Beispiel #1
void YRDKRL78_DataSend_1(char * cData, uint16_t size)
    SetSendData() ;
    for(int i=0;size>0;i++)
       SPI_Send(SPI_LCD, (uint8_t *)cData[i],1);

    SetSendData() ;
Beispiel #2
* ID : 71.0
* Outline : YRDKRL78_DataSend
* Include : YRDKRL78_RSPI0.h
* Function Name: YRDKRL78_DataSend
* Description : Send 8 bits of data to the LCD RAM at the current location.
* The current location is determined and set with local functions.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be sent to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void YRDKRL78_DataSend(int8_t cData)
    SetSendData() ;

    SPI_Send(SPI_LCD, (uint8_t *)&cData, 1);

    SetSendData() ;
* ID : 71.0
* Outline : YRDKRX62N_DataSend
* Include : YRDKRX62N_RSPI0.h
* Function Name: YRDKRX62N_DataSend
* Description : Send 8 bits of data to the LCD RAM at the current location.
* The current location is determined and set with local functions.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be sent to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void YRDKRX62N_DataSend(int8_t cData)
    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;

    YRDKRX62N_RSPITransferOutWord8Bit(cData) ;

    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;
* ID : 71.0
* Outline : Glyph_uEZ_DataSend
* Include : Glyph_uEZ_0.h
* Function Name: Glyph_uEZ_DataSend
* Description : Send 8 bits of data to the LCD RAM at the current location.
* The current location is determined and set with local functions.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be sent to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void Glyph_uEZ_DataSend(int8_t cData)
    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;

    Glyph_uEZ_TransferOutWord8Bit(cData) ;

    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;
Beispiel #5
* ID : 70.0
* Outline : YRDKRL78_CommandSend
* Include : YRDKRL78_RSPI0.h
* Function Name: YRDKRL78_CommandSend
* Description : Send a command define to the LCD.  The defines for all commands
* available to send to the ST7579 LCD controller are defined in the header
* for this file RL78_LCD.h.  The nCommand parameter should always be
* a define from that location.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be used as a command to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void YRDKRL78_CommandSend(int8_t cCommand)
    SetSendCommand() ;

    SPI_Send(SPI_LCD, (uint8_t *)&cCommand, 1);

    SetSendData() ;
void CInfoMapShadow::Copy(CInfoMapShadow *pSrc)
	PBYTE pTmp;

	pTmp = pSrc->GetSendData ();
	SetSendData (pTmp);
* ID : 70.0
* Outline : YRDKRX62N_CommandSend
* Include : YRDKRX62N_RSPI0.h
* Function Name: YRDKRX62N_CommandSend
* Description : Send a command define to the LCD.  The defines for all commands
* available to send to the ST7579 LCD controller are defined in the header
* for this file RX62N_LCD.h.  The nCommand parameter should always be
* a define from that location.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be used as a command to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void YRDKRX62N_CommandSend(int8_t cCommand)
    /* Send Command To LCD */
    /* A0 = 0 */
    SetSendCommand() ;

    YRDKRX62N_RSPITransferOutWord8Bit(cCommand) ;

    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;
* ID : 70.0
* Outline : Glyph_uEZ_CommandSend
* Include : Glyph_uEZ_0.h
* Function Name: Glyph_uEZ_CommandSend
* Description : Send a command define to the LCD.  The defines for all commands
* available to send to the ST7579 LCD controller are defined in the header
* for this file RX62N_LCD.h.  The nCommand parameter should always be
* a define from that location.
* Argument : cCommand - 8 bits of data to be used as a command to the LCD
*          : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
* Return Value : none
* Calling Functions : ST7579_Config, ST7579_SetSystemBiasBooster,
*                     ST7579_SetVO_Range, ST7579_SetFrameRate,
*                     ST7579_SetPage, ST7579_SetChar, ST7579_SetLine,
*                     ST7579_Send8bitsData, ST7579_Send16bitsCommand
void Glyph_uEZ_CommandSend(int8_t cCommand)
    /* Send Command To LCD */
    /* A0 = 0 */
    SetSendCommand() ;
    Glyph_uEZ_TransferOutWord8Bit(cCommand) ;

    /* A0 = 1 */
    SetSendData() ;
Beispiel #9
// 发送结果
BOOL CNetUser::SendResult(WORD dwCmd, int nResultCode)
	if (m_bNoUse)
		std::cout << "SendResult fail. no used\n";
		return FALSE;
	ST_CMD_HEADER resultCmd;
	resultCmd.usVerifyCode = VERIFYCODE;
	resultCmd.usCmd		= dwCmd;
	resultCmd.uPackSize = 0;
	resultCmd.usResult	= nResultCode;

	return SetSendData((char*)&resultCmd, HEAD_SIZE);

bool ServerHandler::RegisterHandle(const Json::Value &value, LPMESSAGE_DATA pMsgData)
    if (value.isMember(BODY_PARAM) && value[BODY_PARAM].isObject())
        Json::Value valueBody = value[BODY_PARAM];
        if (valueBody.isMember(APPID_PARAM) && valueBody[APPID_PARAM].isString() && !valueBody[APPID_PARAM].asString().empty()
            && valueBody.isMember(CHECKCODE_PARAM) && valueBody[CHECKCODE_PARAM].isString())
            // get appkey with appid
            DBHandler *pDBHandler = DBHandler::GetInstance();
            TPushIdentItem item = pDBHandler->GetAppInfoWithAppid(valueBody[APPID_PARAM].asString().c_str());

