Beispiel #1
main (
  int   Argc,
  char  *Argv[]

Routine Description:

  Call the routine to parse the command-line options, then process the file.


  Standard C main() argc and argv.


  0       if successful
  nonzero otherwise

  STATUS  Status;

  // Set the utility name for error reporting purposes
  SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);

  // Process the command-line arguments
  Status = ProcessArgs (Argc, Argv);
  if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    return Status;

  // Switch based on args
  if (mGlobals.Mode & MODE_CREATE_HII_RESOURCE_FILE) {
    CreateResourceScript (mGlobals.ResourceFileName, &mGlobals.Guid, mGlobals.PackageFile);

  if (mGlobals.Mode & MODE_CREATE_HII_PACKAGE_LIST) {
    CreatePackageList (mGlobals.PackageListFileName, &mGlobals.Guid, mGlobals.PackageFile);

  FreeGlobals ();

  return GetUtilityStatus ();
Beispiel #2
main (
  int argc,
  char **argv
  VOID        *BaseMemory;
  INTN        result;
  CHAR8       *OutputFile = NULL;
  CHAR8       *InputFile = NULL;
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINT64      TempValue;


  if (argc == 1) {
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  argc --;
  argv ++;

  if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--help") == 0)) {
    return 0;    

  if (stricmp (argv[0], "--version") == 0) {
    return 0;    
  while (argc > 0) {
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-o") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--output") == 0)) {
      if (argv[1] == NULL || argv[1][0] == '-') {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Output file is missing for -o option");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      OutputFile = argv[1];
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-b") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--baseaddr") == 0)) {
      if (argv[1] == NULL || argv[1][0] == '-') {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Base address is missing for -b option");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempValue);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Base address is not valid intergrator");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      gPageTableBaseAddress = (UINT32) TempValue;
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-f") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--offset") == 0)) {
      if (argv[1] == NULL || argv[1][0] == '-') {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Offset is missing for -f option");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempValue);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Offset is not valid intergrator");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      gPageTableOffsetInFile = (UINT32) TempValue;
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;

    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-q") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--quiet") == 0)) {
      argc --;
      argv ++;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-v") ==0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--verbose") == 0)) {
      argc --;
      argv ++;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-d") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--debug") == 0)) {
      if (argv[1] == NULL || argv[1][0] == '-') {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Debug Level is not specified.");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempValue);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Debug Level is not valid intergrator.");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      if (TempValue > 9) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Debug Level range is 0-9, currnt input level is %d", (int) TempValue);
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;

    if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
      Error (NULL, 0, 1000, "Unknown option", argv[0]);
      return STATUS_ERROR;
    // Don't recognize the parameter.
    InputFile = argv[0];
  if (InputFile == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Input file is not specified");
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  // Create X64 page table
  BaseMemory = CreateIdentityMappingPageTables ();

  // Add page table to binary file
  result = GenBinPage (BaseMemory, InputFile, OutputFile);
  if (result < 0) {
    return STATUS_ERROR;

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
main (
  int argc,
  char *argv[]

Routine Description:



  UINT64         i;
  UINT64         filesize;
  FILE          *fpIn, *fpOut;
  CHAR8* OutputFileName = NULL;
  CHAR8* InputFileNames[MAX_PE_IMAGES + 1];
  UINT8 InputFileCount = 0;
  UINT64        DebugLevel = 0;
  UINT64        VerboseLevel = 0;
  SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);

  if (argc == 1) {
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  argc --;
  argv ++;

  if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--help") == 0)) {
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;    

  if (stricmp (argv[0], "--version") == 0) {
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;    

  while (argc > 0) {
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-o") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--output") == 0)) {
      OutputFileName = argv[1];
      if (OutputFileName == NULL) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Output file can't be null");
        return STATUS_ERROR;
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-q") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--quiet") == 0)) {
      argc --;
      argv ++;
    if ((strlen(argv[0]) >= 2 && argv[0][0] == '-' && (argv[0][1] == 'v' || argv[0][1] == 'V')) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--verbose") == 0)) {
      VerboseLevel = 1;
      if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2) {
        Status = CountVerboseLevel (&argv[0][2], strlen(argv[0]) - 2, &VerboseLevel);
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", argv[0]);
          return STATUS_ERROR;        
      argc --;
      argv ++;
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-d") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--debug") == 0)) {
      Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &DebugLevel);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
        return STATUS_ERROR;        
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;
    // Don't recognize the parameter, should be regarded as the input file name.
    InputFileNames[InputFileCount] = argv[0];

  if (InputFileCount == 0) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "No input file");
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  // Open output file for write
  if (OutputFileName == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "No output file");
    return STATUS_ERROR;

  fpOut = fopen (LongFilePath (OutputFileName), "w+b");
  if (!fpOut) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Could not open output file", OutputFileName);
    return STATUS_ERROR;

  memset (&EfiLdrHeader, 0, sizeof (EfiLdrHeader));
  memset (&EfiLdrImage, 0, sizeof (EFILDR_IMAGE) * (InputFileCount));

  memcpy (&EfiLdrHeader.Signature, "EFIL", 4);
  EfiLdrHeader.FileLength = sizeof(EFILDR_HEADER) + sizeof(EFILDR_IMAGE)*(InputFileCount);

