 * SetToTransformFunction is essentially a giant switch statement that fans
 * out to many smaller helper functions.
nsStyleTransformMatrix::SetToTransformFunction(const nsCSSValue::Array * aData,
                                               nsStyleContext* aContext,
                                               nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               PRBool& aCanStoreInRuleTree)
  NS_PRECONDITION(aData, "Why did you want to get data from a null array?");
  NS_PRECONDITION(aContext, "Need a context for unit conversion!");
  NS_PRECONDITION(aPresContext, "Need a context for unit conversion!");
  /* Reset the matrix to the identity so that each subfunction can just
   * worry about its own components.

  /* Get the keyword for the transform. */
  nsAutoString keyword;
  switch (nsCSSKeywords::LookupKeyword(keyword)) {
  case eCSSKeyword_translatex:
    ProcessTranslateX(mDelta, mX, aData, aContext, aPresContext,
  case eCSSKeyword_translatey:
    ProcessTranslateY(mDelta, mY, aData, aContext, aPresContext,
  case eCSSKeyword_translate:
    ProcessTranslate(mDelta, mX, mY, aData, aContext, aPresContext,
  case eCSSKeyword_scalex:
    ProcessScaleX(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_scaley:
    ProcessScaleY(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_scale:
    ProcessScale(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_skewx:
    ProcessSkewX(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_skewy:
    ProcessSkewY(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_skew:
    ProcessSkew(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_rotate:
    ProcessRotate(mMain, aData);
  case eCSSKeyword_matrix:
    ProcessMatrix(mMain, mDelta, mX, mY, aData, aContext, aPresContext,
    NS_NOTREACHED("Unknown transform function!");
/// <summary>
/// Resets this matrix to a scaling matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scaleX">Factor to scale by in the X direction.</param>
/// <param name="scaleY">Factor to scale by in the Y direction.</param>
/// <param name="scaleZ">Factor to scale by in the Z direction.</param>
void Matrix3D::SetToScaling(double scaleX, double scaleY, double scaleZ)
    m00 = scaleX;
    m11 = scaleY;
    m22 = scaleZ;
/// <summary>
/// Resets this matrix to a translation matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transX">Distance to translate in the X direction.</param>
/// <param name="transY">Distance to translate in the Y direction.</param>
/// <param name="transZ">Distance to translate in the Z direction.</param>
void Matrix3D::SetToTranslation(double transX, double transY, double transZ)
    m03 = transX;
    m13 = transY;
    m23 = transZ;
void LoadAnimationDataFromCollada( const char* fileName, ArmatureKeyFrame* keyframe, Armature* armature ) {
	tinyxml2::XMLDocument colladaDoc;
	colladaDoc.LoadFile( fileName );

	tinyxml2::XMLNode* animationNode = colladaDoc.FirstChildElement( "COLLADA" )->FirstChildElement( "library_animations" )->FirstChild();
	while( animationNode != NULL ) {
		//Desired data: what bone, and what local transform to it occurs
		Mat4 boneLocalTransform;
		Bone* targetBone = NULL;

		//Parse the target attribute from the XMLElement for channel, and get the bone it corresponds to
		const char* transformName = animationNode->FirstChildElement( "channel" )->Attribute( "target" );
		size_t nameLen = strlen( transformName );
		char* transformNameCopy = (char*)alloca( nameLen );
		strcpy( transformNameCopy, transformName );
		char* nameEnd = transformNameCopy;
		while( *nameEnd != '/' && *nameEnd != 0 ) {
		memset( transformNameCopy, 0, nameLen );
		nameLen = nameEnd - transformNameCopy;
		memcpy( transformNameCopy, transformName, nameLen );
		for( uint8 boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < armature->boneCount; boneIndex++ ) {
			if( strcmp( armature->bones[ boneIndex ].name, transformNameCopy ) == 0 ) {
				targetBone = &armature->bones[ boneIndex ];

		//Parse matrix data, and extract first keyframe data
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* transformMatrixElement = animationNode->FirstChild()->NextSibling();
		const char* matrixTransformData = transformMatrixElement->FirstChild()->FirstChild()->Value();
		size_t transformDataLen = strlen( matrixTransformData ) + 1;
		char* transformDataCopy = (char*)alloca( transformDataLen * sizeof( char ) );
		memset( transformDataCopy, 0, transformDataLen );
		memcpy( transformDataCopy, matrixTransformData, transformDataLen );
		int count = 0; 
		transformMatrixElement->FirstChildElement()->QueryAttribute( "count", &count );
		float* rawTransformData = (float*)alloca(  count * sizeof(float) );
		memset( rawTransformData, 0, count * sizeof(float) );
		TextToNumberConversion( transformDataCopy, rawTransformData );
		memcpy( &boneLocalTransform.m[0][0], &rawTransformData[0], 16 * sizeof(float) );