            // create checkcode
            string strToMD5 = valueBody[TOKENID_PARAM].asString() + m_strChanllenge + item.appkey;
            char *aCheckcode = (char*)pMsgData->pData->m_cBuff256;
            GetMD5String(strToMD5.c_str(), aCheckcode);
            gvLog(LOG_MSG, "(ServerHandler::RegisterHandle) MSG: iFd:%d strToMD5:%s strCheckcode:%s CHECKCODE:%s"
                  , pMsgData->iFd, strToMD5.c_str(), aCheckcode, valueBody[CHECKCODE_PARAM].asString().c_str());

            // compare checkcode
            Json::Value root;
            const char *pHttpHead = NULL;
            if(0 == strcmp(aCheckcode, valueBody[CHECKCODE_PARAM].asString().c_str())) {
                root[RET_PARAM] = SUCCESS_CODE;
                pHttpHead = HTTP_REPONSE;
                m_eHandleStep = PUSHMESSAGE_STEP;
            else {
                root[RET_PARAM] = CHECKCODEERR_CODE;
                pMsgData->bSendAndClose = true;
                pHttpHead = HTTP_REPONSE_CLOSE;
                m_eHandleStep = BEGIN_STEP;
            // set send data
            SetSendData(pMsgData, root, pHttpHead, HTTP_200_OK);

            return true;

    // protocol format error
    m_eHandleStep = BEGIN_STEP;

    gvLog(LOG_MSG, "(ServerHandler::RegisterHandle) MSG: protocol error iFd:%d", pMsgData->iFd);
    return false;
// handle protocol
bool ServerHandler::GetChanllengeHandle(const Json::Value &value, LPMESSAGE_DATA pMsgData)
    gvLog(LOG_MSG, "(ServerHandler::GetChanllengeHandle) MSG: begin iFd:%d", pMsgData->iFd);

    // create chanllenge
    time_t tChanllenge = time(NULL);
    char *pTime = pMsgData->pData->m_cBuff256;
    snprintf(pTime, sizeof(pMsgData->pData->m_cBuff256), "%x%x00%d", GetTickCount(), tChanllenge << 2, pMsgData->iFd);
    m_strChanllenge = pTime;

    // create json
    Json::Value root;
    root[CHANLLENGE_PARAM] = m_strChanllenge.c_str();

    // set send data
    SetSendData(pMsgData, root, HTTP_REPONSE, HTTP_200_OK);

    m_eHandleStep = REGISTER_SERVER_STEP;
    return true;
bool ServerHandler::PushMessageHandle(const Json::Value &value, LPMESSAGE_DATA pMsgData)
//    CAutoLock lock(&m_mutexSendPushMsg);
    gvLog(LOG_MSG, "(ServerHandler::PushMessageHandle) MSG: begin iFd:%d", pMsgData->iFd);

    if (value.isMember(BODY_PARAM) && value[BODY_PARAM].isObject())
        Json::Value valueBody = value[BODY_PARAM];
        if (valueBody.isMember(TOKENIDLIST_PARAM) && valueBody[TOKENIDLIST_PARAM].isArray()
            && valueBody.isMember(BODY_PARAM) && valueBody[BODY_PARAM].isObject())
            Json::FastWriter writer;
            string strBody = writer.write(valueBody[BODY_PARAM]);
            gvLog(LOG_MSG, "(ServerHandler::PushMessageHandle) MSG: iFd:%d body:\n%s", pMsgData->iFd, strBody.c_str());
            for (Json::Value::iterator iter = valueBody[TOKENIDLIST_PARAM].begin();
                 valueBody[TOKENIDLIST_PARAM].end() != iter;
                if ((*iter).isMember(TOKENID_PARAM) && (*iter)[TOKENID_PARAM].isString())
                    std::string tokenid = (*iter)[TOKENID_PARAM].asString();
                    if (!tokenid.empty())
                        PushManager::GetInstance()->SendPushMessage(tokenid.c_str(), strBody.c_str());
            Json::Value root;
            root[RET_PARAM] = SUCCESS_CODE;
            SetSendData(pMsgData, root, HTTP_REPONSE, HTTP_200_OK);
            return true;

    gvLog(LOG_ERR_USER, "(ServerHandler::PushMessageHandle) MSG: protocol error iFd:%d", pMsgData->iFd);
    return false;