  // Skip the file header first
  fseek (fpOut, EfiLdrHeader.FileLength, SEEK_SET);

  // copy all the input files to the output file
  for(i=0;i<InputFileCount;i++) {
    // Copy the content of PeImage file to output file
    fpIn = fopen (LongFilePath (InputFileNames[i]), "rb");
    if (!fpIn) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Could not open input file", InputFileNames[i]);
      fclose (fpOut);
      return STATUS_ERROR;
    filesize = FCopyFile (fpIn, fpOut);

    //  And in the same time update the EfiLdrHeader and EfiLdrImage array
    EfiLdrImage[i].Offset = EfiLdrHeader.FileLength;
    EfiLdrImage[i].Length = (UINT32) filesize;
    strncpy ((CHAR8*) EfiLdrImage[i].FileName, InputFileNames[i], sizeof (EfiLdrImage[i].FileName) - 1);
    EfiLdrHeader.FileLength += (UINT32) filesize;

  // Write the image header to the output file finally
  fseek (fpOut, 0, SEEK_SET);
  fwrite (&EfiLdrHeader, sizeof(EFILDR_HEADER)        , 1, fpOut);
  fwrite (&EfiLdrImage , sizeof(EFILDR_IMAGE)*(InputFileCount), 1, fpOut);

  fclose (fpOut);
  printf ("Created %s\n", OutputFileName);
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
main (
  int   Argc,
  char  *Argv[]

Routine Description:


  Argc            - standard C main() argument count

  Argv            - standard C main() argument list


  0             success
  non-zero      otherwise

// GC_TODO:    ] - add argument and description to function comment
  INT8    *Ext;
  UINT32  Status;

  SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);
  // Parse the command line arguments
  if (ParseCommandLine (Argc, Argv)) {
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  // If dumping an image, then do that and quit
  if (mOptions.Dump) {
    DumpImage (mOptions.InFileName);
    goto Finish;
  // Determine the output filename. Either what they specified on
  // the command line, or the first input filename with a different extension.
  if (!mOptions.OutFileName[0]) {
    strcpy (mOptions.OutFileName, mOptions.InFileName);
    // Find the last . on the line and replace the filename extension with
    // the default
    for (Ext = mOptions.OutFileName + strlen (mOptions.OutFileName) - 1;
         (Ext >= mOptions.OutFileName) && (*Ext != '.') && (*Ext != '\\');
    // If dot here, then insert extension here, otherwise append
    if (*Ext != '.') {
      Ext = mOptions.OutFileName + strlen (mOptions.OutFileName);

  // Make sure we don't have the same filename for input and output files
  if (_stricmp (mOptions.OutFileName, mOptions.InFileName) == 0) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0, mOptions.OutFileName, "input and output file names must be different");
    goto Finish;
  // Process the file
  ProcessFile (mOptions.InFileName, mOptions.OutFileName);
  Status = GetUtilityStatus ();
  return Status;
CVfrCompiler::OptionInitialization (
  IN INT32      Argc, 
  IN CHAR8      **Argv
  INT32         Index;
  EFI_STATUS    Status;

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  SetUtilityName ((CHAR8*) PROGRAM_NAME);

  mOptions.VfrFileName[0]                = '\0';
  mOptions.RecordListFile[0]             = '\0';
  mOptions.CreateRecordListFile          = FALSE;
  mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile              = FALSE;
  mOptions.PkgOutputFileName[0]          = '\0';
  mOptions.COutputFileName[0]            = '\0';
  mOptions.OutputDirectory[0]            = '\0';
  mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName[0] = '\0';
  mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0]            = '\0';
  mOptions.IncludePaths                  = NULL;
  mOptions.SkipCPreprocessor             = TRUE;
  mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions          = NULL;
  mOptions.CompatibleMode                = FALSE;
  mOptions.HasOverrideClassGuid          = FALSE;
  mOptions.WarningAsError                = FALSE;
  memset (&mOptions.OverrideClassGuid, 0, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
  if (Argc == 1) {
    Usage ();

  for (Index = 1; (Index < Argc) && (Argv[Index][0] == '-'); Index++) {
    if ((stricmp(Argv[Index], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp(Argv[Index], "--help") == 0)) {
      Usage ();
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-l") == 0) {
      mOptions.CreateRecordListFile = TRUE;
      gCIfrRecordInfoDB.TurnOn ();
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-i") == 0) {
      if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) {
        DebugError (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "-i missing path argument"); 
        goto Fail;