		//Save data in BoneKeyFrame struct
		boneLocalTransform = TransposeMatrix( boneLocalTransform );
		if( targetBone == armature->rootBone ) {
			Mat4 correction;
			correction.m[0][0] = 1.0f; correction.m[0][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[0][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[0][3] = 0.0f;
			correction.m[1][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[1][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[1][2] = -1.0f; correction.m[1][3] = 0.0f;
			correction.m[2][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[2][1] = 1.0f; correction.m[2][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[2][3] = 0.0f;
			correction.m[3][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][3] = 1.0f;
			boneLocalTransform = MultMatrix( boneLocalTransform, correction );
		BoneKeyFrame* key = &keyframe->targetBoneTransforms[ targetBone->boneIndex ];
		key->combinedMatrix = boneLocalTransform;
		DecomposeMat4( boneLocalTransform, &key->scale, &key->rotation, &key->translation );
		Mat4 m = Mat4FromComponents( key->scale, key->rotation, key->translation );

		animationNode = animationNode->NextSibling();

	//Pre multiply bones with parents to save doing it during runtime
	struct {
		ArmatureKeyFrame* keyframe;
		void PremultiplyKeyFrame( Bone* target, Mat4 parentTransform ) {
			BoneKeyFrame* boneKey = &keyframe->targetBoneTransforms[ target->boneIndex ];
			Mat4 netMatrix = MultMatrix( boneKey->combinedMatrix, parentTransform );

			for( uint8 boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < target->childCount; boneIndex++ ) {
				PremultiplyKeyFrame( target->children[ boneIndex ], netMatrix );
			boneKey->combinedMatrix = netMatrix;
			DecomposeMat4( boneKey->combinedMatrix, &boneKey->scale, &boneKey->rotation, &boneKey->translation );
	LocalRecursiveScope.keyframe = keyframe;
	Mat4 i; SetToIdentity( &i );
	LocalRecursiveScope.PremultiplyKeyFrame( armature->rootBone, i );
void LoadMeshDataFromDisk( const char* fileName,  SlabSubsection_Stack* allocater, MeshGeometryData* storage, Armature* armature ) {
	tinyxml2::XMLDocument colladaDoc;
	colladaDoc.LoadFile( fileName );
	//if( colladaDoc == NULL ) {
		//printf( "Could not load mesh: %s\n", fileName );

	tinyxml2::XMLElement* meshNode = colladaDoc.FirstChildElement( "COLLADA" )->FirstChildElement( "library_geometries" )
	->FirstChildElement( "geometry" )->FirstChildElement( "mesh" );

	char* colladaTextBuffer = NULL;
	size_t textBufferLen = 0;

	uint16 vCount = 0;
	uint16 nCount = 0;
	uint16 uvCount = 0;
	uint16 indexCount = 0;
	float* rawColladaVertexData;
	float* rawColladaNormalData;
	float* rawColladaUVData;
	float* rawIndexData;
	///Basic Mesh Geometry Data
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* colladaVertexArray = meshNode->FirstChildElement( "source" );
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* vertexFloatArray = colladaVertexArray->FirstChildElement( "float_array" );
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* colladaNormalArray = colladaVertexArray->NextSibling();
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* normalFloatArray = colladaNormalArray->FirstChildElement( "float_array" );
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* colladaUVMapArray = colladaNormalArray->NextSibling();
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* uvMapFloatArray = colladaUVMapArray->FirstChildElement( "float_array" );
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* meshSrc = meshNode->FirstChildElement( "polylist" );
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* colladaIndexArray = meshSrc->FirstChildElement( "p" );

		int count;
		const char* colladaVertArrayVal = vertexFloatArray->FirstChild()->Value();
		vertexFloatArray->QueryAttribute( "count", &count );
		vCount = count;
		const char* colladaNormArrayVal = normalFloatArray->FirstChild()->Value();
		normalFloatArray->QueryAttribute( "count", &count );
		nCount = count;
		const char* colladaUVMapArrayVal = uvMapFloatArray->FirstChild()->Value();
		uvMapFloatArray->QueryAttribute( "count", &count );
		uvCount = count;
		const char* colladaIndexArrayVal = colladaIndexArray->FirstChild()->Value();
		meshSrc->QueryAttribute( "count", &count );
		//Assume this is already triangulated
		indexCount = count * 3 * 3;

