Beispiel #1
  call-seq: reset_transformations()
  Revert any transformations (scale, translate, rotate) performed on this track.
static VALUE track_reset_transformations(VALUE obj)
  MatrixRecord matrix;
  GetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  SetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  return obj;
Beispiel #2
  call-seq: translate(x, y)
  Offset a track's position by x and y values respectively.
  Values should be in pixels.
static VALUE track_translate(VALUE obj, VALUE x, VALUE y)
  MatrixRecord matrix;
  GetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  TranslateMatrix(&matrix, FloatToFixed(NUM2DBL(x)), FloatToFixed(NUM2DBL(y)));
  SetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  return obj;
Beispiel #3
  call-seq: rotate(degrees)
  Rotate the track by the given number of degrees.
static VALUE track_rotate(VALUE obj, VALUE degrees)
  MatrixRecord matrix;
  GetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  RotateMatrix(&matrix, FloatToFixed(NUM2DBL(degrees)), 0, 0);
  SetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  return obj;
Beispiel #4
  call-seq: scale(width, height)
  Scale the track's size by width and height respectively.
  The value passed is a relative float where "1" is the current size.
static VALUE track_scale(VALUE obj, VALUE width, VALUE height)
  MatrixRecord matrix;
  GetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  ScaleMatrix(&matrix, FloatToFixed(NUM2DBL(width)), FloatToFixed(NUM2DBL(height)), 0, 0);
  SetTrackMatrix(TRACK(obj), &matrix);
  return obj;
OSErr QTTarg_AddTextToggleButtonTrack (Movie theMovie)
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	MatrixRecord			myMatrix;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Fixed					myWidth, myHeight;
	TimeValue				myDuration = 0L;
	TimeValue				myTimeScale = 0L;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// get some information about the target movie

	if (theMovie == NULL) {
		myErr = paramErr;
		goto bail;

	myWidth = Long2Fix(2 * kButtonWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(2 * kButtonHeight);
	myDuration = GetMovieDuration(theMovie);
	myTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie);
	// create a new sprite track in the target movie
	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(theMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, myTimeScale, NULL, 0);

	// set the track matrix to compensate for any existing movie matrix
	GetMovieMatrix(theMovie, &myMatrix);
	if (InverseMatrix(&myMatrix, &myMatrix))
		SetTrackMatrix(myTrack, &myMatrix);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add sprite images and sprites to the sprite track; add actions to the sprites
	QTTarg_AddTextButtonSamplesToMedia(myMedia, 2 * kButtonWidth, 2 * kButtonHeight, myDuration);
	// insert media into track
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, kNoQTIdleEvents);				// no idle events = = = 0xffff;		// white
	MediaSetGraphicsMode(GetMediaHandler(myMedia), transparent, &myKeyColor);
	// make sure that the sprite track is in the frontmost layer
	SetTrackLayer(myTrack, kMaxLayerNumber);
	SetTrackLayer(myTrack, QTTarg_GetLowestLayerInMovie(theMovie) - 1);