userscale > 1) and needs to be patched:
     * edit file <wxWidgets>/src/msw/dc.cpp
     * search for line static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 1000;
     * and replace by static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 10000;

    LIB_COMPONENT*  component = NULL;
    double          bestzoom = 16.0;      // default value for bestzoom
    CMP_LIBRARY*    lib = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

    if( lib  )
        component = lib->FindComponent( m_entryName );

    if( component == NULL )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return bestzoom;

    wxSize size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    EDA_RECT BoundaryBox = component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

    // Reserve a 10% margin around component bounding box.
    double margin_scale_factor = 0.8;
    double zx =(double) BoundaryBox.GetWidth() /
               ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.x );
    double zy = (double) BoundaryBox.GetHeight() /
                ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.y);

    // Calculates the best zoom
    bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );

    // keep it >= minimal existing zoom (can happen for very small components
    // like small power symbols
    if( bestzoom  < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0] )
        bestzoom  = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0];

    SetScrollCenterPosition( BoundaryBox.Centre() );

    return bestzoom;
Beispiel #3
double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    LIB_PART*   part = NULL;
    double      defaultLibraryZoom = 7.33;

    if( m_libraryName.IsEmpty() || m_entryName.IsEmpty() )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return defaultLibraryZoom;

    LIB_ALIAS* alias = nullptr;

        alias = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable()->LoadSymbol( m_libraryName, m_entryName );
    catch( ... )

    if( alias )
        part = alias->GetPart();

    if( !part )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return defaultLibraryZoom;

    EDA_RECT boundingBox = part->GetUnitBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

    double  sizeX  = (double) boundingBox.GetWidth();
    double  sizeY  = (double) boundingBox.GetHeight();
    wxPoint centre = boundingBox.Centre();

    // Reserve a 20% margin around component bounding box.
    double  margin_scale_factor = 1.2;

    return bestZoom( sizeX, sizeY, margin_scale_factor, centre );
// Factor out the calculation portion of the various BestZoom() implementations.
// Note that like it's forerunners this routine has an intentional side-effect: it
// sets the scroll centre position.  While I'm not happy about that, it's probably
// not worth fixing as its days are numbered (GAL canvases use a different method).
double EDA_DRAW_FRAME::bestZoom( double sizeX, double sizeY, double scaleFactor, wxPoint centre )
    double bestzoom = std::max( sizeX * scaleFactor / (double) m_canvas->GetClientSize().x,
                                sizeY * scaleFactor / (double) m_canvas->GetClientSize().y );

    // Take scrollbars into account
    DSIZE scrollbarSize = m_canvas->GetSize() - m_canvas->GetClientSize();
    centre.x -= int( bestzoom * scrollbarSize.x / 2.0 );
    centre.y -= int( bestzoom * scrollbarSize.y / 2.0 );

    SetScrollCenterPosition( centre );

    return bestzoom;
double PCB_BASE_FRAME::BestZoom()
    if( m_Pcb == NULL )
        return 1.0;

    EDA_RECT    ibbbox  = GetBoardBoundingBox();
    DSIZE       clientz = m_canvas->GetClientSize();
    DSIZE       boardz( ibbbox.GetWidth(), ibbbox.GetHeight() );

    double iu_per_du_X = clientz.x ? boardz.x / clientz.x : 1.0;
    double iu_per_du_Y = clientz.y ? boardz.y / clientz.y : 1.0;

    double bestzoom = std::max( iu_per_du_X, iu_per_du_Y );

    SetScrollCenterPosition( ibbbox.Centre() );

    return bestzoom;
double GERBVIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* item = GetGerberLayout()->m_Drawings;

    // gives a minimal value to zoom, if no item in list
    if( item == NULL  )
        return ZOOM_FACTOR( 350.0 );

    EDA_RECT bbox = GetGerberLayout()->ComputeBoundingBox();

    wxSize  size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    double  x   = (double) bbox.GetWidth() / (double) size.x;
    double  y   = (double) bbox.GetHeight() / (double) size.y;
    SetScrollCenterPosition( bbox.Centre() );

    double  best_zoom = std::max( x, y );
    return best_zoom;
double GERBVIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    EDA_RECT bbox = GetGerberLayout()->ComputeBoundingBox();

    // gives a size to bbox (current page size), if no item in list
    if( bbox.GetWidth() == 0 || bbox.GetHeight() == 0 )
        wxSize pagesize = GetPageSettings().GetSizeMils();
        bbox.SetSize( wxSize( Mils2iu( pagesize.x ), Mils2iu( pagesize.y ) ) );

    // Compute best zoom:
    wxSize  size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();
    double  x   = (double) bbox.GetWidth() / (double) size.x;
    double  y   = (double) bbox.GetHeight() / (double) size.y;
    double  best_zoom = std::max( x, y ) * 1.1;

    SetScrollCenterPosition( bbox.Centre() );

    return best_zoom;
double LIB_EDIT_FRAME::BestZoom()
    LIB_PART*  part = GetCurPart();
    double     defaultLibraryZoom = 7.33;

    if( !part )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return defaultLibraryZoom;

    EDA_RECT boundingBox = part->GetUnitBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

    double  sizeX  = (double) boundingBox.GetWidth();
    double  sizeY  = (double) boundingBox.GetHeight();
    wxPoint centre = boundingBox.Centre();