		///TODO: replace this with fmaxf?
		std::function< size_t (size_t, size_t) > sizeComparison = []( size_t size1, size_t size2 ) -> size_t {
			if( size1 >= size2 ) return size1;
			return size2;

		textBufferLen = strlen( colladaVertArrayVal );
		textBufferLen = sizeComparison( strlen( colladaNormArrayVal ), textBufferLen );
		textBufferLen = sizeComparison( strlen( colladaUVMapArrayVal ), textBufferLen );
		textBufferLen = sizeComparison( strlen( colladaIndexArrayVal ), textBufferLen );
		colladaTextBuffer = (char*)alloca( textBufferLen );
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		rawColladaVertexData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * vCount );
		rawColladaNormalData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * nCount );
		rawColladaUVData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * uvCount );
		rawIndexData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * indexCount );

		memset( rawColladaVertexData, 0, sizeof(float) * vCount );
		memset( rawColladaNormalData, 0, sizeof(float) * nCount );
		memset( rawColladaUVData, 0, sizeof(float) * uvCount );
		memset( rawIndexData, 0, sizeof(float) * indexCount );

		//Reading Vertex position data
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, colladaVertArrayVal );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, rawColladaVertexData );

	    //Reading Normals data
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, colladaNormArrayVal );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, rawColladaNormalData );

	    //Reading UV map data
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, colladaUVMapArrayVal );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, rawColladaUVData );

	    //Reading index data
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, colladaIndexArrayVal );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, rawIndexData );

	float* rawBoneWeightData = NULL;
	float* rawBoneIndexData = NULL;
	//Skinning Data
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* libControllers = colladaDoc.FirstChildElement( "COLLADA" )->FirstChildElement( "library_controllers" );
		if( libControllers == NULL ) goto skinningExit;
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* controllerElement = libControllers->FirstChildElement( "controller" );
		if( controllerElement == NULL ) goto skinningExit;

		tinyxml2::XMLNode* vertexWeightDataArray = controllerElement->FirstChild()->FirstChild()->NextSibling()->NextSibling()->NextSibling();
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* vertexBoneIndexDataArray = vertexWeightDataArray->NextSibling()->NextSibling();
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* vCountArray = vertexBoneIndexDataArray->FirstChildElement( "vcount" );
		tinyxml2::XMLNode* vArray = vertexBoneIndexDataArray->FirstChildElement( "v" );
		const char* boneWeightsData = vertexWeightDataArray->FirstChild()->FirstChild()->Value();
		const char* vCountArrayData = vCountArray->FirstChild()->Value();
		const char* vArrayData = vArray->FirstChild()->Value();

		float* colladaBoneWeightData = NULL;
		float* colladaBoneIndexData = NULL;
		float* colladaBoneInfluenceCounts = NULL;
		///This is overkill, Collada stores ways less data usually, plus this still doesn't account for very complex models 
		///(e.g, lots of verts with more than MAXBONESPERVERT influencing position )
		colladaBoneWeightData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );
		colladaBoneIndexData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );
		colladaBoneInfluenceCounts = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );

		//Read bone weights data
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, boneWeightsData );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, colladaBoneWeightData );

		//Read bone index data
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, vArrayData );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, colladaBoneIndexData );

		//Read bone influence counts
		memset( colladaTextBuffer, 0, textBufferLen );
		strcpy( colladaTextBuffer, vCountArrayData );
		TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, colladaBoneInfluenceCounts );

		rawBoneWeightData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );
		rawBoneIndexData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );
		memset( rawBoneWeightData, 0, sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );
		memset( rawBoneIndexData, 0, sizeof(float) * MAXBONESPERVERT * vCount );

		int colladaIndexIndirection = 0;
		int verticiesInfluenced = 0;
		vCountArray->Parent()->ToElement()->QueryAttribute( "count", &verticiesInfluenced );
		for( uint16 i = 0; i < verticiesInfluenced; i++ ) {
			uint8 influenceCount = colladaBoneInfluenceCounts[i];
			for( uint16 j = 0; j < influenceCount; j++ ) {
				uint16 boneIndex = colladaBoneIndexData[ colladaIndexIndirection++ ];
				uint16 weightIndex = colladaBoneIndexData[ colladaIndexIndirection++ ];
				rawBoneWeightData[ i * MAXBONESPERVERT + j ] = colladaBoneWeightData[ weightIndex ];
				rawBoneIndexData[ i * MAXBONESPERVERT + j ] = boneIndex;

	if( armature != NULL ) {
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* visualScenesNode = colladaDoc.FirstChildElement( "COLLADA" )->FirstChildElement( "library_visual_scenes" )
		->FirstChildElement( "visual_scene" )->FirstChildElement( "node" );
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* armatureNode = NULL;