    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-o") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--output-directory") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "-od") == 0) {
      if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) {
        DebugError (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "-o missing output directory name");
        goto Fail;
      strcpy (mOptions.OutputDirectory, Argv[Index]);
      CHAR8 lastChar = mOptions.OutputDirectory[strlen(mOptions.OutputDirectory) - 1];
      if ((lastChar != '/') && (lastChar != '\\')) {
        if (strchr(mOptions.OutputDirectory, '/') != NULL) {
          strcat (mOptions.OutputDirectory, "/");
        } else {
          strcat (mOptions.OutputDirectory, "\\");
      DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, (CHAR8 *) "Output Directory", mOptions.OutputDirectory);
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-b") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--create-ifr-package") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "-ibin") == 0) {
      mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile = TRUE;
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-n") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--no-pre-processing") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "-nopp") == 0) {
      mOptions.SkipCPreprocessor = TRUE;
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-f") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--pre-processing-flag") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "-ppflag") == 0) {
      if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) {
        DebugError (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "-od - missing C-preprocessor argument");
        goto Fail;

      AppendCPreprocessorOptions (Argv[Index]);
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-c") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--compatible-framework") == 0) {
      mOptions.CompatibleMode = TRUE;
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-s") == 0|| stricmp(Argv[Index], "--string-db") == 0) {
      if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) {
        DebugError (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "-s missing input string file name");
        goto Fail;
      DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, (CHAR8 *) "Input string file path", Argv[Index]);
    } else if ((stricmp (Argv[Index], "-g") == 0) || (stricmp (Argv[Index], "--guid") == 0)) {
      Status = StringToGuid (Argv[Index], &mOptions.OverrideClassGuid);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        DebugError (NULL, 0, 1000, "Invalid format:", "%s", Argv[Index]);
        goto Fail;
      mOptions.HasOverrideClassGuid = TRUE;
    } else if (stricmp(Argv[Index], "-w") == 0 || stricmp(Argv[Index], "--warning-as-error") == 0) {
      mOptions.WarningAsError = TRUE;
    } else {
      DebugError (NULL, 0, 1000, "Unknown option", "unrecognized option %s", Argv[Index]);
      goto Fail;

  if (Index != Argc - 1) {
    DebugError (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "VFR file name is not specified.");
    goto Fail;
  } else {
    strcpy (mOptions.VfrFileName, Argv[Index]);

  if (SetBaseFileName() != 0) {
    goto Fail;
  if (SetPkgOutputFileName () != 0) {
    goto Fail;
  if (SetCOutputFileName() != 0) {
    goto Fail;
  if (SetPreprocessorOutputFileName () != 0) {
    goto Fail;
  if (SetRecordListFileName () != 0) {
    goto Fail;


  mOptions.VfrFileName[0]                = '\0';
  mOptions.RecordListFile[0]             = '\0';
  mOptions.CreateRecordListFile          = FALSE;
  mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile              = FALSE;
  mOptions.PkgOutputFileName[0]          = '\0';
  mOptions.COutputFileName[0]            = '\0';
  mOptions.OutputDirectory[0]            = '\0';
  mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName[0] = '\0';
  mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0]            = '\0';
  if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) {
    delete mOptions.IncludePaths;
    mOptions.IncludePaths                = NULL;
  if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) {
    delete mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions;
    mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions        = NULL;
Beispiel #6
main (
  int   Argc,
  char  *Argv[]

Routine Description:

  Call the routine to parse the command-line options, then process each file
  to build dependencies.

  Argc - Standard C main() argc.
  Argv - Standard C main() argv.