    // Reserve a 20% margin around component bounding box.
    double margin_scale_factor = 1.2;

    return bestZoom( sizeX, sizeY, margin_scale_factor, centre);
double PL_EDITOR_FRAME::BestZoom()
    int    dx, dy;
    wxSize size;

    dx = GetPageLayout().GetPageSettings().GetWidthIU();
    dy = GetPageLayout().GetPageSettings().GetHeightIU();

    size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    // Reserve no margin because best zoom shows the full page
    // and margins are already included in function that draws the sheet refernces
    double margin_scale_factor = 1.0;
    double zx =(double) dx / ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.x );
    double zy = (double) dy / ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.y );

    double bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );

    SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( dx / 2, dy / 2 ) );

    return bestzoom;
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen || !m_canvas )

    double scale = screen->GetScalingFactor();

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Center Position = ( %d, %d ), scale = %.10g" ),
                aCenterPositionIU.x, aCenterPositionIU.y, scale );

    // Calculate the portion of the drawing that can be displayed in the
    // client area at the current zoom level.

    // visible viewport in device units ~ pixels
    wxSize  clientSizeDU = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    // Size of the client window in IU
    DSIZE   clientSizeIU( clientSizeDU.x / scale, clientSizeDU.y / scale );

    // Full drawing or "page" rectangle in internal units
    DBOX    pageRectIU( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( GetPageSizeIU().x, GetPageSizeIU().y ) );

    // The upper left corner of the client rectangle in internal units.
    double xIU = aCenterPositionIU.x - clientSizeIU.x / 2.0;
    double yIU = aCenterPositionIU.y - clientSizeIU.y / 2.0;

    // If drawn around the center, adjust the client rectangle accordingly.
    if( screen->m_Center )
        // half page offset.
        xIU += pageRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0;
        yIU += pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0;

    DBOX    clientRectIU( wxPoint( xIU, yIU ), wxSize( clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y ) );
    wxPoint centerPositionIU;

    // put "int" limits on the clientRect
    if( clientRectIU.GetLeft() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveLeftTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetTop() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveTopTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetRight() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveRightTo( VIRT_MAX );
    if( clientRectIU.GetBottom() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveBottomTo( VIRT_MAX );

    centerPositionIU.x = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetX() + clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
    centerPositionIU.y = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetY() + clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        centerPositionIU.x -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2.0 );
        centerPositionIU.y -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 );

    DSIZE   virtualSizeIU;

    if( pageRectIU.GetLeft() < clientRectIU.GetLeft() && pageRectIU.GetRight() > clientRectIU.GetRight() )
        virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetSize().x;
        double pageCenterX    = pageRectIU.GetX()   + ( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
        double clientCenterX  = clientRectIU.GetX() + ( clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetWidth() > pageRectIU.GetWidth() )
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( pageCenterX - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageCenterX ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.x = clientRectIU.GetWidth();
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (pageRectIU.GetLeft() - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageRectIU.GetRight() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth();

    if( pageRectIU.GetTop() < clientRectIU.GetTop() && pageRectIU.GetBottom() > clientRectIU.GetBottom() )
        virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetSize().y;
        double pageCenterY   = pageRectIU.GetY()   + ( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );
        double clientCenterY = clientRectIU.GetY() + ( clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetHeight() > pageRectIU.GetHeight() )
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( pageCenterY - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageCenterY ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.y = clientRectIU.GetHeight();
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( pageRectIU.GetTop() - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageRectIU.GetBottom() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight();

    // put "int" limits on the virtualSizeIU
    virtualSizeIU.x = std::min( virtualSizeIU.x, MAX_AXIS );
    virtualSizeIU.y = std::min( virtualSizeIU.y, MAX_AXIS );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.x / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.y / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.x - pageRectIU.GetWidth() )  / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.y - pageRectIU.GetHeight() ) / 2.0 );

    /* Always set scrollbar pixels per unit to 1 unless you want the zoom
     * around cursor to jump around.  This reported problem occurs when the
     * zoom point is not on a pixel per unit increment.  If you set the
     * pixels per unit to 10, you have potential for the zoom point to
     * jump around +/-5 pixels from the nearest grid point.
    screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX = screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY = 1;

    // Number of scroll bar units for the given zoom level in device units.
    double unitsX = virtualSizeIU.x * scale;
    double unitsY = virtualSizeIU.y * scale;

    // Calculate the scroll bar position in internal units to place the
    // center position at the center of client rectangle.
    SetScrollCenterPosition( centerPositionIU );

    double posX = centerPositionIU.x - clientRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.x;
    double posY = centerPositionIU.y - clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.y;

    // Convert scroll bar position to device units.
    posX = KiROUND( posX * scale );
    posY = KiROUND( posY * scale );

    if( posX < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = 0;

    if( posX > unitsX )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = unitsX;

    if( posY < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = 0;

    if( posY > unitsY )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = unitsY;

    screen->m_ScrollbarPos    = wxPoint( KiROUND( posX ),  KiROUND( posY ) );
    screen->m_ScrollbarNumber = wxSize( KiROUND( unitsX ), KiROUND( unitsY ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings,
                wxT( "Drawing = (%.10g, %.10g), Client = (%.10g, %.10g), Offset = (%d, %d), SetScrollbars(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)" ),
                virtualSizeIU.x, virtualSizeIU.y, clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y,
                screen->m_DrawOrg.x, screen->m_DrawOrg.y,
                screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX, screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY,
                screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.x, screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.y,
                screen->m_ScrollbarPos.x, screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y );

    bool            noRefresh = true;

    m_canvas->SetScrollbars( screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX,
                             screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, noRefresh );