		//Step through scene heirarchy until start of armature is found
		while( visualScenesNode != NULL ) {
			if( visualScenesNode->FirstChildElement( "node" ) != NULL && 
				visualScenesNode->FirstChildElement( "node" )->Attribute( "type", "JOINT" ) != NULL ) {
				armatureNode = visualScenesNode;
			} else {
				visualScenesNode = visualScenesNode->NextSibling()->ToElement();
		if( armatureNode == NULL ) return;

		//Parsing basic bone data from XML
		std::function< Bone* ( tinyxml2::XMLElement*, Armature*, Bone*  ) > ParseColladaBoneData = 
		[&]( tinyxml2::XMLElement* boneElement, Armature* armature, Bone* parentBone ) -> Bone* {
			Bone* bone = &armature->bones[ armature->boneCount ];
			bone->parent = parentBone;
			bone->currentTransform = &armature->boneTransforms[ armature->boneCount ];
			SetToIdentity( bone->currentTransform );
			bone->boneIndex = armature->boneCount;

			strcpy( &bone->name[0], boneElement->Attribute( "sid" ) );

			float matrixData[16];
			char matrixTextData [512];
			tinyxml2::XMLNode* matrixElement = boneElement->FirstChildElement("matrix");
			strcpy( &matrixTextData[0], matrixElement->FirstChild()->ToText()->Value() );
			TextToNumberConversion( matrixTextData, matrixData );
			//Note: this is only local transform data, but its being saved in bind matrix for now
			Mat4 m;
			memcpy( &m.m[0][0], &matrixData[0], sizeof(float) * 16 );
			bone->bindPose = TransposeMatrix( m );

			if( parentBone == NULL ) {
				armature->rootBone = bone;
			} else {
				bone->bindPose = MultMatrix( parentBone->bindPose, bone->bindPose );

			bone->childCount = 0;
			tinyxml2::XMLElement* childBoneElement = boneElement->FirstChildElement( "node" );
			while( childBoneElement != NULL ) {
				Bone* childBone = ParseColladaBoneData( childBoneElement, armature, bone );
				bone->children[ bone->childCount++ ] = childBone;
				tinyxml2::XMLNode* siblingNode = childBoneElement->NextSibling();
				if( siblingNode != NULL ) {
					childBoneElement = siblingNode->ToElement();
				} else {
					childBoneElement = NULL;

			return bone;
		armature->boneCount = 0;
		tinyxml2::XMLElement* boneElement = armatureNode->FirstChildElement( "node" );
		ParseColladaBoneData( boneElement, armature, NULL );

		//Parse inverse bind pose data from skinning section of XML
			tinyxml2::XMLElement* boneNamesSource = colladaDoc.FirstChildElement( "COLLADA" )->FirstChildElement( "library_controllers" )
			->FirstChildElement( "controller" )->FirstChildElement( "skin" )->FirstChildElement( "source" );
			tinyxml2::XMLElement* boneBindPoseSource = boneNamesSource->NextSibling()->ToElement();

			char* boneNamesLocalCopy = NULL;
			float* boneMatriciesData = (float*)alloca( sizeof(float) * 16 * armature->boneCount );
			const char* boneNameArrayData = boneNamesSource->FirstChild()->FirstChild()->Value();
			const char* boneMatrixTextData = boneBindPoseSource->FirstChild()->FirstChild()->Value();
			size_t nameDataLen = strlen( boneNameArrayData );
			size_t matrixDataLen = strlen( boneMatrixTextData );
			boneNamesLocalCopy = (char*)alloca( nameDataLen + 1 );
			memset( boneNamesLocalCopy, 0, nameDataLen + 1 );
			assert( textBufferLen > matrixDataLen );
			memcpy( boneNamesLocalCopy, boneNameArrayData, nameDataLen );
			memcpy( colladaTextBuffer, boneMatrixTextData, matrixDataLen );
			TextToNumberConversion( colladaTextBuffer, boneMatriciesData );
			char* nextBoneName = &boneNamesLocalCopy[0];
			for( uint8 matrixIndex = 0; matrixIndex < armature->boneCount; matrixIndex++ ) {
				Mat4 matrix;
				memcpy( &matrix.m[0], &boneMatriciesData[matrixIndex * 16], sizeof(float) * 16 );

				char boneName [32];
				char* boneNameEnd = nextBoneName;
				do {
				} while( *boneNameEnd != ' ' && *boneNameEnd != 0 );
				size_t charCount = boneNameEnd - nextBoneName;
				memset( boneName, 0, sizeof( char ) * 32 );
				memcpy( boneName, nextBoneName, charCount );
				nextBoneName = boneNameEnd + 1;