  0       if successful
  nonzero otherwise
  STRING_LIST ProcessedFiles;
  STRING_LIST *TempList;
  STATUS      Status;
  INT8        *Cptr;
  INT8        TargetFileName[MAX_PATH];

  SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);
  // Process the command-line arguments
  Status = ProcessArgs (Argc, Argv);
  if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  // Go through the list of source files and process each.
  memset (&ProcessedFiles, 0, sizeof (STRING_LIST));
  File = mGlobals.SourceFiles;
  while (File != NULL) {
    // Clear out our list of processed files
    TempList = ProcessedFiles.Next;
    while (ProcessedFiles.Next != NULL) {
      TempList = ProcessedFiles.Next->Next;
      free (ProcessedFiles.Next->Str);
      free (ProcessedFiles.Next);
      ProcessedFiles.Next = TempList;
    // Replace filename extension with ".obj" if they did not
    // specifically specify the target file
    if (mGlobals.TargetFileName[0] == 0) {
      strcpy (TargetFileName, File->Str);
      // Find the .extension
      for (Cptr = TargetFileName + strlen (TargetFileName) - 1;
           (*Cptr != '\\') && (Cptr > TargetFileName) && (*Cptr != '.');
      if (Cptr == TargetFileName) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 0, File->Str, "could not locate extension in filename");
        goto Finish;
      // Tack on the ".obj"
      strcpy (Cptr, ".obj");
    } else {
      // Copy the target filename they specified
      strcpy (TargetFileName, mGlobals.TargetFileName);

    if (mGlobals.IsCl) {
      Status = ProcessClOutput (TargetFileName, File->Str, &ProcessedFiles);
    } else {
      Status = ProcessFile (TargetFileName, File->Str, START_NEST_DEPTH, 
                            &ProcessedFiles, SearchCurrentDir);
    if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
      goto Finish;

    File = File->Next;

  // Free up memory
  FreeLists ();
  // Free up our processed files list
  TempList = ProcessedFiles.Next;
  while (ProcessedFiles.Next != NULL) {
    TempList = ProcessedFiles.Next->Next;
    free (ProcessedFiles.Next->Str);
    free (ProcessedFiles.Next);
    ProcessedFiles.Next = TempList;
  // Close our temp output file
  if ((mGlobals.OutFptr != stdout) && (mGlobals.OutFptr != NULL)) {
    fclose (mGlobals.OutFptr);

  if (mGlobals.NeverFail) {
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

  if (mGlobals.OutFileName != NULL) {
    if (GetUtilityStatus () == STATUS_ERROR) {
      // If any errors, then delete our temp output
      // Also try to delete target file to improve the incremental build
      remove (mGlobals.TmpFileName);
      remove (TargetFileName);
    } else {
      // Otherwise, rename temp file to output file
      remove (mGlobals.OutFileName);
      rename (mGlobals.TmpFileName, mGlobals.OutFileName);

  return GetUtilityStatus ();
TestUtilityMessages (
  CHAR8 *ArgStr = "ArgString";
  int   ArgInt;

  ArgInt  = 0x12345678;
  // Test without setting utility name
  fprintf (stdout, "* Testing without setting utility name\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test debug message not printed\n");
  DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 0x00000001, NULL, NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test warning with two strings and two args\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test error with two strings and two args\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test parser warning with nothing\n");
  ParserWarning (0, NULL, NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test parser error with nothing\n");
  ParserError (0, NULL, NULL);
  // Test with utility name set now
  fprintf (stdout, "** Testingin with utility name set\n");
  SetUtilityName ("MyUtilityName");
  // Test debug prints
  SetDebugMsgMask (2);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test debug message with one string\n");
  DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 0x00000002, "Text1", NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test debug message with one string\n");
  DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 0x00000002, NULL, "Text2");
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test debug message with two strings\n");
  DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 0x00000002, "Text1", "Text2");
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test debug message with two strings and two args\n");
  DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 0x00000002, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
  // Test warning prints
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test warning with no strings\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, NULL, NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test warning with one string\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test warning with one string\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, NULL, "Text2");
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test warning with two strings and two args\n");
  Warning (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
  // Test error prints
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test error with no strings\n");
  Error (NULL, 0, 1234, NULL, NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test error with one string\n");
  Error (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", NULL);
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test error with one string\n");
  Error (NULL, 0, 1234, NULL, "Text2");
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test error with two strings and two args\n");
  Error (NULL, 0, 1234, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
  // Test parser prints
  fprintf (stdout, "** Test parser errors\n");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserError (1234, NULL, NULL);
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserError (1234, "Text1", NULL);
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserError (1234, NULL, "Text2");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserError (1234, "Text1", "Text2");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserError (1234, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);

  fprintf (stdout, "** Test parser warnings\n");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserWarning (4321, NULL, NULL);
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserWarning (4321, "Text1", NULL);
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserWarning (4321, NULL, "Text2");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserWarning (4321, "Text1", "Text2");
  ParserSetPosition (__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1);
  ParserWarning (4321, "Text1", "Text2 %s 0x%X", ArgStr, ArgInt);
Beispiel #8
main (
    IN INTN   argc,
    IN CHAR8  **argv

Routine Description:

  This utility uses GenFvImage.Lib to build a firmware volume image.