				Bone* targetBone = NULL;
				for( uint8 boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < armature->boneCount; boneIndex++ ) {
					Bone* bone = &armature->bones[ boneIndex ];
					if( strcmp( bone->name, boneName ) == 0 ) {
						targetBone = bone;

				Mat4 correction;
				correction.m[0][0] = 1.0f; correction.m[0][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[0][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[0][3] = 0.0f;
				correction.m[1][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[1][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[1][2] = 1.0f; correction.m[1][3] = 0.0f;
				correction.m[2][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[2][1] = -1.0f; correction.m[2][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[2][3] = 0.0f;
				correction.m[3][0] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][1] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][2] = 0.0f; correction.m[3][3] = 1.0f;
				targetBone->invBindPose = TransposeMatrix( matrix );
				targetBone->invBindPose = MultMatrix( correction, targetBone->invBindPose );

	//output to my version of storage
	storage->dataCount = 0;
	uint16 counter = 0;

	const uint32 vertCount = indexCount / 3;
	storage->vData = (Vec3*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, vertCount * sizeof( Vec3 ), 16 );
	storage->uvData = (float*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, vertCount * 2 * sizeof( float ), 4 );
	storage->normalData = (Vec3*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, vertCount * sizeof( Vec3 ), 4 );
	storage->iData = (uint32*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, vertCount * sizeof( uint32 ), 4 );
	if( rawBoneWeightData != NULL ) {
		storage->boneWeightData = (float*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, sizeof(float) * vertCount * MAXBONESPERVERT, 4 );
		storage->boneIndexData = (uint32*)AllocOnSubStack_Aligned( allocater, sizeof(uint32) * vertCount * MAXBONESPERVERT, 4 );
	} else {
		storage->boneWeightData = NULL;
		storage->boneIndexData = NULL;

	while( counter < indexCount ) {
		Vec3 v, n;
		float uv_x, uv_y;

		uint16 vertIndex = rawIndexData[ counter++ ];
		uint16 normalIndex = rawIndexData[ counter++ ];
		uint16 uvIndex = rawIndexData[ counter++ ];

		v.x = rawColladaVertexData[ vertIndex * 3 + 0 ];
		v.z = -rawColladaVertexData[ vertIndex * 3 + 1 ];
		v.y = rawColladaVertexData[ vertIndex * 3 + 2 ];

		n.x = rawColladaNormalData[ normalIndex * 3 + 0 ];
		n.z = -rawColladaNormalData[ normalIndex * 3 + 1 ];
		n.y = rawColladaNormalData[ normalIndex * 3 + 2 ];

		uv_x = rawColladaUVData[ uvIndex * 2 ];
		uv_y = rawColladaUVData[ uvIndex * 2 + 1 ];

		///TODO: check for exact copies of data, use to index to first instance instead
		uint32 storageIndex = storage->dataCount;
		storage->vData[ storageIndex ] = v;
		storage->normalData[ storageIndex ] = n;
		storage->uvData[ storageIndex * 2 ] = uv_x;
		storage->uvData[ storageIndex * 2 + 1 ] = uv_y;
		if( rawBoneWeightData != NULL ) {
			uint16 boneDataIndex = storage->dataCount * MAXBONESPERVERT;
			uint16 boneVertexIndex = vertIndex * MAXBONESPERVERT;
			for( uint8 i = 0; i < MAXBONESPERVERT; i++ ) {
				storage->boneWeightData[ boneDataIndex + i ] = rawBoneWeightData[ boneVertexIndex + i ];
				storage->boneIndexData[ boneDataIndex + i ] = rawBoneIndexData[ boneVertexIndex + i ];
		storage->iData[ storageIndex ] = storageIndex;
/* Constructor sets the data to the identity matrix. */
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the Matrix3D class to
/// the identity matrix.
/// </summary>
Beispiel #8
void Mtx44::SetToTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz) {
	a[12] = tx;
	a[13] = ty;
	a[14] = tz;
Beispiel #9
void Mtx44::SetToScale(float sx, float sy, float sz) {
	a[0] = sx;
	a[5] = sy;
	a[10] = sz;