  FvInfFileName      The name of an FV image description file.

  Arguments come in pair in any order.
    -I FvInfFileName


  EFI_SUCCESS            No error conditions detected.
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the input parameters is invalid.
  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   A resource required by the utility was unavailable.
                         Most commonly this will be memory allocation
                         or file creation.
  EFI_LOAD_ERROR         GenFvImage.lib could not be loaded.
  EFI_ABORTED            Error executing the GenFvImage lib.

    EFI_STATUS  Status;
    CHAR8       InfFileName[_MAX_PATH];
    CHAR8       *InfFileImage;
    UINTN       InfFileSize;
    UINT8       *FvImage;
    UINTN       FvImageSize;
    UINT8       Index;
    CHAR8       FvFileNameBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
    CHAR8       *FvFileName;
    FILE        *FvFile;
    FILE        *SymFile;
    CHAR8       SymFileNameBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
    CHAR8       *SymFileName;
    UINT8       *SymImage;
    UINTN       SymImageSize;
    CHAR8       *CurrentSymString;

    FvFileName  = FvFileNameBuffer;
    SymFileName = SymFileNameBuffer;

    SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);
    // Display utility information
    PrintUtilityInfo ();

    // Verify the correct number of arguments
    if (argc != MAX_ARGS) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 0, "invalid number of input parameters specified", NULL);
        PrintUsage ();
        return GetUtilityStatus ();
    // Initialize variables
    strcpy (InfFileName, "");

    // Parse the command line arguments
    for (Index = 1; Index < MAX_ARGS; Index += 2) {
        // Make sure argument pair begin with - or /
        if (argv[Index][0] != '-' && argv[Index][0] != '/') {
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, argv[Index], "argument pair must begin with \"-\" or \"/\"");
            PrintUsage ();
            return GetUtilityStatus ();
        // Make sure argument specifier is only one letter
        if (argv[Index][2] != 0) {
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, argv[Index], "unrecognized argument");
            PrintUsage ();
            return GetUtilityStatus ();
        // Determine argument to read
        switch (argv[Index][1]) {

        case 'I':
        case 'i':
            if (strlen (InfFileName) == 0) {
                strcpy (InfFileName, argv[Index + 1]);
            } else {
                Error (NULL, 0, 0, argv[Index + 1], "FvInfFileName may only be specified once");
                PrintUsage ();
                return GetUtilityStatus ();

            Error (NULL, 0, 0, argv[Index], "unrecognized argument");
            PrintUsage ();
            return GetUtilityStatus ();
    // Read the INF file image
    Status = GetFileImage (InfFileName, &InfFileImage, &InfFileSize);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        return STATUS_ERROR;
    // Call the GenFvImage lib
    Status = GenerateFvImage (

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        switch (Status) {

            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "invalid parameter passed to GenFvImage Lib", NULL);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

        case EFI_ABORTED:
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "error detected while creating the file image", NULL);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

        case EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES:
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "GenFvImage Lib could not allocate required resources", NULL);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "no base address was specified, but the FV.INF included a PEI or BSF file", NULL);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

        case EFI_LOAD_ERROR:
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "could not load FV image generation library", NULL);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

            Error (NULL, 0, 0, "GenFvImage Lib returned unknown status", "status returned = 0x%X", Status);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();
    // Write file
    FvFile = fopen (FvFileName, "wb");
    if (FvFile == NULL) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 0, FvFileName, "could not open output file");
        free (FvImage);
        free (SymImage);
        return GetUtilityStatus ();

    if (fwrite (FvImage, 1, FvImageSize, FvFile) != FvImageSize) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 0, FvFileName, "failed to write to output file");
        free (FvImage);
        free (SymImage);
        fclose (FvFile);
        return GetUtilityStatus ();

    fclose (FvFile);
    free (FvImage);

    // Write symbol file
    if (strcmp (SymFileName, "")) {
        SymFile = fopen (SymFileName, "wt");
        if (SymFile == NULL) {
            Error (NULL, 0, 0, SymFileName, "could not open output symbol file");
            free (SymImage);
            return GetUtilityStatus ();

        fprintf (SymFile, "TEXTSYM format | V1.0\n");

        CurrentSymString = SymImage;
        while (((UINTN) CurrentSymString - (UINTN) SymImage) < SymImageSize) {
            fprintf (SymFile, "%s", CurrentSymString);
            CurrentSymString = (CHAR8 *) (((UINTN) CurrentSymString) + strlen (CurrentSymString) + 1);

        fclose (SymFile);

    free (SymImage);

    return GetUtilityStatus ();